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HALLELUJAH Ukulele Chords By Carrie Underwood & John Legend

HALLELUJAH uke chords and lyrics By Carrie Underwood & John Legend


B, Db, Ebm, E, Gb, Abm

Intro :
Ebm Db B Gb
Ebm Db B Gb
Ebm Db B Gb
Ebm Db B

Verse 1 :
Gb          Db
Ooh, in the winter's chill
E                        B                Gb
Let the candles light the night up from the windowsills
Gb        Db
Ooh, as I draw you near
      E              B                Gb
And we whisper all the sweet sounds only we can hear
Abm                              Ebm
On the coldest evening in this December
  Abm                                  Db
I hold you in the heat of the glowing embers

Chorus :
        Ebm          Db          B
Let the world stand still, the church bells ring
Ebm    Db            B    Gb
Silent night as the angels sing
Ebm Db B Gb  Ebm Db B Gb
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
        Ebm    Db        B      Gb
Let the magic warm the moonlit air
        Ebm    Db              B  Gb
Hear the choirs join in singing everywherе
Ebm Db B Gb  Ebm Db B Gb
Hallelujah, Hallelujah

Verse 2 :
Gb                Db
Ooh, let thеre be peace on earth
        E            B              Gb
Let the lonely join together, let them know their worth
Gb            Db
Ooh, let the children know
          E            B              Gb
There's a brighter day ahead, let's hold on to hope
    Abm                              Ebm
And on the coldest evening in this December
      Abm                          Db
Let us pray the spirit of love will linger

Bridge :
Abm                        Ebm
Glory, glory, glory I'm so glad to have you here
    Abm                        Db
And may this Christmas moment last for years

Chorus :
        Ebm          Db          B
Let the world stand still, the church bells ring
Ebm    Db            B    Gb
Silent night as the angels sing
Ebm Db B Gb  Ebm Db B Gb
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
        Ebm    Db        B      Gb
Let the magic warm the moonlit air
        Ebm    Db              B  Gb
Hear the choirs join in singing everywherе
Ebm Db B Gb  Ebm Db B Gb
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Ebm Db B Gb  Ebm Db B Gb  Ebm Db B Gb
Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah

Outro :
Ebm Db B Gb
Ebm Db B Gb  Ebm Db B Gb
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Ebm Db B Gb  Ebm Db B Gb
Hallelujah, Hallelujah

Other Versions For This Ukulele Chords Song :

C, D, Em, F, G, Am

Intro :
Em D C G
Em D C G
Em D C G
Em D C

Verse 1 :
G          D
Ooh, in the winter's chill
F                        C                G
Let the candles light the night up from the windowsills
G        D
Ooh, as I draw you near
      F              C                G
And we whisper all the sweet sounds only we can hear
Am                              Em
On the coldest evening in this December
  Am                                  D
I hold you in the heat of the glowing embers

Chorus :
        Em          D          C
Let the world stand still, the church bells ring
Em    D            C    G
Silent night as the angels sing
Em D C G  Em D C G
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
        Em    D        C      G
Let the magic warm the moonlit air
        Em    D              C  G
Hear the choirs join in singing everywherе
Em D C G  Em D C G
Hallelujah, Hallelujah

Verse 2 :
G                D
Ooh, let thеre be peace on earth
        F            C              G
Let the lonely join together, let them know their worth
G            D
Ooh, let the children know
          F            C              G
There's a brighter day ahead, let's hold on to hope
    Am                              Em
And on the coldest evening in this December
      Am                          D
Let us pray the spirit of love will linger

Bridge :
Am                        Em
Glory, glory, glory I'm so glad to have you here
    Am                        D
And may this Christmas moment last for years

Chorus :
        Em          D          C
Let the world stand still, the church bells ring
Em    D            C    G
Silent night as the angels sing
Em D C G  Em D C G
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
        Em    D        C      G
Let the magic warm the moonlit air
        Em    D              C  G
Hear the choirs join in singing everywherе
Em D C G  Em D C G
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Em D C G  Em D C G  Em D C G
Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah

Outro :
Em D C G
Em D C G  Em D C G
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Em D C G  Em D C G
Hallelujah, Hallelujah

Db, Eb, Fm, Gb, Ab, Bbm

Intro :
Fm Eb Db Ab
Fm Eb Db Ab
Fm Eb Db Ab
Fm Eb Db

Verse 1 :
Ab          Eb
Ooh, in the winter's chill
Gb                        Db                Ab
Let the candles light the night up from the windowsills
Ab        Eb
Ooh, as I draw you near
      Gb              Db                Ab
And we whisper all the sweet sounds only we can hear
Bbm                              Fm
On the coldest evening in this December
  Bbm                                  Eb
I hold you in the heat of the glowing embers

