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JULY Ukulele Chords By Maroon 5

JULY uke chords and lyrics By Maroon 5


Bb, Eb, F, Gm

Bb Gm Eb F

Somebody left me on the line
Sitting on the other end for a long, long time
      Eb                          F
And I don't know what to make of all of this.

And now that summer's here
Gm                                          Eb
I think so much of that and all the tears are dried, but now
And I'm singing a song, a song I heard for the first time this time last year

Chorus :
Eb                            Bb
Is it me or does it feel like July?
          Gm                  F
'Cause my soul's as warm as the weather outside
      Eb                    Bb                          F
And my passion for you has returned all the color to my face
(No Chord)
But I'm smiling again.

Verse :
Bb Gm Eb F

And now that the moment's right,
*We're gonna talk silly and it's reeling inside*
            Eb                                  F
When is the last time you have been kissed like that?

Chorus II :
Eb                                  Bb
It's the time in the middle of the night
        Gm                      F
When our bodies are turned and our lips are wrapped tight
        Eb                      Bb                      F
And I'm lost once again in the riptides of an unusual face
(No chord)
But I'm smiling again.

Instrumental Bridge :
Bb Gm Eb F

Chorus :
Eb                            Bb
Is it me or does it feel like July?
          Gm                    F
'Cause my soul is as warm as the weather outside
      Eb                    Bb                          F
And my passion for you has returned all the color to my face.

But I'm smiling again.

Outtro :
Bb Gm Eb F

Other Versions For This Ukulele Chords Song :

B, E, Gb, Abm

B Abm E Gb

Somebody left me on the line
Sitting on the other end for a long, long time
      E                          Gb
And I don't know what to make of all of this.

And now that summer's here
Abm                                          E
I think so much of that and all the tears are dried, but now
And I'm singing a song, a song I heard for the first time this time last year

Chorus :
E                            B
Is it me or does it feel like July?
          Abm                  Gb
'Cause my soul's as warm as the weather outside
      E                    B                          Gb
And my passion for you has returned all the color to my face
(No Chord)
But I'm smiling again.

Verse :
B Abm E Gb

And now that the moment's right,
*We're gonna talk silly and it's reeling inside*
            E                                  Gb
When is the last time you have been kissed like that?

Chorus II :
E                                  B
It's the time in the middle of the night
        Abm                      Gb
When our bodies are turned and our lips are wrapped tight
        E                      B                      Gb
And I'm lost once again in the riptides of an unusual face
(No chord)
But I'm smiling again.

Instrumental Bridge :
B Abm E Gb

Chorus :
E                            B
Is it me or does it feel like July?
          Abm                    Gb
'Cause my soul is as warm as the weather outside
      E                    B                          Gb
And my passion for you has returned all the color to my face.

But I'm smiling again.

Outtro :
B Abm E Gb

C, F, G, Am

C Am F G

Somebody left me on the line
Sitting on the other end for a long, long time
      F                          G
And I don't know what to make of all of this.

And now that summer's here
Am                                          F
I think so much of that and all the tears are dried, but now
And I'm singing a song, a song I heard for the first time this time last year

Chorus :
F                            C
Is it me or does it feel like July?
          Am                  G
'Cause my soul's as warm as the weather outside
      F                    C                          G
And my passion for you has returned all the color to my face
(No Chord)
But I'm smiling again.

Verse :
C Am F G

And now that the moment's right,
*We're gonna talk silly and it's reeling inside*
            F                                  G
When is the last time you have been kissed like that?

Chorus II :
F                                  C
It's the time in the middle of the night
        Am                      G
When our bodies are turned and our lips are wrapped tight
        F                      C                      G
And I'm lost once again in the riptides of an unusual face
(No chord)
But I'm smiling again.

Instrumental Bridge :
C Am F G

Chorus :
F                            C
Is it me or does it feel like July?
          Am                    G
'Cause my soul is as warm as the weather outside
      F                    C                          G
And my passion for you has returned all the color to my face.

But I'm smiling again.

Outtro :
C Am F G

Db, Gb, Ab, Bbm

Db Bbm Gb Ab

Somebody left me on the line
Sitting on the other end for a long, long time
      Gb                          Ab
And I don't know what to make of all of this.

And now that summer's here
Bbm                                          Gb
I think so much of that and all the tears are dried, but now
And I'm singing a song, a song I heard for the first time this time last year

Chorus :
Gb                            Db
Is it me or does it feel like July?
          Bbm                  Ab
'Cause my soul's as warm as the weather outside
      Gb                    Db                          Ab
And my passion for you has returned all the color to my face
(No Chord)
But I'm smiling again.

Verse :
Db Bbm Gb Ab

And now that the moment's right,
*We're gonna talk silly and it's reeling inside*
            Gb                                  Ab
When is the last time you have been kissed like that?

