By Ukulele Chords Songs
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Intro :Dm Dm/E F Bb Dm Dm/E F Bb
Verse 1 :
Dm C F F/A
You with the sad eyes, don't be discouraged
Bb Dm C
Oh I realize it's hard to take courage
F Gm Am Bb
In a world full of people, you can lose sight of it all
Dm C Bb/F F
And the darkness inside you make you feel so small
Chorus :
Bb F Csus4 C
But I'll see your true colors shining through
Bb F Bb Csus4 C
I'll see your true colors, And that's why I love you
Bb F Bb Dm
So don't be afraid to let them show
Bb/F F Bb/F F Csus4 Dm
Your true colors, True colors are beautiful, like a Rainbow
Interlude :
(Dm) (Dm/E) (F) (Bb) (Dm) (Dm/E) (F) (Bb)
Verse 2 :
Dm C F F/A
Show me a smile then, don't be unhappy,
Bb Dm C
can't remember when I last saw you laughing
F Gm Am Bb
If this world makes you crazy and you've taken all you can bear
Dm C Bb/F F
You call me up, because you know I'll be there
Chorus :
Bb F Csus4 C
But I'll see your true colors shining through
Bb F Bb Csus4 C
I'll see your true colors, And that's why I love you
Bb F Bb Dm
So don't be afraid to let them show
Bb/F F Bb/F F Csus4 Dm
Your true colors, True colors are beautiful, like a Rainbow
Interlude :
(Dm) (Dm/E) (F) (Bb) (Dm) (Dm/E) (F) (Bb)
Verse 3 :
Oooo....(whispered) can't remember when I last saw you laughing
(sung) If this world makes you crazy and you've taken all you can bear
You call me up, because you know I'll be there
Final Chorus :
Bb F Csus4 C
And I'll see your true colors shining through
Bb F Bb Csus4 C
I'll see your true colors and that's why I love you
Bb F Bb Dm
So don't be afraid to let them show
Bb/F F Bb/F F Csus4 Dm
Your true colors, true colors,
Bb/F F Csus4 C
true colors are shining through
Bb Csus4 Bb Csus4 C
I'll see your true colors, and that's why I love you
Bb F A7 Dm Bb/F F Bb/F F
So don't be afraid to let them show Your true colors, true colors
Csus4* Dm
Beautiful, Like a Rainbow
Intro :Bm Bm/Db D G Bm Bm/Db D G
Verse 1 :
Bm A D D/Gb
You with the sad eyes, don't be discouraged
G Bm A
Oh I realize it's hard to take courage
D Em Gbm G
In a world full of people, you can lose sight of it all
Bm A G/D D
And the darkness inside you make you feel so small
Chorus :
G D Asus4 A
But I'll see your true colors shining through
G D G Asus4 A
I'll see your true colors, And that's why I love you
G D G Bm
So don't be afraid to let them show
G/D D G/D D Asus4 Bm
Your true colors, True colors are beautiful, like a Rainbow
Interlude :
(Bm) (Bm/Db) (D) (G) (Bm) (Bm/Db) (D) (G)
Verse 2 :
Bm A D D/Gb
Show me a smile then, don't be unhappy,
G Bm A
can't remember when I last saw you laughing
D Em Gbm G
If this world makes you crazy and you've taken all you can bear
Bm A G/D D
You call me up, because you know I'll be there
Chorus :
G D Asus4 A
But I'll see your true colors shining through
G D G Asus4 A
I'll see your true colors, And that's why I love you
G D G Bm
So don't be afraid to let them show
G/D D G/D D Asus4 Bm
Your true colors, True colors are beautiful, like a Rainbow
Interlude :
(Bm) (Bm/Db) (D) (G) (Bm) (Bm/Db) (D) (G)
Verse 3 :
Oooo....(whispered) can't remember when I last saw you laughing
(sung) If this world makes you crazy and you've taken all you can bear
You call me up, because you know I'll be there
Final Chorus :
G D Asus4 A
And I'll see your true colors shining through
G D G Asus4 A
I'll see your true colors and that's why I love you
G D G Bm
So don't be afraid to let them show
G/D D G/D D Asus4 Bm
Your true colors, true colors,
