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NEVER GONNA LEAVE YOU Ukulele Chords By Adele

NEVER GONNA LEAVE YOU uke chords and lyrics By Adele


Bbm, Db, Gb, Ab, Absus

Intro :
Db Absus  Bbm Gb Db

  Db                    Absus  Bbm
I know sometimes you're scared  of the light
    Gb                                  Db
But how will you ever know if you never try
        Db              Absus  Bbm
There's something new  in -- side  my heart
      Gb                                Db
And it cries like a child whenever we're apart
    Db                    Absus  Bbm
I've seen your face under ev -- ery sky
          Gb                  Db
I find the less I look, more I find

            Db                      Absus  Bbm  Ab
So let's go back there, back to the start
Swear I'm never gonna leave you
                      Bbm  Ab
You're the only one I want
        Db                      Absus  Bbm  Ab
Let's go back there, back to the start
You know I'm never gonna leave you
                      Bbm  Ab  Db
You're the only one I want

    Db                      Absus  Bbm
You know sometimes that I'm scared  of the dark
        Gb                                        Db
But I'm feelin' somethin' brave when I'm in your arms
    Db                    Absus  Bbm
You said my name in the dead    of glory
You hold me upright
When I'm strong or fallin'

            Db                      Absus  Bbm  Ab
So let's go back there, back to the start
Swear I'm never gonna leave you
                      Bbm  Ab
You're the only one I want
        Db                      Absus  Bbm  Ab
Let's go back there, back to the start
You know I'm never gonna leave you
                      Bbm  Ab
You're the only one I want

There will be times
When we'll try to give it up
Bursting at the seams
                    Bbm          Ab
No doubt that we'll almost fall apart
Than burn to pieces
          Db                  Ab
And we'll watch them turn to dust
        Gb              Ab
But without each other, nothing is easy enough

            Db                      Absus  Bbm  Ab
So let's go back there, back to the start
Swear I'm never gonna leave you
                      Bbm  Ab
You're the only one I want
        Db                      Absus  Bbm  Ab
Let's go back there, back to the start
You know I'm never gonna leave you
                      Bbm  Ab    Db
You're the only one I want, yeah

                Absus  Bbm  Ab
You're the only one
Never gonna leave there
        Gb                Ab    Db  Absus  Bbm  Ab  Gb  Db  Ab  Db
No, I'm never gonna leave you, no

Other Versions For This Ukulele Chords Song :

Bm, D, G, A, Asus

Intro :
D Asus  Bm G D

  D                    Asus  Bm
I know sometimes you're scared  of the light
    G                                  D
But how will you ever know if you never try
        D              Asus  Bm
There's something new  in -- side  my heart
      G                                D
And it cries like a child whenever we're apart
    D                    Asus  Bm
I've seen your face under ev -- ery sky
          G                  D
I find the less I look, more I find

            D                      Asus  Bm  A
So let's go back there, back to the start
Swear I'm never gonna leave you
                      Bm  A
You're the only one I want
        D                      Asus  Bm  A
Let's go back there, back to the start
You know I'm never gonna leave you
                      Bm  A  D
You're the only one I want

    D                      Asus  Bm
You know sometimes that I'm scared  of the dark
        G                                        D
But I'm feelin' somethin' brave when I'm in your arms
    D                    Asus  Bm
You said my name in the dead    of glory
You hold me upright
When I'm strong or fallin'

            D                      Asus  Bm  A
So let's go back there, back to the start
Swear I'm never gonna leave you
                      Bm  A
You're the only one I want
        D                      Asus  Bm  A
Let's go back there, back to the start
You know I'm never gonna leave you
                      Bm  A
You're the only one I want

There will be times
When we'll try to give it up
Bursting at the seams
                    Bm          A
No doubt that we'll almost fall apart
Than burn to pieces
          D                  A
And we'll watch them turn to dust
        G              A
But without each other, nothing is easy enough