Chorus :
        Fm          Eb          Db
Let the world stand still, the church bells ring
Fm    Eb            Db    Ab
Silent night as the angels sing
Fm Eb Db Ab  Fm Eb Db Ab
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
        Fm    Eb        Db      Ab
Let the magic warm the moonlit air
        Fm    Eb              Db  Ab
Hear the choirs join in singing everywherе
Fm Eb Db Ab  Fm Eb Db Ab
Hallelujah, Hallelujah

Verse 2 :
Ab                Eb
Ooh, let thеre be peace on earth
        Gb            Db              Ab
Let the lonely join together, let them know their worth
Ab            Eb
Ooh, let the children know
          Gb            Db              Ab
There's a brighter day ahead, let's hold on to hope
    Bbm                              Fm
And on the coldest evening in this December
      Bbm                          Eb
Let us pray the spirit of love will linger

Bridge :
Bbm                        Fm
Glory, glory, glory I'm so glad to have you here
    Bbm                        Eb
And may this Christmas moment last for years

Chorus :
        Fm          Eb          Db
Let the world stand still, the church bells ring
Fm    Eb            Db    Ab
Silent night as the angels sing
Fm Eb Db Ab  Fm Eb Db Ab
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
        Fm    Eb        Db      Ab
Let the magic warm the moonlit air
        Fm    Eb              Db  Ab
Hear the choirs join in singing everywherе
Fm Eb Db Ab  Fm Eb Db Ab
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Fm Eb Db Ab  Fm Eb Db Ab  Fm Eb Db Ab
Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah

Outro :
Fm Eb Db Ab
Fm Eb Db Ab  Fm Eb Db Ab
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Fm Eb Db Ab  Fm Eb Db Ab
Hallelujah, Hallelujah

D, E, Gbm, G, A, Bm

Intro :
Gbm E D A
Gbm E D A
Gbm E D A
Gbm E D

Verse 1 :
A          E
Ooh, in the winter's chill
G                        D                A
Let the candles light the night up from the windowsills
A        E
Ooh, as I draw you near
      G              D                A
And we whisper all the sweet sounds only we can hear
Bm                              Gbm
On the coldest evening in this December
  Bm                                  E
I hold you in the heat of the glowing embers

Chorus :
        Gbm          E          D
Let the world stand still, the church bells ring
Gbm    E            D    A
Silent night as the angels sing
Gbm E D A  Gbm E D A
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
        Gbm    E        D      A
Let the magic warm the moonlit air
        Gbm    E              D  A
Hear the choirs join in singing everywherе
Gbm E D A  Gbm E D A
Hallelujah, Hallelujah

Verse 2 :
A                E
Ooh, let thеre be peace on earth
        G            D              A
Let the lonely join together, let them know their worth
A            E
Ooh, let the children know
          G            D              A
There's a brighter day ahead, let's hold on to hope
    Bm                              Gbm
And on the coldest evening in this December
      Bm                          E
Let us pray the spirit of love will linger

Bridge :
Bm                        Gbm
Glory, glory, glory I'm so glad to have you here
    Bm                        E
And may this Christmas moment last for years

Chorus :
        Gbm          E          D
Let the world stand still, the church bells ring
Gbm    E            D    A
Silent night as the angels sing
Gbm E D A  Gbm E D A
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
        Gbm    E        D      A
Let the magic warm the moonlit air
        Gbm    E              D  A
Hear the choirs join in singing everywherе
Gbm E D A  Gbm E D A
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Gbm E D A  Gbm E D A  Gbm E D A
Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah

Outro :
Gbm E D A
Gbm E D A  Gbm E D A
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Gbm E D A  Gbm E D A
Hallelujah, Hallelujah

Eb, F, Gm, Ab, Bb, Cm

Intro :
Gm F Eb Bb
Gm F Eb Bb
Gm F Eb Bb
Gm F Eb

Verse 1 :
Bb          F
Ooh, in the winter's chill
Ab                        Eb                Bb
Let the candles light the night up from the windowsills
Bb        F
Ooh, as I draw you near
      Ab              Eb                Bb
And we whisper all the sweet sounds only we can hear
Cm                              Gm
On the coldest evening in this December
  Cm                                  F
I hold you in the heat of the glowing embers

Chorus :
        Gm          F          Eb
Let the world stand still, the church bells ring
Gm    F            Eb    Bb
Silent night as the angels sing
Gm F Eb Bb  Gm F Eb Bb
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
        Gm    F        Eb      Bb
Let the magic warm the moonlit air
        Gm    F              Eb  Bb
Hear the choirs join in singing everywherе
Gm F Eb Bb  Gm F Eb Bb
Hallelujah, Hallelujah

