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SUPERMAN Ukulele Chords By Taylor Swift

SUPERMAN uke chords and lyrics By Taylor Swift


Bbm, Db, Dbadd9, Eb, Fm, Fm7, Ab

Intro :
Ab Eb Bbm Db
Ab Eb Bbm Db

Verse :
Ab            Eb
Tall dark and Superman
  Bbm                  Db                    Ab
He puts papers in his briefcase and drives away
            Eb              Bbm
To save the world or go to work
It's the same thing to me

            Ab                Eb
He's got his mothers eyes his fathers ambition
  Bbm                    Db                  Ab
I wonder if he knows how much that I miss him
          Eb            Bbm  Db
I hang on every word you sa--ay

Eb                      Fm7
And, you'll smile and say how are you
Dbadd9    Ab    Eb    Fm7
I'll say just fine
            Dbadd9              Ab          Eb
I always forget to tell you, I love you, I love you ... forever!

Chorus :
Ab        Eb                Bbm
I watch Superman fly away
            Db            Ab
You've got a busy day today
            Eb              Bbm    Db
Go save the world I'll be around
Ab            Eb                Bbm
And I watch Superman fly away
              Db                  Ab
Come back I'll be with you someday
              Eb          Bbm    Db   
I'll be right here on the ground
                  Ab  Eb  Bbm  Db
When you come back down

Verse :
Ab              Eb
Talk dark and beautiful
    Bbm                Db
He's complicated, he's irrational
      Ab                            Eb                Bbm  Db
But I hope someday you'll take me away and save the day, yea--ah
Ab                            Eb
Something in his deep browns eyes has me sayin'
    Bbm                  Db
He's not all bad like his reputation and
Ab                Eb              Bbm    Db
I can't hear one single word they saa--ay

Eb                    Fm7              Dbadd9  Ab Eb  Fm7
And you'll leave got places to be and I'll be o-kay
            Dbadd9            Ab
I always forget to tell you I love you
  Eb                            Ab
I loved you from the very first day

Chorus :
        Eb                Bbm
I watch Superman fly away
            Db            Ab
You've got a busy day today
            Eb              Bbm    Db
Go save the world I'll be around
Ab            Eb                Bbm
And I watch Superman fly away
              Db                  Ab
Come back I'll be with you someday
              Eb          Bbm    Db
I'll be right here on the ground
                  Ab    Ab    Ab
When you come back down

Verse :
Bbm          Db                      Ab
And I watch you fly around the world
              Eb                        Bbm
And I hope you don't take some other girl
              Db                  Ab  Eb
Don't forget! Don't forget! About me!
Bbm                Db                Ab
I'm far away but I never let you go
                    Eb                    Bbm
I'm love struck and looking out the window
              Db                      Eb
Don't forget! Don't forget! Where I'll be!
Right here wishing the flowers were from you
Wishing the card was from you
            Bbm                Eb
Wishing the call was from you
Eb                                    Ab
'Cause I loved you from the very first day

Chorus :
Ab      Eb                Bbm
I watch Superman fly away
            Db            Ab
You've got a busy day today
            Eb              Bbm        Db            Ab
Go save the world I'll be around, forever and ever!
        Eb                Bbm
I watch Superman fly away
            Db                  Ab
I swear I'll be with you someday
              Eb          Bbm    Db
I'll be right here on the ground
                  Ab    Eb
When you come back down 
Bbm    Db  Ab  Eb  Bbm    Db                  Ab   
La, la, la, la, la, la, when you come back down

Other Versions For This Ukulele Chords Song :

Bm, D, Dadd9, E, Gbm, Gbm7, A

Intro :
A E Bm D
A E Bm D

Verse :
A            E
Tall dark and Superman
  Bm                  D                    A
He puts papers in his briefcase and drives away
            E              Bm
To save the world or go to work
It's the same thing to me

            A                E
He's got his mothers eyes his fathers ambition
  Bm                    D                  A
I wonder if he knows how much that I miss him
          E            Bm  D
I hang on every word you sa--ay

E                      Gbm7
And, you'll smile and say how are you
Dadd9    A    E    Gbm7
I'll say just fine
            Dadd9              A          E
I always forget to tell you, I love you, I love you ... forever!

