By Ukulele Chords Songs
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PLEASE COME HOME FOR CHRISTMAS uke chords and lyrics By Eagles
Bb, Bb/A, Bb7, Bbmaj7, C7, C7/E, D, D7, Eb, Edim, Ebm, F, F+, F7, G, Gm, Gm/F
Intro :
Bb F G D
Verse 1 :
Bb Bbmaj7 Bb7
Bells will be ringing this sad, sad news
Eb C7/E
Oh what a Christmas to have the blues
Bb Eb Bb Bb/A Gm
My baby's gone I have no friends
C7 F F+
To wish me greetings once again
Verse 2 :
Bb Bbmaj7 Bb7
Crowds will be singing "Silent Night"
Eb C7/E
Christmas carols by candlelight
Bb Eb Bb Bb/A Gm
Please come home for Christmas, please come home for Christmas
C7 F7 Bb Bb7
If not for Christmas, by New Year's night
Bridge :
Eb Ebm
Friends and relations send salutations
Bb F+ Bb Bb7
Sure as the stars shine above
Eb Ebm
But this is Christmas, yeah, Christmas my dear
C7 F F+
The time of year to be with the one you love
Verse 3 :
Bb Bbmaj7 Bb7
So won't you tell me you'll never more roam
Eb C7/E
Christmas and New Year's will find you home
Bb D7 Gm Gm/F Eb Edim
There'll be no more sorrow, no grief and pain
Bb Gm C7 F7 Bb
And I'll be happy, happy once again
Solo :
Bb Bbmaj7 Bb7
Eb C7/E
Bb D7 Gm Gm/F Eb Edim
Ooh, There'll be no more sorrow, no grief and pain
Bb Gm C7 F7 Bb
And I'll be happy at Christmas once again
Outro :
Bb Eb Eb Eb Bb
Bb F G D
Other Versions For This Ukulele Chords Song :
B, B/Bb, B7, Bmaj7, Db7, Db7/F, Eb, Eb7, E, Fdim, Em, Gb, Gb+, Gb7, Ab, Abm, Abm/Gb
Intro :
B Gb Ab Eb
Verse 1 :
B Bmaj7 B7
Bells will be ringing this sad, sad news
E Db7/F
Oh what a Christmas to have the blues
B E B B/Bb Abm
My baby's gone I have no friends
Db7 Gb Gb+
To wish me greetings once again
Verse 2 :
B Bmaj7 B7
Crowds will be singing "Silent Night"
E Db7/F
Christmas carols by candlelight
B E B B/Bb Abm
Please come home for Christmas, please come home for Christmas
Db7 Gb7 B B7
If not for Christmas, by New Year's night
Bridge :
E Em
Friends and relations send salutations
B Gb+ B B7
Sure as the stars shine above
E Em
But this is Christmas, yeah, Christmas my dear
Db7 Gb Gb+
The time of year to be with the one you love
Verse 3 :
B Bmaj7 B7
So won't you tell me you'll never more roam
E Db7/F
Christmas and New Year's will find you home
B Eb7 Abm Abm/Gb E Fdim
There'll be no more sorrow, no grief and pain
B Abm Db7 Gb7 B
And I'll be happy, happy once again
Solo :
B Bmaj7 B7
E Db7/F
B Eb7 Abm Abm/Gb E Fdim
Ooh, There'll be no more sorrow, no grief and pain
B Abm Db7 Gb7 B
And I'll be happy at Christmas once again
Outro :
B Gb Ab Eb
C, C/B, C7, Cmaj7, D7, D7/Gb, E, E7, F, Gbdim, Fm, G, G+, G7, A, Am, Am/G
Intro :
Verse 1 :
C Cmaj7 C7
Bells will be ringing this sad, sad news
F D7/Gb
Oh what a Christmas to have the blues
C F C C/B Am
My baby's gone I have no friends
D7 G G+
To wish me greetings once again
Verse 2 :
C Cmaj7 C7
Crowds will be singing "Silent Night"
F D7/Gb
Christmas carols by candlelight
C F C C/B Am
Please come home for Christmas, please come home for Christmas
D7 G7 C C7
If not for Christmas, by New Year's night
Bridge :
F Fm
Friends and relations send salutations
C G+ C C7
Sure as the stars shine above
F Fm
But this is Christmas, yeah, Christmas my dear
D7 G G+
The time of year to be with the one you love
Verse 3 :
C Cmaj7 C7
