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HATE ME IF IT HELPS Ukulele Chords By Alexander 23

HATE ME IF IT HELPS uke chords and lyrics By Alexander 23


Bb, Cm, Eb, Fm, Gm, Ab

Intro :

Verse 1 :
                Cm          Eb      Ab
I wonder if your therapist likes me
                      Cm              Bb                Ab
I guess it depends on how much of the truth you tell to her
                    Cm              Eb        Ab
And I wonder if your brother wants to fight me
                            Cm            Bb            Fm
Would he change his mind if he saw his big sister at her worst?

Pre-Chorus :
  Gm                  Ab
So tell your friends I'm evil
Write songs that say I suck
    Gm                Ab              Gm
And roll your eyes when people ask about us

Chorus :
You can hate me if it helps
        Eb            Bb
Make me out to be the villain
Say you're better by yourself
      Eb              Bb
So it feels like your decision
        Ab                              Eb              Bb
You can tell 'em I'm the bad guy if it helps you sleep okay
        Ab                                    Eb              Bb
Because all you want is closure, but there's nothing left to say
          Ab                  Cm  Bb
So you can hate me if it helps
You can hate me if it helps

Verse 2 :
                    Cm            Bb      Ab
Do you wonder if I'm with someone new now?
                          Cm                Bb            Ab
If her clothes are in the drawer you used to take up in my room
                        Cm        Bb        Ab
Yeah, I bet you think I never think about
                Cm              Eb        Fm
You anymore, and God, I wish that that were true

Pre-Chorus :
      Gm              Ab
But I tell my friends I miss you
I write songs about how much
    Gm                Ab              Gm
Yeah I know we had our issues so if you want

Chorus :
You can hate me if it helps
        Eb            Bb
Make me out to be the villain
Say you're better by yourself
      Eb              Bb
So it feels like your decision
        Ab                              Eb              Bb
You can tell 'em I'm the bad guy if it helps you sleep okay
        Ab                                    Eb              Bb
Because all you want is closure, but there's nothing left to say
          Ab                  Cm  Bb
So you can hate me if it helps
        Ab                  Cm  Bb
You can hate me if it helps

Bridge :
I'm sorry I stayed up with you every night
    Eb                        Bb
For making you laugh when you wanted to cry
I'm sorry I paid for your SSRI's
    Eb                  Bb
For making you happy I apologize
I'm sorry I put you in front of my friends
      Eb                    Bb
Yeah, my bad forgiving you for what you said
So go and be angry but you can't pretend
      Eb              Bb
'Cause I know that you never would
'Cause I know that you never could
      Eb        Bb
Yeah, I know

Outro :
            Ab                    Cm  Bb
But you can hate me if it helps
              Ab            Cm    Bb    Ab
Yeah, you can hate me if it helps

Cm    Bb    Ab    Cm    Bb

Other Versions For This Ukulele Chords Song :

B, Dbm, E, Gbm, Abm, A

Intro :

Verse 1 :
                Dbm          E      A
I wonder if your therapist likes me
                      Dbm              B                A
I guess it depends on how much of the truth you tell to her
                    Dbm              E        A
And I wonder if your brother wants to fight me
                            Dbm            B            Gbm
Would he change his mind if he saw his big sister at her worst?

Pre-Chorus :
  Abm                  A
So tell your friends I'm evil
Write songs that say I suck
    Abm                A              Abm
And roll your eyes when people ask about us

Chorus :
You can hate me if it helps
        E            B
Make me out to be the villain
Say you're better by yourself
      E              B
So it feels like your decision
        A                              E              B
You can tell 'em I'm the bad guy if it helps you sleep okay
        A                                    E              B
Because all you want is closure, but there's nothing left to say
          A                  Dbm  B
So you can hate me if it helps
You can hate me if it helps

Verse 2 :
                    Dbm            B      A
Do you wonder if I'm with someone new now?
                          Dbm                B            A
If her clothes are in the drawer you used to take up in my room
                        Dbm        B        A
Yeah, I bet you think I never think about
                Dbm              E        Gbm
You anymore, and God, I wish that that were true

