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THE CHIPMUNK SONG (CHRISTMAS DON'T BE LATE) Ukulele Chords By Alvin & The Chipmunks

THE CHIPMUNK SONG (CHRISTMAS DON'T BE LATE) uke chords and lyrics By Alvin & The Chipmunks


Bb, Bb6, Bbm, Bbm7, C7, C7sus2, C7sus4, D7, F, F6, F7, Gm

Verse 1 :
F          F6        C7      C7sus2
Christmas, Christmas time is near
C7      C7sus2  F6
Time for toys and time for cheer
Bb          C7        Bb        C7
We've been good, but we can't last
Bb    C7        F6
Hurry Christmas, hurry fast
F      F6        C7        C7sus2
Want a plane that loops the loop
F    F7  Bbm7    Bb6
Me, I want a hu - la hoop

Bbm7  Bb6  Bbm    F          D7
We  can hardly stand the wait
      Gm        C7      F
Please Christmas, don't be late

Break :
F    F6    C7    C7sus2
C7  C7sus2  C7sus4  F6  F
Bb    C7    Bb    C7
Bb    C7    F6    F
F    F6    C7    C7sus2
F    F7    Bbm7  Bb6
Bbm7  Bb6    Bbm    F
Bb    C7          F

Verse 2 :
F      F6        C7        C7sus2
Want a plane that loops the loop
F      F7  Bbm7    Bb6
I still want a hu - la hoop

Bbm7  Bb6  Bbm    F          D7
We  can hardly stand the wait
      Gm        C7      F
Please Christmas, don't be late
Bbm7  Bb6  Bbm    F          D7
We  can hardly stand the wait
      Gm        C7      F
Please Christmas, don't be late

Other Versions For This Ukulele Chords Song :

B, B6, Bm, Bm7, Db7, Db7sus2, Db7sus4, Eb7, Gb, Gb6, Gb7, Abm

Verse 1 :
Gb          Gb6        Db7      Db7sus2
Christmas, Christmas time is near
Db7      Db7sus2  Gb6
Time for toys and time for cheer
B          Db7        B        Db7
We've been good, but we can't last
B    Db7        Gb6
Hurry Christmas, hurry fast
Gb      Gb6        Db7        Db7sus2
Want a plane that loops the loop
Gb    Gb7  Bm7    B6
Me, I want a hu - la hoop

Bm7  B6  Bm    Gb          Eb7
We  can hardly stand the wait
      Abm        Db7      Gb
Please Christmas, don't be late

Break :
Gb    Gb6    Db7    Db7sus2
Db7  Db7sus2  Db7sus4  Gb6  Gb
B    Db7    B    Db7
B    Db7    Gb6    Gb
Gb    Gb6    Db7    Db7sus2
Gb    Gb7    Bm7  B6
Bm7  B6    Bm    Gb
B    Db7          Gb

Verse 2 :
Gb      Gb6        Db7        Db7sus2
Want a plane that loops the loop
Gb      Gb7  Bm7    B6
I still want a hu - la hoop

Bm7  B6  Bm    Gb          Eb7
We  can hardly stand the wait
      Abm        Db7      Gb
Please Christmas, don't be late
Bm7  B6  Bm    Gb          Eb7
We  can hardly stand the wait
      Abm        Db7      Gb
Please Christmas, don't be late

C, C6, Cm, Cm7, D7, D7sus2, D7sus4, E7, G, G6, G7, Am

Verse 1 :
G          G6        D7      D7sus2
Christmas, Christmas time is near
D7      D7sus2  G6
Time for toys and time for cheer
C          D7        C        D7
We've been good, but we can't last
C    D7        G6
Hurry Christmas, hurry fast
G      G6        D7        D7sus2
Want a plane that loops the loop
G    G7  Cm7    C6
Me, I want a hu - la hoop

Cm7  C6  Cm    G          E7
We  can hardly stand the wait
      Am        D7      G
Please Christmas, don't be late

Break :
G    G6    D7    D7sus2
D7  D7sus2  D7sus4  G6  G
C    D7    C    D7
C    D7    G6    G
G    G6    D7    D7sus2
G    G7    Cm7  C6
Cm7  C6    Cm    G
C    D7          G

