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BLUE CHRISTMAS Ukulele Chords By Elvis Presley

BLUE CHRISTMAS uke chords and lyrics By Elvis Presley


Bb, C, C7, Cm, F, G, G7, Ab, A

      F                C
I'll have a Blue Christmas without you
          C7              F
I'll be so blue thinking about you
      Cm      F        Bb                Bb A Ab G
Decorations of red on a green Christmastree
G                    C                  C7
Won't be the same, if you're not here with me

                F                    C
And when those blue snowflakes start fallin'
              C7                  F
And when those blue melodies start callin'
            Cm      F                Bb            G7
You'll be doin' all right, with your Christmas of white,
    C                                F
But I'll have a blue, blue, blue, blue Christmas

Instrumental :
Cm F Bb G7 C F

Cm            F        Bb                  Bb A Ab G
Decorations of red on a green Christmastree
G                    C                    C7
Won't be the same, if you're not here with me

            F                      C
I'll have a Blue Christmas that's certain
            C7                      F
And when that blue heartache starts hurtin'
            Cm    F                  Bb          G7
You'll be doin' all right, with your Christmas of white,
    C                    F
But I'll have a blue, blue Christmas

Cut of for the ending.  Ho Ho Ho, Merry Christmas!!!

Other Versions For This Ukulele Chords Song :

B, Db, Db7, Dbm, Gb, Ab, Ab7, A, Bb

      Gb                Db
I'll have a Blue Christmas without you
          Db7              Gb
I'll be so blue thinking about you
      Dbm      Gb        B                B Bb A Ab
Decorations of red on a green Christmastree
Ab                    Db                  Db7
Won't be the same, if you're not here with me

                Gb                    Db
And when those blue snowflakes start fallin'
              Db7                  Gb
And when those blue melodies start callin'
            Dbm      Gb                B            Ab7
You'll be doin' all right, with your Christmas of white,
    Db                                Gb
But I'll have a blue, blue, blue, blue Christmas

Instrumental :
Dbm Gb B Ab7 Db Gb

Dbm            Gb        B                  B Bb A Ab
Decorations of red on a green Christmastree
Ab                    Db                    Db7
Won't be the same, if you're not here with me

            Gb                      Db
I'll have a Blue Christmas that's certain
            Db7                      Gb
And when that blue heartache starts hurtin'
            Dbm    Gb                  B          Ab7
You'll be doin' all right, with your Christmas of white,
    Db                    Gb
But I'll have a blue, blue Christmas

Cut of for the ending.  Ho Ho Ho, Merry Christmas!!!

C, D, D7, Dm, G, A, A7, Bb, B

      G                D
I'll have a Blue Christmas without you
          D7              G
I'll be so blue thinking about you
      Dm      G        C                C B Bb A
Decorations of red on a green Christmastree
A                    D                  D7
Won't be the same, if you're not here with me

                G                    D
And when those blue snowflakes start fallin'
              D7                  G
And when those blue melodies start callin'
            Dm      G                C            A7
You'll be doin' all right, with your Christmas of white,
    D                                G
But I'll have a blue, blue, blue, blue Christmas

Instrumental :
Dm G C A7 D G

Dm            G        C                  C B Bb A
Decorations of red on a green Christmastree
A                    D                    D7
Won't be the same, if you're not here with me

            G                      D
I'll have a Blue Christmas that's certain
            D7                      G
And when that blue heartache starts hurtin'
            Dm    G                  C          A7
You'll be doin' all right, with your Christmas of white,
    D                    G
But I'll have a blue, blue Christmas

Cut of for the ending.  Ho Ho Ho, Merry Christmas!!!

Db, Eb, Eb7, Ebm, Ab, Bb, Bb7, B, C

      Ab                Eb
I'll have a Blue Christmas without you
          Eb7              Ab
I'll be so blue thinking about you
      Ebm      Ab        Db                Db C B Bb
Decorations of red on a green Christmastree
Bb                    Eb                  Eb7
Won't be the same, if you're not here with me

                Ab                    Eb
And when those blue snowflakes start fallin'
              Eb7                  Ab
And when those blue melodies start callin'
            Ebm      Ab                Db            Bb7
You'll be doin' all right, with your Christmas of white,
    Eb                                Ab
But I'll have a blue, blue, blue, blue Christmas

Instrumental :
Ebm Ab Db Bb7 Eb Ab

Ebm            Ab        Db                  Db C B Bb
Decorations of red on a green Christmastree
Bb                    Eb                    Eb7
Won't be the same, if you're not here with me

            Ab                      Eb
I'll have a Blue Christmas that's certain
            Eb7                      Ab
And when that blue heartache starts hurtin'
            Ebm    Ab                  Db          Bb7
You'll be doin' all right, with your Christmas of white,
    Eb                    Ab
But I'll have a blue, blue Christmas

Cut of for the ending.  Ho Ho Ho, Merry Christmas!!!

