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SLEIGH RIDE Ukulele Chords By Johnny Mathis

SLEIGH RIDE uke chords and lyrics By Johnny Mathis


Bb7, Bbm, C, C7, Db, Dbmaj7, Eb, Eb6, Ebm, Ebm7, F, F6, F7, E, Fm, Fm7, Gb, Gm, Gm7, Gbm7, Ab, Ab7, Abmaj7

Verse 1 :
                Db            Bbm        Ebm        Ab        Db    Bbm  Ebm      Ab
Just hear those sleigh bells jingling, ring ting tingling too        Come on, it's
Db      Bbm            Ebm            Ab          Db    Bbm    E    Ab
lovely weather for a sleigh ride together with you,          Outside the
Db      Bbm          Ebm          Ab          Db    Bbm  Ebm      Ab
snow is falling and friends are calling "Yoohoo,"        Come on, it's
Db      Bbm            Ebm            Ab          Db
lovely weather for a sleigh ride together with you. 

Chorus 1 :
      Gm                C7          F                    F6
Giddy up, giddy up, giddy up,let's go,    Let's look at the show,
Gm7              C7            F
We're riding in a wonderland of snow.
      Fm7                Bb7            Eb                Eb6
Giddy up, giddy up, giddy up,it's grand, Just holding your hand,
Ebm                                      Ab7    Ebm7  Ab7
    We're gliding along with a song in a wintry fairy land.

Verse 2 :
              Db        Bbm      Ebm    Ab        Db    Bbm  Ebm      Ab
Our cheeks are nice and rosy and comfy cozy are we          We're snuggled
Db    Bbm          Ebm        Ab            Db  Bbm  E      Ab
up together like birds of a feather would be          Let's take that
Db      Bbm          Ebm    Ab        Db  Bbm  Ebm      Ab7
road before us and sing a chorus or two        Come on, it's
Db      Bbm            Ebm            Ab7          Db
lovely weather for a sleigh ride together with you.

Chorus 2 :
          Abmaj7                                Fm
There's a birthday party at the home of Farmer Gray
      Dbmaj7                          Bbm
It'll be the perfect ending a perfect day
        Db                    Gb      Ab        Fm    F7    Bbm
We'll be singing the songs we love to sing without a single stop,
      F        Gbm7      Gm7      C        F
At the fireplace while we watch the chestnuts pop.
Ebm        Ab
Pop! pop! pop! 

          Abmaj7                                  Fm
There's a happy feeling nothing in the world can buy,
          Dbmaj7                                    Bbm
When they pass around the chocolate and the pumpkin pie
      Db                Gb      Ab        Fm  F7    Bbm
It'll nearly be like a picture print by Currier and Ives
Ebm7                                                                    Ab7

Other Versions For This Ukulele Chords Song :

B7, Bm, Db, Db7, D, Dmaj7, E, E6, Em, Em7, Gb, Gb6, Gb7, F, Gbm, Gbm7, G, Abm, Abm7, Gm7, A, A7, Amaj7

Verse 1 :
                D            Bm        Em        A        D    Bm  Em      A
Just hear those sleigh bells jingling, ring ting tingling too        Come on, it's
D      Bm            Em            A          D    Bm    F    A
lovely weather for a sleigh ride together with you,          Outside the
D      Bm          Em          A          D    Bm  Em      A
snow is falling and friends are calling "Yoohoo,"        Come on, it's
D      Bm            Em            A          D
lovely weather for a sleigh ride together with you. 

Chorus 1 :
      Abm                Db7          Gb                    Gb6
Giddy up, giddy up, giddy up,let's go,    Let's look at the show,
Abm7              Db7            Gb
We're riding in a wonderland of snow.
      Gbm7                B7            E                E6
Giddy up, giddy up, giddy up,it's grand, Just holding your hand,
Em                                      A7    Em7  A7
    We're gliding along with a song in a wintry fairy land.

Verse 2 :
              D        Bm      Em    A        D    Bm  Em      A
Our cheeks are nice and rosy and comfy cozy are we          We're snuggled
D    Bm          Em        A            D  Bm  F      A
up together like birds of a feather would be          Let's take that
D      Bm          Em    A        D  Bm  Em      A7
road before us and sing a chorus or two        Come on, it's
D      Bm            Em            A7          D
lovely weather for a sleigh ride together with you.

