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ROCKIN' AROUND THE CHRISTMAS TREE uke chords and lyrics By Brenda Lee


Bb7, Bbm, Bbm7, Cm, Db, Eb, Eb7, Fm, Fm7, Fmmaj7, Ab

Ab Fm Db Eb

Verse 1
Ab                                          Eb7
Rockin' around the Christmas tree, at the Christmas party hop.
Bbm7        Eb7        Bbm7    Eb7        Bbm7    Eb7      Ab
Mistletoe hung where you can see; every couple wants to stop.

Verse 2
Ab                                          Eb7
Rockin' around the Christmas tree; let the Christmas spirit ring.
Bbm7          Eb7        Bbm7    Eb7            Bbm7    Eb7  Ab
Later we'll have some pumpkin pie, and we'll do some caroling.

Bridge 1
Db                          Cm
You will get a sentimental feeling, when you hear;
Fm      Fmmaj7    Fm7            Bb7                  Eb7
Voices singing; "let's be jolly; deck the halls with boughs of holly".

Verse 3
Ab                                          Eb7
Rockin' around the Christmas tree, have a happy holiday.
Bbm7      Eb7      Bbm7  Eb7        Bbm7    Eb7        Ab
Ev'ryone dancing merrily, in the new old-fashioned way.

Ab  Eb7  Bbm7  Eb7  Bbm  Eb7  Bbm  Eb7  Ab
Ab  Eb7  Bbm7  Eb7  Bbm  Eb7  Bbm  Eb7  Ab

Bridge 2
Db                          Cm
You will get a sentimental feeling, when you hear;
Fm      Fmmaj7    Fm7            Bb7                  Eb7
Voices singing; "let's be jolly; deck the halls with boughs of holly".

Verse 4
Ab                                          Eb7
Rockin' around the Christmas tree, have a happy holiday.
Bbm7      Eb7      Bbm7  Eb7        Eb7                Ab    Fm  Db  Ab
Ev'ryone dancing merrily, in the new old-fashioned way...

Other Versions For This Ukulele Chords Song :

B7, Bm, Bm7, Dbm, D, E, E7, Gbm, Gbm7, Gbmmaj7, A

A Gbm D E

Verse 1
A                                          E7
Rockin' around the Christmas tree, at the Christmas party hop.
Bm7        E7        Bm7    E7        Bm7    E7      A
Mistletoe hung where you can see; every couple wants to stop.

Verse 2
A                                          E7
Rockin' around the Christmas tree; let the Christmas spirit ring.
Bm7          E7        Bm7    E7            Bm7    E7  A
Later we'll have some pumpkin pie, and we'll do some caroling.

Bridge 1
D                          Dbm
You will get a sentimental feeling, when you hear;
Gbm      Gbmmaj7    Gbm7            B7                  E7
Voices singing; "let's be jolly; deck the halls with boughs of holly".

Verse 3
A                                          E7
Rockin' around the Christmas tree, have a happy holiday.
Bm7      E7      Bm7  E7        Bm7    E7        A
Ev'ryone dancing merrily, in the new old-fashioned way.

A  E7  Bm7  E7  Bm  E7  Bm  E7  A
A  E7  Bm7  E7  Bm  E7  Bm  E7  A

Bridge 2
D                          Dbm
You will get a sentimental feeling, when you hear;
Gbm      Gbmmaj7    Gbm7            B7                  E7
Voices singing; "let's be jolly; deck the halls with boughs of holly".

Verse 4
A                                          E7
Rockin' around the Christmas tree, have a happy holiday.
Bm7      E7      Bm7  E7        E7                A    Gbm  D  A
Ev'ryone dancing merrily, in the new old-fashioned way...

C7, Cm, Cm7, Dm, Eb, F, F7, Gm, Gm7, Gmmaj7, Bb

Bb Gm Eb F

Verse 1
Bb                                          F7
Rockin' around the Christmas tree, at the Christmas party hop.
Cm7        F7        Cm7    F7        Cm7    F7      Bb
Mistletoe hung where you can see; every couple wants to stop.

Verse 2
Bb                                          F7
Rockin' around the Christmas tree; let the Christmas spirit ring.
Cm7          F7        Cm7    F7            Cm7    F7  Bb
Later we'll have some pumpkin pie, and we'll do some caroling.

Bridge 1
Eb                          Dm
You will get a sentimental feeling, when you hear;
Gm      Gmmaj7    Gm7            C7                  F7
Voices singing; "let's be jolly; deck the halls with boughs of holly".

Verse 3
Bb                                          F7
Rockin' around the Christmas tree, have a happy holiday.
Cm7      F7      Cm7  F7        Cm7    F7        Bb
Ev'ryone dancing merrily, in the new old-fashioned way.