Chorus :
A        E                Bm
I watch Superman fly away
            D            A
You've got a busy day today
            E              Bm    D
Go save the world I'll be around
A            E                Bm
And I watch Superman fly away
              D                  A
Come back I'll be with you someday
              E          Bm    D   
I'll be right here on the ground
                  A  E  Bm  D
When you come back down

Verse :
A              E
Talk dark and beautiful
    Bm                D
He's complicated, he's irrational
      A                            E                Bm  D
But I hope someday you'll take me away and save the day, yea--ah
A                            E
Something in his deep browns eyes has me sayin'
    Bm                  D
He's not all bad like his reputation and
A                E              Bm    D
I can't hear one single word they saa--ay

E                    Gbm7              Dadd9  A E  Gbm7
And you'll leave got places to be and I'll be o-kay
            Dadd9            A
I always forget to tell you I love you
  E                            A
I loved you from the very first day

Chorus :
        E                Bm
I watch Superman fly away
            D            A
You've got a busy day today
            E              Bm    D
Go save the world I'll be around
A            E                Bm
And I watch Superman fly away
              D                  A
Come back I'll be with you someday
              E          Bm    D
I'll be right here on the ground
                  A    A    A
When you come back down

Verse :
Bm          D                      A
And I watch you fly around the world
              E                        Bm
And I hope you don't take some other girl
              D                  A  E
Don't forget! Don't forget! About me!
Bm                D                A
I'm far away but I never let you go
                    E                    Bm
I'm love struck and looking out the window
              D                      E
Don't forget! Don't forget! Where I'll be!
Right here wishing the flowers were from you
Wishing the card was from you
            Bm                E
Wishing the call was from you
E                                    A
'Cause I loved you from the very first day

Chorus :
A      E                Bm
I watch Superman fly away
            D            A
You've got a busy day today
            E              Bm        D            A
Go save the world I'll be around, forever and ever!
        E                Bm
I watch Superman fly away
            D                  A
I swear I'll be with you someday
              E          Bm    D
I'll be right here on the ground
                  A    E
When you come back down 
Bm    D  A  E  Bm    D                  A   
La, la, la, la, la, la, when you come back down

Cm, Eb, Ebadd9, F, Gm, Gm7, Bb

Intro :
Bb F Cm Eb
Bb F Cm Eb

Verse :
Bb            F
Tall dark and Superman
  Cm                  Eb                    Bb
He puts papers in his briefcase and drives away
            F              Cm
To save the world or go to work
It's the same thing to me

            Bb                F
He's got his mothers eyes his fathers ambition
  Cm                    Eb                  Bb
I wonder if he knows how much that I miss him
          F            Cm  Eb
I hang on every word you sa--ay

F                      Gm7
And, you'll smile and say how are you
Ebadd9    Bb    F    Gm7
I'll say just fine
            Ebadd9              Bb          F
I always forget to tell you, I love you, I love you ... forever!

Chorus :
Bb        F                Cm
I watch Superman fly away
            Eb            Bb
You've got a busy day today
            F              Cm    Eb
Go save the world I'll be around
Bb            F                Cm
And I watch Superman fly away
              Eb                  Bb
Come back I'll be with you someday
              F          Cm    Eb   
I'll be right here on the ground
                  Bb  F  Cm  Eb
When you come back down

Verse :
Bb              F
Talk dark and beautiful
    Cm                Eb
He's complicated, he's irrational
      Bb                            F                Cm  Eb
But I hope someday you'll take me away and save the day, yea--ah
Bb                            F
Something in his deep browns eyes has me sayin'
    Cm                  Eb
He's not all bad like his reputation and
Bb                F              Cm    Eb
I can't hear one single word they saa--ay

F                    Gm7              Ebadd9  Bb F  Gm7
And you'll leave got places to be and I'll be o-kay
            Ebadd9            Bb
I always forget to tell you I love you
  F                            Bb
I loved you from the very first day