Chorus 2 :
          Amaj7                                Gbm
There's a birthday party at the home of Farmer Gray
      Dmaj7                          Bm
It'll be the perfect ending a perfect day
        D                    G      A        Gbm    Gb7    Bm
We'll be singing the songs we love to sing without a single stop,
      Gb        Gm7      Abm7      Db        Gb
At the fireplace while we watch the chestnuts pop.
Em        A
Pop! pop! pop! 

          Amaj7                                  Gbm
There's a happy feeling nothing in the world can buy,
          Dmaj7                                    Bm
When they pass around the chocolate and the pumpkin pie
      D                G      A        Gbm  Gb7    Bm
It'll nearly be like a picture print by Currier and Ives
Em7                                                                    A7

C7, Cm, D, D7, Eb, Ebmaj7, F, F6, Fm, Fm7, G, G6, G7, Gb, Gm, Gm7, Ab, Am, Am7, Abm7, Bb, Bb7, Bbmaj7

Verse 1 :
                Eb            Cm        Fm        Bb        Eb    Cm  Fm      Bb
Just hear those sleigh bells jingling, ring ting tingling too        Come on, it's
Eb      Cm            Fm            Bb          Eb    Cm    Gb    Bb
lovely weather for a sleigh ride together with you,          Outside the
Eb      Cm          Fm          Bb          Eb    Cm  Fm      Bb
snow is falling and friends are calling "Yoohoo,"        Come on, it's
Eb      Cm            Fm            Bb          Eb
lovely weather for a sleigh ride together with you. 

Chorus 1 :
      Am                D7          G                    G6
Giddy up, giddy up, giddy up,let's go,    Let's look at the show,
Am7              D7            G
We're riding in a wonderland of snow.
      Gm7                C7            F                F6
Giddy up, giddy up, giddy up,it's grand, Just holding your hand,
Fm                                      Bb7    Fm7  Bb7
    We're gliding along with a song in a wintry fairy land.

Verse 2 :
              Eb        Cm      Fm    Bb        Eb    Cm  Fm      Bb
Our cheeks are nice and rosy and comfy cozy are we          We're snuggled
Eb    Cm          Fm        Bb            Eb  Cm  Gb      Bb
up together like birds of a feather would be          Let's take that
Eb      Cm          Fm    Bb        Eb  Cm  Fm      Bb7
road before us and sing a chorus or two        Come on, it's
Eb      Cm            Fm            Bb7          Eb
lovely weather for a sleigh ride together with you.

Chorus 2 :
          Bbmaj7                                Gm
There's a birthday party at the home of Farmer Gray
      Ebmaj7                          Cm
It'll be the perfect ending a perfect day
        Eb                    Ab      Bb        Gm    G7    Cm
We'll be singing the songs we love to sing without a single stop,
      G        Abm7      Am7      D        G
At the fireplace while we watch the chestnuts pop.
Fm        Bb
Pop! pop! pop! 

          Bbmaj7                                  Gm
There's a happy feeling nothing in the world can buy,
          Ebmaj7                                    Cm
When they pass around the chocolate and the pumpkin pie
      Eb                Ab      Bb        Gm  G7    Cm
It'll nearly be like a picture print by Currier and Ives
Fm7                                                                    Bb7

Db7, Dbm, Eb, Eb7, E, Emaj7, Gb, Gb6, Gbm, Gbm7, Ab, Ab6, Ab7, G, Abm, Abm7, A, Bbm, Bbm7, Am7, B, B7, Bmaj7

Verse 1 :
                E            Dbm        Gbm        B        E    Dbm  Gbm      B
Just hear those sleigh bells jingling, ring ting tingling too        Come on, it's
E      Dbm            Gbm            B          E    Dbm    G    B
lovely weather for a sleigh ride together with you,          Outside the
E      Dbm          Gbm          B          E    Dbm  Gbm      B
snow is falling and friends are calling "Yoohoo,"        Come on, it's
E      Dbm            Gbm            B          E
lovely weather for a sleigh ride together with you. 

Chorus 1 :
      Bbm                Eb7          Ab                    Ab6
Giddy up, giddy up, giddy up,let's go,    Let's look at the show,
Bbm7              Eb7            Ab
We're riding in a wonderland of snow.
      Abm7                Db7            Gb                Gb6
Giddy up, giddy up, giddy up,it's grand, Just holding your hand,
Gbm                                      B7    Gbm7  B7
    We're gliding along with a song in a wintry fairy land.

