IF I FELL Ukulele Chords By Maroon 5
By Ukulele Chords Songs
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IF I FELL uke chords and lyrics By Maroon 5
C, B, Db, Dm, Db9, Ebm, Fm, Gb, Gbm, Ab, Am, Ab7
Verse :
Dm Db
If I fell in love with you Would you promise to be true
C Am
And help me understand
Dm Db
'Cause I've been in love before And found that love is more
Ebm Ab
Than just holding hands
Db Ebm Fm Ebm Ab Db Ebm Fm
If I give my heart to you I must be sure from the very start
Ebm Ab Db Ebm Ab
That you would love me more than her
Db Ebm Fm Ebm Ab
If I trust in you Oh please, don't run and hide
Db Ebm Fm
If I love you too
Ebm Ab Db9
Oh please, don't hurt my pride like her
Chorus :
Cause I couldn't stand the pain
Gbm Db Ab7
And I would be sad if our new love was in vain
Db Ebm Fm
So I hope you'll see
Ebm Ab
That I would love to love you
Db Ebm Fm Ebm
And that she will cry
Ab Db
When she learns we are two
Cause I couldn't stand the pain
Gbm Db Ab7
And I would be sad if our new love was in vain
Db Ebm Fm
So I hope you'll see
Ebm Ab
That I would love to love you
Db Ebm Fm Ebm
And that she will cry
Ab Db
When she learns we are two
Outro :
Gbm B Db
If I fell in love with you
Gbm B Db
Other Versions For This Ukulele Chords Song :
Db, C, D, Ebm, D9, Em, Gbm, G, Gm, A, Bbm, A7
Verse :
Ebm D
If I fell in love with you Would you promise to be true
Db Bbm
And help me understand
Ebm D
'Cause I've been in love before And found that love is more
Em A
Than just holding hands
D Em Gbm Em A D Em Gbm
If I give my heart to you I must be sure from the very start
Em A D Em A
That you would love me more than her
D Em Gbm Em A
If I trust in you Oh please, don't run and hide
D Em Gbm
If I love you too
Em A D9
Oh please, don't hurt my pride like her
Chorus :
Cause I couldn't stand the pain
Gm D A7
And I would be sad if our new love was in vain
D Em Gbm
So I hope you'll see
Em A
That I would love to love you
D Em Gbm Em
And that she will cry
When she learns we are two
Cause I couldn't stand the pain
Gm D A7
And I would be sad if our new love was in vain
D Em Gbm
So I hope you'll see
Em A
That I would love to love you
D Em Gbm Em
And that she will cry
When she learns we are two
Outro :
Gm C D
If I fell in love with you
Gm C D
D, Db, Eb, Em, Eb9, Fm, Gm, Ab, Abm, Bb, Bm, Bb7
Verse :
Em Eb
If I fell in love with you Would you promise to be true
D Bm
And help me understand
Em Eb
'Cause I've been in love before And found that love is more
Fm Bb
Than just holding hands
Eb Fm Gm Fm Bb Eb Fm Gm
If I give my heart to you I must be sure from the very start
Fm Bb Eb Fm Bb
That you would love me more than her
Eb Fm Gm Fm Bb
If I trust in you Oh please, don't run and hide
Eb Fm Gm
If I love you too
Fm Bb Eb9
Oh please, don't hurt my pride like her
Chorus :
Cause I couldn't stand the pain
Abm Eb Bb7
And I would be sad if our new love was in vain
Eb Fm Gm
So I hope you'll see
Fm Bb
That I would love to love you
Eb Fm Gm Fm
And that she will cry
Bb Eb
When she learns we are two
Cause I couldn't stand the pain
Abm Eb Bb7
And I would be sad if our new love was in vain
Eb Fm Gm
So I hope you'll see
Fm Bb
That I would love to love you
Eb Fm Gm Fm
And that she will cry
Bb Eb
When she learns we are two
Outro :
Abm Db Eb
If I fell in love with you
Abm Db Eb
Eb, D, E, Fm, E9, Gbm, Abm, A, Am, B, Cm, B7
Verse :
Fm E
If I fell in love with you Would you promise to be true
Eb Cm
And help me understand
Fm E
'Cause I've been in love before And found that love is more
Gbm B
Than just holding hands
E Gbm Abm Gbm B E Gbm Abm
If I give my heart to you I must be sure from the very start
Gbm B E Gbm B
That you would love me more than her
E Gbm Abm Gbm B
If I trust in you Oh please, don't run and hide
E Gbm Abm
If I love you too
Gbm B E9
Oh please, don't hurt my pride like her
Chorus :
Cause I couldn't stand the pain
Am E B7
And I would be sad if our new love was in vain
E Gbm Abm