Pre-Chorus :
      Abm              A
But I tell my friends I miss you
I write songs about how much
    Abm                A              Abm
Yeah I know we had our issues so if you want

Chorus :
You can hate me if it helps
        E            B
Make me out to be the villain
Say you're better by yourself
      E              B
So it feels like your decision
        A                              E              B
You can tell 'em I'm the bad guy if it helps you sleep okay
        A                                    E              B
Because all you want is closure, but there's nothing left to say
          A                  Dbm  B
So you can hate me if it helps
        A                  Dbm  B
You can hate me if it helps

Bridge :
I'm sorry I stayed up with you every night
    E                        B
For making you laugh when you wanted to cry
I'm sorry I paid for your SSRI's
    E                  B
For making you happy I apologize
I'm sorry I put you in front of my friends
      E                    B
Yeah, my bad forgiving you for what you said
So go and be angry but you can't pretend
      E              B
'Cause I know that you never would
'Cause I know that you never could
      E        B
Yeah, I know

Outro :
            A                    Dbm  B
But you can hate me if it helps
              A            Dbm    B    A
Yeah, you can hate me if it helps

Dbm    B    A    Dbm    B

C, Dm, F, Gm, Am, Bb

Intro :

Verse 1 :
                Dm          F      Bb
I wonder if your therapist likes me
                      Dm              C                Bb
I guess it depends on how much of the truth you tell to her
                    Dm              F        Bb
And I wonder if your brother wants to fight me
                            Dm            C            Gm
Would he change his mind if he saw his big sister at her worst?

Pre-Chorus :
  Am                  Bb
So tell your friends I'm evil
Write songs that say I suck
    Am                Bb              Am
And roll your eyes when people ask about us

Chorus :
You can hate me if it helps
        F            C
Make me out to be the villain
Say you're better by yourself
      F              C
So it feels like your decision
        Bb                              F              C
You can tell 'em I'm the bad guy if it helps you sleep okay
        Bb                                    F              C
Because all you want is closure, but there's nothing left to say
          Bb                  Dm  C
So you can hate me if it helps
You can hate me if it helps

Verse 2 :
                    Dm            C      Bb
Do you wonder if I'm with someone new now?
                          Dm                C            Bb
If her clothes are in the drawer you used to take up in my room
                        Dm        C        Bb
Yeah, I bet you think I never think about
                Dm              F        Gm
You anymore, and God, I wish that that were true

Pre-Chorus :
      Am              Bb
But I tell my friends I miss you
I write songs about how much
    Am                Bb              Am
Yeah I know we had our issues so if you want

Chorus :
You can hate me if it helps
        F            C
Make me out to be the villain
Say you're better by yourself
      F              C
So it feels like your decision
        Bb                              F              C
You can tell 'em I'm the bad guy if it helps you sleep okay
        Bb                                    F              C
Because all you want is closure, but there's nothing left to say
          Bb                  Dm  C
So you can hate me if it helps
        Bb                  Dm  C
You can hate me if it helps

Bridge :
I'm sorry I stayed up with you every night
    F                        C
For making you laugh when you wanted to cry
I'm sorry I paid for your SSRI's
    F                  C
For making you happy I apologize
I'm sorry I put you in front of my friends
      F                    C
Yeah, my bad forgiving you for what you said
So go and be angry but you can't pretend
      F              C
'Cause I know that you never would
'Cause I know that you never could
      F        C
Yeah, I know

Outro :
            Bb                    Dm  C
But you can hate me if it helps
              Bb            Dm    C    Bb
Yeah, you can hate me if it helps

Dm    C    Bb    Dm    C

Db, Ebm, Gb, Abm, Bbm, B

Intro :

Verse 1 :
                Ebm          Gb      B
I wonder if your therapist likes me
                      Ebm              Db                B
I guess it depends on how much of the truth you tell to her
                    Ebm              Gb        B
And I wonder if your brother wants to fight me
                            Ebm            Db            Abm
Would he change his mind if he saw his big sister at her worst?

