STRANGERS BY NATURE Ukulele Chords By Adele
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STRANGERS BY NATURE uke chords and lyrics By Adele
Bb, Bb/D, Bb7, Bb7/D, Bbm7, Bbsus4, C/Db, Db, Db/F, Db/Ab, Dbm7/Ab, Dbmaj7, Ebm, Ebm7, F, F7/Db, Fdim, Fm, Fm7, Gb, Gbm, Ab, Ab7
Verse 1 :
Db Fm7 Gb Bb/D Bb7/D
I'll be taking flowers to the cemetery of my heart
Ebm Ab7 Fm Bbsus4 Bb
For all of my lovers, in the present and in the dark
Ebm Gbm Dbm7/Ab Bbsus4 Bb
Every anniversary I'll pay respects and say I'm sorry
Ebm7 Ab Fdim Bb
For they never stood, chances if they could
Ebm Ab Dbmaj7
But no one knows what it's like to be us
Verse 2 :
Db F Gb Bb7/D
I've never seen the sky this color before
Ebm Ab7 Gb Db/F Bbm7
It's like I'm noticin' everythin' a little bit more
Ebm Gbm
Now that all the dust has settled
Fm Bb7
I rebut all my rebuttals
Ebm7 Ab Dbmaj7
No one knows what it's like to bе us
Chorus :
C/Db Db F7/Db Gb Fm7 Fm7 Ebm7 Ab
Strangers by naaaature
C/Db Db F7/Db Gb Fm7 Fm7 Bb7
Strangers by naaaaturе
Bridge :
Will I ever get there?
Oh, I hope that someday I’ll learn
Ebm7 Ab Db Fm7 Gb Bb/D Bb7/D
To nurture what I've done
Outro :
Ebm Ab7
Uh, huh, hm
Fm Bbsus4 Bb
Uh, huh, hm, hm, hm
Ebm Gbm Db Bbsus4 Bb
Uh, huh, hm, hm, hm
Ebm7 Ab Fdim Bb Ebm Ab
Hm, hm, hm, hm
Alright then, I'm ready
Other Versions For This Ukulele Chords Song :
B, B/Eb, B7, B7/Eb, Bm7, Bsus4, Db/D, D, D/Gb, D/A, Dm7/A, Dmaj7, Em, Em7, Gb, Gb7/D, Gbdim, Gbm, Gbm7, G, Gm, A, A7
Verse 1 :
D Gbm7 G B/Eb B7/Eb
I'll be taking flowers to the cemetery of my heart
Em A7 Gbm Bsus4 B
For all of my lovers, in the present and in the dark
Em Gm Dm7/A Bsus4 B
Every anniversary I'll pay respects and say I'm sorry
Em7 A Gbdim B
For they never stood, chances if they could
Em A Dmaj7
But no one knows what it's like to be us
Verse 2 :
D Gb G B7/Eb
I've never seen the sky this color before
Em A7 G D/Gb Bm7
It's like I'm noticin' everythin' a little bit more
Em Gm
Now that all the dust has settled
Gbm B7
I rebut all my rebuttals
Em7 A Dmaj7
No one knows what it's like to bе us
Chorus :
Db/D D Gb7/D G Gbm7 Gbm7 Em7 A
Strangers by naaaature
Db/D D Gb7/D G Gbm7 Gbm7 B7
Strangers by naaaaturе
Bridge :
Will I ever get there?