So won't you tell me you'll never more roam
F D7/Gb
Christmas and New Year's will find you home
C E7 Am Am/G F Gbdim
There'll be no more sorrow, no grief and pain
C Am D7 G7 C
And I'll be happy, happy once again
Solo :
C Cmaj7 C7
F D7/Gb
C E7 Am Am/G F Gbdim
Ooh, There'll be no more sorrow, no grief and pain
C Am D7 G7 C
And I'll be happy at Christmas once again
Outro :
Db, Db/C, Db7, Dbmaj7, Eb7, Eb7/G, F, F7, Gb, Gdim, Gbm, Ab, Ab+, Ab7, Bb, Bbm, Bbm/Ab
Intro :
Db Ab Bb F
Verse 1 :
Db Dbmaj7 Db7
Bells will be ringing this sad, sad news
Gb Eb7/G
Oh what a Christmas to have the blues
Db Gb Db Db/C Bbm
My baby's gone I have no friends
Eb7 Ab Ab+
To wish me greetings once again
Verse 2 :
Db Dbmaj7 Db7
Crowds will be singing "Silent Night"
Gb Eb7/G
Christmas carols by candlelight
Db Gb Db Db/C Bbm
Please come home for Christmas, please come home for Christmas
Eb7 Ab7 Db Db7
If not for Christmas, by New Year's night
Bridge :
Gb Gbm
Friends and relations send salutations
Db Ab+ Db Db7
Sure as the stars shine above
Gb Gbm
But this is Christmas, yeah, Christmas my dear
Eb7 Ab Ab+
The time of year to be with the one you love
Verse 3 :
Db Dbmaj7 Db7
So won't you tell me you'll never more roam
Gb Eb7/G
Christmas and New Year's will find you home
Db F7 Bbm Bbm/Ab Gb Gdim
There'll be no more sorrow, no grief and pain
Db Bbm Eb7 Ab7 Db
And I'll be happy, happy once again
Solo :
Db Dbmaj7 Db7
Gb Eb7/G
Db F7 Bbm Bbm/Ab Gb Gdim
Ooh, There'll be no more sorrow, no grief and pain
Db Bbm Eb7 Ab7 Db
And I'll be happy at Christmas once again
Outro :
Db Gb Gb Gb Db
Db Ab Bb F
D, D/Db, D7, Dmaj7, E7, E7/Ab, Gb, Gb7, G, Abdim, Gm, A, A+, A7, B, Bm, Bm/A
Intro :
D A B Gb
Verse 1 :
D Dmaj7 D7
Bells will be ringing this sad, sad news
G E7/Ab
Oh what a Christmas to have the blues
D G D D/Db Bm
My baby's gone I have no friends
E7 A A+
To wish me greetings once again
Verse 2 :
D Dmaj7 D7
Crowds will be singing "Silent Night"
G E7/Ab
Christmas carols by candlelight
D G D D/Db Bm
Please come home for Christmas, please come home for Christmas
E7 A7 D D7
If not for Christmas, by New Year's night
Bridge :
G Gm
Friends and relations send salutations
D A+ D D7
Sure as the stars shine above
G Gm
But this is Christmas, yeah, Christmas my dear
E7 A A+
The time of year to be with the one you love
Verse 3 :
D Dmaj7 D7
So won't you tell me you'll never more roam
G E7/Ab
Christmas and New Year's will find you home
D Gb7 Bm Bm/A G Abdim
There'll be no more sorrow, no grief and pain
D Bm E7 A7 D
And I'll be happy, happy once again
Solo :
D Dmaj7 D7
G E7/Ab
D Gb7 Bm Bm/A G Abdim
Ooh, There'll be no more sorrow, no grief and pain
D Bm E7 A7 D
And I'll be happy at Christmas once again
Outro :
D A B Gb
Eb, Eb/D, Eb7, Ebmaj7, F7, F7/A, G, G7, Ab, Adim, Abm, Bb, Bb+, Bb7, C, Cm, Cm/Bb
Intro :
Eb Bb C G
Verse 1 :
Eb Ebmaj7 Eb7
Bells will be ringing this sad, sad news
Ab F7/A
Oh what a Christmas to have the blues
Eb Ab Eb Eb/D Cm
My baby's gone I have no friends
F7 Bb Bb+
To wish me greetings once again
Verse 2 :
Eb Ebmaj7 Eb7
Crowds will be singing "Silent Night"
Ab F7/A
Christmas carols by candlelight
Eb Ab Eb Eb/D Cm
Please come home for Christmas, please come home for Christmas
F7 Bb7 Eb Eb7
If not for Christmas, by New Year's night