            D                      Asus  Bm  A
So let's go back there, back to the start
Swear I'm never gonna leave you
                      Bm  A
You're the only one I want
        D                      Asus  Bm  A
Let's go back there, back to the start
You know I'm never gonna leave you
                      Bm  A    D
You're the only one I want, yeah

                Asus  Bm  A
You're the only one
Never gonna leave there
        G                A    D  Asus  Bm  A  G  D  A  D
No, I'm never gonna leave you, no

Cm, Eb, Ab, Bb, Bbsus

Intro :
Eb Bbsus  Cm Ab Eb

  Eb                    Bbsus  Cm
I know sometimes you're scared  of the light
    Ab                                  Eb
But how will you ever know if you never try
        Eb              Bbsus  Cm
There's something new  in -- side  my heart
      Ab                                Eb
And it cries like a child whenever we're apart
    Eb                    Bbsus  Cm
I've seen your face under ev -- ery sky
          Ab                  Eb
I find the less I look, more I find

            Eb                      Bbsus  Cm  Bb
So let's go back there, back to the start
Swear I'm never gonna leave you
                      Cm  Bb
You're the only one I want
        Eb                      Bbsus  Cm  Bb
Let's go back there, back to the start
You know I'm never gonna leave you
                      Cm  Bb  Eb
You're the only one I want

    Eb                      Bbsus  Cm
You know sometimes that I'm scared  of the dark
        Ab                                        Eb
But I'm feelin' somethin' brave when I'm in your arms
    Eb                    Bbsus  Cm
You said my name in the dead    of glory
You hold me upright
When I'm strong or fallin'

            Eb                      Bbsus  Cm  Bb
So let's go back there, back to the start
Swear I'm never gonna leave you
                      Cm  Bb
You're the only one I want
        Eb                      Bbsus  Cm  Bb
Let's go back there, back to the start
You know I'm never gonna leave you
                      Cm  Bb
You're the only one I want

There will be times
When we'll try to give it up
Bursting at the seams
                    Cm          Bb
No doubt that we'll almost fall apart
Than burn to pieces
          Eb                  Bb
And we'll watch them turn to dust
        Ab              Bb
But without each other, nothing is easy enough

            Eb                      Bbsus  Cm  Bb
So let's go back there, back to the start
Swear I'm never gonna leave you
                      Cm  Bb
You're the only one I want
        Eb                      Bbsus  Cm  Bb
Let's go back there, back to the start
You know I'm never gonna leave you
                      Cm  Bb    Eb
You're the only one I want, yeah

                Bbsus  Cm  Bb
You're the only one
Never gonna leave there
        Ab                Bb    Eb  Bbsus  Cm  Bb  Ab  Eb  Bb  Eb
No, I'm never gonna leave you, no

Dbm, E, A, B, Bsus

Intro :
E Bsus  Dbm A E

  E                    Bsus  Dbm
I know sometimes you're scared  of the light
    A                                  E
But how will you ever know if you never try
        E              Bsus  Dbm
There's something new  in -- side  my heart
      A                                E
And it cries like a child whenever we're apart
    E                    Bsus  Dbm
I've seen your face under ev -- ery sky
          A                  E
I find the less I look, more I find

            E                      Bsus  Dbm  B
So let's go back there, back to the start
Swear I'm never gonna leave you
                      Dbm  B
You're the only one I want
        E                      Bsus  Dbm  B
Let's go back there, back to the start
You know I'm never gonna leave you
                      Dbm  B  E
You're the only one I want

    E                      Bsus  Dbm
You know sometimes that I'm scared  of the dark
        A                                        E
But I'm feelin' somethin' brave when I'm in your arms
    E                    Bsus  Dbm
You said my name in the dead    of glory
You hold me upright
When I'm strong or fallin'