Verse 2 :
              E        Dbm      Gbm    B        E    Dbm  Gbm      B
Our cheeks are nice and rosy and comfy cozy are we          We're snuggled
E    Dbm          Gbm        B            E  Dbm  G      B
up together like birds of a feather would be          Let's take that
E      Dbm          Gbm    B        E  Dbm  Gbm      B7
road before us and sing a chorus or two        Come on, it's
E      Dbm            Gbm            B7          E
lovely weather for a sleigh ride together with you.

Chorus 2 :
          Bmaj7                                Abm
There's a birthday party at the home of Farmer Gray
      Emaj7                          Dbm
It'll be the perfect ending a perfect day
        E                    A      B        Abm    Ab7    Dbm
We'll be singing the songs we love to sing without a single stop,
      Ab        Am7      Bbm7      Eb        Ab
At the fireplace while we watch the chestnuts pop.
Gbm        B
Pop! pop! pop! 

          Bmaj7                                  Abm
There's a happy feeling nothing in the world can buy,
          Emaj7                                    Dbm
When they pass around the chocolate and the pumpkin pie
      E                A      B        Abm  Ab7    Dbm
It'll nearly be like a picture print by Currier and Ives
Gbm7                                                                    B7

D7, Dm, E, E7, F, Fmaj7, G, G6, Gm, Gm7, A, A6, A7, Ab, Am, Am7, Bb, Bm, Bm7, Bbm7, C, C7, Cmaj7

Verse 1 :
                F            Dm        Gm        C        F    Dm  Gm      C
Just hear those sleigh bells jingling, ring ting tingling too        Come on, it's
F      Dm            Gm            C          F    Dm    Ab    C
lovely weather for a sleigh ride together with you,          Outside the
F      Dm          Gm          C          F    Dm  Gm      C
snow is falling and friends are calling "Yoohoo,"        Come on, it's
F      Dm            Gm            C          F
lovely weather for a sleigh ride together with you. 

Chorus 1 :
      Bm                E7          A                    A6
Giddy up, giddy up, giddy up,let's go,    Let's look at the show,
Bm7              E7            A
We're riding in a wonderland of snow.
      Am7                D7            G                G6
Giddy up, giddy up, giddy up,it's grand, Just holding your hand,
Gm                                      C7    Gm7  C7
    We're gliding along with a song in a wintry fairy land.

Verse 2 :
              F        Dm      Gm    C        F    Dm  Gm      C
Our cheeks are nice and rosy and comfy cozy are we          We're snuggled
F    Dm          Gm        C            F  Dm  Ab      C
up together like birds of a feather would be          Let's take that
F      Dm          Gm    C        F  Dm  Gm      C7
road before us and sing a chorus or two        Come on, it's
F      Dm            Gm            C7          F
lovely weather for a sleigh ride together with you.

Chorus 2 :
          Cmaj7                                Am
There's a birthday party at the home of Farmer Gray
      Fmaj7                          Dm
It'll be the perfect ending a perfect day
        F                    Bb      C        Am    A7    Dm
We'll be singing the songs we love to sing without a single stop,
      A        Bbm7      Bm7      E        A
At the fireplace while we watch the chestnuts pop.
Gm        C
Pop! pop! pop! 

          Cmaj7                                  Am
There's a happy feeling nothing in the world can buy,
          Fmaj7                                    Dm
When they pass around the chocolate and the pumpkin pie
      F                Bb      C        Am  A7    Dm
It'll nearly be like a picture print by Currier and Ives
Gm7                                                                    C7

Eb7, Ebm, F, F7, Gb, Gbmaj7, Ab, Ab6, Abm, Abm7, Bb, Bb6, Bb7, A, Bbm, Bbm7, B, Cm, Cm7, Bm7, Db, Db7, Dbmaj7

Verse 1 :
                Gb            Ebm        Abm        Db        Gb    Ebm  Abm      Db
Just hear those sleigh bells jingling, ring ting tingling too        Come on, it's
Gb      Ebm            Abm            Db          Gb    Ebm    A    Db
lovely weather for a sleigh ride together with you,          Outside the
Gb      Ebm          Abm          Db          Gb    Ebm  Abm      Db
snow is falling and friends are calling "Yoohoo,"        Come on, it's
Gb      Ebm            Abm            Db          Gb
lovely weather for a sleigh ride together with you. 

Chorus 1 :
      Cm                F7          Bb                    Bb6
Giddy up, giddy up, giddy up,let's go,    Let's look at the show,
Cm7              F7            Bb
We're riding in a wonderland of snow.
      Bbm7                Eb7            Ab                Ab6
Giddy up, giddy up, giddy up,it's grand, Just holding your hand,
Abm                                      Db7    Abm7  Db7
    We're gliding along with a song in a wintry fairy land.

