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DONT YOU REMEMBER Ukulele Chords By Adele

DONT YOU REMEMBER uke chords and lyrics By Adele


Bb, Bb4, Bbsus4, C, B, Cm, Csus4, Db, Eb, Eb/G, Eb4, Ebm, Ebmaj7, F, Fm, G, Gm, Gmadd6, Gb/Db, Ab, Amadd6

Intro :
Eb4  Eb
Eb4  Eb
Eb4  Eb
Eb4  Eb

Verse 1 :
Eb                    Ab
When will I see you again?
You left with no goodbye
      Eb              Ab
Not a single word was said
  Eb            Eb/G    Ab
No final kiss to seal any sins
      Cm            Eb            Ab
I had no idea of the state we were in

Pre-Chorus :
I know I have a fickle heart
And a bitterness
And a wandering eye
      G              Bb
And a heaviness in my head

Chorus :
                Eb      Ebmaj7  Ab
But don't you remember?
            Fm    Bbsus4  Bb  Eb
Don't you remember?
    Ab                Eb  Gmadd6    Ab
The reason you loved me          before
                Fm  Bbsus4  Bb    Eb
Baby please remember me    once more

Verse 2 :
Eb                                      Ab
When was the last time that you thought of me?
              Cm        Eb                  Ab
Or have you completely erased me from your memory?
        Eb          Gmadd6      Ab
I often think about where I went wrong
          Cm  Eb            Ab
The more I do    the less I know

Pre-Chorus :
I know I have a fickle heart
And a bitterness
And a wandering eye
      G              Bb
And a heaviness in my head

Chorus :
                Eb      Ebmaj7  Ab
But don't you remember?
            Fm    Bbsus4  Bb  Eb
Don't you remember?
    Ab                Eb  Gmadd6    Ab
The reason you loved me          before
                Fm  Bbsus4  Bb    Ab
Baby please remember me    once more

Bridge :
B                    Gb/Db
Gave you the space so you could breathe

          Db                        Ab
I kept my distance so you would be free

  B                      Ebm
In hope that you'd find the missing piece

  Fm                Bb4  Bb
To bring you back to me

Chorus :
                F      Amadd6  Bb
Why don't you remember?
            Gm    Csus4  C  F
Don't you remember?
    Bb                F  Amadd6    Bb
The reason you loved me          before
                Gm  Csus4  C    Bb
Baby please remember  me    once more

Outro :
F                    Bb
When will I see you again?

Other Versions For This Ukulele Chords Song :

B, B4, Bsus4, Db, C, Dbm, Dbsus4, D, E, E/Ab, E4, Em, Emaj7, Gb, Gbm, Ab, Abm, Abmadd6, G/D, A, Bbmadd6

Intro :
E4  E
E4  E
E4  E
E4  E

Verse 1 :
E                    A
When will I see you again?
You left with no goodbye
      E              A
Not a single word was said
  E            E/Ab    A
No final kiss to seal any sins
      Dbm            E            A
I had no idea of the state we were in

Pre-Chorus :
I know I have a fickle heart
And a bitterness
And a wandering eye
      Ab              B
And a heaviness in my head

Chorus :
                E      Emaj7  A
But don't you remember?
            Gbm    Bsus4  B  E
Don't you remember?
    A                E  Abmadd6    A
The reason you loved me          before
                Gbm  Bsus4  B    E
Baby please remember me    once more

Verse 2 :
E                                      A
When was the last time that you thought of me?
              Dbm        E                  A
Or have you completely erased me from your memory?
        E          Abmadd6      A
I often think about where I went wrong
          Dbm  E            A
The more I do    the less I know

Pre-Chorus :
I know I have a fickle heart
And a bitterness
And a wandering eye
      Ab              B
And a heaviness in my head

Chorus :
                E      Emaj7  A
But don't you remember?
            Gbm    Bsus4  B  E
Don't you remember?
    A                E  Abmadd6    A
The reason you loved me          before
                Gbm  Bsus4  B    A
Baby please remember me    once more

Bridge :
C                    G/D
Gave you the space so you could breathe

          D                        A
I kept my distance so you would be free

  C                      Em
In hope that you'd find the missing piece

  Gbm                B4  B
To bring you back to me

Chorus :
                Gb      Bbmadd6  B
Why don't you remember?
            Abm    Dbsus4  Db  Gb
Don't you remember?
    B                Gb  Bbmadd6    B
The reason you loved me          before
                Abm  Dbsus4  Db    B
Baby please remember  me    once more

Outro :
Gb                    B
When will I see you again?