Verse 2 :
Bb                F
Ooh, let thеre be peace on earth
        Ab            Eb              Bb
Let the lonely join together, let them know their worth
Bb            F
Ooh, let the children know
          Ab            Eb              Bb
There's a brighter day ahead, let's hold on to hope
    Cm                              Gm
And on the coldest evening in this December
      Cm                          F
Let us pray the spirit of love will linger

Bridge :
Cm                        Gm
Glory, glory, glory I'm so glad to have you here
    Cm                        F
And may this Christmas moment last for years

Chorus :
        Gm          F          Eb
Let the world stand still, the church bells ring
Gm    F            Eb    Bb
Silent night as the angels sing
Gm F Eb Bb  Gm F Eb Bb
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
        Gm    F        Eb      Bb
Let the magic warm the moonlit air
        Gm    F              Eb  Bb
Hear the choirs join in singing everywherе
Gm F Eb Bb  Gm F Eb Bb
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Gm F Eb Bb  Gm F Eb Bb  Gm F Eb Bb
Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah

Outro :
Gm F Eb Bb
Gm F Eb Bb  Gm F Eb Bb
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Gm F Eb Bb  Gm F Eb Bb
Hallelujah, Hallelujah

E, Gb, Abm, A, B, Dbm

Intro :
Abm Gb E B
Abm Gb E B
Abm Gb E B
Abm Gb E

Verse 1 :
B          Gb
Ooh, in the winter's chill
A                        E                B
Let the candles light the night up from the windowsills
B        Gb
Ooh, as I draw you near
      A              E                B
And we whisper all the sweet sounds only we can hear
Dbm                              Abm
On the coldest evening in this December
  Dbm                                  Gb
I hold you in the heat of the glowing embers

Chorus :
        Abm          Gb          E
Let the world stand still, the church bells ring
Abm    Gb            E    B
Silent night as the angels sing
Abm Gb E B  Abm Gb E B
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
        Abm    Gb        E      B
Let the magic warm the moonlit air
        Abm    Gb              E  B
Hear the choirs join in singing everywherе
Abm Gb E B  Abm Gb E B
Hallelujah, Hallelujah

Verse 2 :
B                Gb
Ooh, let thеre be peace on earth
        A            E              B
Let the lonely join together, let them know their worth
B            Gb
Ooh, let the children know
          A            E              B
There's a brighter day ahead, let's hold on to hope
    Dbm                              Abm
And on the coldest evening in this December
      Dbm                          Gb
Let us pray the spirit of love will linger

Bridge :
Dbm                        Abm
Glory, glory, glory I'm so glad to have you here
    Dbm                        Gb
And may this Christmas moment last for years

Chorus :
        Abm          Gb          E
Let the world stand still, the church bells ring
Abm    Gb            E    B
Silent night as the angels sing
Abm Gb E B  Abm Gb E B
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
        Abm    Gb        E      B
Let the magic warm the moonlit air
        Abm    Gb              E  B
Hear the choirs join in singing everywherе
Abm Gb E B  Abm Gb E B
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Abm Gb E B  Abm Gb E B  Abm Gb E B
Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah

Outro :
Abm Gb E B
Abm Gb E B  Abm Gb E B
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Abm Gb E B  Abm Gb E B
Hallelujah, Hallelujah

F, G, Am, Bb, C, Dm

Intro :
Am G F C
Am G F C
Am G F C
Am G F

Verse 1 :
C          G
Ooh, in the winter's chill
Bb                        F                C
Let the candles light the night up from the windowsills
C        G
Ooh, as I draw you near
      Bb              F                C
And we whisper all the sweet sounds only we can hear
Dm                              Am
On the coldest evening in this December
  Dm                                  G
I hold you in the heat of the glowing embers

Chorus :
        Am          G          F
Let the world stand still, the church bells ring
Am    G            F    C
Silent night as the angels sing
Am G F C  Am G F C
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
        Am    G        F      C
Let the magic warm the moonlit air
        Am    G              F  C
Hear the choirs join in singing everywherе
Am G F C  Am G F C
Hallelujah, Hallelujah

Verse 2 :
C                G
Ooh, let thеre be peace on earth
        Bb            F              C
Let the lonely join together, let them know their worth
C            G
Ooh, let the children know
          Bb            F              C
There's a brighter day ahead, let's hold on to hope
    Dm                              Am
And on the coldest evening in this December
      Dm                          G
Let us pray the spirit of love will linger