Verse 2 :
              Gb        Ebm      Abm    Db        Gb    Ebm  Abm      Db
Our cheeks are nice and rosy and comfy cozy are we          We're snuggled
Gb    Ebm          Abm        Db            Gb  Ebm  A      Db
up together like birds of a feather would be          Let's take that
Gb      Ebm          Abm    Db        Gb  Ebm  Abm      Db7
road before us and sing a chorus or two        Come on, it's
Gb      Ebm            Abm            Db7          Gb
lovely weather for a sleigh ride together with you.

Chorus 2 :
          Dbmaj7                                Bbm
There's a birthday party at the home of Farmer Gray
      Gbmaj7                          Ebm
It'll be the perfect ending a perfect day
        Gb                    B      Db        Bbm    Bb7    Ebm
We'll be singing the songs we love to sing without a single stop,
      Bb        Bm7      Cm7      F        Bb
At the fireplace while we watch the chestnuts pop.
Abm        Db
Pop! pop! pop! 

          Dbmaj7                                  Bbm
There's a happy feeling nothing in the world can buy,
          Gbmaj7                                    Ebm
When they pass around the chocolate and the pumpkin pie
      Gb                B      Db        Bbm  Bb7    Ebm
It'll nearly be like a picture print by Currier and Ives
Abm7                                                                    Db7

E7, Em, Gb, Gb7, G, Gmaj7, A, A6, Am, Am7, B, B6, B7, Bb, Bm, Bm7, C, Dbm, Dbm7, Cm7, D, D7, Dmaj7

Verse 1 :
                G            Em        Am        D        G    Em  Am      D
Just hear those sleigh bells jingling, ring ting tingling too        Come on, it's
G      Em            Am            D          G    Em    Bb    D
lovely weather for a sleigh ride together with you,          Outside the
G      Em          Am          D          G    Em  Am      D
snow is falling and friends are calling "Yoohoo,"        Come on, it's
G      Em            Am            D          G
lovely weather for a sleigh ride together with you. 

Chorus 1 :
      Dbm                Gb7          B                    B6
Giddy up, giddy up, giddy up,let's go,    Let's look at the show,
Dbm7              Gb7            B
We're riding in a wonderland of snow.
      Bm7                E7            A                A6
Giddy up, giddy up, giddy up,it's grand, Just holding your hand,
Am                                      D7    Am7  D7
    We're gliding along with a song in a wintry fairy land.

Verse 2 :
              G        Em      Am    D        G    Em  Am      D
Our cheeks are nice and rosy and comfy cozy are we          We're snuggled
G    Em          Am        D            G  Em  Bb      D
up together like birds of a feather would be          Let's take that
G      Em          Am    D        G  Em  Am      D7
road before us and sing a chorus or two        Come on, it's
G      Em            Am            D7          G
lovely weather for a sleigh ride together with you.

Chorus 2 :
          Dmaj7                                Bm
There's a birthday party at the home of Farmer Gray
      Gmaj7                          Em
It'll be the perfect ending a perfect day
        G                    C      D        Bm    B7    Em
We'll be singing the songs we love to sing without a single stop,
      B        Cm7      Dbm7      Gb        B
At the fireplace while we watch the chestnuts pop.
Am        D
Pop! pop! pop! 

          Dmaj7                                  Bm
There's a happy feeling nothing in the world can buy,
          Gmaj7                                    Em
When they pass around the chocolate and the pumpkin pie
      G                C      D        Bm  B7    Em
It'll nearly be like a picture print by Currier and Ives
Am7                                                                    D7

F7, Fm, G, G7, Ab, Abmaj7, Bb, Bb6, Bbm, Bbm7, C, C6, C7, B, Cm, Cm7, Db, Dm, Dm7, Dbm7, Eb, Eb7, Ebmaj7

Verse 1 :
                Ab            Fm        Bbm        Eb        Ab    Fm  Bbm      Eb
Just hear those sleigh bells jingling, ring ting tingling too        Come on, it's
Ab      Fm            Bbm            Eb          Ab    Fm    B    Eb
lovely weather for a sleigh ride together with you,          Outside the
Ab      Fm          Bbm          Eb          Ab    Fm  Bbm      Eb
snow is falling and friends are calling "Yoohoo,"        Come on, it's
Ab      Fm            Bbm            Eb          Ab
lovely weather for a sleigh ride together with you. 