C, C4, Csus4, D, Db, Dm, Dsus4, Eb, F, F/A, F4, Fm, Fmaj7, G, Gm, A, Am, Amadd6, Ab/Eb, Bb, Bmadd6

Intro :
F4  F
F4  F
F4  F
F4  F

Verse 1 :
F                    Bb
When will I see you again?
You left with no goodbye
      F              Bb
Not a single word was said
  F            F/A    Bb
No final kiss to seal any sins
      Dm            F            Bb
I had no idea of the state we were in

Pre-Chorus :
I know I have a fickle heart
And a bitterness
And a wandering eye
      A              C
And a heaviness in my head

Chorus :
                F      Fmaj7  Bb
But don't you remember?
            Gm    Csus4  C  F
Don't you remember?
    Bb                F  Amadd6    Bb
The reason you loved me          before
                Gm  Csus4  C    F
Baby please remember me    once more

Verse 2 :
F                                      Bb
When was the last time that you thought of me?
              Dm        F                  Bb
Or have you completely erased me from your memory?
        F          Amadd6      Bb
I often think about where I went wrong
          Dm  F            Bb
The more I do    the less I know

Pre-Chorus :
I know I have a fickle heart
And a bitterness
And a wandering eye
      A              C
And a heaviness in my head

Chorus :
                F      Fmaj7  Bb
But don't you remember?
            Gm    Csus4  C  F
Don't you remember?
    Bb                F  Amadd6    Bb
The reason you loved me          before
                Gm  Csus4  C    Bb
Baby please remember me    once more

Bridge :
Db                    Ab/Eb
Gave you the space so you could breathe

          Eb                        Bb
I kept my distance so you would be free

  Db                      Fm
In hope that you'd find the missing piece

  Gm                C4  C
To bring you back to me

Chorus :
                G      Bmadd6  C
Why don't you remember?
            Am    Dsus4  D  G
Don't you remember?
    C                G  Bmadd6    C
The reason you loved me          before
                Am  Dsus4  D    C
Baby please remember  me    once more

Outro :
G                    C
When will I see you again?

Db, Db4, Dbsus4, Eb, D, Ebm, Ebsus4, E, Gb, Gb/Bb, Gb4, Gbm, Gbmaj7, Ab, Abm, Bb, Bbm, Bbmadd6, A/E, B, Cmadd6

Intro :
Gb4  Gb
Gb4  Gb
Gb4  Gb
Gb4  Gb

Verse 1 :
Gb                    B
When will I see you again?
You left with no goodbye
      Gb              B
Not a single word was said
  Gb            Gb/Bb    B
No final kiss to seal any sins
      Ebm            Gb            B
I had no idea of the state we were in

Pre-Chorus :
I know I have a fickle heart
And a bitterness
And a wandering eye
      Bb              Db
And a heaviness in my head

Chorus :
                Gb      Gbmaj7  B
But don't you remember?
            Abm    Dbsus4  Db  Gb
Don't you remember?
    B                Gb  Bbmadd6    B
The reason you loved me          before
                Abm  Dbsus4  Db    Gb
Baby please remember me    once more

Verse 2 :
Gb                                      B
When was the last time that you thought of me?
              Ebm        Gb                  B
Or have you completely erased me from your memory?
        Gb          Bbmadd6      B
I often think about where I went wrong
          Ebm  Gb            B
The more I do    the less I know