D, E, E7, Em, A, B, B7, C, Db

      A                E
I'll have a Blue Christmas without you
          E7              A
I'll be so blue thinking about you
      Em      A        D                D Db C B
Decorations of red on a green Christmastree
B                    E                  E7
Won't be the same, if you're not here with me

                A                    E
And when those blue snowflakes start fallin'
              E7                  A
And when those blue melodies start callin'
            Em      A                D            B7
You'll be doin' all right, with your Christmas of white,
    E                                A
But I'll have a blue, blue, blue, blue Christmas

Instrumental :
Em A D B7 E A

Em            A        D                  D Db C B
Decorations of red on a green Christmastree
B                    E                    E7
Won't be the same, if you're not here with me

            A                      E
I'll have a Blue Christmas that's certain
            E7                      A
And when that blue heartache starts hurtin'
            Em    A                  D          B7
You'll be doin' all right, with your Christmas of white,
    E                    A
But I'll have a blue, blue Christmas

Cut of for the ending.  Ho Ho Ho, Merry Christmas!!!

Eb, F, F7, Fm, Bb, C, C7, Db, D

      Bb                F
I'll have a Blue Christmas without you
          F7              Bb
I'll be so blue thinking about you
      Fm      Bb        Eb                Eb D Db C
Decorations of red on a green Christmastree
C                    F                  F7
Won't be the same, if you're not here with me

                Bb                    F
And when those blue snowflakes start fallin'
              F7                  Bb
And when those blue melodies start callin'
            Fm      Bb                Eb            C7
You'll be doin' all right, with your Christmas of white,
    F                                Bb
But I'll have a blue, blue, blue, blue Christmas

Instrumental :
Fm Bb Eb C7 F Bb

Fm            Bb        Eb                  Eb D Db C
Decorations of red on a green Christmastree
C                    F                    F7
Won't be the same, if you're not here with me

            Bb                      F
I'll have a Blue Christmas that's certain
            F7                      Bb
And when that blue heartache starts hurtin'
            Fm    Bb                  Eb          C7
You'll be doin' all right, with your Christmas of white,
    F                    Bb
But I'll have a blue, blue Christmas

Cut of for the ending.  Ho Ho Ho, Merry Christmas!!!

E, Gb, Gb7, Gbm, B, Db, Db7, D, Eb

      B                Gb
I'll have a Blue Christmas without you
          Gb7              B
I'll be so blue thinking about you
      Gbm      B        E                E Eb D Db
Decorations of red on a green Christmastree
Db                    Gb                  Gb7
Won't be the same, if you're not here with me

                B                    Gb
And when those blue snowflakes start fallin'
              Gb7                  B
And when those blue melodies start callin'
            Gbm      B                E            Db7
You'll be doin' all right, with your Christmas of white,
    Gb                                B
But I'll have a blue, blue, blue, blue Christmas

Instrumental :
Gbm B E Db7 Gb B

Gbm            B        E                  E Eb D Db
Decorations of red on a green Christmastree
Db                    Gb                    Gb7
Won't be the same, if you're not here with me

            B                      Gb
I'll have a Blue Christmas that's certain
            Gb7                      B
And when that blue heartache starts hurtin'
            Gbm    B                  E          Db7
You'll be doin' all right, with your Christmas of white,
    Gb                    B
But I'll have a blue, blue Christmas

Cut of for the ending.  Ho Ho Ho, Merry Christmas!!!