Chorus 1 :
      Dm                G7          C                    C6
Giddy up, giddy up, giddy up,let's go,    Let's look at the show,
Dm7              G7            C
We're riding in a wonderland of snow.
      Cm7                F7            Bb                Bb6
Giddy up, giddy up, giddy up,it's grand, Just holding your hand,
Bbm                                      Eb7    Bbm7  Eb7
    We're gliding along with a song in a wintry fairy land.

Verse 2 :
              Ab        Fm      Bbm    Eb        Ab    Fm  Bbm      Eb
Our cheeks are nice and rosy and comfy cozy are we          We're snuggled
Ab    Fm          Bbm        Eb            Ab  Fm  B      Eb
up together like birds of a feather would be          Let's take that
Ab      Fm          Bbm    Eb        Ab  Fm  Bbm      Eb7
road before us and sing a chorus or two        Come on, it's
Ab      Fm            Bbm            Eb7          Ab
lovely weather for a sleigh ride together with you.

Chorus 2 :
          Ebmaj7                                Cm
There's a birthday party at the home of Farmer Gray
      Abmaj7                          Fm
It'll be the perfect ending a perfect day
        Ab                    Db      Eb        Cm    C7    Fm
We'll be singing the songs we love to sing without a single stop,
      C        Dbm7      Dm7      G        C
At the fireplace while we watch the chestnuts pop.
Bbm        Eb
Pop! pop! pop! 

          Ebmaj7                                  Cm
There's a happy feeling nothing in the world can buy,
          Abmaj7                                    Fm
When they pass around the chocolate and the pumpkin pie
      Ab                Db      Eb        Cm  C7    Fm
It'll nearly be like a picture print by Currier and Ives
Bbm7                                                                    Eb7

Gb7, Gbm, Ab, Ab7, A, Amaj7, B, B6, Bm, Bm7, Db, Db6, Db7, C, Dbm, Dbm7, D, Ebm, Ebm7, Dm7, E, E7, Emaj7

Verse 1 :
                A            Gbm        Bm        E        A    Gbm  Bm      E
Just hear those sleigh bells jingling, ring ting tingling too        Come on, it's
A      Gbm            Bm            E          A    Gbm    C    E
lovely weather for a sleigh ride together with you,          Outside the
A      Gbm          Bm          E          A    Gbm  Bm      E
snow is falling and friends are calling "Yoohoo,"        Come on, it's
A      Gbm            Bm            E          A
lovely weather for a sleigh ride together with you. 

Chorus 1 :
      Ebm                Ab7          Db                    Db6
Giddy up, giddy up, giddy up,let's go,    Let's look at the show,
Ebm7              Ab7            Db
We're riding in a wonderland of snow.
      Dbm7                Gb7            B                B6
Giddy up, giddy up, giddy up,it's grand, Just holding your hand,
Bm                                      E7    Bm7  E7
    We're gliding along with a song in a wintry fairy land.

Verse 2 :
              A        Gbm      Bm    E        A    Gbm  Bm      E
Our cheeks are nice and rosy and comfy cozy are we          We're snuggled
A    Gbm          Bm        E            A  Gbm  C      E
up together like birds of a feather would be          Let's take that
A      Gbm          Bm    E        A  Gbm  Bm      E7
road before us and sing a chorus or two        Come on, it's
A      Gbm            Bm            E7          A
lovely weather for a sleigh ride together with you.

Chorus 2 :
          Emaj7                                Dbm
There's a birthday party at the home of Farmer Gray
      Amaj7                          Gbm
It'll be the perfect ending a perfect day
        A                    D      E        Dbm    Db7    Gbm
We'll be singing the songs we love to sing without a single stop,
      Db        Dm7      Ebm7      Ab        Db
At the fireplace while we watch the chestnuts pop.
Bm        E
Pop! pop! pop! 

          Emaj7                                  Dbm
There's a happy feeling nothing in the world can buy,
          Amaj7                                    Gbm
When they pass around the chocolate and the pumpkin pie
      A                D      E        Dbm  Db7    Gbm
It'll nearly be like a picture print by Currier and Ives
Bm7                                                                    E7

G7, Gm, A, A7, Bb, Bbmaj7, C, C6, Cm, Cm7, D, D6, D7, Db, Dm, Dm7, Eb, Em, Em7, Ebm7, F, F7, Fmaj7

Verse 1 :
                Bb            Gm        Cm        F        Bb    Gm  Cm      F
Just hear those sleigh bells jingling, ring ting tingling too        Come on, it's
Bb      Gm            Cm            F          Bb    Gm    Db    F
lovely weather for a sleigh ride together with you,          Outside the
Bb      Gm          Cm          F          Bb    Gm  Cm      F
snow is falling and friends are calling "Yoohoo,"        Come on, it's
Bb      Gm            Cm            F          Bb
lovely weather for a sleigh ride together with you. 

