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WORKING FOR THE KNIFE Ukulele Chords By Mitski

WORKING FOR THE KNIFE uke chords and lyrics By Mitski


Bb, B, C, D, F, Fsus4, G, Am

Am D G C B

Verse 1
Am                        D
I cry at the start of every movie
  G                          C      B
I guess 'cause I wish I was making things too
    Fsus4              F        Fsus4  F
But I'm working for the knife

Verse 2
Am                          D
I used to think I would tell stories
    G                    C        B
But nobody cared for the stories I had about
Fsus4      F
No good guys

Verse 3
B                  C
I always knew the world moves on
    B                    C          B
I just didn't know it would go without me
  Am                      F
I start the day high and it ends so low
        B                  C      B
'Cause I'm working for the knife

Am D G C F Bb

Verse 4
  Am                    D
I used to think I'd be done by 20
    G                            C
Now at 29 the road ahead appears the same
        B              C            B
Though maybe at 30 I'll see a way to change
      Fsus4              F
That I'm living for the knife

Verse 5
  B                  C
I always thought the choice was mine
    B                    C        B
And I was right but I just chose wrong
    Am                    F
I start the day lying and end with the truth
    G                  C        B
That I'm dying for the knife

Am F G C

Other Versions For This Ukulele Chords Song :

B, C, Db, Eb, Gb, Gbsus4, Ab, Bbm

Bbm Eb Ab Db C

Verse 1
Bbm                        Eb
I cry at the start of every movie
  Ab                          Db      C
I guess 'cause I wish I was making things too
    Gbsus4              Gb        Gbsus4  Gb
But I'm working for the knife

Verse 2
Bbm                          Eb
I used to think I would tell stories
    Ab                    Db        C
But nobody cared for the stories I had about
Gbsus4      Gb
No good guys

Verse 3
C                  Db
I always knew the world moves on
    C                    Db          C
I just didn't know it would go without me
  Bbm                      Gb
I start the day high and it ends so low
        C                  Db      C
'Cause I'm working for the knife

Bbm Eb Ab Db Gb B

Verse 4
  Bbm                    Eb
I used to think I'd be done by 20
    Ab                            Db
Now at 29 the road ahead appears the same
        C              Db            C
Though maybe at 30 I'll see a way to change
      Gbsus4              Gb
That I'm living for the knife

Verse 5
  C                  Db
I always thought the choice was mine
    C                    Db        C
And I was right but I just chose wrong
    Bbm                    Gb
I start the day lying and end with the truth
    Ab                  Db        C
That I'm dying for the knife

Bbm Gb Ab Db

C, Db, D, E, G, Gsus4, A, Bm

Bm E A D Db

Verse 1
Bm                        E
I cry at the start of every movie
  A                          D      Db
I guess 'cause I wish I was making things too
    Gsus4              G        Gsus4  G
But I'm working for the knife

Verse 2
Bm                          E
I used to think I would tell stories
    A                    D        Db
But nobody cared for the stories I had about
Gsus4      G
No good guys

Verse 3
Db                  D
I always knew the world moves on
    Db                    D          Db
I just didn't know it would go without me
  Bm                      G
I start the day high and it ends so low
        Db                  D      Db
'Cause I'm working for the knife

Bm E A D G C

Verse 4
  Bm                    E
I used to think I'd be done by 20
    A                            D
Now at 29 the road ahead appears the same
        Db              D            Db
Though maybe at 30 I'll see a way to change
      Gsus4              G
That I'm living for the knife

Verse 5
  Db                  D
I always thought the choice was mine
    Db                    D        Db
And I was right but I just chose wrong
    Bm                    G
I start the day lying and end with the truth
    A                  D        Db
That I'm dying for the knife

Bm G A D

Db, D, Eb, F, Ab, Absus4, Bb, Cm

Cm F Bb Eb D

Verse 1
Cm                        F
I cry at the start of every movie
  Bb                          Eb      D
I guess 'cause I wish I was making things too
    Absus4              Ab        Absus4  Ab
But I'm working for the knife

Verse 2
Cm                          F
I used to think I would tell stories
    Bb                    Eb        D
But nobody cared for the stories I had about
Absus4      Ab
No good guys

Verse 3
D                  Eb
I always knew the world moves on
    D                    Eb          D
I just didn't know it would go without me
  Cm                      Ab
I start the day high and it ends so low
        D                  Eb      D
'Cause I'm working for the knife

