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Hymn - O Worship The King Ukulele Chords

Verse 1:

A                               D               E         
O     wor -ship the King,  all  glo  - rios a - bove,

      A                             E               A
O     grate  - ful-ly  sing   His   power  and  His love;

Our Shield  and  De -fend - er,  the  An  -  cient of     Days,

    A                                E              A
Pa -vil - ioned in   splen-dor, and  gird -ed  with praise.

Verse 2:

A                               D               E
O     tell of   His might, O    sing   of   His grace,

      A                             E               A
Whose robe     is  the light, whose can -  o -  py  space.

His char -  iots of  wrath  the  deep thun - der - clouds form,

    A                                E              A
And dark  is    His  path  on   the  wings of  the  storm.

Verse 3:

A                               D               E
Thy   boun-ti - ful care,  what tongue can  re -cite?

      A                             E               A
It    breathes in  the air;   it    shines in   the light;

It  streams from the hills; it   de - scends to    the    plain;

    A                                E              A
And sweet-ly    dis -tils  in   the  dew   and the  rain.

Verse 4:

A                               D               E
Frail chil-dren of  dust,  and  fee  - ble  as  frail,

      A                             E               A
In    Thee     do  we  trust, nor   find   Thee to  fail;

Thy mer  -  cies how ten -  der! how  firm   to    the    end!

    A                                E              A
Our Mak - er,   De - fend -er,  Re - deem -er, and  Friend!

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