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O HOLY NIGHT Ukulele Chords By Josh Groban

O HOLY NIGHT uke chords and lyrics By Josh Groban


Bbm, C7, Db, Ebm, Fm, Gb, Ab

O holy night
Gb                    Db
the stars are brightly shining

it is the night
      Ab              Db
of the dear saveours  birth
Db                        Gb              Db
long lay the world in sin and errors pinning
till he appeared
        C7            Fm
and the soul felt its worth
Ab                  Db
the thrill of hope the weary world rejoices
    Ab              Db
for yonder breaks a new and glorious morn

Bbm          Fm
fall on your knees
  Ebm              Bbm
oh hear the angels voices
  Db  Ab  Db    Gb
oh night divine
  Db          Ab          Db
oh night that Christ was born
  Ab    Db    Gb
oh night divine
  Db      Ab              Db
oh night when Christ was born

verse 2 :
Chains shall He break
Gb                    Db
For the slave is our brother
          Fm      C7              Fm
And in His name all oppression shall cease
Sweet hymns of joy
In grateful chorus raise we
Ab                Db
Let all within us praise His holy name
Bbm            Fm    Ebm            Bbm
Christ is the Lord, let ever ever praise Thee
Db  Ab  Db Gb
Noël, Noël
Db      Ab          Db
Oh night, Oh night divine
Ab    Db  Gb
Noël, Noël
Db      Ab          Db
Oh night, Oh night divine
Ab    Db  Gb
Noël, Noël
    Db      Ab          Db
Oh, oh night, oh night divine

Other Versions For This Ukulele Chords Song :

Bm, Db7, D, Em, Gbm, G, A

O holy night
G                    D
the stars are brightly shining

it is the night
      A              D
of the dear saveours  birth
D                        G              D
long lay the world in sin and errors pinning
till he appeared
        Db7            Gbm
and the soul felt its worth
A                  D
the thrill of hope the weary world rejoices
    A              D
for yonder breaks a new and glorious morn

Bm          Gbm
fall on your knees
  Em              Bm
oh hear the angels voices
  D  A  D    G
oh night divine
  D          A          D
oh night that Christ was born
  A    D    G
oh night divine
  D      A              D
oh night when Christ was born

verse 2 :
Chains shall He break
G                    D
For the slave is our brother
          Gbm      Db7              Gbm
And in His name all oppression shall cease
Sweet hymns of joy
In grateful chorus raise we
A                D
Let all within us praise His holy name
Bm            Gbm    Em            Bm
Christ is the Lord, let ever ever praise Thee
D  A  D G
Noël, Noël
D      A          D
Oh night, Oh night divine
A    D  G
Noël, Noël
D      A          D
Oh night, Oh night divine
A    D  G
Noël, Noël
    D      A          D
Oh, oh night, oh night divine

Cm, D7, Eb, Fm, Gm, Ab, Bb

O holy night
Ab                    Eb
the stars are brightly shining

it is the night
      Bb              Eb
of the dear saveours  birth
Eb                        Ab              Eb
long lay the world in sin and errors pinning
till he appeared
        D7            Gm
and the soul felt its worth
Bb                  Eb
the thrill of hope the weary world rejoices
    Bb              Eb
for yonder breaks a new and glorious morn

Cm          Gm
fall on your knees
  Fm              Cm
oh hear the angels voices
  Eb  Bb  Eb    Ab
oh night divine
  Eb          Bb          Eb
oh night that Christ was born
  Bb    Eb    Ab
oh night divine
  Eb      Bb              Eb
oh night when Christ was born

verse 2 :
Chains shall He break
Ab                    Eb
For the slave is our brother
          Gm      D7              Gm
And in His name all oppression shall cease
Sweet hymns of joy
In grateful chorus raise we
Bb                Eb
Let all within us praise His holy name
Cm            Gm    Fm            Cm
Christ is the Lord, let ever ever praise Thee
Eb  Bb  Eb Ab
Noël, Noël
Eb      Bb          Eb
Oh night, Oh night divine
Bb    Eb  Ab
Noël, Noël
Eb      Bb          Eb
Oh night, Oh night divine
Bb    Eb  Ab
Noël, Noël
    Eb      Bb          Eb
Oh, oh night, oh night divine

Dbm, Eb7, E, Gbm, Abm, A, B

O holy night
A                    E
the stars are brightly shining

it is the night
      B              E
of the dear saveours  birth
E                        A              E
long lay the world in sin and errors pinning
till he appeared
        Eb7            Abm
and the soul felt its worth
B                  E
the thrill of hope the weary world rejoices
    B              E
for yonder breaks a new and glorious morn