Chorus :
        F                Cm
I watch Superman fly away
            Eb            Bb
You've got a busy day today
            F              Cm    Eb
Go save the world I'll be around
Bb            F                Cm
And I watch Superman fly away
              Eb                  Bb
Come back I'll be with you someday
              F          Cm    Eb
I'll be right here on the ground
                  Bb    Bb    Bb
When you come back down

Verse :
Cm          Eb                      Bb
And I watch you fly around the world
              F                        Cm
And I hope you don't take some other girl
              Eb                  Bb  F
Don't forget! Don't forget! About me!
Cm                Eb                Bb
I'm far away but I never let you go
                    F                    Cm
I'm love struck and looking out the window
              Eb                      F
Don't forget! Don't forget! Where I'll be!
Right here wishing the flowers were from you
Wishing the card was from you
            Cm                F
Wishing the call was from you
F                                    Bb
'Cause I loved you from the very first day

Chorus :
Bb      F                Cm
I watch Superman fly away
            Eb            Bb
You've got a busy day today
            F              Cm        Eb            Bb
Go save the world I'll be around, forever and ever!
        F                Cm
I watch Superman fly away
            Eb                  Bb
I swear I'll be with you someday
              F          Cm    Eb
I'll be right here on the ground
                  Bb    F
When you come back down 
Cm    Eb  Bb  F  Cm    Eb                  Bb   
La, la, la, la, la, la, when you come back down

Dbm, E, Eadd9, Gb, Abm, Abm7, B

Intro :
B Gb Dbm E
B Gb Dbm E

Verse :
B            Gb
Tall dark and Superman
  Dbm                  E                    B
He puts papers in his briefcase and drives away
            Gb              Dbm
To save the world or go to work
It's the same thing to me

            B                Gb
He's got his mothers eyes his fathers ambition
  Dbm                    E                  B
I wonder if he knows how much that I miss him
          Gb            Dbm  E
I hang on every word you sa--ay

Gb                      Abm7
And, you'll smile and say how are you
Eadd9    B    Gb    Abm7
I'll say just fine
            Eadd9              B          Gb
I always forget to tell you, I love you, I love you ... forever!

Chorus :
B        Gb                Dbm
I watch Superman fly away
            E            B
You've got a busy day today
            Gb              Dbm    E
Go save the world I'll be around
B            Gb                Dbm
And I watch Superman fly away
              E                  B
Come back I'll be with you someday
              Gb          Dbm    E   
I'll be right here on the ground
                  B  Gb  Dbm  E
When you come back down

Verse :
B              Gb
Talk dark and beautiful
    Dbm                E
He's complicated, he's irrational
      B                            Gb                Dbm  E
But I hope someday you'll take me away and save the day, yea--ah
B                            Gb
Something in his deep browns eyes has me sayin'
    Dbm                  E
He's not all bad like his reputation and
B                Gb              Dbm    E
I can't hear one single word they saa--ay

Gb                    Abm7              Eadd9  B Gb  Abm7
And you'll leave got places to be and I'll be o-kay
            Eadd9            B
I always forget to tell you I love you
  Gb                            B
I loved you from the very first day

Chorus :
        Gb                Dbm
I watch Superman fly away
            E            B
You've got a busy day today
            Gb              Dbm    E
Go save the world I'll be around
B            Gb                Dbm
And I watch Superman fly away
              E                  B
Come back I'll be with you someday
              Gb          Dbm    E
I'll be right here on the ground
                  B    B    B
When you come back down

Verse :
Dbm          E                      B
And I watch you fly around the world
              Gb                        Dbm
And I hope you don't take some other girl
              E                  B  Gb
Don't forget! Don't forget! About me!
Dbm                E                B
I'm far away but I never let you go
                    Gb                    Dbm
I'm love struck and looking out the window
              E                      Gb
Don't forget! Don't forget! Where I'll be!
Right here wishing the flowers were from you
Wishing the card was from you
            Dbm                Gb
Wishing the call was from you
Gb                                    B
'Cause I loved you from the very first day

Chorus :
B      Gb                Dbm
I watch Superman fly away
            E            B
You've got a busy day today
            Gb              Dbm        E            B
Go save the world I'll be around, forever and ever!
        Gb                Dbm
I watch Superman fly away
            E                  B
I swear I'll be with you someday
              Gb          Dbm    E
I'll be right here on the ground
                  B    Gb
When you come back down 
Dbm    E  B  Gb  Dbm    E                  B   
La, la, la, la, la, la, when you come back down