Chorus 1 :
      Em                A7          D                    D6
Giddy up, giddy up, giddy up,let's go,    Let's look at the show,
Em7              A7            D
We're riding in a wonderland of snow.
      Dm7                G7            C                C6
Giddy up, giddy up, giddy up,it's grand, Just holding your hand,
Cm                                      F7    Cm7  F7
    We're gliding along with a song in a wintry fairy land.

Verse 2 :
              Bb        Gm      Cm    F        Bb    Gm  Cm      F
Our cheeks are nice and rosy and comfy cozy are we          We're snuggled
Bb    Gm          Cm        F            Bb  Gm  Db      F
up together like birds of a feather would be          Let's take that
Bb      Gm          Cm    F        Bb  Gm  Cm      F7
road before us and sing a chorus or two        Come on, it's
Bb      Gm            Cm            F7          Bb
lovely weather for a sleigh ride together with you.

Chorus 2 :
          Fmaj7                                Dm
There's a birthday party at the home of Farmer Gray
      Bbmaj7                          Gm
It'll be the perfect ending a perfect day
        Bb                    Eb      F        Dm    D7    Gm
We'll be singing the songs we love to sing without a single stop,
      D        Ebm7      Em7      A        D
At the fireplace while we watch the chestnuts pop.
Cm        F
Pop! pop! pop! 

          Fmaj7                                  Dm
There's a happy feeling nothing in the world can buy,
          Bbmaj7                                    Gm
When they pass around the chocolate and the pumpkin pie
      Bb                Eb      F        Dm  D7    Gm
It'll nearly be like a picture print by Currier and Ives
Cm7                                                                    F7

Ab7, Abm, Bb, Bb7, B, Bmaj7, Db, Db6, Dbm, Dbm7, Eb, Eb6, Eb7, D, Ebm, Ebm7, E, Fm, Fm7, Em7, Gb, Gb7, Gbmaj7

Verse 1 :
                B            Abm        Dbm        Gb        B    Abm  Dbm      Gb
Just hear those sleigh bells jingling, ring ting tingling too        Come on, it's
B      Abm            Dbm            Gb          B    Abm    D    Gb
lovely weather for a sleigh ride together with you,          Outside the
B      Abm          Dbm          Gb          B    Abm  Dbm      Gb
snow is falling and friends are calling "Yoohoo,"        Come on, it's
B      Abm            Dbm            Gb          B
lovely weather for a sleigh ride together with you. 

Chorus 1 :
      Fm                Bb7          Eb                    Eb6
Giddy up, giddy up, giddy up,let's go,    Let's look at the show,
Fm7              Bb7            Eb
We're riding in a wonderland of snow.
      Ebm7                Ab7            Db                Db6
Giddy up, giddy up, giddy up,it's grand, Just holding your hand,
Dbm                                      Gb7    Dbm7  Gb7
    We're gliding along with a song in a wintry fairy land.

Verse 2 :
              B        Abm      Dbm    Gb        B    Abm  Dbm      Gb
Our cheeks are nice and rosy and comfy cozy are we          We're snuggled
B    Abm          Dbm        Gb            B  Abm  D      Gb
up together like birds of a feather would be          Let's take that
B      Abm          Dbm    Gb        B  Abm  Dbm      Gb7
road before us and sing a chorus or two        Come on, it's
B      Abm            Dbm            Gb7          B
lovely weather for a sleigh ride together with you.

Chorus 2 :
          Gbmaj7                                Ebm
There's a birthday party at the home of Farmer Gray
      Bmaj7                          Abm
It'll be the perfect ending a perfect day
        B                    E      Gb        Ebm    Eb7    Abm
We'll be singing the songs we love to sing without a single stop,
      Eb        Em7      Fm7      Bb        Eb
At the fireplace while we watch the chestnuts pop.
Dbm        Gb
Pop! pop! pop! 

          Gbmaj7                                  Ebm
There's a happy feeling nothing in the world can buy,
          Bmaj7                                    Abm
When they pass around the chocolate and the pumpkin pie
      B                E      Gb        Ebm  Eb7    Abm
It'll nearly be like a picture print by Currier and Ives
Dbm7                                                                    Gb7

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