Chorus II :
Gb                                  Db
It's the time in the middle of the night
        Bbm                      Ab
When our bodies are turned and our lips are wrapped tight
        Gb                      Db                      Ab
And I'm lost once again in the riptides of an unusual face
(No chord)
But I'm smiling again.

Instrumental Bridge :
Db Bbm Gb Ab

Chorus :
Gb                            Db
Is it me or does it feel like July?
          Bbm                    Ab
'Cause my soul is as warm as the weather outside
      Gb                    Db                          Ab
And my passion for you has returned all the color to my face.

But I'm smiling again.

Outtro :
Db Bbm Gb Ab

D, G, A, Bm

D Bm G A

Somebody left me on the line
Sitting on the other end for a long, long time
      G                          A
And I don't know what to make of all of this.

And now that summer's here
Bm                                          G
I think so much of that and all the tears are dried, but now
And I'm singing a song, a song I heard for the first time this time last year

Chorus :
G                            D
Is it me or does it feel like July?
          Bm                  A
'Cause my soul's as warm as the weather outside
      G                    D                          A
And my passion for you has returned all the color to my face
(No Chord)
But I'm smiling again.

Verse :
D Bm G A

And now that the moment's right,
*We're gonna talk silly and it's reeling inside*
            G                                  A
When is the last time you have been kissed like that?

Chorus II :
G                                  D
It's the time in the middle of the night
        Bm                      A
When our bodies are turned and our lips are wrapped tight
        G                      D                      A
And I'm lost once again in the riptides of an unusual face
(No chord)
But I'm smiling again.

Instrumental Bridge :
D Bm G A

Chorus :
G                            D
Is it me or does it feel like July?
          Bm                    A
'Cause my soul is as warm as the weather outside
      G                    D                          A
And my passion for you has returned all the color to my face.

But I'm smiling again.

Outtro :
D Bm G A

Eb, Ab, Bb, Cm

Eb Cm Ab Bb

Somebody left me on the line
Sitting on the other end for a long, long time
      Ab                          Bb
And I don't know what to make of all of this.

And now that summer's here
Cm                                          Ab
I think so much of that and all the tears are dried, but now
And I'm singing a song, a song I heard for the first time this time last year

Chorus :
Ab                            Eb
Is it me or does it feel like July?
          Cm                  Bb
'Cause my soul's as warm as the weather outside
      Ab                    Eb                          Bb
And my passion for you has returned all the color to my face
(No Chord)
But I'm smiling again.

Verse :
Eb Cm Ab Bb

And now that the moment's right,
*We're gonna talk silly and it's reeling inside*
            Ab                                  Bb
When is the last time you have been kissed like that?

Chorus II :
Ab                                  Eb
It's the time in the middle of the night
        Cm                      Bb
When our bodies are turned and our lips are wrapped tight
        Ab                      Eb                      Bb
And I'm lost once again in the riptides of an unusual face
(No chord)
But I'm smiling again.

Instrumental Bridge :
Eb Cm Ab Bb

Chorus :
Ab                            Eb
Is it me or does it feel like July?
          Cm                    Bb
'Cause my soul is as warm as the weather outside
      Ab                    Eb                          Bb
And my passion for you has returned all the color to my face.

But I'm smiling again.

Outtro :
Eb Cm Ab Bb

E, A, B, Dbm

E Dbm A B

Somebody left me on the line
Sitting on the other end for a long, long time
      A                          B
And I don't know what to make of all of this.

And now that summer's here
Dbm                                          A
I think so much of that and all the tears are dried, but now
And I'm singing a song, a song I heard for the first time this time last year

Chorus :
A                            E
Is it me or does it feel like July?
          Dbm                  B
'Cause my soul's as warm as the weather outside
      A                    E                          B
And my passion for you has returned all the color to my face
(No Chord)
But I'm smiling again.

Verse :
E Dbm A B

And now that the moment's right,
*We're gonna talk silly and it's reeling inside*
            A                                  B
When is the last time you have been kissed like that?

Chorus II :
A                                  E
It's the time in the middle of the night
        Dbm                      B
When our bodies are turned and our lips are wrapped tight
        A                      E                      B
And I'm lost once again in the riptides of an unusual face
(No chord)
But I'm smiling again.

Instrumental Bridge :
E Dbm A B

Chorus :
A                            E
Is it me or does it feel like July?
          Dbm                    B
'Cause my soul is as warm as the weather outside
      A                    E                          B
And my passion for you has returned all the color to my face.

But I'm smiling again.

Outtro :
E Dbm A B

F, Bb, C, Dm

F Dm Bb C

Somebody left me on the line
Sitting on the other end for a long, long time
      Bb                          C
And I don't know what to make of all of this.

And now that summer's here
Dm                                          Bb
I think so much of that and all the tears are dried, but now
And I'm singing a song, a song I heard for the first time this time last year

Chorus :
Bb                            F
Is it me or does it feel like July?
          Dm                  C
'Cause my soul's as warm as the weather outside
      Bb                    F                          C
And my passion for you has returned all the color to my face
(No Chord)
But I'm smiling again.