G/D D Asus4 A
true colors are shining through
G Asus4 G Asus4 A
I'll see your true colors, and that's why I love you
G D Gb7 Bm G/D D G/D D
So don't be afraid to let them show Your true colors, true colors
Asus4* Bm
Beautiful, Like a Rainbow
Intro :Cm Cm/D Eb Ab Cm Cm/D Eb Ab
Verse 1 :
Cm Bb Eb Eb/G
You with the sad eyes, don't be discouraged
Ab Cm Bb
Oh I realize it's hard to take courage
Eb Fm Gm Ab
In a world full of people, you can lose sight of it all
Cm Bb Ab/Eb Eb
And the darkness inside you make you feel so small
Chorus :
Ab Eb Bbsus4 Bb
But I'll see your true colors shining through
Ab Eb Ab Bbsus4 Bb
I'll see your true colors, And that's why I love you
Ab Eb Ab Cm
So don't be afraid to let them show
Ab/Eb Eb Ab/Eb Eb Bbsus4 Cm
Your true colors, True colors are beautiful, like a Rainbow
Interlude :
(Cm) (Cm/D) (Eb) (Ab) (Cm) (Cm/D) (Eb) (Ab)
Verse 2 :
Cm Bb Eb Eb/G
Show me a smile then, don't be unhappy,
Ab Cm Bb
can't remember when I last saw you laughing
Eb Fm Gm Ab
If this world makes you crazy and you've taken all you can bear
Cm Bb Ab/Eb Eb
You call me up, because you know I'll be there
Chorus :
Ab Eb Bbsus4 Bb
But I'll see your true colors shining through
Ab Eb Ab Bbsus4 Bb
I'll see your true colors, And that's why I love you
Ab Eb Ab Cm
So don't be afraid to let them show
Ab/Eb Eb Ab/Eb Eb Bbsus4 Cm
Your true colors, True colors are beautiful, like a Rainbow
Interlude :
(Cm) (Cm/D) (Eb) (Ab) (Cm) (Cm/D) (Eb) (Ab)
Verse 3 :
Oooo....(whispered) can't remember when I last saw you laughing
(sung) If this world makes you crazy and you've taken all you can bear
You call me up, because you know I'll be there
Final Chorus :
Ab Eb Bbsus4 Bb
And I'll see your true colors shining through
Ab Eb Ab Bbsus4 Bb
I'll see your true colors and that's why I love you
Ab Eb Ab Cm
So don't be afraid to let them show
Ab/Eb Eb Ab/Eb Eb Bbsus4 Cm
Your true colors, true colors,
Ab/Eb Eb Bbsus4 Bb
true colors are shining through
Ab Bbsus4 Ab Bbsus4 Bb
I'll see your true colors, and that's why I love you
Ab Eb G7 Cm Ab/Eb Eb Ab/Eb Eb
So don't be afraid to let them show Your true colors, true colors
Bbsus4* Cm
Beautiful, Like a Rainbow
Intro :Dbm Dbm/Eb E A Dbm Dbm/Eb E A
Verse 1 :
Dbm B E E/Ab
You with the sad eyes, don't be discouraged
A Dbm B
Oh I realize it's hard to take courage
E Gbm Abm A
In a world full of people, you can lose sight of it all
Dbm B A/E E
And the darkness inside you make you feel so small
Chorus :
A E Bsus4 B
But I'll see your true colors shining through
A E A Bsus4 B
I'll see your true colors, And that's why I love you
A E A Dbm
So don't be afraid to let them show
A/E E A/E E Bsus4 Dbm
Your true colors, True colors are beautiful, like a Rainbow
Interlude :
(Dbm) (Dbm/Eb) (E) (A) (Dbm) (Dbm/Eb) (E) (A)
Verse 2 :
Dbm B E E/Ab
Show me a smile then, don't be unhappy,
A Dbm B
can't remember when I last saw you laughing
E Gbm Abm A
If this world makes you crazy and you've taken all you can bear
Dbm B A/E E
You call me up, because you know I'll be there
Chorus :
A E Bsus4 B
But I'll see your true colors shining through
A E A Bsus4 B
I'll see your true colors, And that's why I love you
A E A Dbm
So don't be afraid to let them show
A/E E A/E E Bsus4 Dbm
Your true colors, True colors are beautiful, like a Rainbow
Interlude :
(Dbm) (Dbm/Eb) (E) (A) (Dbm) (Dbm/Eb) (E) (A)
Verse 3 :
Oooo....(whispered) can't remember when I last saw you laughing
(sung) If this world makes you crazy and you've taken all you can bear