F, G, G7, Gm, C, D, D7, Eb, E

      C                G
I'll have a Blue Christmas without you
          G7              C
I'll be so blue thinking about you
      Gm      C        F                F E Eb D
Decorations of red on a green Christmastree
D                    G                  G7
Won't be the same, if you're not here with me

                C                    G
And when those blue snowflakes start fallin'
              G7                  C
And when those blue melodies start callin'
            Gm      C                F            D7
You'll be doin' all right, with your Christmas of white,
    G                                C
But I'll have a blue, blue, blue, blue Christmas

Instrumental :
Gm C F D7 G C

Gm            C        F                  F E Eb D
Decorations of red on a green Christmastree
D                    G                    G7
Won't be the same, if you're not here with me

            C                      G
I'll have a Blue Christmas that's certain
            G7                      C
And when that blue heartache starts hurtin'
            Gm    C                  F          D7
You'll be doin' all right, with your Christmas of white,
    G                    C
But I'll have a blue, blue Christmas

Cut of for the ending.  Ho Ho Ho, Merry Christmas!!!

Gb, Ab, Ab7, Abm, Db, Eb, Eb7, E, F

      Db                Ab
I'll have a Blue Christmas without you
          Ab7              Db
I'll be so blue thinking about you
      Abm      Db        Gb                Gb F E Eb
Decorations of red on a green Christmastree
Eb                    Ab                  Ab7
Won't be the same, if you're not here with me

                Db                    Ab
And when those blue snowflakes start fallin'
              Ab7                  Db
And when those blue melodies start callin'
            Abm      Db                Gb            Eb7
You'll be doin' all right, with your Christmas of white,
    Ab                                Db
But I'll have a blue, blue, blue, blue Christmas

Instrumental :
Abm Db Gb Eb7 Ab Db

Abm            Db        Gb                  Gb F E Eb
Decorations of red on a green Christmastree
Eb                    Ab                    Ab7
Won't be the same, if you're not here with me

            Db                      Ab
I'll have a Blue Christmas that's certain
            Ab7                      Db
And when that blue heartache starts hurtin'
            Abm    Db                  Gb          Eb7
You'll be doin' all right, with your Christmas of white,
    Ab                    Db
But I'll have a blue, blue Christmas

Cut of for the ending.  Ho Ho Ho, Merry Christmas!!!

G, A, A7, Am, D, E, E7, F, Gb

      D                A
I'll have a Blue Christmas without you
          A7              D
I'll be so blue thinking about you
      Am      D        G                G Gb F E
Decorations of red on a green Christmastree
E                    A                  A7
Won't be the same, if you're not here with me

                D                    A
And when those blue snowflakes start fallin'
              A7                  D
And when those blue melodies start callin'
            Am      D                G            E7
You'll be doin' all right, with your Christmas of white,
    A                                D
But I'll have a blue, blue, blue, blue Christmas

Instrumental :
Am D G E7 A D

Am            D        G                  G Gb F E
Decorations of red on a green Christmastree
E                    A                    A7
Won't be the same, if you're not here with me

            D                      A
I'll have a Blue Christmas that's certain
            A7                      D
And when that blue heartache starts hurtin'
            Am    D                  G          E7
You'll be doin' all right, with your Christmas of white,
    A                    D
But I'll have a blue, blue Christmas

Cut of for the ending.  Ho Ho Ho, Merry Christmas!!!

Ab, Bb, Bb7, Bbm, Eb, F, F7, Gb, G

      Eb                Bb
I'll have a Blue Christmas without you
          Bb7              Eb
I'll be so blue thinking about you
      Bbm      Eb        Ab                Ab G Gb F
Decorations of red on a green Christmastree
F                    Bb                  Bb7
Won't be the same, if you're not here with me

                Eb                    Bb
And when those blue snowflakes start fallin'
              Bb7                  Eb
And when those blue melodies start callin'
            Bbm      Eb                Ab            F7
You'll be doin' all right, with your Christmas of white,
    Bb                                Eb
But I'll have a blue, blue, blue, blue Christmas

Instrumental :
Bbm Eb Ab F7 Bb Eb

Bbm            Eb        Ab                  Ab G Gb F
Decorations of red on a green Christmastree
F                    Bb                    Bb7
Won't be the same, if you're not here with me

            Eb                      Bb
I'll have a Blue Christmas that's certain
            Bb7                      Eb
And when that blue heartache starts hurtin'
            Bbm    Eb                  Ab          F7
You'll be doin' all right, with your Christmas of white,
    Bb                    Eb
But I'll have a blue, blue Christmas

Cut of for the ending.  Ho Ho Ho, Merry Christmas!!!

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