Cm F Bb Eb Ab Db

Verse 4
  Cm                    F
I used to think I'd be done by 20
    Bb                            Eb
Now at 29 the road ahead appears the same
        D              Eb            D
Though maybe at 30 I'll see a way to change
      Absus4              Ab
That I'm living for the knife

Verse 5
  D                  Eb
I always thought the choice was mine
    D                    Eb        D
And I was right but I just chose wrong
    Cm                    Ab
I start the day lying and end with the truth
    Bb                  Eb        D
That I'm dying for the knife

Cm Ab Bb Eb

D, Eb, E, Gb, A, Asus4, B, Dbm

Dbm Gb B E Eb

Verse 1
Dbm                        Gb
I cry at the start of every movie
  B                          E      Eb
I guess 'cause I wish I was making things too
    Asus4              A        Asus4  A
But I'm working for the knife

Verse 2
Dbm                          Gb
I used to think I would tell stories
    B                    E        Eb
But nobody cared for the stories I had about
Asus4      A
No good guys

Verse 3
Eb                  E
I always knew the world moves on
    Eb                    E          Eb
I just didn't know it would go without me
  Dbm                      A
I start the day high and it ends so low
        Eb                  E      Eb
'Cause I'm working for the knife

Dbm Gb B E A D

Verse 4
  Dbm                    Gb
I used to think I'd be done by 20
    B                            E
Now at 29 the road ahead appears the same
        Eb              E            Eb
Though maybe at 30 I'll see a way to change
      Asus4              A
That I'm living for the knife

Verse 5
  Eb                  E
I always thought the choice was mine
    Eb                    E        Eb
And I was right but I just chose wrong
    Dbm                    A
I start the day lying and end with the truth
    B                  E        Eb
That I'm dying for the knife

Dbm A B E

Eb, E, F, G, Bb, Bbsus4, C, Dm

Dm G C F E

Verse 1
Dm                        G
I cry at the start of every movie
  C                          F      E
I guess 'cause I wish I was making things too
    Bbsus4              Bb        Bbsus4  Bb
But I'm working for the knife

Verse 2
Dm                          G
I used to think I would tell stories
    C                    F        E
But nobody cared for the stories I had about
Bbsus4      Bb
No good guys

Verse 3
E                  F
I always knew the world moves on
    E                    F          E
I just didn't know it would go without me
  Dm                      Bb
I start the day high and it ends so low
        E                  F      E
'Cause I'm working for the knife

Dm G C F Bb Eb

Verse 4
  Dm                    G
I used to think I'd be done by 20
    C                            F
Now at 29 the road ahead appears the same
        E              F            E
Though maybe at 30 I'll see a way to change
      Bbsus4              Bb
That I'm living for the knife

Verse 5
  E                  F
I always thought the choice was mine
    E                    F        E
And I was right but I just chose wrong
    Dm                    Bb
I start the day lying and end with the truth
    C                  F        E
That I'm dying for the knife

Dm Bb C F

E, F, Gb, Ab, B, Bsus4, Db, Ebm

Ebm Ab Db Gb F

Verse 1
Ebm                        Ab
I cry at the start of every movie
  Db                          Gb      F
I guess 'cause I wish I was making things too
    Bsus4              B        Bsus4  B
But I'm working for the knife

Verse 2
Ebm                          Ab
I used to think I would tell stories
    Db                    Gb        F
But nobody cared for the stories I had about
Bsus4      B
No good guys

Verse 3
F                  Gb
I always knew the world moves on
    F                    Gb          F
I just didn't know it would go without me
  Ebm                      B
I start the day high and it ends so low
        F                  Gb      F
'Cause I'm working for the knife

Ebm Ab Db Gb B E

Verse 4
  Ebm                    Ab
I used to think I'd be done by 20
    Db                            Gb
Now at 29 the road ahead appears the same
        F              Gb            F
Though maybe at 30 I'll see a way to change
      Bsus4              B
That I'm living for the knife

Verse 5
  F                  Gb
I always thought the choice was mine
    F                    Gb        F
And I was right but I just chose wrong
    Ebm                    B
I start the day lying and end with the truth
    Db                  Gb        F
That I'm dying for the knife

Ebm B Db Gb

F, Gb, G, A, C, Csus4, D, Em

Em A D G Gb

Verse 1
Em                        A
I cry at the start of every movie
  D                          G      Gb
I guess 'cause I wish I was making things too
    Csus4              C        Csus4  C
But I'm working for the knife

Verse 2
Em                          A
I used to think I would tell stories
    D                    G        Gb
But nobody cared for the stories I had about
Csus4      C
No good guys