Pre-Chorus :
I know I have a fickle heart
And a bitterness
And a wandering eye
      Bb              Db
And a heaviness in my head

Chorus :
                Gb      Gbmaj7  B
But don't you remember?
            Abm    Dbsus4  Db  Gb
Don't you remember?
    B                Gb  Bbmadd6    B
The reason you loved me          before
                Abm  Dbsus4  Db    B
Baby please remember me    once more

Bridge :
D                    A/E
Gave you the space so you could breathe

          E                        B
I kept my distance so you would be free

  D                      Gbm
In hope that you'd find the missing piece

  Abm                Db4  Db
To bring you back to me

Chorus :
                Ab      Cmadd6  Db
Why don't you remember?
            Bbm    Ebsus4  Eb  Ab
Don't you remember?
    Db                Ab  Cmadd6    Db
The reason you loved me          before
                Bbm  Ebsus4  Eb    Db
Baby please remember  me    once more

Outro :
Ab                    Db
When will I see you again?

D, D4, Dsus4, E, Eb, Em, Esus4, F, G, G/B, G4, Gm, Gmaj7, A, Am, B, Bm, Bmadd6, Bb/F, C, Dbmadd6

Intro :
G4  G
G4  G
G4  G
G4  G

Verse 1 :
G                    C
When will I see you again?
You left with no goodbye
      G              C
Not a single word was said
  G            G/B    C
No final kiss to seal any sins
      Em            G            C
I had no idea of the state we were in

Pre-Chorus :
I know I have a fickle heart
And a bitterness
And a wandering eye
      B              D
And a heaviness in my head

Chorus :
                G      Gmaj7  C
But don't you remember?
            Am    Dsus4  D  G
Don't you remember?
    C                G  Bmadd6    C
The reason you loved me          before
                Am  Dsus4  D    G
Baby please remember me    once more

Verse 2 :
G                                      C
When was the last time that you thought of me?
              Em        G                  C
Or have you completely erased me from your memory?
        G          Bmadd6      C
I often think about where I went wrong
          Em  G            C
The more I do    the less I know

Pre-Chorus :
I know I have a fickle heart
And a bitterness
And a wandering eye
      B              D
And a heaviness in my head

Chorus :
                G      Gmaj7  C
But don't you remember?
            Am    Dsus4  D  G
Don't you remember?
    C                G  Bmadd6    C
The reason you loved me          before
                Am  Dsus4  D    C
Baby please remember me    once more

Bridge :
Eb                    Bb/F
Gave you the space so you could breathe

          F                        C
I kept my distance so you would be free

  Eb                      Gm
In hope that you'd find the missing piece

  Am                D4  D
To bring you back to me

Chorus :
                A      Dbmadd6  D
Why don't you remember?
            Bm    Esus4  E  A
Don't you remember?
    D                A  Dbmadd6    D
The reason you loved me          before
                Bm  Esus4  E    D
Baby please remember  me    once more

Outro :
A                    D
When will I see you again?

Eb, Eb4, Ebsus4, F, E, Fm, Fsus4, Gb, Ab, Ab/C, Ab4, Abm, Abmaj7, Bb, Bbm, C, Cm, Cmadd6, B/Gb, Db, Dmadd6

Intro :
Ab4  Ab
Ab4  Ab
Ab4  Ab
Ab4  Ab

Verse 1 :
Ab                    Db
When will I see you again?
You left with no goodbye
      Ab              Db
Not a single word was said
  Ab            Ab/C    Db
No final kiss to seal any sins
      Fm            Ab            Db
I had no idea of the state we were in

Pre-Chorus :
I know I have a fickle heart
And a bitterness
And a wandering eye
      C              Eb
And a heaviness in my head

Chorus :
                Ab      Abmaj7  Db
But don't you remember?
            Bbm    Ebsus4  Eb  Ab
Don't you remember?
    Db                Ab  Cmadd6    Db
The reason you loved me          before
                Bbm  Ebsus4  Eb    Ab
Baby please remember me    once more