Bridge :
Dm                        Am
Glory, glory, glory I'm so glad to have you here
    Dm                        G
And may this Christmas moment last for years

Chorus :
        Am          G          F
Let the world stand still, the church bells ring
Am    G            F    C
Silent night as the angels sing
Am G F C  Am G F C
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
        Am    G        F      C
Let the magic warm the moonlit air
        Am    G              F  C
Hear the choirs join in singing everywherе
Am G F C  Am G F C
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Am G F C  Am G F C  Am G F C
Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah

Outro :
Am G F C
Am G F C  Am G F C
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Am G F C  Am G F C
Hallelujah, Hallelujah

Gb, Ab, Bbm, B, Db, Ebm

Intro :
Bbm Ab Gb Db
Bbm Ab Gb Db
Bbm Ab Gb Db
Bbm Ab Gb

Verse 1 :
Db          Ab
Ooh, in the winter's chill
B                        Gb                Db
Let the candles light the night up from the windowsills
Db        Ab
Ooh, as I draw you near
      B              Gb                Db
And we whisper all the sweet sounds only we can hear
Ebm                              Bbm
On the coldest evening in this December
  Ebm                                  Ab
I hold you in the heat of the glowing embers

Chorus :
        Bbm          Ab          Gb
Let the world stand still, the church bells ring
Bbm    Ab            Gb    Db
Silent night as the angels sing
Bbm Ab Gb Db  Bbm Ab Gb Db
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
        Bbm    Ab        Gb      Db
Let the magic warm the moonlit air
        Bbm    Ab              Gb  Db
Hear the choirs join in singing everywherе
Bbm Ab Gb Db  Bbm Ab Gb Db
Hallelujah, Hallelujah

Verse 2 :
Db                Ab
Ooh, let thеre be peace on earth
        B            Gb              Db
Let the lonely join together, let them know their worth
Db            Ab
Ooh, let the children know
          B            Gb              Db
There's a brighter day ahead, let's hold on to hope
    Ebm                              Bbm
And on the coldest evening in this December
      Ebm                          Ab
Let us pray the spirit of love will linger

Bridge :
Ebm                        Bbm
Glory, glory, glory I'm so glad to have you here
    Ebm                        Ab
And may this Christmas moment last for years

Chorus :
        Bbm          Ab          Gb
Let the world stand still, the church bells ring
Bbm    Ab            Gb    Db
Silent night as the angels sing
Bbm Ab Gb Db  Bbm Ab Gb Db
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
        Bbm    Ab        Gb      Db
Let the magic warm the moonlit air
        Bbm    Ab              Gb  Db
Hear the choirs join in singing everywherе
Bbm Ab Gb Db  Bbm Ab Gb Db
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Bbm Ab Gb Db  Bbm Ab Gb Db  Bbm Ab Gb Db
Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah

Outro :
Bbm Ab Gb Db
Bbm Ab Gb Db  Bbm Ab Gb Db
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Bbm Ab Gb Db  Bbm Ab Gb Db
Hallelujah, Hallelujah

G, A, Bm, C, D, Em

Intro :
Bm A G D
Bm A G D
Bm A G D
Bm A G

Verse 1 :
D          A
Ooh, in the winter's chill
C                        G                D
Let the candles light the night up from the windowsills
D        A
Ooh, as I draw you near
      C              G                D
And we whisper all the sweet sounds only we can hear
Em                              Bm
On the coldest evening in this December
  Em                                  A
I hold you in the heat of the glowing embers

Chorus :
        Bm          A          G
Let the world stand still, the church bells ring
Bm    A            G    D
Silent night as the angels sing
Bm A G D  Bm A G D
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
        Bm    A        G      D
Let the magic warm the moonlit air
        Bm    A              G  D
Hear the choirs join in singing everywherе
Bm A G D  Bm A G D
Hallelujah, Hallelujah

Verse 2 :
D                A
Ooh, let thеre be peace on earth
        C            G              D
Let the lonely join together, let them know their worth
D            A
Ooh, let the children know
          C            G              D
There's a brighter day ahead, let's hold on to hope
    Em                              Bm
And on the coldest evening in this December
      Em                          A
Let us pray the spirit of love will linger

Bridge :
Em                        Bm
Glory, glory, glory I'm so glad to have you here
    Em                        A
And may this Christmas moment last for years

Chorus :
        Bm          A          G
Let the world stand still, the church bells ring
Bm    A            G    D
Silent night as the angels sing
Bm A G D  Bm A G D
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
        Bm    A        G      D
Let the magic warm the moonlit air
        Bm    A              G  D
Hear the choirs join in singing everywherе
Bm A G D  Bm A G D
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Bm A G D  Bm A G D  Bm A G D
Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah

Outro :
Bm A G D
Bm A G D  Bm A G D
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Bm A G D  Bm A G D
Hallelujah, Hallelujah

Ab, Bb, Cm, Db, Eb, Fm

Intro :
Cm Bb Ab Eb
Cm Bb Ab Eb
Cm Bb Ab Eb
Cm Bb Ab

Verse 1 :
Eb          Bb
Ooh, in the winter's chill
Db                        Ab                Eb
Let the candles light the night up from the windowsills
Eb        Bb
Ooh, as I draw you near
      Db              Ab                Eb
And we whisper all the sweet sounds only we can hear
Fm                              Cm
On the coldest evening in this December
  Fm                                  Bb
I hold you in the heat of the glowing embers

Chorus :
        Cm          Bb          Ab
Let the world stand still, the church bells ring
Cm    Bb            Ab    Eb
Silent night as the angels sing
Cm Bb Ab Eb  Cm Bb Ab Eb
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
        Cm    Bb        Ab      Eb
Let the magic warm the moonlit air
        Cm    Bb              Ab  Eb
Hear the choirs join in singing everywherе
Cm Bb Ab Eb  Cm Bb Ab Eb
Hallelujah, Hallelujah

Verse 2 :
Eb                Bb
Ooh, let thеre be peace on earth
        Db            Ab              Eb
Let the lonely join together, let them know their worth
Eb            Bb
Ooh, let the children know
          Db            Ab              Eb
There's a brighter day ahead, let's hold on to hope
    Fm                              Cm
And on the coldest evening in this December
      Fm                          Bb
Let us pray the spirit of love will linger

Bridge :
Fm                        Cm
Glory, glory, glory I'm so glad to have you here
    Fm                        Bb
And may this Christmas moment last for years

Chorus :
        Cm          Bb          Ab
Let the world stand still, the church bells ring
Cm    Bb            Ab    Eb
Silent night as the angels sing
Cm Bb Ab Eb  Cm Bb Ab Eb
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
        Cm    Bb        Ab      Eb
Let the magic warm the moonlit air
        Cm    Bb              Ab  Eb
Hear the choirs join in singing everywherе
Cm Bb Ab Eb  Cm Bb Ab Eb
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Cm Bb Ab Eb  Cm Bb Ab Eb  Cm Bb Ab Eb
Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah

Outro :
Cm Bb Ab Eb
Cm Bb Ab Eb  Cm Bb Ab Eb
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Cm Bb Ab Eb  Cm Bb Ab Eb
Hallelujah, Hallelujah

A, B, Dbm, D, E, Gbm

Intro :
Dbm B A E
Dbm B A E
Dbm B A E
Dbm B A

Verse 1 :
E          B
Ooh, in the winter's chill
D                        A                E
Let the candles light the night up from the windowsills
E        B
Ooh, as I draw you near
      D              A                E
And we whisper all the sweet sounds only we can hear
Gbm                              Dbm
On the coldest evening in this December
  Gbm                                  B
I hold you in the heat of the glowing embers

Chorus :
        Dbm          B          A
Let the world stand still, the church bells ring
Dbm    B            A    E
Silent night as the angels sing
Dbm B A E  Dbm B A E
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
        Dbm    B        A      E
Let the magic warm the moonlit air
        Dbm    B              A  E
Hear the choirs join in singing everywherе
Dbm B A E  Dbm B A E
Hallelujah, Hallelujah

Verse 2 :
E                B
Ooh, let thеre be peace on earth
        D            A              E
Let the lonely join together, let them know their worth
E            B
Ooh, let the children know
          D            A              E
There's a brighter day ahead, let's hold on to hope
    Gbm                              Dbm
And on the coldest evening in this December
      Gbm                          B
Let us pray the spirit of love will linger

Bridge :
Gbm                        Dbm
Glory, glory, glory I'm so glad to have you here
    Gbm                        B
And may this Christmas moment last for years

Chorus :
        Dbm          B          A
Let the world stand still, the church bells ring
Dbm    B            A    E
Silent night as the angels sing
Dbm B A E  Dbm B A E
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
        Dbm    B        A      E
Let the magic warm the moonlit air
        Dbm    B              A  E
Hear the choirs join in singing everywherе
Dbm B A E  Dbm B A E
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Dbm B A E  Dbm B A E  Dbm B A E
Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah

Outro :
Dbm B A E
Dbm B A E  Dbm B A E
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Dbm B A E  Dbm B A E
Hallelujah, Hallelujah

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