Verse 3
Gb                  G
I always knew the world moves on
    Gb                    G          Gb
I just didn't know it would go without me
  Em                      C
I start the day high and it ends so low
        Gb                  G      Gb
'Cause I'm working for the knife

Em A D G C F

Verse 4
  Em                    A
I used to think I'd be done by 20
    D                            G
Now at 29 the road ahead appears the same
        Gb              G            Gb
Though maybe at 30 I'll see a way to change
      Csus4              C
That I'm living for the knife

Verse 5
  Gb                  G
I always thought the choice was mine
    Gb                    G        Gb
And I was right but I just chose wrong
    Em                    C
I start the day lying and end with the truth
    D                  G        Gb
That I'm dying for the knife

Em C D G

Gb, G, Ab, Bb, Db, Dbsus4, Eb, Fm

Fm Bb Eb Ab G

Verse 1
Fm                        Bb
I cry at the start of every movie
  Eb                          Ab      G
I guess 'cause I wish I was making things too
    Dbsus4              Db        Dbsus4  Db
But I'm working for the knife

Verse 2
Fm                          Bb
I used to think I would tell stories
    Eb                    Ab        G
But nobody cared for the stories I had about
Dbsus4      Db
No good guys

Verse 3
G                  Ab
I always knew the world moves on
    G                    Ab          G
I just didn't know it would go without me
  Fm                      Db
I start the day high and it ends so low
        G                  Ab      G
'Cause I'm working for the knife

Fm Bb Eb Ab Db Gb

Verse 4
  Fm                    Bb
I used to think I'd be done by 20
    Eb                            Ab
Now at 29 the road ahead appears the same
        G              Ab            G
Though maybe at 30 I'll see a way to change
      Dbsus4              Db
That I'm living for the knife

Verse 5
  G                  Ab
I always thought the choice was mine
    G                    Ab        G
And I was right but I just chose wrong
    Fm                    Db
I start the day lying and end with the truth
    Eb                  Ab        G
That I'm dying for the knife

Fm Db Eb Ab

G, Ab, A, B, D, Dsus4, E, Gbm

Gbm B E A Ab

Verse 1
Gbm                        B
I cry at the start of every movie
  E                          A      Ab
I guess 'cause I wish I was making things too
    Dsus4              D        Dsus4  D
But I'm working for the knife

Verse 2
Gbm                          B
I used to think I would tell stories
    E                    A        Ab
But nobody cared for the stories I had about
Dsus4      D
No good guys

Verse 3
Ab                  A
I always knew the world moves on
    Ab                    A          Ab
I just didn't know it would go without me
  Gbm                      D
I start the day high and it ends so low
        Ab                  A      Ab
'Cause I'm working for the knife

Gbm B E A D G

Verse 4
  Gbm                    B
I used to think I'd be done by 20
    E                            A
Now at 29 the road ahead appears the same
        Ab              A            Ab
Though maybe at 30 I'll see a way to change
      Dsus4              D
That I'm living for the knife

Verse 5
  Ab                  A
I always thought the choice was mine
    Ab                    A        Ab
And I was right but I just chose wrong
    Gbm                    D
I start the day lying and end with the truth
    E                  A        Ab
That I'm dying for the knife

Gbm D E A

Ab, A, Bb, C, Eb, Ebsus4, F, Gm

Gm C F Bb A

Verse 1
Gm                        C
I cry at the start of every movie
  F                          Bb      A
I guess 'cause I wish I was making things too
    Ebsus4              Eb        Ebsus4  Eb
But I'm working for the knife

Verse 2
Gm                          C
I used to think I would tell stories
    F                    Bb        A
But nobody cared for the stories I had about
Ebsus4      Eb
No good guys

Verse 3
A                  Bb
I always knew the world moves on
    A                    Bb          A
I just didn't know it would go without me
  Gm                      Eb
I start the day high and it ends so low
        A                  Bb      A
'Cause I'm working for the knife

Gm C F Bb Eb Ab

Verse 4
  Gm                    C
I used to think I'd be done by 20
    F                            Bb
Now at 29 the road ahead appears the same
        A              Bb            A
Though maybe at 30 I'll see a way to change
      Ebsus4              Eb
That I'm living for the knife

Verse 5
  A                  Bb
I always thought the choice was mine
    A                    Bb        A
And I was right but I just chose wrong
    Gm                    Eb
I start the day lying and end with the truth
    F                  Bb        A
That I'm dying for the knife

Gm Eb F Bb

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