Verse :
F Dm Bb C

And now that the moment's right,
*We're gonna talk silly and it's reeling inside*
            Bb                                  C
When is the last time you have been kissed like that?

Chorus II :
Bb                                  F
It's the time in the middle of the night
        Dm                      C
When our bodies are turned and our lips are wrapped tight
        Bb                      F                      C
And I'm lost once again in the riptides of an unusual face
(No chord)
But I'm smiling again.

Instrumental Bridge :
F Dm Bb C

Chorus :
Bb                            F
Is it me or does it feel like July?
          Dm                    C
'Cause my soul is as warm as the weather outside
      Bb                    F                          C
And my passion for you has returned all the color to my face.

But I'm smiling again.

Outtro :
F Dm Bb C

Gb, B, Db, Ebm

Gb Ebm B Db

Somebody left me on the line
Sitting on the other end for a long, long time
      B                          Db
And I don't know what to make of all of this.

And now that summer's here
Ebm                                          B
I think so much of that and all the tears are dried, but now
And I'm singing a song, a song I heard for the first time this time last year

Chorus :
B                            Gb
Is it me or does it feel like July?
          Ebm                  Db
'Cause my soul's as warm as the weather outside
      B                    Gb                          Db
And my passion for you has returned all the color to my face
(No Chord)
But I'm smiling again.

Verse :
Gb Ebm B Db

And now that the moment's right,
*We're gonna talk silly and it's reeling inside*
            B                                  Db
When is the last time you have been kissed like that?

Chorus II :
B                                  Gb
It's the time in the middle of the night
        Ebm                      Db
When our bodies are turned and our lips are wrapped tight
        B                      Gb                      Db
And I'm lost once again in the riptides of an unusual face
(No chord)
But I'm smiling again.

Instrumental Bridge :
Gb Ebm B Db

Chorus :
B                            Gb
Is it me or does it feel like July?
          Ebm                    Db
'Cause my soul is as warm as the weather outside
      B                    Gb                          Db
And my passion for you has returned all the color to my face.

But I'm smiling again.

Outtro :
Gb Ebm B Db

G, C, D, Em

G Em C D

Somebody left me on the line
Sitting on the other end for a long, long time
      C                          D
And I don't know what to make of all of this.

And now that summer's here
Em                                          C
I think so much of that and all the tears are dried, but now
And I'm singing a song, a song I heard for the first time this time last year

Chorus :
C                            G
Is it me or does it feel like July?
          Em                  D
'Cause my soul's as warm as the weather outside
      C                    G                          D
And my passion for you has returned all the color to my face
(No Chord)
But I'm smiling again.

Verse :
G Em C D

And now that the moment's right,
*We're gonna talk silly and it's reeling inside*
            C                                  D
When is the last time you have been kissed like that?

Chorus II :
C                                  G
It's the time in the middle of the night
        Em                      D
When our bodies are turned and our lips are wrapped tight
        C                      G                      D
And I'm lost once again in the riptides of an unusual face
(No chord)
But I'm smiling again.

Instrumental Bridge :
G Em C D

Chorus :
C                            G
Is it me or does it feel like July?
          Em                    D
'Cause my soul is as warm as the weather outside
      C                    G                          D
And my passion for you has returned all the color to my face.

But I'm smiling again.

Outtro :
G Em C D

Ab, Db, Eb, Fm

Ab Fm Db Eb

Somebody left me on the line
Sitting on the other end for a long, long time
      Db                          Eb
And I don't know what to make of all of this.

And now that summer's here
Fm                                          Db
I think so much of that and all the tears are dried, but now
And I'm singing a song, a song I heard for the first time this time last year

Chorus :
Db                            Ab
Is it me or does it feel like July?
          Fm                  Eb
'Cause my soul's as warm as the weather outside
      Db                    Ab                          Eb
And my passion for you has returned all the color to my face
(No Chord)
But I'm smiling again.

Verse :
Ab Fm Db Eb

And now that the moment's right,
*We're gonna talk silly and it's reeling inside*
            Db                                  Eb
When is the last time you have been kissed like that?

Chorus II :
Db                                  Ab
It's the time in the middle of the night
        Fm                      Eb
When our bodies are turned and our lips are wrapped tight
        Db                      Ab                      Eb
And I'm lost once again in the riptides of an unusual face
(No chord)
But I'm smiling again.

Instrumental Bridge :
Ab Fm Db Eb

Chorus :
Db                            Ab
Is it me or does it feel like July?
          Fm                    Eb
'Cause my soul is as warm as the weather outside
      Db                    Ab                          Eb
And my passion for you has returned all the color to my face.

But I'm smiling again.

Outtro :
Ab Fm Db Eb

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