            E                      Bsus  Dbm  B
So let's go back there, back to the start
Swear I'm never gonna leave you
                      Dbm  B
You're the only one I want
        E                      Bsus  Dbm  B
Let's go back there, back to the start
You know I'm never gonna leave you
                      Dbm  B
You're the only one I want

There will be times
When we'll try to give it up
Bursting at the seams
                    Dbm          B
No doubt that we'll almost fall apart
Than burn to pieces
          E                  B
And we'll watch them turn to dust
        A              B
But without each other, nothing is easy enough

            E                      Bsus  Dbm  B
So let's go back there, back to the start
Swear I'm never gonna leave you
                      Dbm  B
You're the only one I want
        E                      Bsus  Dbm  B
Let's go back there, back to the start
You know I'm never gonna leave you
                      Dbm  B    E
You're the only one I want, yeah

                Bsus  Dbm  B
You're the only one
Never gonna leave there
        A                B    E  Bsus  Dbm  B  A  E  B  E
No, I'm never gonna leave you, no

Dm, F, Bb, C, Csus

Intro :
F Csus  Dm Bb F

  F                    Csus  Dm
I know sometimes you're scared  of the light
    Bb                                  F
But how will you ever know if you never try
        F              Csus  Dm
There's something new  in -- side  my heart
      Bb                                F
And it cries like a child whenever we're apart
    F                    Csus  Dm
I've seen your face under ev -- ery sky
          Bb                  F
I find the less I look, more I find

            F                      Csus  Dm  C
So let's go back there, back to the start
Swear I'm never gonna leave you
                      Dm  C
You're the only one I want
        F                      Csus  Dm  C
Let's go back there, back to the start
You know I'm never gonna leave you
                      Dm  C  F
You're the only one I want

    F                      Csus  Dm
You know sometimes that I'm scared  of the dark
        Bb                                        F
But I'm feelin' somethin' brave when I'm in your arms
    F                    Csus  Dm
You said my name in the dead    of glory
You hold me upright
When I'm strong or fallin'

            F                      Csus  Dm  C
So let's go back there, back to the start
Swear I'm never gonna leave you
                      Dm  C
You're the only one I want
        F                      Csus  Dm  C
Let's go back there, back to the start
You know I'm never gonna leave you
                      Dm  C
You're the only one I want

There will be times
When we'll try to give it up
Bursting at the seams
                    Dm          C
No doubt that we'll almost fall apart
Than burn to pieces
          F                  C
And we'll watch them turn to dust
        Bb              C
But without each other, nothing is easy enough

            F                      Csus  Dm  C
So let's go back there, back to the start
Swear I'm never gonna leave you
                      Dm  C
You're the only one I want
        F                      Csus  Dm  C
Let's go back there, back to the start
You know I'm never gonna leave you
                      Dm  C    F
You're the only one I want, yeah

                Csus  Dm  C
You're the only one
Never gonna leave there
        Bb                C    F  Csus  Dm  C  Bb  F  C  F
No, I'm never gonna leave you, no

Ebm, Gb, B, Db, Dbsus

Intro :
Gb Dbsus  Ebm B Gb

  Gb                    Dbsus  Ebm
I know sometimes you're scared  of the light
    B                                  Gb
But how will you ever know if you never try
        Gb              Dbsus  Ebm
There's something new  in -- side  my heart
      B                                Gb
And it cries like a child whenever we're apart
    Gb                    Dbsus  Ebm
I've seen your face under ev -- ery sky
          B                  Gb
I find the less I look, more I find

            Gb                      Dbsus  Ebm  Db
So let's go back there, back to the start
Swear I'm never gonna leave you
                      Ebm  Db
You're the only one I want
        Gb                      Dbsus  Ebm  Db
Let's go back there, back to the start
You know I'm never gonna leave you
                      Ebm  Db  Gb
You're the only one I want

    Gb                      Dbsus  Ebm
You know sometimes that I'm scared  of the dark
        B                                        Gb
But I'm feelin' somethin' brave when I'm in your arms
    Gb                    Dbsus  Ebm
You said my name in the dead    of glory
You hold me upright
When I'm strong or fallin'

