The Siddeleys - My Favourite Wet Wednesday Afternoon Ukulele Chords
C Em C Am
The sight of the façade of the Palace Hotel, Southend
C Am G G
With every sense I think of you - it sends me round the bend
C Em C Am
"Love that moves the sun in heaven, and all the stars"
C Am G G
This is just a fraction of what is rightfully ours
Am Em
Please whirl me around
Em Em
There's no earthly reason
G Em
No earthly reason
G Em
There is no earthly reason
For darkness after dawn
C Em C Am
It's not that I want to be rich, I just want to be heroically poor
C Am G G
Money may buy happiness, but you can give me more
C Em C Am
I want back my favourite wet Wednesday afternoon
C Am G G
I'll take my dreams to the grave, If you don't say something soon
Am Em
Please whirl me around
Em Em
There's no earthly reason
G Em
No earthly reason
G Em
There is no earthly reason
For a boy to burn
C Em C Am
The Peak Frean's factory pumping smoke reminds me of the past
C Am G G
Of waking up quite terrified, of always coming last
C Em
Are you, like me, looking up at the sky?
C Am
Or do you look down as you read?
C Am G G
"The red apples are the sweetest," he said, but green is the colour for me
Am Em
Please whirl me around
Em Em
There's no earthly reason
G Em
No earthly reason
G Em
There is no earthly reason
For rotting fruit to fall
C Em C Am
The smell of chips on a summer evening in Southend -
C Am G G
With every sense I think of you, it sends me round the bend
C Em C Am
"Love that moves the sun in heaven, and all the stars"
C Am G G
This is just a fraction of what is rightfully ours
Am Em
Please whirl me around
Em Em
There's no earthly reason
G Em
No earthly reason
G Em
There is no earthly reason
For a boy to burn
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