Dm, F, Fadd9, G, Am, Am7, C

Intro :
C G Dm F
C G Dm F

Verse :
C            G
Tall dark and Superman
  Dm                  F                    C
He puts papers in his briefcase and drives away
            G              Dm
To save the world or go to work
It's the same thing to me

            C                G
He's got his mothers eyes his fathers ambition
  Dm                    F                  C
I wonder if he knows how much that I miss him
          G            Dm  F
I hang on every word you sa--ay

G                      Am7
And, you'll smile and say how are you
Fadd9    C    G    Am7
I'll say just fine
            Fadd9              C          G
I always forget to tell you, I love you, I love you ... forever!

Chorus :
C        G                Dm
I watch Superman fly away
            F            C
You've got a busy day today
            G              Dm    F
Go save the world I'll be around
C            G                Dm
And I watch Superman fly away
              F                  C
Come back I'll be with you someday
              G          Dm    F   
I'll be right here on the ground
                  C  G  Dm  F
When you come back down

Verse :
C              G
Talk dark and beautiful
    Dm                F
He's complicated, he's irrational
      C                            G                Dm  F
But I hope someday you'll take me away and save the day, yea--ah
C                            G
Something in his deep browns eyes has me sayin'
    Dm                  F
He's not all bad like his reputation and
C                G              Dm    F
I can't hear one single word they saa--ay

G                    Am7              Fadd9  C G  Am7
And you'll leave got places to be and I'll be o-kay
            Fadd9            C
I always forget to tell you I love you
  G                            C
I loved you from the very first day

Chorus :
        G                Dm
I watch Superman fly away
            F            C
You've got a busy day today
            G              Dm    F
Go save the world I'll be around
C            G                Dm
And I watch Superman fly away
              F                  C
Come back I'll be with you someday
              G          Dm    F
I'll be right here on the ground
                  C    C    C
When you come back down

Verse :
Dm          F                      C
And I watch you fly around the world
              G                        Dm
And I hope you don't take some other girl
              F                  C  G
Don't forget! Don't forget! About me!
Dm                F                C
I'm far away but I never let you go
                    G                    Dm
I'm love struck and looking out the window
              F                      G
Don't forget! Don't forget! Where I'll be!
Right here wishing the flowers were from you
Wishing the card was from you
            Dm                G
Wishing the call was from you
G                                    C
'Cause I loved you from the very first day

Chorus :
C      G                Dm
I watch Superman fly away
            F            C
You've got a busy day today
            G              Dm        F            C
Go save the world I'll be around, forever and ever!
        G                Dm
I watch Superman fly away
            F                  C
I swear I'll be with you someday
              G          Dm    F
I'll be right here on the ground
                  C    G
When you come back down 
Dm    F  C  G  Dm    F                  C   
La, la, la, la, la, la, when you come back down

Ebm, Gb, Gbadd9, Ab, Bbm, Bbm7, Db

Intro :
Db Ab Ebm Gb
Db Ab Ebm Gb

Verse :
Db            Ab
Tall dark and Superman
  Ebm                  Gb                    Db
He puts papers in his briefcase and drives away
            Ab              Ebm
To save the world or go to work
It's the same thing to me

            Db                Ab
He's got his mothers eyes his fathers ambition
  Ebm                    Gb                  Db
I wonder if he knows how much that I miss him
          Ab            Ebm  Gb
I hang on every word you sa--ay

Ab                      Bbm7
And, you'll smile and say how are you
Gbadd9    Db    Ab    Bbm7
I'll say just fine
            Gbadd9              Db          Ab
I always forget to tell you, I love you, I love you ... forever!