Bridge :
Ab Abm
Friends and relations send salutations
Eb Bb+ Eb Eb7
Sure as the stars shine above
Ab Abm
But this is Christmas, yeah, Christmas my dear
F7 Bb Bb+
The time of year to be with the one you love
Verse 3 :
Eb Ebmaj7 Eb7
So won't you tell me you'll never more roam
Ab F7/A
Christmas and New Year's will find you home
Eb G7 Cm Cm/Bb Ab Adim
There'll be no more sorrow, no grief and pain
Eb Cm F7 Bb7 Eb
And I'll be happy, happy once again
Solo :
Eb Ebmaj7 Eb7
Ab F7/A
Eb G7 Cm Cm/Bb Ab Adim
Ooh, There'll be no more sorrow, no grief and pain
Eb Cm F7 Bb7 Eb
And I'll be happy at Christmas once again
Outro :
Eb Ab Ab Ab Eb
Eb Bb C G
E, E/Eb, E7, Emaj7, Gb7, Gb7/Bb, Ab, Ab7, A, Bbdim, Am, B, B+, B7, Db, Dbm, Dbm/B
Intro :
E B Db Ab
Verse 1 :
E Emaj7 E7
Bells will be ringing this sad, sad news
A Gb7/Bb
Oh what a Christmas to have the blues
E A E E/Eb Dbm
My baby's gone I have no friends
Gb7 B B+
To wish me greetings once again
Verse 2 :
E Emaj7 E7
Crowds will be singing "Silent Night"
A Gb7/Bb
Christmas carols by candlelight
E A E E/Eb Dbm
Please come home for Christmas, please come home for Christmas
Gb7 B7 E E7
If not for Christmas, by New Year's night
Bridge :
A Am
Friends and relations send salutations
E B+ E E7
Sure as the stars shine above
A Am
But this is Christmas, yeah, Christmas my dear
Gb7 B B+
The time of year to be with the one you love
Verse 3 :
E Emaj7 E7
So won't you tell me you'll never more roam
A Gb7/Bb
Christmas and New Year's will find you home
E Ab7 Dbm Dbm/B A Bbdim
There'll be no more sorrow, no grief and pain
E Dbm Gb7 B7 E
And I'll be happy, happy once again
Solo :
E Emaj7 E7
A Gb7/Bb
E Ab7 Dbm Dbm/B A Bbdim
Ooh, There'll be no more sorrow, no grief and pain
E Dbm Gb7 B7 E
And I'll be happy at Christmas once again
Outro :
E B Db Ab
F, F/E, F7, Fmaj7, G7, G7/B, A, A7, Bb, Bdim, Bbm, C, C+, C7, D, Dm, Dm/C
Intro :
Verse 1 :
F Fmaj7 F7
Bells will be ringing this sad, sad news
Bb G7/B
Oh what a Christmas to have the blues
F Bb F F/E Dm
My baby's gone I have no friends
G7 C C+
To wish me greetings once again
Verse 2 :
F Fmaj7 F7
Crowds will be singing "Silent Night"
Bb G7/B
Christmas carols by candlelight
F Bb F F/E Dm
Please come home for Christmas, please come home for Christmas
G7 C7 F F7
If not for Christmas, by New Year's night
Bridge :
Bb Bbm
Friends and relations send salutations
F C+ F F7
Sure as the stars shine above
Bb Bbm
But this is Christmas, yeah, Christmas my dear
G7 C C+
The time of year to be with the one you love
Verse 3 :
F Fmaj7 F7
So won't you tell me you'll never more roam
Bb G7/B
Christmas and New Year's will find you home
F A7 Dm Dm/C Bb Bdim
There'll be no more sorrow, no grief and pain
F Dm G7 C7 F
And I'll be happy, happy once again
Solo :
F Fmaj7 F7
Bb G7/B
F A7 Dm Dm/C Bb Bdim
Ooh, There'll be no more sorrow, no grief and pain
F Dm G7 C7 F
And I'll be happy at Christmas once again
Outro :
F Bb Bb Bb F
Gb, Gb/F, Gb7, Gbmaj7, Ab7, Ab7/C, Bb, Bb7, B, Cdim, Bm, Db, Db+, Db7, Eb, Ebm, Ebm/Db
Intro :
Gb Db Eb Bb
Verse 1 :
Gb Gbmaj7 Gb7
Bells will be ringing this sad, sad news
B Ab7/C
Oh what a Christmas to have the blues
Gb B Gb Gb/F Ebm
My baby's gone I have no friends
Ab7 Db Db+
To wish me greetings once again