Verse 2 :
G      G6        D7        D7sus2
Want a plane that loops the loop
G      G7  Cm7    C6
I still want a hu - la hoop

Cm7  C6  Cm    G          E7
We  can hardly stand the wait
      Am        D7      G
Please Christmas, don't be late
Cm7  C6  Cm    G          E7
We  can hardly stand the wait
      Am        D7      G
Please Christmas, don't be late

Db, Db6, Dbm, Dbm7, Eb7, Eb7sus2, Eb7sus4, F7, Ab, Ab6, Ab7, Bbm

Verse 1 :
Ab          Ab6        Eb7      Eb7sus2
Christmas, Christmas time is near
Eb7      Eb7sus2  Ab6
Time for toys and time for cheer
Db          Eb7        Db        Eb7
We've been good, but we can't last
Db    Eb7        Ab6
Hurry Christmas, hurry fast
Ab      Ab6        Eb7        Eb7sus2
Want a plane that loops the loop
Ab    Ab7  Dbm7    Db6
Me, I want a hu - la hoop

Dbm7  Db6  Dbm    Ab          F7
We  can hardly stand the wait
      Bbm        Eb7      Ab
Please Christmas, don't be late

Break :
Ab    Ab6    Eb7    Eb7sus2
Eb7  Eb7sus2  Eb7sus4  Ab6  Ab
Db    Eb7    Db    Eb7
Db    Eb7    Ab6    Ab
Ab    Ab6    Eb7    Eb7sus2
Ab    Ab7    Dbm7  Db6
Dbm7  Db6    Dbm    Ab
Db    Eb7          Ab

Verse 2 :
Ab      Ab6        Eb7        Eb7sus2
Want a plane that loops the loop
Ab      Ab7  Dbm7    Db6
I still want a hu - la hoop

Dbm7  Db6  Dbm    Ab          F7
We  can hardly stand the wait
      Bbm        Eb7      Ab
Please Christmas, don't be late
Dbm7  Db6  Dbm    Ab          F7
We  can hardly stand the wait
      Bbm        Eb7      Ab
Please Christmas, don't be late

D, D6, Dm, Dm7, E7, E7sus2, E7sus4, Gb7, A, A6, A7, Bm

Verse 1 :
A          A6        E7      E7sus2
Christmas, Christmas time is near
E7      E7sus2  A6
Time for toys and time for cheer
D          E7        D        E7
We've been good, but we can't last
D    E7        A6
Hurry Christmas, hurry fast
A      A6        E7        E7sus2
Want a plane that loops the loop
A    A7  Dm7    D6
Me, I want a hu - la hoop

Dm7  D6  Dm    A          Gb7
We  can hardly stand the wait
      Bm        E7      A
Please Christmas, don't be late

Break :
A    A6    E7    E7sus2
E7  E7sus2  E7sus4  A6  A
D    E7    D    E7
D    E7    A6    A
A    A6    E7    E7sus2
A    A7    Dm7  D6
Dm7  D6    Dm    A
D    E7          A

Verse 2 :
A      A6        E7        E7sus2
Want a plane that loops the loop
A      A7  Dm7    D6
I still want a hu - la hoop

Dm7  D6  Dm    A          Gb7
We  can hardly stand the wait
      Bm        E7      A
Please Christmas, don't be late
Dm7  D6  Dm    A          Gb7
We  can hardly stand the wait
      Bm        E7      A
Please Christmas, don't be late

Eb, Eb6, Ebm, Ebm7, F7, F7sus2, F7sus4, G7, Bb, Bb6, Bb7, Cm

Verse 1 :
Bb          Bb6        F7      F7sus2
Christmas, Christmas time is near
F7      F7sus2  Bb6
Time for toys and time for cheer
Eb          F7        Eb        F7
We've been good, but we can't last
Eb    F7        Bb6
Hurry Christmas, hurry fast
Bb      Bb6        F7        F7sus2
Want a plane that loops the loop
Bb    Bb7  Ebm7    Eb6
Me, I want a hu - la hoop

Ebm7  Eb6  Ebm    Bb          G7
We  can hardly stand the wait
      Cm        F7      Bb
Please Christmas, don't be late