Pre-Chorus :
  Bbm                  B
So tell your friends I'm evil
Write songs that say I suck
    Bbm                B              Bbm
And roll your eyes when people ask about us

Chorus :
You can hate me if it helps
        Gb            Db
Make me out to be the villain
Say you're better by yourself
      Gb              Db
So it feels like your decision
        B                              Gb              Db
You can tell 'em I'm the bad guy if it helps you sleep okay
        B                                    Gb              Db
Because all you want is closure, but there's nothing left to say
          B                  Ebm  Db
So you can hate me if it helps
You can hate me if it helps

Verse 2 :
                    Ebm            Db      B
Do you wonder if I'm with someone new now?
                          Ebm                Db            B
If her clothes are in the drawer you used to take up in my room
                        Ebm        Db        B
Yeah, I bet you think I never think about
                Ebm              Gb        Abm
You anymore, and God, I wish that that were true

Pre-Chorus :
      Bbm              B
But I tell my friends I miss you
I write songs about how much
    Bbm                B              Bbm
Yeah I know we had our issues so if you want

Chorus :
You can hate me if it helps
        Gb            Db
Make me out to be the villain
Say you're better by yourself
      Gb              Db
So it feels like your decision
        B                              Gb              Db
You can tell 'em I'm the bad guy if it helps you sleep okay
        B                                    Gb              Db
Because all you want is closure, but there's nothing left to say
          B                  Ebm  Db
So you can hate me if it helps
        B                  Ebm  Db
You can hate me if it helps

Bridge :
I'm sorry I stayed up with you every night
    Gb                        Db
For making you laugh when you wanted to cry
I'm sorry I paid for your SSRI's
    Gb                  Db
For making you happy I apologize
I'm sorry I put you in front of my friends
      Gb                    Db
Yeah, my bad forgiving you for what you said
So go and be angry but you can't pretend
      Gb              Db
'Cause I know that you never would
'Cause I know that you never could
      Gb        Db
Yeah, I know

Outro :
            B                    Ebm  Db
But you can hate me if it helps
              B            Ebm    Db    B
Yeah, you can hate me if it helps

Ebm    Db    B    Ebm    Db

D, Em, G, Am, Bm, C

Intro :

Verse 1 :
                Em          G      C
I wonder if your therapist likes me
                      Em              D                C
I guess it depends on how much of the truth you tell to her
                    Em              G        C
And I wonder if your brother wants to fight me
                            Em            D            Am
Would he change his mind if he saw his big sister at her worst?

Pre-Chorus :
  Bm                  C
So tell your friends I'm evil
Write songs that say I suck
    Bm                C              Bm
And roll your eyes when people ask about us

Chorus :
You can hate me if it helps
        G            D
Make me out to be the villain
Say you're better by yourself
      G              D
So it feels like your decision
        C                              G              D
You can tell 'em I'm the bad guy if it helps you sleep okay
        C                                    G              D
Because all you want is closure, but there's nothing left to say
          C                  Em  D
So you can hate me if it helps
You can hate me if it helps

Verse 2 :
                    Em            D      C
Do you wonder if I'm with someone new now?
                          Em                D            C
If her clothes are in the drawer you used to take up in my room
                        Em        D        C
Yeah, I bet you think I never think about
                Em              G        Am
You anymore, and God, I wish that that were true

Pre-Chorus :
      Bm              C
But I tell my friends I miss you
I write songs about how much
    Bm                C              Bm
Yeah I know we had our issues so if you want

Chorus :
You can hate me if it helps
        G            D
Make me out to be the villain
Say you're better by yourself
      G              D
So it feels like your decision
        C                              G              D
You can tell 'em I'm the bad guy if it helps you sleep okay
        C                                    G              D
Because all you want is closure, but there's nothing left to say
          C                  Em  D
So you can hate me if it helps
        C                  Em  D
You can hate me if it helps