Bb  F7  Cm7  F7  Cm  F7  Cm  F7  Bb
Bb  F7  Cm7  F7  Cm  F7  Cm  F7  Bb

Bridge 2
Eb                          Dm
You will get a sentimental feeling, when you hear;
Gm      Gmmaj7    Gm7            C7                  F7
Voices singing; "let's be jolly; deck the halls with boughs of holly".

Verse 4
Bb                                          F7
Rockin' around the Christmas tree, have a happy holiday.
Cm7      F7      Cm7  F7        F7                Bb    Gm  Eb  Bb
Ev'ryone dancing merrily, in the new old-fashioned way...

Db7, Dbm, Dbm7, Ebm, E, Gb, Gb7, Abm, Abm7, Abmmaj7, B

B Abm E Gb

Verse 1
B                                          Gb7
Rockin' around the Christmas tree, at the Christmas party hop.
Dbm7        Gb7        Dbm7    Gb7        Dbm7    Gb7      B
Mistletoe hung where you can see; every couple wants to stop.

Verse 2
B                                          Gb7
Rockin' around the Christmas tree; let the Christmas spirit ring.
Dbm7          Gb7        Dbm7    Gb7            Dbm7    Gb7  B
Later we'll have some pumpkin pie, and we'll do some caroling.

Bridge 1
E                          Ebm
You will get a sentimental feeling, when you hear;
Abm      Abmmaj7    Abm7            Db7                  Gb7
Voices singing; "let's be jolly; deck the halls with boughs of holly".

Verse 3
B                                          Gb7
Rockin' around the Christmas tree, have a happy holiday.
Dbm7      Gb7      Dbm7  Gb7        Dbm7    Gb7        B
Ev'ryone dancing merrily, in the new old-fashioned way.

B  Gb7  Dbm7  Gb7  Dbm  Gb7  Dbm  Gb7  B
B  Gb7  Dbm7  Gb7  Dbm  Gb7  Dbm  Gb7  B

Bridge 2
E                          Ebm
You will get a sentimental feeling, when you hear;
Abm      Abmmaj7    Abm7            Db7                  Gb7
Voices singing; "let's be jolly; deck the halls with boughs of holly".

Verse 4
B                                          Gb7
Rockin' around the Christmas tree, have a happy holiday.
Dbm7      Gb7      Dbm7  Gb7        Gb7                B    Abm  E  B
Ev'ryone dancing merrily, in the new old-fashioned way...

D7, Dm, Dm7, Em, F, G, G7, Am, Am7, Ammaj7, C

C Am F G

Verse 1
C                                          G7
Rockin' around the Christmas tree, at the Christmas party hop.
Dm7        G7        Dm7    G7        Dm7    G7      C
Mistletoe hung where you can see; every couple wants to stop.

Verse 2
C                                          G7
Rockin' around the Christmas tree; let the Christmas spirit ring.
Dm7          G7        Dm7    G7            Dm7    G7  C
Later we'll have some pumpkin pie, and we'll do some caroling.

Bridge 1
F                          Em
You will get a sentimental feeling, when you hear;
Am      Ammaj7    Am7            D7                  G7
Voices singing; "let's be jolly; deck the halls with boughs of holly".

Verse 3
C                                          G7
Rockin' around the Christmas tree, have a happy holiday.
Dm7      G7      Dm7  G7        Dm7    G7        C
Ev'ryone dancing merrily, in the new old-fashioned way.

C  G7  Dm7  G7  Dm  G7  Dm  G7  C
C  G7  Dm7  G7  Dm  G7  Dm  G7  C

Bridge 2
F                          Em
You will get a sentimental feeling, when you hear;
Am      Ammaj7    Am7            D7                  G7
Voices singing; "let's be jolly; deck the halls with boughs of holly".

Verse 4
C                                          G7
Rockin' around the Christmas tree, have a happy holiday.
Dm7      G7      Dm7  G7        G7                C    Am  F  C
Ev'ryone dancing merrily, in the new old-fashioned way...

Eb7, Ebm, Ebm7, Fm, Gb, Ab, Ab7, Bbm, Bbm7, Bbmmaj7, Db

Db Bbm Gb Ab

Verse 1
Db                                          Ab7
Rockin' around the Christmas tree, at the Christmas party hop.
Ebm7        Ab7        Ebm7    Ab7        Ebm7    Ab7      Db
Mistletoe hung where you can see; every couple wants to stop.

Verse 2
Db                                          Ab7
Rockin' around the Christmas tree; let the Christmas spirit ring.
Ebm7          Ab7        Ebm7    Ab7            Ebm7    Ab7  Db
Later we'll have some pumpkin pie, and we'll do some caroling.

Bridge 1
Gb                          Fm
You will get a sentimental feeling, when you hear;
Bbm      Bbmmaj7    Bbm7            Eb7                  Ab7
Voices singing; "let's be jolly; deck the halls with boughs of holly".