Oh, I hope that someday I’ll learn
Em7 A D Gbm7 G B/Eb B7/Eb
To nurture what I've done
Outro :
Em A7
Uh, huh, hm
Gbm Bsus4 B
Uh, huh, hm, hm, hm
Em Gm D Bsus4 B
Uh, huh, hm, hm, hm
Em7 A Gbdim B Em A
Hm, hm, hm, hm
Alright then, I'm ready
C, C/E, C7, C7/E, Cm7, Csus4, D/Eb, Eb, Eb/G, Eb/Bb, Ebm7/Bb, Ebmaj7, Fm, Fm7, G, G7/Eb, Gdim, Gm, Gm7, Ab, Abm, Bb, Bb7
Verse 1 :
Eb Gm7 Ab C/E C7/E
I'll be taking flowers to the cemetery of my heart
Fm Bb7 Gm Csus4 C
For all of my lovers, in the present and in the dark
Fm Abm Ebm7/Bb Csus4 C
Every anniversary I'll pay respects and say I'm sorry
Fm7 Bb Gdim C
For they never stood, chances if they could
Fm Bb Ebmaj7
But no one knows what it's like to be us
Verse 2 :
Eb G Ab C7/E
I've never seen the sky this color before
Fm Bb7 Ab Eb/G Cm7
It's like I'm noticin' everythin' a little bit more
Fm Abm
Now that all the dust has settled
Gm C7
I rebut all my rebuttals
Fm7 Bb Ebmaj7
No one knows what it's like to bе us
Chorus :
D/Eb Eb G7/Eb Ab Gm7 Gm7 Fm7 Bb
Strangers by naaaature
D/Eb Eb G7/Eb Ab Gm7 Gm7 C7
Strangers by naaaaturе
Bridge :
Will I ever get there?
Oh, I hope that someday I’ll learn
Fm7 Bb Eb Gm7 Ab C/E C7/E
To nurture what I've done
Outro :
Fm Bb7
Uh, huh, hm
Gm Csus4 C
Uh, huh, hm, hm, hm
Fm Abm Eb Csus4 C
Uh, huh, hm, hm, hm
Fm7 Bb Gdim C Fm Bb
Hm, hm, hm, hm
Alright then, I'm ready
Db, Db/F, Db7, Db7/F, Dbm7, Dbsus4, Eb/E, E, E/Ab, E/B, Em7/B, Emaj7, Gbm, Gbm7, Ab, Ab7/E, Abdim, Abm, Abm7, A, Am, B, B7
Verse 1 :
E Abm7 A Db/F Db7/F
I'll be taking flowers to the cemetery of my heart
Gbm B7 Abm Dbsus4 Db
For all of my lovers, in the present and in the dark
Gbm Am Em7/B Dbsus4 Db
Every anniversary I'll pay respects and say I'm sorry
Gbm7 B Abdim Db
For they never stood, chances if they could
Gbm B Emaj7
But no one knows what it's like to be us
Verse 2 :
E Ab A Db7/F
I've never seen the sky this color before
Gbm B7 A E/Ab Dbm7
It's like I'm noticin' everythin' a little bit more
Gbm Am
Now that all the dust has settled
Abm Db7
I rebut all my rebuttals
Gbm7 B Emaj7
No one knows what it's like to bе us
Chorus :
Eb/E E Ab7/E A Abm7 Abm7 Gbm7 B
Strangers by naaaature
Eb/E E Ab7/E A Abm7 Abm7 Db7
Strangers by naaaaturе
Bridge :
Will I ever get there?
Oh, I hope that someday I’ll learn
Gbm7 B E Abm7 A Db/F Db7/F
To nurture what I've done
Outro :
Gbm B7
Uh, huh, hm
Abm Dbsus4 Db
Uh, huh, hm, hm, hm
Gbm Am E Dbsus4 Db
Uh, huh, hm, hm, hm
Gbm7 B Abdim Db Gbm B
Hm, hm, hm, hm
Alright then, I'm ready
D, D/Gb, D7, D7/Gb, Dm7, Dsus4, E/F, F, F/A, F/C, Fm7/C, Fmaj7, Gm, Gm7, A, A7/F, Adim, Am, Am7, Bb, Bbm, C, C7
Verse 1 :
F Am7 Bb D/Gb D7/Gb
I'll be taking flowers to the cemetery of my heart
Gm C7 Am Dsus4 D
For all of my lovers, in the present and in the dark
Gm Bbm Fm7/C Dsus4 D
Every anniversary I'll pay respects and say I'm sorry
Gm7 C Adim D
For they never stood, chances if they could
Gm C Fmaj7
But no one knows what it's like to be us
Verse 2 :
F A Bb D7/Gb
I've never seen the sky this color before
Gm C7 Bb F/A Dm7
It's like I'm noticin' everythin' a little bit more
Gm Bbm
Now that all the dust has settled
Am D7
I rebut all my rebuttals
Gm7 C Fmaj7
No one knows what it's like to bе us
Chorus :
E/F F A7/F Bb Am7 Am7 Gm7 C
Strangers by naaaature
E/F F A7/F Bb Am7 Am7 D7
Strangers by naaaaturе
Bridge :
Will I ever get there?
