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BREATHLESS Ukulele Chords By Taylor Swift

BREATHLESS uke chords and lyrics By Taylor Swift


Bbm, Db, Ebm7, Gb, Ab

Intro :
Db  Ab  Bbm  Gb
Db  Ab  Bbm  Gb

Verse 1 :
Db                  Ab
Here you are now, Fresh from your wars
Bbm                    Gb
Back from the edge of time
    Db                    Ab
And all that you were, Stripped to the bone
Bbm                      Gb
I thought you'd want to know

Chorus :
Db        Ab                    Bbm      Gb
when you, feel the world is crashing
All around your feet
    Ab                  Bbm    Gb
Come running headlong into my arms
      Db    Ab
Breathless I'll never judge you
Bbm  Gb
I can only love you
Db      Ab
Come now running headlong
Bbm      Gb          Db
Into my arms Breathless

Verse 2 :
Lay down your guns, Too weak to run
Bbm                    Gb    Db
Nothing can harm you here, Your precious heart
Ab                    Bbm                  Gb
Broken and scarred, Somehow you made it through
  Ab            Gb        Ab
I only ask that you won't go again

Chorus :
Db        Ab                    Bbm      Gb
when you, feel the world is crashing
All around your feet
    Ab                  Bbm    Gb
Come running headlong into my arms
      Db    Ab
Breathless I'll never judge you
Bbm  Gb
I can only love you
Db      Ab
Come now running headlong
Bbm      Gb          Ebm7 Gb        Db Ab
Into my arms Breathless Breathless

Bridge :
So glad to see you smiling
It's So good to hear your laugh
    Db                          Ab
I think that you've found you even missed yourself
Ebm7                          Gb
I'm only asking this cause I think that
          Ab  Gb                Ab    Gb    Ab
Truth be told Oh, you'll never go again again

Chorus :
Db        Ab                    Bbm      Gb
when you, feel the world is crashing
All around your feet
    Ab                  Bbm    Gb
Come running headlong into my arms
      Db    Ab
Breathless I'll never judge you
Bbm  Gb
I can only love you
Db      Ab
Come now running headlong
Bbm      Gb          Db  Ab Bbm Gb        Db  Ab Bbm Gb
Into my arms Breathless      Breathless
                      Db        Ab      Bbm  Gb
So when you feel the world is crashing down
                    Db    Ab    Bbm Gb
would you come and run into my arms

Other Versions For This Ukulele Chords Song :

Bm, D, Em7, G, A

Intro :
D  A  Bm  G
D  A  Bm  G

Verse 1 :
D                  A
Here you are now, Fresh from your wars
Bm                    G
Back from the edge of time
    D                    A
And all that you were, Stripped to the bone
Bm                      G
I thought you'd want to know

Chorus :
D        A                    Bm      G
when you, feel the world is crashing
All around your feet
    A                  Bm    G
Come running headlong into my arms
      D    A
Breathless I'll never judge you
Bm  G
I can only love you
D      A
Come now running headlong
Bm      G          D
Into my arms Breathless

Verse 2 :
Lay down your guns, Too weak to run
Bm                    G    D
Nothing can harm you here, Your precious heart
A                    Bm                  G
Broken and scarred, Somehow you made it through
  A            G        A
I only ask that you won't go again

Chorus :
D        A                    Bm      G
when you, feel the world is crashing
All around your feet
    A                  Bm    G
Come running headlong into my arms
      D    A
Breathless I'll never judge you
Bm  G
I can only love you
D      A
Come now running headlong
Bm      G          Em7 G        D A
Into my arms Breathless Breathless

Bridge :
So glad to see you smiling
It's So good to hear your laugh
    D                          A
I think that you've found you even missed yourself
Em7                          G
I'm only asking this cause I think that
          A  G                A    G    A
Truth be told Oh, you'll never go again again

Chorus :
D        A                    Bm      G
when you, feel the world is crashing
All around your feet
    A                  Bm    G
Come running headlong into my arms
      D    A
Breathless I'll never judge you
Bm  G
I can only love you
D      A
Come now running headlong
Bm      G          D  A Bm G        D  A Bm G
Into my arms Breathless      Breathless
                      D        A      Bm  G
So when you feel the world is crashing down
                    D    A    Bm G
would you come and run into my arms

Cm, Eb, Fm7, Ab, Bb

Intro :
Eb  Bb  Cm  Ab
Eb  Bb  Cm  Ab

Verse 1 :
Eb                  Bb
Here you are now, Fresh from your wars
Cm                    Ab
Back from the edge of time
    Eb                    Bb
And all that you were, Stripped to the bone
Cm                      Ab
I thought you'd want to know