Verse 2 :
Gb Gbmaj7 Gb7
Crowds will be singing "Silent Night"
B Ab7/C
Christmas carols by candlelight
Gb B Gb Gb/F Ebm
Please come home for Christmas, please come home for Christmas
Ab7 Db7 Gb Gb7
If not for Christmas, by New Year's night
Bridge :
B Bm
Friends and relations send salutations
Gb Db+ Gb Gb7
Sure as the stars shine above
B Bm
But this is Christmas, yeah, Christmas my dear
Ab7 Db Db+
The time of year to be with the one you love
Verse 3 :
Gb Gbmaj7 Gb7
So won't you tell me you'll never more roam
B Ab7/C
Christmas and New Year's will find you home
Gb Bb7 Ebm Ebm/Db B Cdim
There'll be no more sorrow, no grief and pain
Gb Ebm Ab7 Db7 Gb
And I'll be happy, happy once again
Solo :
Gb Gbmaj7 Gb7
B Ab7/C
Gb Bb7 Ebm Ebm/Db B Cdim
Ooh, There'll be no more sorrow, no grief and pain
Gb Ebm Ab7 Db7 Gb
And I'll be happy at Christmas once again
Outro :
Gb B B B Gb
Gb Db Eb Bb
G, G/Gb, G7, Gmaj7, A7, A7/Db, B, B7, C, Dbdim, Cm, D, D+, D7, E, Em, Em/D
Intro :
Verse 1 :
G Gmaj7 G7
Bells will be ringing this sad, sad news
C A7/Db
Oh what a Christmas to have the blues
G C G G/Gb Em
My baby's gone I have no friends
A7 D D+
To wish me greetings once again
Verse 2 :
G Gmaj7 G7
Crowds will be singing "Silent Night"
C A7/Db
Christmas carols by candlelight
G C G G/Gb Em
Please come home for Christmas, please come home for Christmas
A7 D7 G G7
If not for Christmas, by New Year's night
Bridge :
C Cm
Friends and relations send salutations
G D+ G G7
Sure as the stars shine above
C Cm
But this is Christmas, yeah, Christmas my dear
A7 D D+
The time of year to be with the one you love
Verse 3 :
G Gmaj7 G7
So won't you tell me you'll never more roam
C A7/Db
Christmas and New Year's will find you home
G B7 Em Em/D C Dbdim
There'll be no more sorrow, no grief and pain
G Em A7 D7 G
And I'll be happy, happy once again
Solo :
G Gmaj7 G7
C A7/Db
G B7 Em Em/D C Dbdim
Ooh, There'll be no more sorrow, no grief and pain
G Em A7 D7 G
And I'll be happy at Christmas once again
Outro :
Ab, Ab/G, Ab7, Abmaj7, Bb7, Bb7/D, C, C7, Db, Ddim, Dbm, Eb, Eb+, Eb7, F, Fm, Fm/Eb
Intro :
Ab Eb F C
Verse 1 :
Ab Abmaj7 Ab7
Bells will be ringing this sad, sad news
Db Bb7/D
Oh what a Christmas to have the blues
Ab Db Ab Ab/G Fm
My baby's gone I have no friends
Bb7 Eb Eb+
To wish me greetings once again
Verse 2 :
Ab Abmaj7 Ab7
Crowds will be singing "Silent Night"
Db Bb7/D
Christmas carols by candlelight
Ab Db Ab Ab/G Fm
Please come home for Christmas, please come home for Christmas
Bb7 Eb7 Ab Ab7
If not for Christmas, by New Year's night
Bridge :
Db Dbm
Friends and relations send salutations
Ab Eb+ Ab Ab7
Sure as the stars shine above
Db Dbm
But this is Christmas, yeah, Christmas my dear
Bb7 Eb Eb+
The time of year to be with the one you love
Verse 3 :
Ab Abmaj7 Ab7
So won't you tell me you'll never more roam
Db Bb7/D
Christmas and New Year's will find you home
Ab C7 Fm Fm/Eb Db Ddim
There'll be no more sorrow, no grief and pain
Ab Fm Bb7 Eb7 Ab
And I'll be happy, happy once again
Solo :
Ab Abmaj7 Ab7
Db Bb7/D
Ab C7 Fm Fm/Eb Db Ddim
Ooh, There'll be no more sorrow, no grief and pain
Ab Fm Bb7 Eb7 Ab
And I'll be happy at Christmas once again
Outro :
Ab Db Db Db Ab
Ab Eb F C
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