Chorus :
Db        Ab                Ebm
I watch Superman fly away
            Gb            Db
You've got a busy day today
            Ab              Ebm    Gb
Go save the world I'll be around
Db            Ab                Ebm
And I watch Superman fly away
              Gb                  Db
Come back I'll be with you someday
              Ab          Ebm    Gb   
I'll be right here on the ground
                  Db  Ab  Ebm  Gb
When you come back down

Verse :
Db              Ab
Talk dark and beautiful
    Ebm                Gb
He's complicated, he's irrational
      Db                            Ab                Ebm  Gb
But I hope someday you'll take me away and save the day, yea--ah
Db                            Ab
Something in his deep browns eyes has me sayin'
    Ebm                  Gb
He's not all bad like his reputation and
Db                Ab              Ebm    Gb
I can't hear one single word they saa--ay

Ab                    Bbm7              Gbadd9  Db Ab  Bbm7
And you'll leave got places to be and I'll be o-kay
            Gbadd9            Db
I always forget to tell you I love you
  Ab                            Db
I loved you from the very first day

Chorus :
        Ab                Ebm
I watch Superman fly away
            Gb            Db
You've got a busy day today
            Ab              Ebm    Gb
Go save the world I'll be around
Db            Ab                Ebm
And I watch Superman fly away
              Gb                  Db
Come back I'll be with you someday
              Ab          Ebm    Gb
I'll be right here on the ground
                  Db    Db    Db
When you come back down

Verse :
Ebm          Gb                      Db
And I watch you fly around the world
              Ab                        Ebm
And I hope you don't take some other girl
              Gb                  Db  Ab
Don't forget! Don't forget! About me!
Ebm                Gb                Db
I'm far away but I never let you go
                    Ab                    Ebm
I'm love struck and looking out the window
              Gb                      Ab
Don't forget! Don't forget! Where I'll be!
Right here wishing the flowers were from you
Wishing the card was from you
            Ebm                Ab
Wishing the call was from you
Ab                                    Db
'Cause I loved you from the very first day

Chorus :
Db      Ab                Ebm
I watch Superman fly away
            Gb            Db
You've got a busy day today
            Ab              Ebm        Gb            Db
Go save the world I'll be around, forever and ever!
        Ab                Ebm
I watch Superman fly away
            Gb                  Db
I swear I'll be with you someday
              Ab          Ebm    Gb
I'll be right here on the ground
                  Db    Ab
When you come back down 
Ebm    Gb  Db  Ab  Ebm    Gb                  Db   
La, la, la, la, la, la, when you come back down

Em, G, Gadd9, A, Bm, Bm7, D

Intro :
D A Em G
D A Em G

Verse :
D            A
Tall dark and Superman
  Em                  G                    D
He puts papers in his briefcase and drives away
            A              Em
To save the world or go to work
It's the same thing to me

            D                A
He's got his mothers eyes his fathers ambition
  Em                    G                  D
I wonder if he knows how much that I miss him
          A            Em  G
I hang on every word you sa--ay

A                      Bm7
And, you'll smile and say how are you
Gadd9    D    A    Bm7
I'll say just fine
            Gadd9              D          A
I always forget to tell you, I love you, I love you ... forever!

Chorus :
D        A                Em
I watch Superman fly away
            G            D
You've got a busy day today
            A              Em    G
Go save the world I'll be around
D            A                Em
And I watch Superman fly away
              G                  D
Come back I'll be with you someday
              A          Em    G   
I'll be right here on the ground
                  D  A  Em  G
When you come back down

Verse :
D              A
Talk dark and beautiful
    Em                G
He's complicated, he's irrational
      D                            A                Em  G
But I hope someday you'll take me away and save the day, yea--ah
D                            A
Something in his deep browns eyes has me sayin'
    Em                  G
He's not all bad like his reputation and
D                A              Em    G
I can't hear one single word they saa--ay

A                    Bm7              Gadd9  D A  Bm7
And you'll leave got places to be and I'll be o-kay
            Gadd9            D
I always forget to tell you I love you
  A                            D
I loved you from the very first day

Chorus :
        A                Em
I watch Superman fly away
            G            D
You've got a busy day today
            A              Em    G
Go save the world I'll be around
D            A                Em
And I watch Superman fly away
              G                  D
Come back I'll be with you someday
              A          Em    G
I'll be right here on the ground
                  D    D    D
When you come back down