Chorus :
Eb        Bb                    Cm      Ab
when you, feel the world is crashing
All around your feet
    Bb                  Cm    Ab
Come running headlong into my arms
      Eb    Bb
Breathless I'll never judge you
Cm  Ab
I can only love you
Eb      Bb
Come now running headlong
Cm      Ab          Eb
Into my arms Breathless

Verse 2 :
Lay down your guns, Too weak to run
Cm                    Ab    Eb
Nothing can harm you here, Your precious heart
Bb                    Cm                  Ab
Broken and scarred, Somehow you made it through
  Bb            Ab        Bb
I only ask that you won't go again

Chorus :
Eb        Bb                    Cm      Ab
when you, feel the world is crashing
All around your feet
    Bb                  Cm    Ab
Come running headlong into my arms
      Eb    Bb
Breathless I'll never judge you
Cm  Ab
I can only love you
Eb      Bb
Come now running headlong
Cm      Ab          Fm7 Ab        Eb Bb
Into my arms Breathless Breathless

Bridge :
So glad to see you smiling
It's So good to hear your laugh
    Eb                          Bb
I think that you've found you even missed yourself
Fm7                          Ab
I'm only asking this cause I think that
          Bb  Ab                Bb    Ab    Bb
Truth be told Oh, you'll never go again again

Chorus :
Eb        Bb                    Cm      Ab
when you, feel the world is crashing
All around your feet
    Bb                  Cm    Ab
Come running headlong into my arms
      Eb    Bb
Breathless I'll never judge you
Cm  Ab
I can only love you
Eb      Bb
Come now running headlong
Cm      Ab          Eb  Bb Cm Ab        Eb  Bb Cm Ab
Into my arms Breathless      Breathless
                      Eb        Bb      Cm  Ab
So when you feel the world is crashing down
                    Eb    Bb    Cm Ab
would you come and run into my arms

Dbm, E, Gbm7, A, B

Intro :
E  B  Dbm  A
E  B  Dbm  A

Verse 1 :
E                  B
Here you are now, Fresh from your wars
Dbm                    A
Back from the edge of time
    E                    B
And all that you were, Stripped to the bone
Dbm                      A
I thought you'd want to know

Chorus :
E        B                    Dbm      A
when you, feel the world is crashing
All around your feet
    B                  Dbm    A
Come running headlong into my arms
      E    B
Breathless I'll never judge you
Dbm  A
I can only love you
E      B
Come now running headlong
Dbm      A          E
Into my arms Breathless

Verse 2 :
Lay down your guns, Too weak to run
Dbm                    A    E
Nothing can harm you here, Your precious heart
B                    Dbm                  A
Broken and scarred, Somehow you made it through
  B            A        B
I only ask that you won't go again

Chorus :
E        B                    Dbm      A
when you, feel the world is crashing
All around your feet
    B                  Dbm    A
Come running headlong into my arms
      E    B
Breathless I'll never judge you
Dbm  A
I can only love you
E      B
Come now running headlong
Dbm      A          Gbm7 A        E B
Into my arms Breathless Breathless

Bridge :
So glad to see you smiling
It's So good to hear your laugh
    E                          B
I think that you've found you even missed yourself
Gbm7                          A
I'm only asking this cause I think that
          B  A                B    A    B
Truth be told Oh, you'll never go again again

Chorus :
E        B                    Dbm      A
when you, feel the world is crashing
All around your feet
    B                  Dbm    A
Come running headlong into my arms
      E    B
Breathless I'll never judge you
Dbm  A
I can only love you
E      B
Come now running headlong
Dbm      A          E  B Dbm A        E  B Dbm A
Into my arms Breathless      Breathless
                      E        B      Dbm  A
So when you feel the world is crashing down
                    E    B    Dbm A
would you come and run into my arms

Dm, F, Gm7, Bb, C

Intro :
F  C  Dm  Bb
F  C  Dm  Bb

Verse 1 :
F                  C
Here you are now, Fresh from your wars
Dm                    Bb
Back from the edge of time
    F                    C
And all that you were, Stripped to the bone
Dm                      Bb
I thought you'd want to know

Chorus :
F        C                    Dm      Bb
when you, feel the world is crashing
All around your feet
    C                  Dm    Bb
Come running headlong into my arms
      F    C
Breathless I'll never judge you
Dm  Bb
I can only love you
F      C
Come now running headlong
Dm      Bb          F
Into my arms Breathless