You call me up, because you know I'll be there
Final Chorus :
A E Bsus4 B
And I'll see your true colors shining through
A E A Bsus4 B
I'll see your true colors and that's why I love you
A E A Dbm
So don't be afraid to let them show
A/E E A/E E Bsus4 Dbm
Your true colors, true colors,
A/E E Bsus4 B
true colors are shining through
A Bsus4 A Bsus4 B
I'll see your true colors, and that's why I love you
A E Ab7 Dbm A/E E A/E E
So don't be afraid to let them show Your true colors, true colors
Bsus4* Dbm
Beautiful, Like a Rainbow
Intro :Bbm Bbm/C Db Gb Bbm Bbm/C Db Gb
Verse 1 :
Bbm Ab Db Db/F
You with the sad eyes, don't be discouraged
Gb Bbm Ab
Oh I realize it's hard to take courage
Db Ebm Fm Gb
In a world full of people, you can lose sight of it all
Bbm Ab Gb/Db Db
And the darkness inside you make you feel so small
Chorus :
Gb Db Absus4 Ab
But I'll see your true colors shining through
Gb Db Gb Absus4 Ab
I'll see your true colors, And that's why I love you
Gb Db Gb Bbm
So don't be afraid to let them show
Gb/Db Db Gb/Db Db Absus4 Bbm
Your true colors, True colors are beautiful, like a Rainbow
Interlude :
(Bbm) (Bbm/C) (Db) (Gb) (Bbm) (Bbm/C) (Db) (Gb)
Verse 2 :
Bbm Ab Db Db/F
Show me a smile then, don't be unhappy,
Gb Bbm Ab
can't remember when I last saw you laughing
Db Ebm Fm Gb
If this world makes you crazy and you've taken all you can bear
Bbm Ab Gb/Db Db
You call me up, because you know I'll be there
Chorus :
Gb Db Absus4 Ab
But I'll see your true colors shining through
Gb Db Gb Absus4 Ab
I'll see your true colors, And that's why I love you
Gb Db Gb Bbm
So don't be afraid to let them show
Gb/Db Db Gb/Db Db Absus4 Bbm
Your true colors, True colors are beautiful, like a Rainbow
Interlude :
(Bbm) (Bbm/C) (Db) (Gb) (Bbm) (Bbm/C) (Db) (Gb)
Verse 3 :
Oooo....(whispered) can't remember when I last saw you laughing
(sung) If this world makes you crazy and you've taken all you can bear
You call me up, because you know I'll be there
Final Chorus :
Gb Db Absus4 Ab
And I'll see your true colors shining through
Gb Db Gb Absus4 Ab
I'll see your true colors and that's why I love you
Gb Db Gb Bbm
So don't be afraid to let them show
Gb/Db Db Gb/Db Db Absus4 Bbm
Your true colors, true colors,
Gb/Db Db Absus4 Ab
true colors are shining through
Gb Absus4 Gb Absus4 Ab
I'll see your true colors, and that's why I love you
Gb Db F7 Bbm Gb/Db Db Gb/Db Db
So don't be afraid to let them show Your true colors, true colors
Absus4* Bbm
Beautiful, Like a Rainbow
Intro :Ebm Ebm/F Gb B Ebm Ebm/F Gb B
Verse 1 :
Ebm Db Gb Gb/Bb
You with the sad eyes, don't be discouraged
B Ebm Db
Oh I realize it's hard to take courage
Gb Abm Bbm B
In a world full of people, you can lose sight of it all
Ebm Db B/Gb Gb
And the darkness inside you make you feel so small
Chorus :
B Gb Dbsus4 Db
But I'll see your true colors shining through
B Gb B Dbsus4 Db
I'll see your true colors, And that's why I love you
B Gb B Ebm
So don't be afraid to let them show
B/Gb Gb B/Gb Gb Dbsus4 Ebm
Your true colors, True colors are beautiful, like a Rainbow
Interlude :
(Ebm) (Ebm/F) (Gb) (B) (Ebm) (Ebm/F) (Gb) (B)
Verse 2 :
Ebm Db Gb Gb/Bb
Show me a smile then, don't be unhappy,
B Ebm Db
can't remember when I last saw you laughing
Gb Abm Bbm B
If this world makes you crazy and you've taken all you can bear
Ebm Db B/Gb Gb
You call me up, because you know I'll be there
Chorus :
B Gb Dbsus4 Db
But I'll see your true colors shining through
B Gb B Dbsus4 Db
I'll see your true colors, And that's why I love you