So I hope you'll see
Gbm B
That I would love to love you
E Gbm Abm Gbm
And that she will cry
When she learns we are two
Cause I couldn't stand the pain
Am E B7
And I would be sad if our new love was in vain
E Gbm Abm
So I hope you'll see
Gbm B
That I would love to love you
E Gbm Abm Gbm
And that she will cry
When she learns we are two
Outro :
Am D E
If I fell in love with you
Am D E
E, Eb, F, Gbm, F9, Gm, Am, Bb, Bbm, C, Dbm, C7
Verse :
Gbm F
If I fell in love with you Would you promise to be true
E Dbm
And help me understand
Gbm F
'Cause I've been in love before And found that love is more
Gm C
Than just holding hands
F Gm Am Gm C F Gm Am
If I give my heart to you I must be sure from the very start
Gm C F Gm C
That you would love me more than her
F Gm Am Gm C
If I trust in you Oh please, don't run and hide
F Gm Am
If I love you too
Gm C F9
Oh please, don't hurt my pride like her
Chorus :
Cause I couldn't stand the pain
Bbm F C7
And I would be sad if our new love was in vain
F Gm Am
So I hope you'll see
Gm C
That I would love to love you
F Gm Am Gm
And that she will cry
When she learns we are two
Cause I couldn't stand the pain
Bbm F C7
And I would be sad if our new love was in vain
F Gm Am
So I hope you'll see
Gm C
That I would love to love you
F Gm Am Gm
And that she will cry
When she learns we are two
Outro :
Bbm Eb F
If I fell in love with you
Bbm Eb F
F, E, Gb, Gm, Gb9, Abm, Bbm, B, Bm, Db, Dm, Db7
Verse :
Gm Gb
If I fell in love with you Would you promise to be true
F Dm
And help me understand
Gm Gb
'Cause I've been in love before And found that love is more
Abm Db
Than just holding hands
Gb Abm Bbm Abm Db Gb Abm Bbm
If I give my heart to you I must be sure from the very start
Abm Db Gb Abm Db
That you would love me more than her
Gb Abm Bbm Abm Db
If I trust in you Oh please, don't run and hide
Gb Abm Bbm
If I love you too
Abm Db Gb9
Oh please, don't hurt my pride like her
Chorus :
Cause I couldn't stand the pain
Bm Gb Db7
And I would be sad if our new love was in vain
Gb Abm Bbm
So I hope you'll see
Abm Db
That I would love to love you
Gb Abm Bbm Abm
And that she will cry
Db Gb
When she learns we are two
Cause I couldn't stand the pain
Bm Gb Db7
And I would be sad if our new love was in vain
Gb Abm Bbm
So I hope you'll see
Abm Db
That I would love to love you
Gb Abm Bbm Abm
And that she will cry
Db Gb
When she learns we are two
Outro :
Bm E Gb
If I fell in love with you
Bm E Gb
Gb, F, G, Abm, G9, Am, Bm, C, Cm, D, Ebm, D7
Verse :
Abm G
If I fell in love with you Would you promise to be true
Gb Ebm
And help me understand
Abm G
'Cause I've been in love before And found that love is more
Am D
Than just holding hands
G Am Bm Am D G Am Bm
If I give my heart to you I must be sure from the very start
Am D G Am D
That you would love me more than her
G Am Bm Am D
If I trust in you Oh please, don't run and hide
G Am Bm
If I love you too
Am D G9
Oh please, don't hurt my pride like her
Chorus :
Cause I couldn't stand the pain
Cm G D7
And I would be sad if our new love was in vain
G Am Bm
So I hope you'll see
Am D
That I would love to love you
G Am Bm Am
And that she will cry
When she learns we are two
Cause I couldn't stand the pain
Cm G D7
And I would be sad if our new love was in vain
G Am Bm
So I hope you'll see
Am D
That I would love to love you
G Am Bm Am
And that she will cry
When she learns we are two
Outro :
Cm F G
If I fell in love with you
Cm F G
G, Gb, Ab, Am, Ab9, Bbm, Cm, Db, Dbm, Eb, Em, Eb7
Verse :
Am Ab
If I fell in love with you Would you promise to be true
G Em
And help me understand
Am Ab
'Cause I've been in love before And found that love is more
Bbm Eb
Than just holding hands
Ab Bbm Cm Bbm Eb Ab Bbm Cm
If I give my heart to you I must be sure from the very start
Bbm Eb Ab Bbm Eb
That you would love me more than her
Ab Bbm Cm Bbm Eb
If I trust in you Oh please, don't run and hide
Ab Bbm Cm
If I love you too