Verse 2 :
Lay down your guns, Too weak to run
Dm                    Bb    F
Nothing can harm you here, Your precious heart
C                    Dm                  Bb
Broken and scarred, Somehow you made it through
  C            Bb        C
I only ask that you won't go again

Chorus :
F        C                    Dm      Bb
when you, feel the world is crashing
All around your feet
    C                  Dm    Bb
Come running headlong into my arms
      F    C
Breathless I'll never judge you
Dm  Bb
I can only love you
F      C
Come now running headlong
Dm      Bb          Gm7 Bb        F C
Into my arms Breathless Breathless

Bridge :
So glad to see you smiling
It's So good to hear your laugh
    F                          C
I think that you've found you even missed yourself
Gm7                          Bb
I'm only asking this cause I think that
          C  Bb                C    Bb    C
Truth be told Oh, you'll never go again again

Chorus :
F        C                    Dm      Bb
when you, feel the world is crashing
All around your feet
    C                  Dm    Bb
Come running headlong into my arms
      F    C
Breathless I'll never judge you
Dm  Bb
I can only love you
F      C
Come now running headlong
Dm      Bb          F  C Dm Bb        F  C Dm Bb
Into my arms Breathless      Breathless
                      F        C      Dm  Bb
So when you feel the world is crashing down
                    F    C    Dm Bb
would you come and run into my arms

Ebm, Gb, Abm7, B, Db

Intro :
Gb  Db  Ebm  B
Gb  Db  Ebm  B

Verse 1 :
Gb                  Db
Here you are now, Fresh from your wars
Ebm                    B
Back from the edge of time
    Gb                    Db
And all that you were, Stripped to the bone
Ebm                      B
I thought you'd want to know

Chorus :
Gb        Db                    Ebm      B
when you, feel the world is crashing
All around your feet
    Db                  Ebm    B
Come running headlong into my arms
      Gb    Db
Breathless I'll never judge you
Ebm  B
I can only love you
Gb      Db
Come now running headlong
Ebm      B          Gb
Into my arms Breathless

Verse 2 :
Lay down your guns, Too weak to run
Ebm                    B    Gb
Nothing can harm you here, Your precious heart
Db                    Ebm                  B
Broken and scarred, Somehow you made it through
  Db            B        Db
I only ask that you won't go again

Chorus :
Gb        Db                    Ebm      B
when you, feel the world is crashing
All around your feet
    Db                  Ebm    B
Come running headlong into my arms
      Gb    Db
Breathless I'll never judge you
Ebm  B
I can only love you
Gb      Db
Come now running headlong
Ebm      B          Abm7 B        Gb Db
Into my arms Breathless Breathless

Bridge :
So glad to see you smiling
It's So good to hear your laugh
    Gb                          Db
I think that you've found you even missed yourself
Abm7                          B
I'm only asking this cause I think that
          Db  B                Db    B    Db
Truth be told Oh, you'll never go again again

Chorus :
Gb        Db                    Ebm      B
when you, feel the world is crashing
All around your feet
    Db                  Ebm    B
Come running headlong into my arms
      Gb    Db
Breathless I'll never judge you
Ebm  B
I can only love you
Gb      Db
Come now running headlong
Ebm      B          Gb  Db Ebm B        Gb  Db Ebm B
Into my arms Breathless      Breathless
                      Gb        Db      Ebm  B
So when you feel the world is crashing down
                    Gb    Db    Ebm B
would you come and run into my arms

Em, G, Am7, C, D

Intro :
G  D  Em  C
G  D  Em  C

Verse 1 :
G                  D
Here you are now, Fresh from your wars
Em                    C
Back from the edge of time
    G                    D
And all that you were, Stripped to the bone
Em                      C
I thought you'd want to know

Chorus :
G        D                    Em      C
when you, feel the world is crashing
All around your feet
    D                  Em    C
Come running headlong into my arms
      G    D
Breathless I'll never judge you
Em  C
I can only love you
G      D
Come now running headlong
Em      C          G
Into my arms Breathless

Verse 2 :
Lay down your guns, Too weak to run
Em                    C    G
Nothing can harm you here, Your precious heart
D                    Em                  C
Broken and scarred, Somehow you made it through
  D            C        D
I only ask that you won't go again

Chorus :
G        D                    Em      C
when you, feel the world is crashing
All around your feet
    D                  Em    C
Come running headlong into my arms
      G    D
Breathless I'll never judge you
Em  C
I can only love you
G      D
Come now running headlong
Em      C          Am7 C        G D
Into my arms Breathless Breathless