Verse 3
Db                                          Ab7
Rockin' around the Christmas tree, have a happy holiday.
Ebm7      Ab7      Ebm7  Ab7        Ebm7    Ab7        Db
Ev'ryone dancing merrily, in the new old-fashioned way.

Db  Ab7  Ebm7  Ab7  Ebm  Ab7  Ebm  Ab7  Db
Db  Ab7  Ebm7  Ab7  Ebm  Ab7  Ebm  Ab7  Db

Bridge 2
Gb                          Fm
You will get a sentimental feeling, when you hear;
Bbm      Bbmmaj7    Bbm7            Eb7                  Ab7
Voices singing; "let's be jolly; deck the halls with boughs of holly".

Verse 4
Db                                          Ab7
Rockin' around the Christmas tree, have a happy holiday.
Ebm7      Ab7      Ebm7  Ab7        Ab7                Db    Bbm  Gb  Db
Ev'ryone dancing merrily, in the new old-fashioned way...

E7, Em, Em7, Gbm, G, A, A7, Bm, Bm7, Bmmaj7, D

D Bm G A

Verse 1
D                                          A7
Rockin' around the Christmas tree, at the Christmas party hop.
Em7        A7        Em7    A7        Em7    A7      D
Mistletoe hung where you can see; every couple wants to stop.

Verse 2
D                                          A7
Rockin' around the Christmas tree; let the Christmas spirit ring.
Em7          A7        Em7    A7            Em7    A7  D
Later we'll have some pumpkin pie, and we'll do some caroling.

Bridge 1
G                          Gbm
You will get a sentimental feeling, when you hear;
Bm      Bmmaj7    Bm7            E7                  A7
Voices singing; "let's be jolly; deck the halls with boughs of holly".

Verse 3
D                                          A7
Rockin' around the Christmas tree, have a happy holiday.
Em7      A7      Em7  A7        Em7    A7        D
Ev'ryone dancing merrily, in the new old-fashioned way.

D  A7  Em7  A7  Em  A7  Em  A7  D
D  A7  Em7  A7  Em  A7  Em  A7  D

Bridge 2
G                          Gbm
You will get a sentimental feeling, when you hear;
Bm      Bmmaj7    Bm7            E7                  A7
Voices singing; "let's be jolly; deck the halls with boughs of holly".

Verse 4
D                                          A7
Rockin' around the Christmas tree, have a happy holiday.
Em7      A7      Em7  A7        A7                D    Bm  G  D
Ev'ryone dancing merrily, in the new old-fashioned way...

F7, Fm, Fm7, Gm, Ab, Bb, Bb7, Cm, Cm7, Cmmaj7, Eb

Eb Cm Ab Bb

Verse 1
Eb                                          Bb7
Rockin' around the Christmas tree, at the Christmas party hop.
Fm7        Bb7        Fm7    Bb7        Fm7    Bb7      Eb
Mistletoe hung where you can see; every couple wants to stop.

Verse 2
Eb                                          Bb7
Rockin' around the Christmas tree; let the Christmas spirit ring.
Fm7          Bb7        Fm7    Bb7            Fm7    Bb7  Eb
Later we'll have some pumpkin pie, and we'll do some caroling.

Bridge 1
Ab                          Gm
You will get a sentimental feeling, when you hear;
Cm      Cmmaj7    Cm7            F7                  Bb7
Voices singing; "let's be jolly; deck the halls with boughs of holly".

Verse 3
Eb                                          Bb7
Rockin' around the Christmas tree, have a happy holiday.
Fm7      Bb7      Fm7  Bb7        Fm7    Bb7        Eb
Ev'ryone dancing merrily, in the new old-fashioned way.

Eb  Bb7  Fm7  Bb7  Fm  Bb7  Fm  Bb7  Eb
Eb  Bb7  Fm7  Bb7  Fm  Bb7  Fm  Bb7  Eb

Bridge 2
Ab                          Gm
You will get a sentimental feeling, when you hear;
Cm      Cmmaj7    Cm7            F7                  Bb7
Voices singing; "let's be jolly; deck the halls with boughs of holly".

Verse 4
Eb                                          Bb7
Rockin' around the Christmas tree, have a happy holiday.
Fm7      Bb7      Fm7  Bb7        Bb7                Eb    Cm  Ab  Eb
Ev'ryone dancing merrily, in the new old-fashioned way...

Gb7, Gbm, Gbm7, Abm, A, B, B7, Dbm, Dbm7, Dbmmaj7, E

E Dbm A B

Verse 1
E                                          B7
Rockin' around the Christmas tree, at the Christmas party hop.
Gbm7        B7        Gbm7    B7        Gbm7    B7      E
Mistletoe hung where you can see; every couple wants to stop.