Verse 2 :
Ab                                      Db
When was the last time that you thought of me?
              Fm        Ab                  Db
Or have you completely erased me from your memory?
        Ab          Cmadd6      Db
I often think about where I went wrong
          Fm  Ab            Db
The more I do    the less I know

Pre-Chorus :
I know I have a fickle heart
And a bitterness
And a wandering eye
      C              Eb
And a heaviness in my head

Chorus :
                Ab      Abmaj7  Db
But don't you remember?
            Bbm    Ebsus4  Eb  Ab
Don't you remember?
    Db                Ab  Cmadd6    Db
The reason you loved me          before
                Bbm  Ebsus4  Eb    Db
Baby please remember me    once more

Bridge :
E                    B/Gb
Gave you the space so you could breathe

          Gb                        Db
I kept my distance so you would be free

  E                      Abm
In hope that you'd find the missing piece

  Bbm                Eb4  Eb
To bring you back to me

Chorus :
                Bb      Dmadd6  Eb
Why don't you remember?
            Cm    Fsus4  F  Bb
Don't you remember?
    Eb                Bb  Dmadd6    Eb
The reason you loved me          before
                Cm  Fsus4  F    Eb
Baby please remember  me    once more

Outro :
Bb                    Eb
When will I see you again?

E, E4, Esus4, Gb, F, Gbm, Gbsus4, G, A, A/Db, A4, Am, Amaj7, B, Bm, Db, Dbm, Dbmadd6, C/G, D, Ebmadd6

Intro :
A4  A
A4  A
A4  A
A4  A

Verse 1 :
A                    D
When will I see you again?
You left with no goodbye
      A              D
Not a single word was said
  A            A/Db    D
No final kiss to seal any sins
      Gbm            A            D
I had no idea of the state we were in

Pre-Chorus :
I know I have a fickle heart
And a bitterness
And a wandering eye
      Db              E
And a heaviness in my head

Chorus :
                A      Amaj7  D
But don't you remember?
            Bm    Esus4  E  A
Don't you remember?
    D                A  Dbmadd6    D
The reason you loved me          before
                Bm  Esus4  E    A
Baby please remember me    once more

Verse 2 :
A                                      D
When was the last time that you thought of me?
              Gbm        A                  D
Or have you completely erased me from your memory?
        A          Dbmadd6      D
I often think about where I went wrong
          Gbm  A            D
The more I do    the less I know

Pre-Chorus :
I know I have a fickle heart
And a bitterness
And a wandering eye
      Db              E
And a heaviness in my head

Chorus :
                A      Amaj7  D
But don't you remember?
            Bm    Esus4  E  A
Don't you remember?
    D                A  Dbmadd6    D
The reason you loved me          before
                Bm  Esus4  E    D
Baby please remember me    once more

Bridge :
F                    C/G
Gave you the space so you could breathe

          G                        D
I kept my distance so you would be free

  F                      Am
In hope that you'd find the missing piece

  Bm                E4  E
To bring you back to me

Chorus :
                B      Ebmadd6  E
Why don't you remember?
            Dbm    Gbsus4  Gb  B
Don't you remember?
    E                B  Ebmadd6    E
The reason you loved me          before
                Dbm  Gbsus4  Gb    E
Baby please remember  me    once more

Outro :
B                    E
When will I see you again?

F, F4, Fsus4, G, Gb, Gm, Gsus4, Ab, Bb, Bb/D, Bb4, Bbm, Bbmaj7, C, Cm, D, Dm, Dmadd6, Db/Ab, Eb, Emadd6

Intro :
Bb4  Bb
Bb4  Bb
Bb4  Bb
Bb4  Bb

Verse 1 :
Bb                    Eb
When will I see you again?
You left with no goodbye
      Bb              Eb
Not a single word was said
  Bb            Bb/D    Eb
No final kiss to seal any sins
      Gm            Bb            Eb
I had no idea of the state we were in

Pre-Chorus :
I know I have a fickle heart
And a bitterness
And a wandering eye
      D              F
And a heaviness in my head