B Gb B Ebm
So don't be afraid to let them show
B/Gb Gb B/Gb Gb Dbsus4 Ebm
Your true colors, True colors are beautiful, like a Rainbow
Interlude :
(Ebm) (Ebm/F) (Gb) (B) (Ebm) (Ebm/F) (Gb) (B)
Verse 3 :
Oooo....(whispered) can't remember when I last saw you laughing
(sung) If this world makes you crazy and you've taken all you can bear
You call me up, because you know I'll be there
Final Chorus :
B Gb Dbsus4 Db
And I'll see your true colors shining through
B Gb B Dbsus4 Db
I'll see your true colors and that's why I love you
B Gb B Ebm
So don't be afraid to let them show
B/Gb Gb B/Gb Gb Dbsus4 Ebm
Your true colors, true colors,
B/Gb Gb Dbsus4 Db
true colors are shining through
B Dbsus4 B Dbsus4 Db
I'll see your true colors, and that's why I love you
B Gb Bb7 Ebm B/Gb Gb B/Gb Gb
So don't be afraid to let them show Your true colors, true colors
Dbsus4* Ebm
Beautiful, Like a Rainbow
Intro :Em Em/Gb G C Em Em/Gb G C
Verse 1 :
Em D G G/B
You with the sad eyes, don't be discouraged
C Em D
Oh I realize it's hard to take courage
G Am Bm C
In a world full of people, you can lose sight of it all
Em D C/G G
And the darkness inside you make you feel so small
Chorus :
C G Dsus4 D
But I'll see your true colors shining through
C G C Dsus4 D
I'll see your true colors, And that's why I love you
C G C Em
So don't be afraid to let them show
C/G G C/G G Dsus4 Em
Your true colors, True colors are beautiful, like a Rainbow
Interlude :
(Em) (Em/Gb) (G) (C) (Em) (Em/Gb) (G) (C)
Verse 2 :
Em D G G/B
Show me a smile then, don't be unhappy,
C Em D
can't remember when I last saw you laughing
G Am Bm C
If this world makes you crazy and you've taken all you can bear
Em D C/G G
You call me up, because you know I'll be there
Chorus :
C G Dsus4 D
But I'll see your true colors shining through
C G C Dsus4 D
I'll see your true colors, And that's why I love you
C G C Em
So don't be afraid to let them show
C/G G C/G G Dsus4 Em
Your true colors, True colors are beautiful, like a Rainbow
Interlude :
(Em) (Em/Gb) (G) (C) (Em) (Em/Gb) (G) (C)
Verse 3 :
Oooo....(whispered) can't remember when I last saw you laughing
(sung) If this world makes you crazy and you've taken all you can bear
You call me up, because you know I'll be there
Final Chorus :
C G Dsus4 D
And I'll see your true colors shining through
C G C Dsus4 D
I'll see your true colors and that's why I love you
C G C Em
So don't be afraid to let them show
C/G G C/G G Dsus4 Em
Your true colors, true colors,
C/G G Dsus4 D
true colors are shining through
C Dsus4 C Dsus4 D
I'll see your true colors, and that's why I love you
C G B7 Em C/G G C/G G
So don't be afraid to let them show Your true colors, true colors
Dsus4* Em
Beautiful, Like a Rainbow
Intro :Fm Fm/G Ab Db Fm Fm/G Ab Db
Verse 1 :
Fm Eb Ab Ab/C
You with the sad eyes, don't be discouraged
Db Fm Eb
Oh I realize it's hard to take courage
Ab Bbm Cm Db
In a world full of people, you can lose sight of it all
Fm Eb Db/Ab Ab
And the darkness inside you make you feel so small
Chorus :
Db Ab Ebsus4 Eb
But I'll see your true colors shining through
Db Ab Db Ebsus4 Eb
I'll see your true colors, And that's why I love you
Db Ab Db Fm
So don't be afraid to let them show
Db/Ab Ab Db/Ab Ab Ebsus4 Fm
Your true colors, True colors are beautiful, like a Rainbow
Interlude :
(Fm) (Fm/G) (Ab) (Db) (Fm) (Fm/G) (Ab) (Db)
Verse 2 :
Fm Eb Ab Ab/C
Show me a smile then, don't be unhappy,
Db Fm Eb
can't remember when I last saw you laughing
Ab Bbm Cm Db