Verse 2
E                                          B7
Rockin' around the Christmas tree; let the Christmas spirit ring.
Gbm7          B7        Gbm7    B7            Gbm7    B7  E
Later we'll have some pumpkin pie, and we'll do some caroling.

Bridge 1
A                          Abm
You will get a sentimental feeling, when you hear;
Dbm      Dbmmaj7    Dbm7            Gb7                  B7
Voices singing; "let's be jolly; deck the halls with boughs of holly".

Verse 3
E                                          B7
Rockin' around the Christmas tree, have a happy holiday.
Gbm7      B7      Gbm7  B7        Gbm7    B7        E
Ev'ryone dancing merrily, in the new old-fashioned way.

E  B7  Gbm7  B7  Gbm  B7  Gbm  B7  E
E  B7  Gbm7  B7  Gbm  B7  Gbm  B7  E

Bridge 2
A                          Abm
You will get a sentimental feeling, when you hear;
Dbm      Dbmmaj7    Dbm7            Gb7                  B7
Voices singing; "let's be jolly; deck the halls with boughs of holly".

Verse 4
E                                          B7
Rockin' around the Christmas tree, have a happy holiday.
Gbm7      B7      Gbm7  B7        B7                E    Dbm  A  E
Ev'ryone dancing merrily, in the new old-fashioned way...

G7, Gm, Gm7, Am, Bb, C, C7, Dm, Dm7, Dmmaj7, F

F Dm Bb C

Verse 1
F                                          C7
Rockin' around the Christmas tree, at the Christmas party hop.
Gm7        C7        Gm7    C7        Gm7    C7      F
Mistletoe hung where you can see; every couple wants to stop.

Verse 2
F                                          C7
Rockin' around the Christmas tree; let the Christmas spirit ring.
Gm7          C7        Gm7    C7            Gm7    C7  F
Later we'll have some pumpkin pie, and we'll do some caroling.

Bridge 1
Bb                          Am
You will get a sentimental feeling, when you hear;
Dm      Dmmaj7    Dm7            G7                  C7
Voices singing; "let's be jolly; deck the halls with boughs of holly".

Verse 3
F                                          C7
Rockin' around the Christmas tree, have a happy holiday.
Gm7      C7      Gm7  C7        Gm7    C7        F
Ev'ryone dancing merrily, in the new old-fashioned way.

F  C7  Gm7  C7  Gm  C7  Gm  C7  F
F  C7  Gm7  C7  Gm  C7  Gm  C7  F

Bridge 2
Bb                          Am
You will get a sentimental feeling, when you hear;
Dm      Dmmaj7    Dm7            G7                  C7
Voices singing; "let's be jolly; deck the halls with boughs of holly".

Verse 4
F                                          C7
Rockin' around the Christmas tree, have a happy holiday.
Gm7      C7      Gm7  C7        C7                F    Dm  Bb  F
Ev'ryone dancing merrily, in the new old-fashioned way...

Ab7, Abm, Abm7, Bbm, B, Db, Db7, Ebm, Ebm7, Ebmmaj7, Gb

Gb Ebm B Db

Verse 1
Gb                                          Db7
Rockin' around the Christmas tree, at the Christmas party hop.
Abm7        Db7        Abm7    Db7        Abm7    Db7      Gb
Mistletoe hung where you can see; every couple wants to stop.

Verse 2
Gb                                          Db7
Rockin' around the Christmas tree; let the Christmas spirit ring.
Abm7          Db7        Abm7    Db7            Abm7    Db7  Gb
Later we'll have some pumpkin pie, and we'll do some caroling.

Bridge 1
B                          Bbm
You will get a sentimental feeling, when you hear;
Ebm      Ebmmaj7    Ebm7            Ab7                  Db7
Voices singing; "let's be jolly; deck the halls with boughs of holly".

Verse 3
Gb                                          Db7
Rockin' around the Christmas tree, have a happy holiday.
Abm7      Db7      Abm7  Db7        Abm7    Db7        Gb
Ev'ryone dancing merrily, in the new old-fashioned way.

Gb  Db7  Abm7  Db7  Abm  Db7  Abm  Db7  Gb
Gb  Db7  Abm7  Db7  Abm  Db7  Abm  Db7  Gb

Bridge 2
B                          Bbm
You will get a sentimental feeling, when you hear;
Ebm      Ebmmaj7    Ebm7            Ab7                  Db7
Voices singing; "let's be jolly; deck the halls with boughs of holly".

Verse 4
Gb                                          Db7
Rockin' around the Christmas tree, have a happy holiday.
Abm7      Db7      Abm7  Db7        Db7                Gb    Ebm  B  Gb
Ev'ryone dancing merrily, in the new old-fashioned way...

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