Bridge :
I'm sorry I stayed up with you every night
    G                        D
For making you laugh when you wanted to cry
I'm sorry I paid for your SSRI's
    G                  D
For making you happy I apologize
I'm sorry I put you in front of my friends
      G                    D
Yeah, my bad forgiving you for what you said
So go and be angry but you can't pretend
      G              D
'Cause I know that you never would
'Cause I know that you never could
      G        D
Yeah, I know

Outro :
            C                    Em  D
But you can hate me if it helps
              C            Em    D    C
Yeah, you can hate me if it helps

Em    D    C    Em    D

Eb, Fm, Ab, Bbm, Cm, Db

Intro :

Verse 1 :
                Fm          Ab      Db
I wonder if your therapist likes me
                      Fm              Eb                Db
I guess it depends on how much of the truth you tell to her
                    Fm              Ab        Db
And I wonder if your brother wants to fight me
                            Fm            Eb            Bbm
Would he change his mind if he saw his big sister at her worst?

Pre-Chorus :
  Cm                  Db
So tell your friends I'm evil
Write songs that say I suck
    Cm                Db              Cm
And roll your eyes when people ask about us

Chorus :
You can hate me if it helps
        Ab            Eb
Make me out to be the villain
Say you're better by yourself
      Ab              Eb
So it feels like your decision
        Db                              Ab              Eb
You can tell 'em I'm the bad guy if it helps you sleep okay
        Db                                    Ab              Eb
Because all you want is closure, but there's nothing left to say
          Db                  Fm  Eb
So you can hate me if it helps
You can hate me if it helps

Verse 2 :
                    Fm            Eb      Db
Do you wonder if I'm with someone new now?
                          Fm                Eb            Db
If her clothes are in the drawer you used to take up in my room
                        Fm        Eb        Db
Yeah, I bet you think I never think about
                Fm              Ab        Bbm
You anymore, and God, I wish that that were true

Pre-Chorus :
      Cm              Db
But I tell my friends I miss you
I write songs about how much
    Cm                Db              Cm
Yeah I know we had our issues so if you want

Chorus :
You can hate me if it helps
        Ab            Eb
Make me out to be the villain
Say you're better by yourself
      Ab              Eb
So it feels like your decision
        Db                              Ab              Eb
You can tell 'em I'm the bad guy if it helps you sleep okay
        Db                                    Ab              Eb
Because all you want is closure, but there's nothing left to say
          Db                  Fm  Eb
So you can hate me if it helps
        Db                  Fm  Eb
You can hate me if it helps

Bridge :
I'm sorry I stayed up with you every night
    Ab                        Eb
For making you laugh when you wanted to cry
I'm sorry I paid for your SSRI's
    Ab                  Eb
For making you happy I apologize
I'm sorry I put you in front of my friends
      Ab                    Eb
Yeah, my bad forgiving you for what you said
So go and be angry but you can't pretend
      Ab              Eb
'Cause I know that you never would
'Cause I know that you never could
      Ab        Eb
Yeah, I know

Outro :
            Db                    Fm  Eb
But you can hate me if it helps
              Db            Fm    Eb    Db
Yeah, you can hate me if it helps

Fm    Eb    Db    Fm    Eb

E, Gbm, A, Bm, Dbm, D

Intro :

Verse 1 :
                Gbm          A      D
I wonder if your therapist likes me
                      Gbm              E                D
I guess it depends on how much of the truth you tell to her
                    Gbm              A        D
And I wonder if your brother wants to fight me
                            Gbm            E            Bm
Would he change his mind if he saw his big sister at her worst?