Verse :
Em          G                      D
And I watch you fly around the world
              A                        Em
And I hope you don't take some other girl
              G                  D  A
Don't forget! Don't forget! About me!
Em                G                D
I'm far away but I never let you go
                    A                    Em
I'm love struck and looking out the window
              G                      A
Don't forget! Don't forget! Where I'll be!
Right here wishing the flowers were from you
Wishing the card was from you
            Em                A
Wishing the call was from you
A                                    D
'Cause I loved you from the very first day

Chorus :
D      A                Em
I watch Superman fly away
            G            D
You've got a busy day today
            A              Em        G            D
Go save the world I'll be around, forever and ever!
        A                Em
I watch Superman fly away
            G                  D
I swear I'll be with you someday
              A          Em    G
I'll be right here on the ground
                  D    A
When you come back down 
Em    G  D  A  Em    G                  D   
La, la, la, la, la, la, when you come back down

Fm, Ab, Abadd9, Bb, Cm, Cm7, Eb

Intro :
Eb Bb Fm Ab
Eb Bb Fm Ab

Verse :
Eb            Bb
Tall dark and Superman
  Fm                  Ab                    Eb
He puts papers in his briefcase and drives away
            Bb              Fm
To save the world or go to work
It's the same thing to me

            Eb                Bb
He's got his mothers eyes his fathers ambition
  Fm                    Ab                  Eb
I wonder if he knows how much that I miss him
          Bb            Fm  Ab
I hang on every word you sa--ay

Bb                      Cm7
And, you'll smile and say how are you
Abadd9    Eb    Bb    Cm7
I'll say just fine
            Abadd9              Eb          Bb
I always forget to tell you, I love you, I love you ... forever!

Chorus :
Eb        Bb                Fm
I watch Superman fly away
            Ab            Eb
You've got a busy day today
            Bb              Fm    Ab
Go save the world I'll be around
Eb            Bb                Fm
And I watch Superman fly away
              Ab                  Eb
Come back I'll be with you someday
              Bb          Fm    Ab   
I'll be right here on the ground
                  Eb  Bb  Fm  Ab
When you come back down

Verse :
Eb              Bb
Talk dark and beautiful
    Fm                Ab
He's complicated, he's irrational
      Eb                            Bb                Fm  Ab
But I hope someday you'll take me away and save the day, yea--ah
Eb                            Bb
Something in his deep browns eyes has me sayin'
    Fm                  Ab
He's not all bad like his reputation and
Eb                Bb              Fm    Ab
I can't hear one single word they saa--ay

Bb                    Cm7              Abadd9  Eb Bb  Cm7
And you'll leave got places to be and I'll be o-kay
            Abadd9            Eb
I always forget to tell you I love you
  Bb                            Eb
I loved you from the very first day

Chorus :
        Bb                Fm
I watch Superman fly away
            Ab            Eb
You've got a busy day today
            Bb              Fm    Ab
Go save the world I'll be around
Eb            Bb                Fm
And I watch Superman fly away
              Ab                  Eb
Come back I'll be with you someday
              Bb          Fm    Ab
I'll be right here on the ground
                  Eb    Eb    Eb
When you come back down

Verse :
Fm          Ab                      Eb
And I watch you fly around the world
              Bb                        Fm
And I hope you don't take some other girl
              Ab                  Eb  Bb
Don't forget! Don't forget! About me!
Fm                Ab                Eb
I'm far away but I never let you go
                    Bb                    Fm
I'm love struck and looking out the window
              Ab                      Bb
Don't forget! Don't forget! Where I'll be!
Right here wishing the flowers were from you
Wishing the card was from you
            Fm                Bb
Wishing the call was from you
Bb                                    Eb
'Cause I loved you from the very first day

Chorus :
Eb      Bb                Fm
I watch Superman fly away
            Ab            Eb
You've got a busy day today
            Bb              Fm        Ab            Eb
Go save the world I'll be around, forever and ever!
        Bb                Fm
I watch Superman fly away
            Ab                  Eb
I swear I'll be with you someday
              Bb          Fm    Ab
I'll be right here on the ground
                  Eb    Bb
When you come back down 
Fm    Ab  Eb  Bb  Fm    Ab                  Eb   
La, la, la, la, la, la, when you come back down