Dbm          Abm
fall on your knees
  Gbm              Dbm
oh hear the angels voices
  E  B  E    A
oh night divine
  E          B          E
oh night that Christ was born
  B    E    A
oh night divine
  E      B              E
oh night when Christ was born

verse 2 :
Chains shall He break
A                    E
For the slave is our brother
          Abm      Eb7              Abm
And in His name all oppression shall cease
Sweet hymns of joy
In grateful chorus raise we
B                E
Let all within us praise His holy name
Dbm            Abm    Gbm            Dbm
Christ is the Lord, let ever ever praise Thee
E  B  E A
Noël, Noël
E      B          E
Oh night, Oh night divine
B    E  A
Noël, Noël
E      B          E
Oh night, Oh night divine
B    E  A
Noël, Noël
    E      B          E
Oh, oh night, oh night divine

Dm, E7, F, Gm, Am, Bb, C

O holy night
Bb                    F
the stars are brightly shining

it is the night
      C              F
of the dear saveours  birth
F                        Bb              F
long lay the world in sin and errors pinning
till he appeared
        E7            Am
and the soul felt its worth
C                  F
the thrill of hope the weary world rejoices
    C              F
for yonder breaks a new and glorious morn

Dm          Am
fall on your knees
  Gm              Dm
oh hear the angels voices
  F  C  F    Bb
oh night divine
  F          C          F
oh night that Christ was born
  C    F    Bb
oh night divine
  F      C              F
oh night when Christ was born

verse 2 :
Chains shall He break
Bb                    F
For the slave is our brother
          Am      E7              Am
And in His name all oppression shall cease
Sweet hymns of joy
In grateful chorus raise we
C                F
Let all within us praise His holy name
Dm            Am    Gm            Dm
Christ is the Lord, let ever ever praise Thee
F  C  F Bb
Noël, Noël
F      C          F
Oh night, Oh night divine
C    F  Bb
Noël, Noël
F      C          F
Oh night, Oh night divine
C    F  Bb
Noël, Noël
    F      C          F
Oh, oh night, oh night divine

Ebm, F7, Gb, Abm, Bbm, B, Db

O holy night
B                    Gb
the stars are brightly shining

it is the night
      Db              Gb
of the dear saveours  birth
Gb                        B              Gb
long lay the world in sin and errors pinning
till he appeared
        F7            Bbm
and the soul felt its worth
Db                  Gb
the thrill of hope the weary world rejoices
    Db              Gb
for yonder breaks a new and glorious morn

Ebm          Bbm
fall on your knees
  Abm              Ebm
oh hear the angels voices
  Gb  Db  Gb    B
oh night divine
  Gb          Db          Gb
oh night that Christ was born
  Db    Gb    B
oh night divine
  Gb      Db              Gb
oh night when Christ was born

verse 2 :
Chains shall He break
B                    Gb
For the slave is our brother
          Bbm      F7              Bbm
And in His name all oppression shall cease
Sweet hymns of joy
In grateful chorus raise we
Db                Gb
Let all within us praise His holy name
Ebm            Bbm    Abm            Ebm
Christ is the Lord, let ever ever praise Thee
Gb  Db  Gb B
Noël, Noël
Gb      Db          Gb
Oh night, Oh night divine
Db    Gb  B
Noël, Noël
Gb      Db          Gb
Oh night, Oh night divine
Db    Gb  B
Noël, Noël
    Gb      Db          Gb
Oh, oh night, oh night divine

Em, Gb7, G, Am, Bm, C, D

O holy night
C                    G
the stars are brightly shining

it is the night
      D              G
of the dear saveours  birth
G                        C              G
long lay the world in sin and errors pinning
till he appeared
        Gb7            Bm
and the soul felt its worth
D                  G
the thrill of hope the weary world rejoices
    D              G
for yonder breaks a new and glorious morn

Em          Bm
fall on your knees
  Am              Em
oh hear the angels voices
  G  D  G    C
oh night divine
  G          D          G
oh night that Christ was born
  D    G    C
oh night divine
  G      D              G
oh night when Christ was born

verse 2 :
Chains shall He break
C                    G
For the slave is our brother
          Bm      Gb7              Bm
And in His name all oppression shall cease
Sweet hymns of joy
In grateful chorus raise we
D                G
Let all within us praise His holy name
Em            Bm    Am            Em
Christ is the Lord, let ever ever praise Thee
G  D  G C
Noël, Noël
G      D          G
Oh night, Oh night divine
D    G  C
Noël, Noël
G      D          G
Oh night, Oh night divine
D    G  C
Noël, Noël
    G      D          G
Oh, oh night, oh night divine

Fm, G7, Ab, Bbm, Cm, Db, Eb

O holy night
Db                    Ab
the stars are brightly shining

it is the night
      Eb              Ab
of the dear saveours  birth
Ab                        Db              Ab
long lay the world in sin and errors pinning
till he appeared
        G7            Cm
and the soul felt its worth
Eb                  Ab
the thrill of hope the weary world rejoices
    Eb              Ab
for yonder breaks a new and glorious morn