Bridge :
So glad to see you smiling
It's So good to hear your laugh
    G                          D
I think that you've found you even missed yourself
Am7                          C
I'm only asking this cause I think that
          D  C                D    C    D
Truth be told Oh, you'll never go again again

Chorus :
G        D                    Em      C
when you, feel the world is crashing
All around your feet
    D                  Em    C
Come running headlong into my arms
      G    D
Breathless I'll never judge you
Em  C
I can only love you
G      D
Come now running headlong
Em      C          G  D Em C        G  D Em C
Into my arms Breathless      Breathless
                      G        D      Em  C
So when you feel the world is crashing down
                    G    D    Em C
would you come and run into my arms

Fm, Ab, Bbm7, Db, Eb

Intro :
Ab  Eb  Fm  Db
Ab  Eb  Fm  Db

Verse 1 :
Ab                  Eb
Here you are now, Fresh from your wars
Fm                    Db
Back from the edge of time
    Ab                    Eb
And all that you were, Stripped to the bone
Fm                      Db
I thought you'd want to know

Chorus :
Ab        Eb                    Fm      Db
when you, feel the world is crashing
All around your feet
    Eb                  Fm    Db
Come running headlong into my arms
      Ab    Eb
Breathless I'll never judge you
Fm  Db
I can only love you
Ab      Eb
Come now running headlong
Fm      Db          Ab
Into my arms Breathless

Verse 2 :
Lay down your guns, Too weak to run
Fm                    Db    Ab
Nothing can harm you here, Your precious heart
Eb                    Fm                  Db
Broken and scarred, Somehow you made it through
  Eb            Db        Eb
I only ask that you won't go again

Chorus :
Ab        Eb                    Fm      Db
when you, feel the world is crashing
All around your feet
    Eb                  Fm    Db
Come running headlong into my arms
      Ab    Eb
Breathless I'll never judge you
Fm  Db
I can only love you
Ab      Eb
Come now running headlong
Fm      Db          Bbm7 Db        Ab Eb
Into my arms Breathless Breathless

Bridge :
So glad to see you smiling
It's So good to hear your laugh
    Ab                          Eb
I think that you've found you even missed yourself
Bbm7                          Db
I'm only asking this cause I think that
          Eb  Db                Eb    Db    Eb
Truth be told Oh, you'll never go again again

Chorus :
Ab        Eb                    Fm      Db
when you, feel the world is crashing
All around your feet
    Eb                  Fm    Db
Come running headlong into my arms
      Ab    Eb
Breathless I'll never judge you
Fm  Db
I can only love you
Ab      Eb
Come now running headlong
Fm      Db          Ab  Eb Fm Db        Ab  Eb Fm Db
Into my arms Breathless      Breathless
                      Ab        Eb      Fm  Db
So when you feel the world is crashing down
                    Ab    Eb    Fm Db
would you come and run into my arms

Gbm, A, Bm7, D, E

Intro :
A  E  Gbm  D
A  E  Gbm  D

Verse 1 :
A                  E
Here you are now, Fresh from your wars
Gbm                    D
Back from the edge of time
    A                    E
And all that you were, Stripped to the bone
Gbm                      D
I thought you'd want to know

Chorus :
A        E                    Gbm      D
when you, feel the world is crashing
All around your feet
    E                  Gbm    D
Come running headlong into my arms
      A    E
Breathless I'll never judge you
Gbm  D
I can only love you
A      E
Come now running headlong
Gbm      D          A
Into my arms Breathless

Verse 2 :
Lay down your guns, Too weak to run
Gbm                    D    A
Nothing can harm you here, Your precious heart
E                    Gbm                  D
Broken and scarred, Somehow you made it through
  E            D        E
I only ask that you won't go again

Chorus :
A        E                    Gbm      D
when you, feel the world is crashing
All around your feet
    E                  Gbm    D
Come running headlong into my arms
      A    E
Breathless I'll never judge you
Gbm  D
I can only love you
A      E
Come now running headlong
Gbm      D          Bm7 D        A E
Into my arms Breathless Breathless

Bridge :
So glad to see you smiling
It's So good to hear your laugh
    A                          E
I think that you've found you even missed yourself
Bm7                          D
I'm only asking this cause I think that
          E  D                E    D    E
Truth be told Oh, you'll never go again again