Bbm Eb Ab9
Oh please, don't hurt my pride like her
Chorus :
Cause I couldn't stand the pain
Dbm Ab Eb7
And I would be sad if our new love was in vain
Ab Bbm Cm
So I hope you'll see
Bbm Eb
That I would love to love you
Ab Bbm Cm Bbm
And that she will cry
Eb Ab
When she learns we are two
Cause I couldn't stand the pain
Dbm Ab Eb7
And I would be sad if our new love was in vain
Ab Bbm Cm
So I hope you'll see
Bbm Eb
That I would love to love you
Ab Bbm Cm Bbm
And that she will cry
Eb Ab
When she learns we are two
Outro :
Dbm Gb Ab
If I fell in love with you
Dbm Gb Ab
Ab, G, A, Bbm, A9, Bm, Dbm, D, Dm, E, Fm, E7
Verse :
Bbm A
If I fell in love with you Would you promise to be true
Ab Fm
And help me understand
Bbm A
'Cause I've been in love before And found that love is more
Bm E
Than just holding hands
A Bm Dbm Bm E A Bm Dbm
If I give my heart to you I must be sure from the very start
Bm E A Bm E
That you would love me more than her
A Bm Dbm Bm E
If I trust in you Oh please, don't run and hide
A Bm Dbm
If I love you too
Bm E A9
Oh please, don't hurt my pride like her
Chorus :
Cause I couldn't stand the pain
Dm A E7
And I would be sad if our new love was in vain
A Bm Dbm
So I hope you'll see
Bm E
That I would love to love you
A Bm Dbm Bm
And that she will cry
When she learns we are two
Cause I couldn't stand the pain
Dm A E7
And I would be sad if our new love was in vain
A Bm Dbm
So I hope you'll see
Bm E
That I would love to love you
A Bm Dbm Bm
And that she will cry
When she learns we are two
Outro :
Dm G A
If I fell in love with you
Dm G A
A, Ab, Bb, Bm, Bb9, Cm, Dm, Eb, Ebm, F, Gbm, F7
Verse :
Bm Bb
If I fell in love with you Would you promise to be true
A Gbm
And help me understand
Bm Bb
'Cause I've been in love before And found that love is more
Cm F
Than just holding hands
Bb Cm Dm Cm F Bb Cm Dm
If I give my heart to you I must be sure from the very start
Cm F Bb Cm F
That you would love me more than her
Bb Cm Dm Cm F
If I trust in you Oh please, don't run and hide
Bb Cm Dm
If I love you too
Cm F Bb9
Oh please, don't hurt my pride like her
Chorus :
Cause I couldn't stand the pain
Ebm Bb F7
And I would be sad if our new love was in vain
Bb Cm Dm
So I hope you'll see
Cm F
That I would love to love you
Bb Cm Dm Cm
And that she will cry
F Bb
When she learns we are two
Cause I couldn't stand the pain
Ebm Bb F7
And I would be sad if our new love was in vain
Bb Cm Dm
So I hope you'll see
Cm F
That I would love to love you
Bb Cm Dm Cm
And that she will cry
F Bb
When she learns we are two
Outro :
Ebm Ab Bb
If I fell in love with you
Ebm Ab Bb
Bb, A, B, Cm, B9, Dbm, Ebm, E, Em, Gb, Gm, Gb7
Verse :
Cm B
If I fell in love with you Would you promise to be true
Bb Gm
And help me understand
Cm B
'Cause I've been in love before And found that love is more
Dbm Gb
Than just holding hands
B Dbm Ebm Dbm Gb B Dbm Ebm
If I give my heart to you I must be sure from the very start
Dbm Gb B Dbm Gb
That you would love me more than her
B Dbm Ebm Dbm Gb
If I trust in you Oh please, don't run and hide
B Dbm Ebm
If I love you too
Dbm Gb B9
Oh please, don't hurt my pride like her
Chorus :
Cause I couldn't stand the pain
Em B Gb7
And I would be sad if our new love was in vain
B Dbm Ebm
So I hope you'll see
Dbm Gb
That I would love to love you
B Dbm Ebm Dbm
And that she will cry
Gb B
When she learns we are two
Cause I couldn't stand the pain
Em B Gb7
And I would be sad if our new love was in vain
B Dbm Ebm
So I hope you'll see
Dbm Gb
That I would love to love you
B Dbm Ebm Dbm
And that she will cry
Gb B
When she learns we are two
Outro :
Em A B
If I fell in love with you
Em A B
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newbie with Ukulele and I'm practicing day by day to play the ukulele well soon.
ReplyDeleteI use app from apkfun.com to self-study but of course those blogs like yours will be always best choice for Ukulele learners in particular.