Pre-Chorus :
  Dbm                  D
So tell your friends I'm evil
Write songs that say I suck
    Dbm                D              Dbm
And roll your eyes when people ask about us

Chorus :
You can hate me if it helps
        A            E
Make me out to be the villain
Say you're better by yourself
      A              E
So it feels like your decision
        D                              A              E
You can tell 'em I'm the bad guy if it helps you sleep okay
        D                                    A              E
Because all you want is closure, but there's nothing left to say
          D                  Gbm  E
So you can hate me if it helps
You can hate me if it helps

Verse 2 :
                    Gbm            E      D
Do you wonder if I'm with someone new now?
                          Gbm                E            D
If her clothes are in the drawer you used to take up in my room
                        Gbm        E        D
Yeah, I bet you think I never think about
                Gbm              A        Bm
You anymore, and God, I wish that that were true

Pre-Chorus :
      Dbm              D
But I tell my friends I miss you
I write songs about how much
    Dbm                D              Dbm
Yeah I know we had our issues so if you want

Chorus :
You can hate me if it helps
        A            E
Make me out to be the villain
Say you're better by yourself
      A              E
So it feels like your decision
        D                              A              E
You can tell 'em I'm the bad guy if it helps you sleep okay
        D                                    A              E
Because all you want is closure, but there's nothing left to say
          D                  Gbm  E
So you can hate me if it helps
        D                  Gbm  E
You can hate me if it helps

Bridge :
I'm sorry I stayed up with you every night
    A                        E
For making you laugh when you wanted to cry
I'm sorry I paid for your SSRI's
    A                  E
For making you happy I apologize
I'm sorry I put you in front of my friends
      A                    E
Yeah, my bad forgiving you for what you said
So go and be angry but you can't pretend
      A              E
'Cause I know that you never would
'Cause I know that you never could
      A        E
Yeah, I know

Outro :
            D                    Gbm  E
But you can hate me if it helps
              D            Gbm    E    D
Yeah, you can hate me if it helps

Gbm    E    D    Gbm    E

F, Gm, Bb, Cm, Dm, Eb

Intro :

Verse 1 :
                Gm          Bb      Eb
I wonder if your therapist likes me
                      Gm              F                Eb
I guess it depends on how much of the truth you tell to her
                    Gm              Bb        Eb
And I wonder if your brother wants to fight me
                            Gm            F            Cm
Would he change his mind if he saw his big sister at her worst?

Pre-Chorus :
  Dm                  Eb
So tell your friends I'm evil
Write songs that say I suck
    Dm                Eb              Dm
And roll your eyes when people ask about us

Chorus :
You can hate me if it helps
        Bb            F
Make me out to be the villain
Say you're better by yourself
      Bb              F
So it feels like your decision
        Eb                              Bb              F
You can tell 'em I'm the bad guy if it helps you sleep okay
        Eb                                    Bb              F
Because all you want is closure, but there's nothing left to say
          Eb                  Gm  F
So you can hate me if it helps
You can hate me if it helps

Verse 2 :
                    Gm            F      Eb
Do you wonder if I'm with someone new now?
                          Gm                F            Eb
If her clothes are in the drawer you used to take up in my room
                        Gm        F        Eb
Yeah, I bet you think I never think about
                Gm              Bb        Cm
You anymore, and God, I wish that that were true

Pre-Chorus :
      Dm              Eb
But I tell my friends I miss you
I write songs about how much
    Dm                Eb              Dm
Yeah I know we had our issues so if you want

Chorus :
You can hate me if it helps
        Bb            F
Make me out to be the villain
Say you're better by yourself
      Bb              F
So it feels like your decision
        Eb                              Bb              F
You can tell 'em I'm the bad guy if it helps you sleep okay
        Eb                                    Bb              F
Because all you want is closure, but there's nothing left to say
          Eb                  Gm  F
So you can hate me if it helps
        Eb                  Gm  F
You can hate me if it helps