Oh, I hope that someday I’ll learn
Gm7 C F Am7 Bb D/Gb D7/Gb
To nurture what I've done
Outro :
Gm C7
Uh, huh, hm
Am Dsus4 D
Uh, huh, hm, hm, hm
Gm Bbm F Dsus4 D
Uh, huh, hm, hm, hm
Gm7 C Adim D Gm C
Hm, hm, hm, hm
Alright then, I'm ready
Eb, Eb/G, Eb7, Eb7/G, Ebm7, Ebsus4, F/Gb, Gb, Gb/Bb, Gb/Db, Gbm7/Db, Gbmaj7, Abm, Abm7, Bb, Bb7/Gb, Bbdim, Bbm, Bbm7, B, Bm, Db, Db7
Verse 1 :
Gb Bbm7 B Eb/G Eb7/G
I'll be taking flowers to the cemetery of my heart
Abm Db7 Bbm Ebsus4 Eb
For all of my lovers, in the present and in the dark
Abm Bm Gbm7/Db Ebsus4 Eb
Every anniversary I'll pay respects and say I'm sorry
Abm7 Db Bbdim Eb
For they never stood, chances if they could
Abm Db Gbmaj7
But no one knows what it's like to be us
Verse 2 :
Gb Bb B Eb7/G
I've never seen the sky this color before
Abm Db7 B Gb/Bb Ebm7
It's like I'm noticin' everythin' a little bit more
Abm Bm
Now that all the dust has settled
Bbm Eb7
I rebut all my rebuttals
Abm7 Db Gbmaj7
No one knows what it's like to bе us
Chorus :
F/Gb Gb Bb7/Gb B Bbm7 Bbm7 Abm7 Db
Strangers by naaaature
F/Gb Gb Bb7/Gb B Bbm7 Bbm7 Eb7
Strangers by naaaaturе
Bridge :
Will I ever get there?
Oh, I hope that someday I’ll learn
Abm7 Db Gb Bbm7 B Eb/G Eb7/G
To nurture what I've done
Outro :
Abm Db7
Uh, huh, hm
Bbm Ebsus4 Eb
Uh, huh, hm, hm, hm
Abm Bm Gb Ebsus4 Eb
Uh, huh, hm, hm, hm
Abm7 Db Bbdim Eb Abm Db
Hm, hm, hm, hm
Alright then, I'm ready
E, E/Ab, E7, E7/Ab, Em7, Esus4, Gb/G, G, G/B, G/D, Gm7/D, Gmaj7, Am, Am7, B, B7/G, Bdim, Bm, Bm7, C, Cm, D, D7
Verse 1 :
G Bm7 C E/Ab E7/Ab
I'll be taking flowers to the cemetery of my heart
Am D7 Bm Esus4 E
For all of my lovers, in the present and in the dark
Am Cm Gm7/D Esus4 E
Every anniversary I'll pay respects and say I'm sorry
Am7 D Bdim E
For they never stood, chances if they could
Am D Gmaj7
But no one knows what it's like to be us
Verse 2 :
G B C E7/Ab
I've never seen the sky this color before
Am D7 C G/B Em7
It's like I'm noticin' everythin' a little bit more
Am Cm
Now that all the dust has settled
Bm E7
I rebut all my rebuttals
Am7 D Gmaj7
No one knows what it's like to bе us
Chorus :
Gb/G G B7/G C Bm7 Bm7 Am7 D
Strangers by naaaature
Gb/G G B7/G C Bm7 Bm7 E7
Strangers by naaaaturе
Bridge :
Will I ever get there?