            Gb                      Dbsus  Ebm  Db
So let's go back there, back to the start
Swear I'm never gonna leave you
                      Ebm  Db
You're the only one I want
        Gb                      Dbsus  Ebm  Db
Let's go back there, back to the start
You know I'm never gonna leave you
                      Ebm  Db
You're the only one I want

There will be times
When we'll try to give it up
Bursting at the seams
                    Ebm          Db
No doubt that we'll almost fall apart
Than burn to pieces
          Gb                  Db
And we'll watch them turn to dust
        B              Db
But without each other, nothing is easy enough

            Gb                      Dbsus  Ebm  Db
So let's go back there, back to the start
Swear I'm never gonna leave you
                      Ebm  Db
You're the only one I want
        Gb                      Dbsus  Ebm  Db
Let's go back there, back to the start
You know I'm never gonna leave you
                      Ebm  Db    Gb
You're the only one I want, yeah

                Dbsus  Ebm  Db
You're the only one
Never gonna leave there
        B                Db    Gb  Dbsus  Ebm  Db  B  Gb  Db  Gb
No, I'm never gonna leave you, no

Em, G, C, D, Dsus

Intro :
G Dsus  Em C G

  G                    Dsus  Em
I know sometimes you're scared  of the light
    C                                  G
But how will you ever know if you never try
        G              Dsus  Em
There's something new  in -- side  my heart
      C                                G
And it cries like a child whenever we're apart
    G                    Dsus  Em
I've seen your face under ev -- ery sky
          C                  G
I find the less I look, more I find

            G                      Dsus  Em  D
So let's go back there, back to the start
Swear I'm never gonna leave you
                      Em  D
You're the only one I want
        G                      Dsus  Em  D
Let's go back there, back to the start
You know I'm never gonna leave you
                      Em  D  G
You're the only one I want

    G                      Dsus  Em
You know sometimes that I'm scared  of the dark
        C                                        G
But I'm feelin' somethin' brave when I'm in your arms
    G                    Dsus  Em
You said my name in the dead    of glory
You hold me upright
When I'm strong or fallin'

            G                      Dsus  Em  D
So let's go back there, back to the start
Swear I'm never gonna leave you
                      Em  D
You're the only one I want
        G                      Dsus  Em  D
Let's go back there, back to the start
You know I'm never gonna leave you
                      Em  D
You're the only one I want

There will be times
When we'll try to give it up
Bursting at the seams
                    Em          D
No doubt that we'll almost fall apart
Than burn to pieces
          G                  D
And we'll watch them turn to dust
        C              D
But without each other, nothing is easy enough

            G                      Dsus  Em  D
So let's go back there, back to the start
Swear I'm never gonna leave you
                      Em  D
You're the only one I want
        G                      Dsus  Em  D
Let's go back there, back to the start
You know I'm never gonna leave you
                      Em  D    G
You're the only one I want, yeah

                Dsus  Em  D
You're the only one
Never gonna leave there
        C                D    G  Dsus  Em  D  C  G  D  G
No, I'm never gonna leave you, no

Fm, Ab, Db, Eb, Ebsus

Intro :
Ab Ebsus  Fm Db Ab

  Ab                    Ebsus  Fm
I know sometimes you're scared  of the light
    Db                                  Ab
But how will you ever know if you never try
        Ab              Ebsus  Fm
There's something new  in -- side  my heart
      Db                                Ab
And it cries like a child whenever we're apart
    Ab                    Ebsus  Fm
I've seen your face under ev -- ery sky
          Db                  Ab
I find the less I look, more I find

            Ab                      Ebsus  Fm  Eb
So let's go back there, back to the start
Swear I'm never gonna leave you
                      Fm  Eb
You're the only one I want
        Ab                      Ebsus  Fm  Eb
Let's go back there, back to the start
You know I'm never gonna leave you
                      Fm  Eb  Ab
You're the only one I want