Gbm, A, Aadd9, B, Dbm, Dbm7, E

Intro :
E B Gbm A
E B Gbm A

Verse :
E            B
Tall dark and Superman
  Gbm                  A                    E
He puts papers in his briefcase and drives away
            B              Gbm
To save the world or go to work
It's the same thing to me

            E                B
He's got his mothers eyes his fathers ambition
  Gbm                    A                  E
I wonder if he knows how much that I miss him
          B            Gbm  A
I hang on every word you sa--ay

B                      Dbm7
And, you'll smile and say how are you
Aadd9    E    B    Dbm7
I'll say just fine
            Aadd9              E          B
I always forget to tell you, I love you, I love you ... forever!

Chorus :
E        B                Gbm
I watch Superman fly away
            A            E
You've got a busy day today
            B              Gbm    A
Go save the world I'll be around
E            B                Gbm
And I watch Superman fly away
              A                  E
Come back I'll be with you someday
              B          Gbm    A   
I'll be right here on the ground
                  E  B  Gbm  A
When you come back down

Verse :
E              B
Talk dark and beautiful
    Gbm                A
He's complicated, he's irrational
      E                            B                Gbm  A
But I hope someday you'll take me away and save the day, yea--ah
E                            B
Something in his deep browns eyes has me sayin'
    Gbm                  A
He's not all bad like his reputation and
E                B              Gbm    A
I can't hear one single word they saa--ay

B                    Dbm7              Aadd9  E B  Dbm7
And you'll leave got places to be and I'll be o-kay
            Aadd9            E
I always forget to tell you I love you
  B                            E
I loved you from the very first day

Chorus :
        B                Gbm
I watch Superman fly away
            A            E
You've got a busy day today
            B              Gbm    A
Go save the world I'll be around
E            B                Gbm
And I watch Superman fly away
              A                  E
Come back I'll be with you someday
              B          Gbm    A
I'll be right here on the ground
                  E    E    E
When you come back down

Verse :
Gbm          A                      E
And I watch you fly around the world
              B                        Gbm
And I hope you don't take some other girl
              A                  E  B
Don't forget! Don't forget! About me!
Gbm                A                E
I'm far away but I never let you go
                    B                    Gbm
I'm love struck and looking out the window
              A                      B
Don't forget! Don't forget! Where I'll be!
Right here wishing the flowers were from you
Wishing the card was from you
            Gbm                B
Wishing the call was from you
B                                    E
'Cause I loved you from the very first day

Chorus :
E      B                Gbm
I watch Superman fly away
            A            E
You've got a busy day today
            B              Gbm        A            E
Go save the world I'll be around, forever and ever!
        B                Gbm
I watch Superman fly away
            A                  E
I swear I'll be with you someday
              B          Gbm    A
I'll be right here on the ground
                  E    B
When you come back down 
Gbm    A  E  B  Gbm    A                  E   
La, la, la, la, la, la, when you come back down

Gm, Bb, Bbadd9, C, Dm, Dm7, F

Intro :
F C Gm Bb
F C Gm Bb

Verse :
F            C
Tall dark and Superman
  Gm                  Bb                    F
He puts papers in his briefcase and drives away
            C              Gm
To save the world or go to work
It's the same thing to me

            F                C
He's got his mothers eyes his fathers ambition
  Gm                    Bb                  F
I wonder if he knows how much that I miss him
          C            Gm  Bb
I hang on every word you sa--ay

C                      Dm7
And, you'll smile and say how are you
Bbadd9    F    C    Dm7
I'll say just fine
            Bbadd9              F          C
I always forget to tell you, I love you, I love you ... forever!