Oh, I hope that someday I’ll learn
Am7 D G Bm7 C E/Ab E7/Ab
To nurture what I've done
Outro :
Am D7
Uh, huh, hm
Bm Esus4 E
Uh, huh, hm, hm, hm
Am Cm G Esus4 E
Uh, huh, hm, hm, hm
Am7 D Bdim E Am D
Hm, hm, hm, hm
Alright then, I'm ready
F, F/A, F7, F7/A, Fm7, Fsus4, G/Ab, Ab, Ab/C, Ab/Eb, Abm7/Eb, Abmaj7, Bbm, Bbm7, C, C7/Ab, Cdim, Cm, Cm7, Db, Dbm, Eb, Eb7
Verse 1 :
Ab Cm7 Db F/A F7/A
I'll be taking flowers to the cemetery of my heart
Bbm Eb7 Cm Fsus4 F
For all of my lovers, in the present and in the dark
Bbm Dbm Abm7/Eb Fsus4 F
Every anniversary I'll pay respects and say I'm sorry
Bbm7 Eb Cdim F
For they never stood, chances if they could
Bbm Eb Abmaj7
But no one knows what it's like to be us
Verse 2 :
Ab C Db F7/A
I've never seen the sky this color before
Bbm Eb7 Db Ab/C Fm7
It's like I'm noticin' everythin' a little bit more
Bbm Dbm
Now that all the dust has settled
Cm F7
I rebut all my rebuttals
Bbm7 Eb Abmaj7
No one knows what it's like to bе us
Chorus :
G/Ab Ab C7/Ab Db Cm7 Cm7 Bbm7 Eb
Strangers by naaaature
G/Ab Ab C7/Ab Db Cm7 Cm7 F7
Strangers by naaaaturе
Bridge :
Will I ever get there?
Oh, I hope that someday I’ll learn
Bbm7 Eb Ab Cm7 Db F/A F7/A
To nurture what I've done
Outro :
Bbm Eb7
Uh, huh, hm
Cm Fsus4 F
Uh, huh, hm, hm, hm
Bbm Dbm Ab Fsus4 F
Uh, huh, hm, hm, hm
Bbm7 Eb Cdim F Bbm Eb
Hm, hm, hm, hm
Alright then, I'm ready
Gb, Gb/Bb, Gb7, Gb7/Bb, Gbm7, Gbsus4, Ab/A, A, A/Db, A/E, Am7/E, Amaj7, Bm, Bm7, Db, Db7/A, Dbdim, Dbm, Dbm7, D, Dm, E, E7
Verse 1 :
A Dbm7 D Gb/Bb Gb7/Bb
I'll be taking flowers to the cemetery of my heart
Bm E7 Dbm Gbsus4 Gb
For all of my lovers, in the present and in the dark
Bm Dm Am7/E Gbsus4 Gb
Every anniversary I'll pay respects and say I'm sorry
Bm7 E Dbdim Gb
For they never stood, chances if they could
Bm E Amaj7
But no one knows what it's like to be us
Verse 2 :
A Db D Gb7/Bb
I've never seen the sky this color before
Bm E7 D A/Db Gbm7
It's like I'm noticin' everythin' a little bit more
Bm Dm
Now that all the dust has settled
Dbm Gb7
I rebut all my rebuttals
Bm7 E Amaj7
No one knows what it's like to bе us
Chorus :
Ab/A A Db7/A D Dbm7 Dbm7 Bm7 E
Strangers by naaaature
Ab/A A Db7/A D Dbm7 Dbm7 Gb7
Strangers by naaaaturе
Bridge :
Will I ever get there?