    Ab                      Ebsus  Fm
You know sometimes that I'm scared  of the dark
        Db                                        Ab
But I'm feelin' somethin' brave when I'm in your arms
    Ab                    Ebsus  Fm
You said my name in the dead    of glory
You hold me upright
When I'm strong or fallin'

            Ab                      Ebsus  Fm  Eb
So let's go back there, back to the start
Swear I'm never gonna leave you
                      Fm  Eb
You're the only one I want
        Ab                      Ebsus  Fm  Eb
Let's go back there, back to the start
You know I'm never gonna leave you
                      Fm  Eb
You're the only one I want

There will be times
When we'll try to give it up
Bursting at the seams
                    Fm          Eb
No doubt that we'll almost fall apart
Than burn to pieces
          Ab                  Eb
And we'll watch them turn to dust
        Db              Eb
But without each other, nothing is easy enough

            Ab                      Ebsus  Fm  Eb
So let's go back there, back to the start
Swear I'm never gonna leave you
                      Fm  Eb
You're the only one I want
        Ab                      Ebsus  Fm  Eb
Let's go back there, back to the start
You know I'm never gonna leave you
                      Fm  Eb    Ab
You're the only one I want, yeah

                Ebsus  Fm  Eb
You're the only one
Never gonna leave there
        Db                Eb    Ab  Ebsus  Fm  Eb  Db  Ab  Eb  Ab
No, I'm never gonna leave you, no

Gbm, A, D, E, Esus

Intro :
A Esus  Gbm D A

  A                    Esus  Gbm
I know sometimes you're scared  of the light
    D                                  A
But how will you ever know if you never try
        A              Esus  Gbm
There's something new  in -- side  my heart
      D                                A
And it cries like a child whenever we're apart
    A                    Esus  Gbm
I've seen your face under ev -- ery sky
          D                  A
I find the less I look, more I find

            A                      Esus  Gbm  E
So let's go back there, back to the start
Swear I'm never gonna leave you
                      Gbm  E
You're the only one I want
        A                      Esus  Gbm  E
Let's go back there, back to the start
You know I'm never gonna leave you
                      Gbm  E  A
You're the only one I want

    A                      Esus  Gbm
You know sometimes that I'm scared  of the dark
        D                                        A
But I'm feelin' somethin' brave when I'm in your arms
    A                    Esus  Gbm
You said my name in the dead    of glory
You hold me upright
When I'm strong or fallin'

            A                      Esus  Gbm  E
So let's go back there, back to the start
Swear I'm never gonna leave you
                      Gbm  E
You're the only one I want
        A                      Esus  Gbm  E
Let's go back there, back to the start
You know I'm never gonna leave you
                      Gbm  E
You're the only one I want

There will be times
When we'll try to give it up
Bursting at the seams
                    Gbm          E
No doubt that we'll almost fall apart
Than burn to pieces
          A                  E
And we'll watch them turn to dust
        D              E
But without each other, nothing is easy enough

            A                      Esus  Gbm  E
So let's go back there, back to the start
Swear I'm never gonna leave you
                      Gbm  E
You're the only one I want
        A                      Esus  Gbm  E
Let's go back there, back to the start
You know I'm never gonna leave you
                      Gbm  E    A
You're the only one I want, yeah

                Esus  Gbm  E
You're the only one
Never gonna leave there
        D                E    A  Esus  Gbm  E  D  A  E  A
No, I'm never gonna leave you, no

Gm, Bb, Eb, F, Fsus

Intro :
Bb Fsus  Gm Eb Bb

  Bb                    Fsus  Gm
I know sometimes you're scared  of the light
    Eb                                  Bb
But how will you ever know if you never try
        Bb              Fsus  Gm
There's something new  in -- side  my heart
      Eb                                Bb
And it cries like a child whenever we're apart
    Bb                    Fsus  Gm
I've seen your face under ev -- ery sky
          Eb                  Bb
I find the less I look, more I find

