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Bob Forrest - Memphis Ukulele Chords

           C                      G
IF I Can just make it down to Memphis
      Am                   F
all my troubles would Go away
      C                G                    F
iF I Can Get down to Memphis maybe ill be okay
             C                G                 Am           F
they Got a City that's just waitinG to let me open up and breath
      C                 G                         F
iF I Can Get down to Memphis where they've Go a plaCe For me

       Am                    Em7              F                    Am
'Cuz that's where people Go you know when they Got nothinG leFt to lose yeah
   Am                    Em7                  F                    Am
that's where you end up down there when you've Got nothinG better to do
            Am                 Em7                   F
iF I Could just make it down to Memphis maybe I Can pull throuGh, lord
           Am                 Em7                    F
iF I Can just make it down to Memphis maybe I Could pull throuGh

       C         G            Am                     F
well elvis, hi elvis, never meant a FuCkin thinG to me
      C                 G                 F
iF I Can Get down to Memphis ill be the kinG
             C                  G                  Am                    F
they Got a river, runs riGht throuGh there, well maybe ill just take a swim
   C                     G                        F
iF I Can Get down to Memphis ill start all over aGain

(play Chorus)

maybe I Could pull throuGh
maybe I Could pull throuGh
maybe I Could ChanGe
maybe I Could... ChanGe
           C                       G               Am             F
I hate everythinG, I Cant stop drinkinG, and im almost 50 years old
        C                     G                    F
iF I Could make it down to Memphis well God who knows
             C          G                Am                F
its those babies in AFriCa with their bellies all swelled up
        C                   G               F
well doesn't it make you ashAmed oF all oF us

        Am                Em7                      F                      Am
well Memphis is where you Go you know when you've Got nothinG leFt to lose yeah
 Am                Em7                          F                    Am
that's where you end up down there when you've Got nothinG better to do
            Am                     Em7                        F
iF I Could just make it down to Memphis maybe I Could pull throuGh lord
             Am                    Em7                        F
iF I Could just make it down to Memphis maybe I Could pull throuGh

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