Break :
Bb    Bb6    F7    F7sus2
F7  F7sus2  F7sus4  Bb6  Bb
Eb    F7    Eb    F7
Eb    F7    Bb6    Bb
Bb    Bb6    F7    F7sus2
Bb    Bb7    Ebm7  Eb6
Ebm7  Eb6    Ebm    Bb
Eb    F7          Bb

Verse 2 :
Bb      Bb6        F7        F7sus2
Want a plane that loops the loop
Bb      Bb7  Ebm7    Eb6
I still want a hu - la hoop

Ebm7  Eb6  Ebm    Bb          G7
We  can hardly stand the wait
      Cm        F7      Bb
Please Christmas, don't be late
Ebm7  Eb6  Ebm    Bb          G7
We  can hardly stand the wait
      Cm        F7      Bb
Please Christmas, don't be late

E, E6, Em, Em7, Gb7, Gb7sus2, Gb7sus4, Ab7, B, B6, B7, Dbm

Verse 1 :
B          B6        Gb7      Gb7sus2
Christmas, Christmas time is near
Gb7      Gb7sus2  B6
Time for toys and time for cheer
E          Gb7        E        Gb7
We've been good, but we can't last
E    Gb7        B6
Hurry Christmas, hurry fast
B      B6        Gb7        Gb7sus2
Want a plane that loops the loop
B    B7  Em7    E6
Me, I want a hu - la hoop

Em7  E6  Em    B          Ab7
We  can hardly stand the wait
      Dbm        Gb7      B
Please Christmas, don't be late

Break :
B    B6    Gb7    Gb7sus2
Gb7  Gb7sus2  Gb7sus4  B6  B
E    Gb7    E    Gb7
E    Gb7    B6    B
B    B6    Gb7    Gb7sus2
B    B7    Em7  E6
Em7  E6    Em    B
E    Gb7          B

Verse 2 :
B      B6        Gb7        Gb7sus2
Want a plane that loops the loop
B      B7  Em7    E6
I still want a hu - la hoop

Em7  E6  Em    B          Ab7
We  can hardly stand the wait
      Dbm        Gb7      B
Please Christmas, don't be late
Em7  E6  Em    B          Ab7
We  can hardly stand the wait
      Dbm        Gb7      B
Please Christmas, don't be late

F, F6, Fm, Fm7, G7, G7sus2, G7sus4, A7, C, C6, C7, Dm

Verse 1 :
C          C6        G7      G7sus2
Christmas, Christmas time is near
G7      G7sus2  C6
Time for toys and time for cheer
F          G7        F        G7
We've been good, but we can't last
F    G7        C6
Hurry Christmas, hurry fast
C      C6        G7        G7sus2
Want a plane that loops the loop
C    C7  Fm7    F6
Me, I want a hu - la hoop

Fm7  F6  Fm    C          A7
We  can hardly stand the wait
      Dm        G7      C
Please Christmas, don't be late

Break :
C    C6    G7    G7sus2
G7  G7sus2  G7sus4  C6  C
F    G7    F    G7
F    G7    C6    C
C    C6    G7    G7sus2
C    C7    Fm7  F6
Fm7  F6    Fm    C
F    G7          C

Verse 2 :
C      C6        G7        G7sus2
Want a plane that loops the loop
C      C7  Fm7    F6
I still want a hu - la hoop

Fm7  F6  Fm    C          A7
We  can hardly stand the wait
      Dm        G7      C
Please Christmas, don't be late
Fm7  F6  Fm    C          A7
We  can hardly stand the wait
      Dm        G7      C
Please Christmas, don't be late

Gb, Gb6, Gbm, Gbm7, Ab7, Ab7sus2, Ab7sus4, Bb7, Db, Db6, Db7, Ebm

Verse 1 :
Db          Db6        Ab7      Ab7sus2
Christmas, Christmas time is near
Ab7      Ab7sus2  Db6
Time for toys and time for cheer
Gb          Ab7        Gb        Ab7
We've been good, but we can't last
Gb    Ab7        Db6
Hurry Christmas, hurry fast
Db      Db6        Ab7        Ab7sus2
Want a plane that loops the loop
Db    Db7  Gbm7    Gb6
Me, I want a hu - la hoop