Chorus :
A        E                    Gbm      D
when you, feel the world is crashing
All around your feet
    E                  Gbm    D
Come running headlong into my arms
      A    E
Breathless I'll never judge you
Gbm  D
I can only love you
A      E
Come now running headlong
Gbm      D          A  E Gbm D        A  E Gbm D
Into my arms Breathless      Breathless
                      A        E      Gbm  D
So when you feel the world is crashing down
                    A    E    Gbm D
would you come and run into my arms

Gm, Bb, Cm7, Eb, F

Intro :
Bb  F  Gm  Eb
Bb  F  Gm  Eb

Verse 1 :
Bb                  F
Here you are now, Fresh from your wars
Gm                    Eb
Back from the edge of time
    Bb                    F
And all that you were, Stripped to the bone
Gm                      Eb
I thought you'd want to know

Chorus :
Bb        F                    Gm      Eb
when you, feel the world is crashing
All around your feet
    F                  Gm    Eb
Come running headlong into my arms
      Bb    F
Breathless I'll never judge you
Gm  Eb
I can only love you
Bb      F
Come now running headlong
Gm      Eb          Bb
Into my arms Breathless

Verse 2 :
Lay down your guns, Too weak to run
Gm                    Eb    Bb
Nothing can harm you here, Your precious heart
F                    Gm                  Eb
Broken and scarred, Somehow you made it through
  F            Eb        F
I only ask that you won't go again

Chorus :
Bb        F                    Gm      Eb
when you, feel the world is crashing
All around your feet
    F                  Gm    Eb
Come running headlong into my arms
      Bb    F
Breathless I'll never judge you
Gm  Eb
I can only love you
Bb      F
Come now running headlong
Gm      Eb          Cm7 Eb        Bb F
Into my arms Breathless Breathless

Bridge :
So glad to see you smiling
It's So good to hear your laugh
    Bb                          F
I think that you've found you even missed yourself
Cm7                          Eb
I'm only asking this cause I think that
          F  Eb                F    Eb    F
Truth be told Oh, you'll never go again again

Chorus :
Bb        F                    Gm      Eb
when you, feel the world is crashing
All around your feet
    F                  Gm    Eb
Come running headlong into my arms
      Bb    F
Breathless I'll never judge you
Gm  Eb
I can only love you
Bb      F
Come now running headlong
Gm      Eb          Bb  F Gm Eb        Bb  F Gm Eb
Into my arms Breathless      Breathless
                      Bb        F      Gm  Eb
So when you feel the world is crashing down
                    Bb    F    Gm Eb
would you come and run into my arms

Abm, B, Dbm7, E, Gb

Intro :
B  Gb  Abm  E
B  Gb  Abm  E

Verse 1 :
B                  Gb
Here you are now, Fresh from your wars
Abm                    E
Back from the edge of time
    B                    Gb
And all that you were, Stripped to the bone
Abm                      E
I thought you'd want to know

Chorus :
B        Gb                    Abm      E
when you, feel the world is crashing
All around your feet
    Gb                  Abm    E
Come running headlong into my arms
      B    Gb
Breathless I'll never judge you
Abm  E
I can only love you
B      Gb
Come now running headlong
Abm      E          B
Into my arms Breathless

Verse 2 :
Lay down your guns, Too weak to run
Abm                    E    B
Nothing can harm you here, Your precious heart
Gb                    Abm                  E
Broken and scarred, Somehow you made it through
  Gb            E        Gb
I only ask that you won't go again

Chorus :
B        Gb                    Abm      E
when you, feel the world is crashing
All around your feet
    Gb                  Abm    E
Come running headlong into my arms
      B    Gb
Breathless I'll never judge you
Abm  E
I can only love you
B      Gb
Come now running headlong
Abm      E          Dbm7 E        B Gb
Into my arms Breathless Breathless

Bridge :
So glad to see you smiling
It's So good to hear your laugh
    B                          Gb
I think that you've found you even missed yourself
Dbm7                          E
I'm only asking this cause I think that
          Gb  E                Gb    E    Gb
Truth be told Oh, you'll never go again again

Chorus :
B        Gb                    Abm      E
when you, feel the world is crashing
All around your feet
    Gb                  Abm    E
Come running headlong into my arms
      B    Gb
Breathless I'll never judge you
Abm  E
I can only love you
B      Gb
Come now running headlong
Abm      E          B  Gb Abm E        B  Gb Abm E
Into my arms Breathless      Breathless
                      B        Gb      Abm  E
So when you feel the world is crashing down
                    B    Gb    Abm E
would you come and run into my arms

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