Chorus :
                Bb      Bbmaj7  Eb
But don't you remember?
            Cm    Fsus4  F  Bb
Don't you remember?
    Eb                Bb  Dmadd6    Eb
The reason you loved me          before
                Cm  Fsus4  F    Bb
Baby please remember me    once more

Verse 2 :
Bb                                      Eb
When was the last time that you thought of me?
              Gm        Bb                  Eb
Or have you completely erased me from your memory?
        Bb          Dmadd6      Eb
I often think about where I went wrong
          Gm  Bb            Eb
The more I do    the less I know

Pre-Chorus :
I know I have a fickle heart
And a bitterness
And a wandering eye
      D              F
And a heaviness in my head

Chorus :
                Bb      Bbmaj7  Eb
But don't you remember?
            Cm    Fsus4  F  Bb
Don't you remember?
    Eb                Bb  Dmadd6    Eb
The reason you loved me          before
                Cm  Fsus4  F    Eb
Baby please remember me    once more

Bridge :
Gb                    Db/Ab
Gave you the space so you could breathe

          Ab                        Eb
I kept my distance so you would be free

  Gb                      Bbm
In hope that you'd find the missing piece

  Cm                F4  F
To bring you back to me

Chorus :
                C      Emadd6  F
Why don't you remember?
            Dm    Gsus4  G  C
Don't you remember?
    F                C  Emadd6    F
The reason you loved me          before
                Dm  Gsus4  G    F
Baby please remember  me    once more

Outro :
C                    F
When will I see you again?

Gb, Gb4, Gbsus4, Ab, G, Abm, Absus4, A, B, B/Eb, B4, Bm, Bmaj7, Db, Dbm, Eb, Ebm, Ebmadd6, D/A, E, Fmadd6

Intro :
B4  B
B4  B
B4  B
B4  B

Verse 1 :
B                    E
When will I see you again?
You left with no goodbye
      B              E
Not a single word was said
  B            B/Eb    E
No final kiss to seal any sins
      Abm            B            E
I had no idea of the state we were in

Pre-Chorus :
I know I have a fickle heart
And a bitterness
And a wandering eye
      Eb              Gb
And a heaviness in my head

Chorus :
                B      Bmaj7  E
But don't you remember?
            Dbm    Gbsus4  Gb  B
Don't you remember?
    E                B  Ebmadd6    E
The reason you loved me          before
                Dbm  Gbsus4  Gb    B
Baby please remember me    once more

Verse 2 :
B                                      E
When was the last time that you thought of me?
              Abm        B                  E
Or have you completely erased me from your memory?
        B          Ebmadd6      E
I often think about where I went wrong
          Abm  B            E
The more I do    the less I know

Pre-Chorus :
I know I have a fickle heart
And a bitterness
And a wandering eye
      Eb              Gb
And a heaviness in my head

Chorus :
                B      Bmaj7  E
But don't you remember?
            Dbm    Gbsus4  Gb  B
Don't you remember?
    E                B  Ebmadd6    E
The reason you loved me          before
                Dbm  Gbsus4  Gb    E
Baby please remember me    once more

Bridge :
G                    D/A
Gave you the space so you could breathe

          A                        E
I kept my distance so you would be free

  G                      Bm
In hope that you'd find the missing piece

  Dbm                Gb4  Gb
To bring you back to me

Chorus :
                Db      Fmadd6  Gb
Why don't you remember?
            Ebm    Absus4  Ab  Db
Don't you remember?
    Gb                Db  Fmadd6    Gb
The reason you loved me          before
                Ebm  Absus4  Ab    Gb
Baby please remember  me    once more

Outro :
Db                    Gb
When will I see you again?

