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Pat The Bunny Schneeweis - Run From Whats Comfortable Ukulele Chords

A E D A x2
                           A                              E                      D             A
I woke up thinking: God is real, but against us. Pray for what you don't want. Reverse theology.
              A                                   E                                                 
I'll pray for freedom, because no matter how much I'll tell you how much I want it,
    D                  A                 (A)
I'm still getting led around by a cigarette
        E                   D                      A
or anger or fear. Take your pick, I don't give a shit.
      A                            E                   D                          A
And I wish it weren't true, but to get free we have to start with what's true I think.
       A                              E            D                               A
And if I have to tell you that what's real is terrible, maybe you're in the wrong place.
    A                             E           D                               A
If I have to tell you that what's true is terrible, maybe you're in the wrong place.

                  A                  E                          D                    A
Because I've done horrible things to wonderful people. I've let horrible people stay living.
               A                                 E                   D                       A
I've looked my family in the eye and told them: "Leave me to die, or I'll make you sorry you didn't."
     A                      E                    D                        A
I've stolen from people who didn't deserve. I've not helped people who did.  
A                              E             D                           A
I've turned away when I knew I made a mistake instead of dealing with it.
      A                       E                     D                          A
I've wasted good chances I've had in this life that other people won't even get.
  A                      E               D             A
I put off setting things right with Andy, and now he's dead.


       A                    E                            D                           A
But if we can stay one inch this side of dying, the most terrible things we can imagine can happen,
        A                    E                              D                         A
and our breath will carry us forward when we don't have the strength to carry ourselves.
    A                           E                   D                   A
And we'll get another chance at not spreading misery, at least for today.
   A                       E               D                                  A
If I have to tell you that we are beautiful, maybe you're in the right place.
   A                  E               D                            A
If I ever forget that we are beautiful, I hope you're here to remind me.
   A                       E               D                              A  
If I have to tell you that we are beautiful, I hope you'll stick around until you can see it.

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