If this world makes you crazy and you've taken all you can bear
Fm Eb Db/Ab Ab
You call me up, because you know I'll be there
Chorus :
Db Ab Ebsus4 Eb
But I'll see your true colors shining through
Db Ab Db Ebsus4 Eb
I'll see your true colors, And that's why I love you
Db Ab Db Fm
So don't be afraid to let them show
Db/Ab Ab Db/Ab Ab Ebsus4 Fm
Your true colors, True colors are beautiful, like a Rainbow
Interlude :
(Fm) (Fm/G) (Ab) (Db) (Fm) (Fm/G) (Ab) (Db)
Verse 3 :
Oooo....(whispered) can't remember when I last saw you laughing
(sung) If this world makes you crazy and you've taken all you can bear
You call me up, because you know I'll be there
Final Chorus :
Db Ab Ebsus4 Eb
And I'll see your true colors shining through
Db Ab Db Ebsus4 Eb
I'll see your true colors and that's why I love you
Db Ab Db Fm
So don't be afraid to let them show
Db/Ab Ab Db/Ab Ab Ebsus4 Fm
Your true colors, true colors,
Db/Ab Ab Ebsus4 Eb
true colors are shining through
Db Ebsus4 Db Ebsus4 Eb
I'll see your true colors, and that's why I love you
Db Ab C7 Fm Db/Ab Ab Db/Ab Ab
So don't be afraid to let them show Your true colors, true colors
Ebsus4* Fm
Beautiful, Like a Rainbow
Intro :Gbm Gbm/Ab A D Gbm Gbm/Ab A D
Verse 1 :
Gbm E A A/Db
You with the sad eyes, don't be discouraged
D Gbm E
Oh I realize it's hard to take courage
A Bm Dbm D
In a world full of people, you can lose sight of it all
Gbm E D/A A
And the darkness inside you make you feel so small
Chorus :
D A Esus4 E
But I'll see your true colors shining through
D A D Esus4 E
I'll see your true colors, And that's why I love you
D A D Gbm
So don't be afraid to let them show
D/A A D/A A Esus4 Gbm
Your true colors, True colors are beautiful, like a Rainbow
Interlude :
(Gbm) (Gbm/Ab) (A) (D) (Gbm) (Gbm/Ab) (A) (D)
Verse 2 :
Gbm E A A/Db
Show me a smile then, don't be unhappy,
D Gbm E
can't remember when I last saw you laughing
A Bm Dbm D
If this world makes you crazy and you've taken all you can bear
Gbm E D/A A
You call me up, because you know I'll be there
Chorus :
D A Esus4 E
But I'll see your true colors shining through
D A D Esus4 E
I'll see your true colors, And that's why I love you
D A D Gbm
So don't be afraid to let them show
D/A A D/A A Esus4 Gbm
Your true colors, True colors are beautiful, like a Rainbow
Interlude :
(Gbm) (Gbm/Ab) (A) (D) (Gbm) (Gbm/Ab) (A) (D)
Verse 3 :
Oooo....(whispered) can't remember when I last saw you laughing
(sung) If this world makes you crazy and you've taken all you can bear
You call me up, because you know I'll be there
Final Chorus :
D A Esus4 E
And I'll see your true colors shining through
D A D Esus4 E
I'll see your true colors and that's why I love you
D A D Gbm
So don't be afraid to let them show
D/A A D/A A Esus4 Gbm
Your true colors, true colors,
D/A A Esus4 E
true colors are shining through
D Esus4 D Esus4 E
I'll see your true colors, and that's why I love you
D A Db7 Gbm D/A A D/A A
So don't be afraid to let them show Your true colors, true colors
Esus4* Gbm
Beautiful, Like a Rainbow
Intro :Gm Gm/A Bb Eb Gm Gm/A Bb Eb
Verse 1 :
Gm F Bb Bb/D
You with the sad eyes, don't be discouraged
Eb Gm F
Oh I realize it's hard to take courage
Bb Cm Dm Eb
In a world full of people, you can lose sight of it all
Gm F Eb/Bb Bb
And the darkness inside you make you feel so small
Chorus :
Eb Bb Fsus4 F
But I'll see your true colors shining through
Eb Bb Eb Fsus4 F
I'll see your true colors, And that's why I love you
Eb Bb Eb Gm
So don't be afraid to let them show
Eb/Bb Bb Eb/Bb Bb Fsus4 Gm