G, G4, Gsus4, A, Ab, Am, Asus4, Bb, C, C/E, C4, Cm, Cmaj7, D, Dm, E, Em, Emadd6, Eb/Bb, F, Gbmadd6

Intro :
C4  C
C4  C
C4  C
C4  C

Verse 1 :
C                    F
When will I see you again?
You left with no goodbye
      C              F
Not a single word was said
  C            C/E    F
No final kiss to seal any sins
      Am            C            F
I had no idea of the state we were in

Pre-Chorus :
I know I have a fickle heart
And a bitterness
And a wandering eye
      E              G
And a heaviness in my head

Chorus :
                C      Cmaj7  F
But don't you remember?
            Dm    Gsus4  G  C
Don't you remember?
    F                C  Emadd6    F
The reason you loved me          before
                Dm  Gsus4  G    C
Baby please remember me    once more

Verse 2 :
C                                      F
When was the last time that you thought of me?
              Am        C                  F
Or have you completely erased me from your memory?
        C          Emadd6      F
I often think about where I went wrong
          Am  C            F
The more I do    the less I know

Pre-Chorus :
I know I have a fickle heart
And a bitterness
And a wandering eye
      E              G
And a heaviness in my head

Chorus :
                C      Cmaj7  F
But don't you remember?
            Dm    Gsus4  G  C
Don't you remember?
    F                C  Emadd6    F
The reason you loved me          before
                Dm  Gsus4  G    F
Baby please remember me    once more

Bridge :
Ab                    Eb/Bb
Gave you the space so you could breathe

          Bb                        F
I kept my distance so you would be free

  Ab                      Cm
In hope that you'd find the missing piece

  Dm                G4  G
To bring you back to me

Chorus :
                D      Gbmadd6  G
Why don't you remember?
            Em    Asus4  A  D
Don't you remember?
    G                D  Gbmadd6    G
The reason you loved me          before
                Em  Asus4  A    G
Baby please remember  me    once more

Outro :
D                    G
When will I see you again?

Ab, Ab4, Absus4, Bb, A, Bbm, Bbsus4, B, Db, Db/F, Db4, Dbm, Dbmaj7, Eb, Ebm, F, Fm, Fmadd6, E/B, Gb, Gmadd6

Intro :
Db4  Db
Db4  Db
Db4  Db
Db4  Db

Verse 1 :
Db                    Gb
When will I see you again?
You left with no goodbye
      Db              Gb
Not a single word was said
  Db            Db/F    Gb
No final kiss to seal any sins
      Bbm            Db            Gb
I had no idea of the state we were in

Pre-Chorus :
I know I have a fickle heart
And a bitterness
And a wandering eye
      F              Ab
And a heaviness in my head

Chorus :
                Db      Dbmaj7  Gb
But don't you remember?
            Ebm    Absus4  Ab  Db
Don't you remember?
    Gb                Db  Fmadd6    Gb
The reason you loved me          before
                Ebm  Absus4  Ab    Db
Baby please remember me    once more

Verse 2 :
Db                                      Gb
When was the last time that you thought of me?
              Bbm        Db                  Gb
Or have you completely erased me from your memory?
        Db          Fmadd6      Gb
I often think about where I went wrong
          Bbm  Db            Gb
The more I do    the less I know

Pre-Chorus :
I know I have a fickle heart
And a bitterness
And a wandering eye
      F              Ab
And a heaviness in my head

Chorus :
                Db      Dbmaj7  Gb
But don't you remember?
            Ebm    Absus4  Ab  Db
Don't you remember?
    Gb                Db  Fmadd6    Gb
The reason you loved me          before
                Ebm  Absus4  Ab    Gb
Baby please remember me    once more

Bridge :
A                    E/B
Gave you the space so you could breathe

          B                        Gb
I kept my distance so you would be free

  A                      Dbm
In hope that you'd find the missing piece

  Ebm                Ab4  Ab
To bring you back to me

Chorus :
                Eb      Gmadd6  Ab
Why don't you remember?
            Fm    Bbsus4  Bb  Eb
Don't you remember?
    Ab                Eb  Gmadd6    Ab
The reason you loved me          before
                Fm  Bbsus4  Bb    Ab
Baby please remember  me    once more

Outro :
Eb                    Ab
When will I see you again?

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