Bridge :
I'm sorry I stayed up with you every night
    Bb                        F
For making you laugh when you wanted to cry
I'm sorry I paid for your SSRI's
    Bb                  F
For making you happy I apologize
I'm sorry I put you in front of my friends
      Bb                    F
Yeah, my bad forgiving you for what you said
So go and be angry but you can't pretend
      Bb              F
'Cause I know that you never would
'Cause I know that you never could
      Bb        F
Yeah, I know

Outro :
            Eb                    Gm  F
But you can hate me if it helps
              Eb            Gm    F    Eb
Yeah, you can hate me if it helps

Gm    F    Eb    Gm    F

Gb, Abm, B, Dbm, Ebm, E

Intro :

Verse 1 :
                Abm          B      E
I wonder if your therapist likes me
                      Abm              Gb                E
I guess it depends on how much of the truth you tell to her
                    Abm              B        E
And I wonder if your brother wants to fight me
                            Abm            Gb            Dbm
Would he change his mind if he saw his big sister at her worst?

Pre-Chorus :
  Ebm                  E
So tell your friends I'm evil
Write songs that say I suck
    Ebm                E              Ebm
And roll your eyes when people ask about us

Chorus :
You can hate me if it helps
        B            Gb
Make me out to be the villain
Say you're better by yourself
      B              Gb
So it feels like your decision
        E                              B              Gb
You can tell 'em I'm the bad guy if it helps you sleep okay
        E                                    B              Gb
Because all you want is closure, but there's nothing left to say
          E                  Abm  Gb
So you can hate me if it helps
You can hate me if it helps

Verse 2 :
                    Abm            Gb      E
Do you wonder if I'm with someone new now?
                          Abm                Gb            E
If her clothes are in the drawer you used to take up in my room
                        Abm        Gb        E
Yeah, I bet you think I never think about
                Abm              B        Dbm
You anymore, and God, I wish that that were true

Pre-Chorus :
      Ebm              E
But I tell my friends I miss you
I write songs about how much
    Ebm                E              Ebm
Yeah I know we had our issues so if you want

Chorus :
You can hate me if it helps
        B            Gb
Make me out to be the villain
Say you're better by yourself
      B              Gb
So it feels like your decision
        E                              B              Gb
You can tell 'em I'm the bad guy if it helps you sleep okay
        E                                    B              Gb
Because all you want is closure, but there's nothing left to say
          E                  Abm  Gb
So you can hate me if it helps
        E                  Abm  Gb
You can hate me if it helps

Bridge :
I'm sorry I stayed up with you every night
    B                        Gb
For making you laugh when you wanted to cry
I'm sorry I paid for your SSRI's
    B                  Gb
For making you happy I apologize
I'm sorry I put you in front of my friends
      B                    Gb
Yeah, my bad forgiving you for what you said
So go and be angry but you can't pretend
      B              Gb
'Cause I know that you never would
'Cause I know that you never could
      B        Gb
Yeah, I know

Outro :
            E                    Abm  Gb
But you can hate me if it helps
              E            Abm    Gb    E
Yeah, you can hate me if it helps

Abm    Gb    E    Abm    Gb

G, Am, C, Dm, Em, F

Intro :

Verse 1 :
                Am          C      F
I wonder if your therapist likes me
                      Am              G                F
I guess it depends on how much of the truth you tell to her
                    Am              C        F
And I wonder if your brother wants to fight me
                            Am            G            Dm
Would he change his mind if he saw his big sister at her worst?

Pre-Chorus :
  Em                  F
So tell your friends I'm evil
Write songs that say I suck
    Em                F              Em
And roll your eyes when people ask about us

Chorus :
You can hate me if it helps
        C            G
Make me out to be the villain
Say you're better by yourself
      C              G
So it feels like your decision
        F                              C              G
You can tell 'em I'm the bad guy if it helps you sleep okay
        F                                    C              G
Because all you want is closure, but there's nothing left to say
          F                  Am  G
So you can hate me if it helps
You can hate me if it helps

Verse 2 :
                    Am            G      F
Do you wonder if I'm with someone new now?
                          Am                G            F
If her clothes are in the drawer you used to take up in my room
                        Am        G        F
Yeah, I bet you think I never think about
                Am              C        Dm
You anymore, and God, I wish that that were true