            Bb                      Fsus  Gm  F
So let's go back there, back to the start
Swear I'm never gonna leave you
                      Gm  F
You're the only one I want
        Bb                      Fsus  Gm  F
Let's go back there, back to the start
You know I'm never gonna leave you
                      Gm  F  Bb
You're the only one I want

    Bb                      Fsus  Gm
You know sometimes that I'm scared  of the dark
        Eb                                        Bb
But I'm feelin' somethin' brave when I'm in your arms
    Bb                    Fsus  Gm
You said my name in the dead    of glory
You hold me upright
When I'm strong or fallin'

            Bb                      Fsus  Gm  F
So let's go back there, back to the start
Swear I'm never gonna leave you
                      Gm  F
You're the only one I want
        Bb                      Fsus  Gm  F
Let's go back there, back to the start
You know I'm never gonna leave you
                      Gm  F
You're the only one I want

There will be times
When we'll try to give it up
Bursting at the seams
                    Gm          F
No doubt that we'll almost fall apart
Than burn to pieces
          Bb                  F
And we'll watch them turn to dust
        Eb              F
But without each other, nothing is easy enough

            Bb                      Fsus  Gm  F
So let's go back there, back to the start
Swear I'm never gonna leave you
                      Gm  F
You're the only one I want
        Bb                      Fsus  Gm  F
Let's go back there, back to the start
You know I'm never gonna leave you
                      Gm  F    Bb
You're the only one I want, yeah

                Fsus  Gm  F
You're the only one
Never gonna leave there
        Eb                F    Bb  Fsus  Gm  F  Eb  Bb  F  Bb
No, I'm never gonna leave you, no

Abm, B, E, Gb, Gbsus

Intro :
B Gbsus  Abm E B

  B                    Gbsus  Abm
I know sometimes you're scared  of the light
    E                                  B
But how will you ever know if you never try
        B              Gbsus  Abm
There's something new  in -- side  my heart
      E                                B
And it cries like a child whenever we're apart
    B                    Gbsus  Abm
I've seen your face under ev -- ery sky
          E                  B
I find the less I look, more I find

            B                      Gbsus  Abm  Gb
So let's go back there, back to the start
Swear I'm never gonna leave you
                      Abm  Gb
You're the only one I want
        B                      Gbsus  Abm  Gb
Let's go back there, back to the start
You know I'm never gonna leave you
                      Abm  Gb  B
You're the only one I want

    B                      Gbsus  Abm
You know sometimes that I'm scared  of the dark
        E                                        B
But I'm feelin' somethin' brave when I'm in your arms
    B                    Gbsus  Abm
You said my name in the dead    of glory
You hold me upright
When I'm strong or fallin'

            B                      Gbsus  Abm  Gb
So let's go back there, back to the start
Swear I'm never gonna leave you
                      Abm  Gb
You're the only one I want
        B                      Gbsus  Abm  Gb
Let's go back there, back to the start
You know I'm never gonna leave you
                      Abm  Gb
You're the only one I want

There will be times
When we'll try to give it up
Bursting at the seams
                    Abm          Gb
No doubt that we'll almost fall apart
Than burn to pieces
          B                  Gb
And we'll watch them turn to dust
        E              Gb
But without each other, nothing is easy enough

            B                      Gbsus  Abm  Gb
So let's go back there, back to the start
Swear I'm never gonna leave you
                      Abm  Gb
You're the only one I want
        B                      Gbsus  Abm  Gb
Let's go back there, back to the start
You know I'm never gonna leave you
                      Abm  Gb    B
You're the only one I want, yeah

                Gbsus  Abm  Gb
You're the only one
Never gonna leave there
        E                Gb    B  Gbsus  Abm  Gb  E  B  Gb  B
No, I'm never gonna leave you, no

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