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Christy Moore - Mary From Dungloe Ukulele Chords

         C       G           F   C        C      G        C
Oh, then fare ye well, sweet Donegal, the Rosses and Gwee-dore.
    C        G        F G               F       C       Em
I'm crossing the main o-cean, where the foaming billows roar,
   C         G          F      G             F          C     Em
it breaks my heart from you to part, where I spent many happy days.
     C       G       F  C             C           G     C     C
Fare-well to kind re-la-tions for I'm bound for A-mer-i-kay.
         C     G         F         C         C         G    C
Oh, then Mary, you're my hearts de-light, my pride and only care,
   C        G     F   G        F       C       Em
it was your cruel father would not let me stay there.
    C       G         F          G        F        C        Em
But absence makes the heart grow fond and when I'm o'er the main,
        C        G       F       C         C    G      C     C
may the Lord pro-tect my darling girl till I re-turn a-gain.

      C        G      F         C        C      G      C     
And I wished I was in sweet Dun-gloe and seated on the grass.
    C     G      F         G        F     C      Em
And by my side a bottle of wine and on my knee a lass.
    C        G      F      G            F      C      Em
I'd call for liquor of the best and I'd pay be-fore I go
        C       G    F     C           C       G         F     C
and I'd roll my Mary in my arms in the town of sweet Dun-gloe.

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