Fm          Cm
fall on your knees
  Bbm              Fm
oh hear the angels voices
  Ab  Eb  Ab    Db
oh night divine
  Ab          Eb          Ab
oh night that Christ was born
  Eb    Ab    Db
oh night divine
  Ab      Eb              Ab
oh night when Christ was born

verse 2 :
Chains shall He break
Db                    Ab
For the slave is our brother
          Cm      G7              Cm
And in His name all oppression shall cease
Sweet hymns of joy
In grateful chorus raise we
Eb                Ab
Let all within us praise His holy name
Fm            Cm    Bbm            Fm
Christ is the Lord, let ever ever praise Thee
Ab  Eb  Ab Db
Noël, Noël
Ab      Eb          Ab
Oh night, Oh night divine
Eb    Ab  Db
Noël, Noël
Ab      Eb          Ab
Oh night, Oh night divine
Eb    Ab  Db
Noël, Noël
    Ab      Eb          Ab
Oh, oh night, oh night divine

Gbm, Ab7, A, Bm, Dbm, D, E

O holy night
D                    A
the stars are brightly shining

it is the night
      E              A
of the dear saveours  birth
A                        D              A
long lay the world in sin and errors pinning
till he appeared
        Ab7            Dbm
and the soul felt its worth
E                  A
the thrill of hope the weary world rejoices
    E              A
for yonder breaks a new and glorious morn

Gbm          Dbm
fall on your knees
  Bm              Gbm
oh hear the angels voices
  A  E  A    D
oh night divine
  A          E          A
oh night that Christ was born
  E    A    D
oh night divine
  A      E              A
oh night when Christ was born

verse 2 :
Chains shall He break
D                    A
For the slave is our brother
          Dbm      Ab7              Dbm
And in His name all oppression shall cease
Sweet hymns of joy
In grateful chorus raise we
E                A
Let all within us praise His holy name
Gbm            Dbm    Bm            Gbm
Christ is the Lord, let ever ever praise Thee
A  E  A D
Noël, Noël
A      E          A
Oh night, Oh night divine
E    A  D
Noël, Noël
A      E          A
Oh night, Oh night divine
E    A  D
Noël, Noël
    A      E          A
Oh, oh night, oh night divine

Gm, A7, Bb, Cm, Dm, Eb, F

O holy night
Eb                    Bb
the stars are brightly shining

it is the night
      F              Bb
of the dear saveours  birth
Bb                        Eb              Bb
long lay the world in sin and errors pinning
till he appeared
        A7            Dm
and the soul felt its worth
F                  Bb
the thrill of hope the weary world rejoices
    F              Bb
for yonder breaks a new and glorious morn

Gm          Dm
fall on your knees
  Cm              Gm
oh hear the angels voices
  Bb  F  Bb    Eb
oh night divine
  Bb          F          Bb
oh night that Christ was born
  F    Bb    Eb
oh night divine
  Bb      F              Bb
oh night when Christ was born

verse 2 :
Chains shall He break
Eb                    Bb
For the slave is our brother
          Dm      A7              Dm
And in His name all oppression shall cease
Sweet hymns of joy
In grateful chorus raise we
F                Bb
Let all within us praise His holy name
Gm            Dm    Cm            Gm
Christ is the Lord, let ever ever praise Thee
Bb  F  Bb Eb
Noël, Noël
Bb      F          Bb
Oh night, Oh night divine
F    Bb  Eb
Noël, Noël
Bb      F          Bb
Oh night, Oh night divine
F    Bb  Eb
Noël, Noël
    Bb      F          Bb
Oh, oh night, oh night divine

Abm, Bb7, B, Dbm, Ebm, E, Gb

O holy night
E                    B
the stars are brightly shining

it is the night
      Gb              B
of the dear saveours  birth
B                        E              B
long lay the world in sin and errors pinning
till he appeared
        Bb7            Ebm
and the soul felt its worth
Gb                  B
the thrill of hope the weary world rejoices
    Gb              B
for yonder breaks a new and glorious morn

Abm          Ebm
fall on your knees
  Dbm              Abm
oh hear the angels voices
  B  Gb  B    E
oh night divine
  B          Gb          B
oh night that Christ was born
  Gb    B    E
oh night divine
  B      Gb              B
oh night when Christ was born

verse 2 :
Chains shall He break
E                    B
For the slave is our brother
          Ebm      Bb7              Ebm
And in His name all oppression shall cease
Sweet hymns of joy
In grateful chorus raise we
Gb                B
Let all within us praise His holy name
Abm            Ebm    Dbm            Abm
Christ is the Lord, let ever ever praise Thee
B  Gb  B E
Noël, Noël
B      Gb          B
Oh night, Oh night divine
Gb    B  E
Noël, Noël
B      Gb          B
Oh night, Oh night divine
Gb    B  E
Noël, Noël
    B      Gb          B
Oh, oh night, oh night divine

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