Your true colors, True colors are beautiful, like a Rainbow
Interlude :
(Gm) (Gm/A) (Bb) (Eb) (Gm) (Gm/A) (Bb) (Eb)
Verse 2 :
Gm F Bb Bb/D
Show me a smile then, don't be unhappy,
Eb Gm F
can't remember when I last saw you laughing
Bb Cm Dm Eb
If this world makes you crazy and you've taken all you can bear
Gm F Eb/Bb Bb
You call me up, because you know I'll be there
Chorus :
Eb Bb Fsus4 F
But I'll see your true colors shining through
Eb Bb Eb Fsus4 F
I'll see your true colors, And that's why I love you
Eb Bb Eb Gm
So don't be afraid to let them show
Eb/Bb Bb Eb/Bb Bb Fsus4 Gm
Your true colors, True colors are beautiful, like a Rainbow
Interlude :
(Gm) (Gm/A) (Bb) (Eb) (Gm) (Gm/A) (Bb) (Eb)
Verse 3 :
Oooo....(whispered) can't remember when I last saw you laughing
(sung) If this world makes you crazy and you've taken all you can bear
You call me up, because you know I'll be there
Final Chorus :
Eb Bb Fsus4 F
And I'll see your true colors shining through
Eb Bb Eb Fsus4 F
I'll see your true colors and that's why I love you
Eb Bb Eb Gm
So don't be afraid to let them show
Eb/Bb Bb Eb/Bb Bb Fsus4 Gm
Your true colors, true colors,
Eb/Bb Bb Fsus4 F
true colors are shining through
Eb Fsus4 Eb Fsus4 F
I'll see your true colors, and that's why I love you
Eb Bb D7 Gm Eb/Bb Bb Eb/Bb Bb
So don't be afraid to let them show Your true colors, true colors
Fsus4* Gm
Beautiful, Like a Rainbow
Intro :Abm Abm/Bb B E Abm Abm/Bb B E
Verse 1 :
Abm Gb B B/Eb
You with the sad eyes, don't be discouraged
E Abm Gb
Oh I realize it's hard to take courage
B Dbm Ebm E
In a world full of people, you can lose sight of it all
Abm Gb E/B B
And the darkness inside you make you feel so small
Chorus :
E B Gbsus4 Gb
But I'll see your true colors shining through
E B E Gbsus4 Gb
I'll see your true colors, And that's why I love you
E B E Abm
So don't be afraid to let them show
E/B B E/B B Gbsus4 Abm
Your true colors, True colors are beautiful, like a Rainbow
Interlude :
(Abm) (Abm/Bb) (B) (E) (Abm) (Abm/Bb) (B) (E)
Verse 2 :
Abm Gb B B/Eb
Show me a smile then, don't be unhappy,
E Abm Gb
can't remember when I last saw you laughing
B Dbm Ebm E
If this world makes you crazy and you've taken all you can bear
Abm Gb E/B B
You call me up, because you know I'll be there
Chorus :
E B Gbsus4 Gb
But I'll see your true colors shining through
E B E Gbsus4 Gb
I'll see your true colors, And that's why I love you
E B E Abm
So don't be afraid to let them show
E/B B E/B B Gbsus4 Abm
Your true colors, True colors are beautiful, like a Rainbow
Interlude :
(Abm) (Abm/Bb) (B) (E) (Abm) (Abm/Bb) (B) (E)
Verse 3 :
Oooo....(whispered) can't remember when I last saw you laughing
(sung) If this world makes you crazy and you've taken all you can bear
You call me up, because you know I'll be there
Final Chorus :
E B Gbsus4 Gb
And I'll see your true colors shining through
E B E Gbsus4 Gb
I'll see your true colors and that's why I love you
E B E Abm
So don't be afraid to let them show
E/B B E/B B Gbsus4 Abm
Your true colors, true colors,
E/B B Gbsus4 Gb
true colors are shining through
E Gbsus4 E Gbsus4 Gb
I'll see your true colors, and that's why I love you
E B Eb7 Abm E/B B E/B B
So don't be afraid to let them show Your true colors, true colors
Gbsus4* Abm
Beautiful, Like a Rainbow
Other Ukulele Chords VERSIONS Of This Song :
Version 1
Version 2
Version 3
Version 4
Version 5
Version 6
Version 7
Version 8
Version 9
Version 10
Version 11
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