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Bellamy Brothers - Living In The West Ukulele Chords

E                    A
John Wesley Harding  shot a man for snoring
B7                                   E
Killed him in the bed right where he lay
He took a snort of whisky and went back to his sleeping
B7                                      E
Rode out before they found him the next day

E                                 A
Now the brothers Frank and Jesse no one could be more fearsome
B7]                                            E]
They robbed the trains and rode in the outlaw gangs
The civil war was over but still they fought for Dixie
B7                                  E
And legend has their last name to be James

        A             B7    E                  C#m
        Living in the west  must have been the best
        A                                    B7
        Must have been the greatest times of all
        A                 B7             E                C#m
        Me I lived in the east and I was bored to say the least
        A                                                     B7
        Cause I never saw them sons of guns in barrooms starting brawls

SOLO-           C#m     A       E       B       E

E                      A
Little William Bonney  Billy the Kid they called him
B7                         E
Had to use a six gun to survive
He bit the dust at twenty-one but he left a reputation
B7                            E
A notch for every year he was alive
E                                  A
And now the frontier days are over for Billy and John and Jesse
B7                                     E
And a thousand other bad guys of their day
But they still live on in stories and I hope they live forever
B7                                        E
And to sum it up here is all that I wanna say

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