Pre-Chorus :
      Em              F
But I tell my friends I miss you
I write songs about how much
    Em                F              Em
Yeah I know we had our issues so if you want

Chorus :
You can hate me if it helps
        C            G
Make me out to be the villain
Say you're better by yourself
      C              G
So it feels like your decision
        F                              C              G
You can tell 'em I'm the bad guy if it helps you sleep okay
        F                                    C              G
Because all you want is closure, but there's nothing left to say
          F                  Am  G
So you can hate me if it helps
        F                  Am  G
You can hate me if it helps

Bridge :
I'm sorry I stayed up with you every night
    C                        G
For making you laugh when you wanted to cry
I'm sorry I paid for your SSRI's
    C                  G
For making you happy I apologize
I'm sorry I put you in front of my friends
      C                    G
Yeah, my bad forgiving you for what you said
So go and be angry but you can't pretend
      C              G
'Cause I know that you never would
'Cause I know that you never could
      C        G
Yeah, I know

Outro :
            F                    Am  G
But you can hate me if it helps
              F            Am    G    F
Yeah, you can hate me if it helps

Am    G    F    Am    G

Ab, Bbm, Db, Ebm, Fm, Gb

Intro :

Verse 1 :
                Bbm          Db      Gb
I wonder if your therapist likes me
                      Bbm              Ab                Gb
I guess it depends on how much of the truth you tell to her
                    Bbm              Db        Gb
And I wonder if your brother wants to fight me
                            Bbm            Ab            Ebm
Would he change his mind if he saw his big sister at her worst?

Pre-Chorus :
  Fm                  Gb
So tell your friends I'm evil
Write songs that say I suck
    Fm                Gb              Fm
And roll your eyes when people ask about us

Chorus :
You can hate me if it helps
        Db            Ab
Make me out to be the villain
Say you're better by yourself
      Db              Ab
So it feels like your decision
        Gb                              Db              Ab
You can tell 'em I'm the bad guy if it helps you sleep okay
        Gb                                    Db              Ab
Because all you want is closure, but there's nothing left to say
          Gb                  Bbm  Ab
So you can hate me if it helps
You can hate me if it helps

Verse 2 :
                    Bbm            Ab      Gb
Do you wonder if I'm with someone new now?
                          Bbm                Ab            Gb
If her clothes are in the drawer you used to take up in my room
                        Bbm        Ab        Gb
Yeah, I bet you think I never think about
                Bbm              Db        Ebm
You anymore, and God, I wish that that were true

Pre-Chorus :
      Fm              Gb
But I tell my friends I miss you
I write songs about how much
    Fm                Gb              Fm
Yeah I know we had our issues so if you want

Chorus :
You can hate me if it helps
        Db            Ab
Make me out to be the villain
Say you're better by yourself
      Db              Ab
So it feels like your decision
        Gb                              Db              Ab
You can tell 'em I'm the bad guy if it helps you sleep okay
        Gb                                    Db              Ab
Because all you want is closure, but there's nothing left to say
          Gb                  Bbm  Ab
So you can hate me if it helps
        Gb                  Bbm  Ab
You can hate me if it helps

Bridge :
I'm sorry I stayed up with you every night
    Db                        Ab
For making you laugh when you wanted to cry
I'm sorry I paid for your SSRI's
    Db                  Ab
For making you happy I apologize
I'm sorry I put you in front of my friends
      Db                    Ab
Yeah, my bad forgiving you for what you said
So go and be angry but you can't pretend
      Db              Ab
'Cause I know that you never would
'Cause I know that you never could
      Db        Ab
Yeah, I know

Outro :
            Gb                    Bbm  Ab
But you can hate me if it helps
              Gb            Bbm    Ab    Gb
Yeah, you can hate me if it helps

Bbm    Ab    Gb    Bbm    Ab

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