Oh, I hope that someday I’ll learn
Bm7 E A Dbm7 D Gb/Bb Gb7/Bb
To nurture what I've done
Outro :
Bm E7
Uh, huh, hm
Dbm Gbsus4 Gb
Uh, huh, hm, hm, hm
Bm Dm A Gbsus4 Gb
Uh, huh, hm, hm, hm
Bm7 E Dbdim Gb Bm E
Hm, hm, hm, hm
Alright then, I'm ready
G, G/B, G7, G7/B, Gm7, Gsus4, A/Bb, Bb, Bb/D, Bb/F, Bbm7/F, Bbmaj7, Cm, Cm7, D, D7/Bb, Ddim, Dm, Dm7, Eb, Ebm, F, F7
Verse 1 :
Bb Dm7 Eb G/B G7/B
I'll be taking flowers to the cemetery of my heart
Cm F7 Dm Gsus4 G
For all of my lovers, in the present and in the dark
Cm Ebm Bbm7/F Gsus4 G
Every anniversary I'll pay respects and say I'm sorry
Cm7 F Ddim G
For they never stood, chances if they could
Cm F Bbmaj7
But no one knows what it's like to be us
Verse 2 :
Bb D Eb G7/B
I've never seen the sky this color before
Cm F7 Eb Bb/D Gm7
It's like I'm noticin' everythin' a little bit more
Cm Ebm
Now that all the dust has settled
Dm G7
I rebut all my rebuttals
Cm7 F Bbmaj7
No one knows what it's like to bе us
Chorus :
A/Bb Bb D7/Bb Eb Dm7 Dm7 Cm7 F
Strangers by naaaature
A/Bb Bb D7/Bb Eb Dm7 Dm7 G7
Strangers by naaaaturе
Bridge :
Will I ever get there?
Oh, I hope that someday I’ll learn
Cm7 F Bb Dm7 Eb G/B G7/B
To nurture what I've done
Outro :
Cm F7
Uh, huh, hm
Dm Gsus4 G
Uh, huh, hm, hm, hm
Cm Ebm Bb Gsus4 G
Uh, huh, hm, hm, hm
Cm7 F Ddim G Cm F
Hm, hm, hm, hm
Alright then, I'm ready
Ab, Ab/C, Ab7, Ab7/C, Abm7, Absus4, Bb/B, B, B/Eb, B/Gb, Bm7/Gb, Bmaj7, Dbm, Dbm7, Eb, Eb7/B, Ebdim, Ebm, Ebm7, E, Em, Gb, Gb7
Verse 1 :
B Ebm7 E Ab/C Ab7/C
I'll be taking flowers to the cemetery of my heart
Dbm Gb7 Ebm Absus4 Ab
For all of my lovers, in the present and in the dark
Dbm Em Bm7/Gb Absus4 Ab
Every anniversary I'll pay respects and say I'm sorry
Dbm7 Gb Ebdim Ab
For they never stood, chances if they could
Dbm Gb Bmaj7
But no one knows what it's like to be us
Verse 2 :
B Eb E Ab7/C
I've never seen the sky this color before
Dbm Gb7 E B/Eb Abm7
It's like I'm noticin' everythin' a little bit more
Dbm Em
Now that all the dust has settled
Ebm Ab7
I rebut all my rebuttals
Dbm7 Gb Bmaj7
No one knows what it's like to bе us
Chorus :
Bb/B B Eb7/B E Ebm7 Ebm7 Dbm7 Gb
Strangers by naaaature
Bb/B B Eb7/B E Ebm7 Ebm7 Ab7
Strangers by naaaaturе
Bridge :
Will I ever get there?
Oh, I hope that someday I’ll learn
Dbm7 Gb B Ebm7 E Ab/C Ab7/C
To nurture what I've done
Outro :
Dbm Gb7
Uh, huh, hm
Ebm Absus4 Ab
Uh, huh, hm, hm, hm
Dbm Em B Absus4 Ab
Uh, huh, hm, hm, hm
Dbm7 Gb Ebdim Ab Dbm Gb
Hm, hm, hm, hm
Alright then, I'm ready
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