Gbm7  Gb6  Gbm    Db          Bb7
We  can hardly stand the wait
      Ebm        Ab7      Db
Please Christmas, don't be late

Break :
Db    Db6    Ab7    Ab7sus2
Ab7  Ab7sus2  Ab7sus4  Db6  Db
Gb    Ab7    Gb    Ab7
Gb    Ab7    Db6    Db
Db    Db6    Ab7    Ab7sus2
Db    Db7    Gbm7  Gb6
Gbm7  Gb6    Gbm    Db
Gb    Ab7          Db

Verse 2 :
Db      Db6        Ab7        Ab7sus2
Want a plane that loops the loop
Db      Db7  Gbm7    Gb6
I still want a hu - la hoop

Gbm7  Gb6  Gbm    Db          Bb7
We  can hardly stand the wait
      Ebm        Ab7      Db
Please Christmas, don't be late
Gbm7  Gb6  Gbm    Db          Bb7
We  can hardly stand the wait
      Ebm        Ab7      Db
Please Christmas, don't be late

G, G6, Gm, Gm7, A7, A7sus2, A7sus4, B7, D, D6, D7, Em

Verse 1 :
D          D6        A7      A7sus2
Christmas, Christmas time is near
A7      A7sus2  D6
Time for toys and time for cheer
G          A7        G        A7
We've been good, but we can't last
G    A7        D6
Hurry Christmas, hurry fast
D      D6        A7        A7sus2
Want a plane that loops the loop
D    D7  Gm7    G6
Me, I want a hu - la hoop

Gm7  G6  Gm    D          B7
We  can hardly stand the wait
      Em        A7      D
Please Christmas, don't be late

Break :
D    D6    A7    A7sus2
A7  A7sus2  A7sus4  D6  D
G    A7    G    A7
G    A7    D6    D
D    D6    A7    A7sus2
D    D7    Gm7  G6
Gm7  G6    Gm    D
G    A7          D

Verse 2 :
D      D6        A7        A7sus2
Want a plane that loops the loop
D      D7  Gm7    G6
I still want a hu - la hoop

Gm7  G6  Gm    D          B7
We  can hardly stand the wait
      Em        A7      D
Please Christmas, don't be late
Gm7  G6  Gm    D          B7
We  can hardly stand the wait
      Em        A7      D
Please Christmas, don't be late

Ab, Ab6, Abm, Abm7, Bb7, Bb7sus2, Bb7sus4, C7, Eb, Eb6, Eb7, Fm

Verse 1 :
Eb          Eb6        Bb7      Bb7sus2
Christmas, Christmas time is near
Bb7      Bb7sus2  Eb6
Time for toys and time for cheer
Ab          Bb7        Ab        Bb7
We've been good, but we can't last
Ab    Bb7        Eb6
Hurry Christmas, hurry fast
Eb      Eb6        Bb7        Bb7sus2
Want a plane that loops the loop
Eb    Eb7  Abm7    Ab6
Me, I want a hu - la hoop

Abm7  Ab6  Abm    Eb          C7
We  can hardly stand the wait
      Fm        Bb7      Eb
Please Christmas, don't be late

Break :
Eb    Eb6    Bb7    Bb7sus2
Bb7  Bb7sus2  Bb7sus4  Eb6  Eb
Ab    Bb7    Ab    Bb7
Ab    Bb7    Eb6    Eb
Eb    Eb6    Bb7    Bb7sus2
Eb    Eb7    Abm7  Ab6
Abm7  Ab6    Abm    Eb
Ab    Bb7          Eb

Verse 2 :
Eb      Eb6        Bb7        Bb7sus2
Want a plane that loops the loop
Eb      Eb7  Abm7    Ab6
I still want a hu - la hoop

Abm7  Ab6  Abm    Eb          C7
We  can hardly stand the wait
      Fm        Bb7      Eb
Please Christmas, don't be late
Abm7  Ab6  Abm    Eb          C7
We  can hardly stand the wait
      Fm        Bb7      Eb
Please Christmas, don't be late

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