Chorus :
F        C                Gm
I watch Superman fly away
            Bb            F
You've got a busy day today
            C              Gm    Bb
Go save the world I'll be around
F            C                Gm
And I watch Superman fly away
              Bb                  F
Come back I'll be with you someday
              C          Gm    Bb   
I'll be right here on the ground
                  F  C  Gm  Bb
When you come back down

Verse :
F              C
Talk dark and beautiful
    Gm                Bb
He's complicated, he's irrational
      F                            C                Gm  Bb
But I hope someday you'll take me away and save the day, yea--ah
F                            C
Something in his deep browns eyes has me sayin'
    Gm                  Bb
He's not all bad like his reputation and
F                C              Gm    Bb
I can't hear one single word they saa--ay

C                    Dm7              Bbadd9  F C  Dm7
And you'll leave got places to be and I'll be o-kay
            Bbadd9            F
I always forget to tell you I love you
  C                            F
I loved you from the very first day

Chorus :
        C                Gm
I watch Superman fly away
            Bb            F
You've got a busy day today
            C              Gm    Bb
Go save the world I'll be around
F            C                Gm
And I watch Superman fly away
              Bb                  F
Come back I'll be with you someday
              C          Gm    Bb
I'll be right here on the ground
                  F    F    F
When you come back down

Verse :
Gm          Bb                      F
And I watch you fly around the world
              C                        Gm
And I hope you don't take some other girl
              Bb                  F  C
Don't forget! Don't forget! About me!
Gm                Bb                F
I'm far away but I never let you go
                    C                    Gm
I'm love struck and looking out the window
              Bb                      C
Don't forget! Don't forget! Where I'll be!
Right here wishing the flowers were from you
Wishing the card was from you
            Gm                C
Wishing the call was from you
C                                    F
'Cause I loved you from the very first day

Chorus :
F      C                Gm
I watch Superman fly away
            Bb            F
You've got a busy day today
            C              Gm        Bb            F
Go save the world I'll be around, forever and ever!
        C                Gm
I watch Superman fly away
            Bb                  F
I swear I'll be with you someday
              C          Gm    Bb
I'll be right here on the ground
                  F    C
When you come back down 
Gm    Bb  F  C  Gm    Bb                  F   
La, la, la, la, la, la, when you come back down

Abm, B, Badd9, Db, Ebm, Ebm7, Gb

Intro :
Gb Db Abm B
Gb Db Abm B

Verse :
Gb            Db
Tall dark and Superman
  Abm                  B                    Gb
He puts papers in his briefcase and drives away
            Db              Abm
To save the world or go to work
It's the same thing to me

            Gb                Db
He's got his mothers eyes his fathers ambition
  Abm                    B                  Gb
I wonder if he knows how much that I miss him
          Db            Abm  B
I hang on every word you sa--ay

Db                      Ebm7
And, you'll smile and say how are you
Badd9    Gb    Db    Ebm7
I'll say just fine
            Badd9              Gb          Db
I always forget to tell you, I love you, I love you ... forever!

Chorus :
Gb        Db                Abm
I watch Superman fly away
            B            Gb
You've got a busy day today
            Db              Abm    B
Go save the world I'll be around
Gb            Db                Abm
And I watch Superman fly away
              B                  Gb
Come back I'll be with you someday
              Db          Abm    B   
I'll be right here on the ground
                  Gb  Db  Abm  B
When you come back down

Verse :
Gb              Db
Talk dark and beautiful
    Abm                B
He's complicated, he's irrational
      Gb                            Db                Abm  B
But I hope someday you'll take me away and save the day, yea--ah
Gb                            Db
Something in his deep browns eyes has me sayin'
    Abm                  B
He's not all bad like his reputation and
Gb                Db              Abm    B
I can't hear one single word they saa--ay

Db                    Ebm7              Badd9  Gb Db  Ebm7
And you'll leave got places to be and I'll be o-kay
            Badd9            Gb
I always forget to tell you I love you
  Db                            Gb
I loved you from the very first day

Chorus :
        Db                Abm
I watch Superman fly away
            B            Gb
You've got a busy day today
            Db              Abm    B
Go save the world I'll be around
Gb            Db                Abm
And I watch Superman fly away
              B                  Gb
Come back I'll be with you someday
              Db          Abm    B
I'll be right here on the ground
                  Gb    Gb    Gb
When you come back down

Verse :
Abm          B                      Gb
And I watch you fly around the world
              Db                        Abm
And I hope you don't take some other girl
              B                  Gb  Db
Don't forget! Don't forget! About me!
Abm                B                Gb
I'm far away but I never let you go
                    Db                    Abm
I'm love struck and looking out the window
              B                      Db
Don't forget! Don't forget! Where I'll be!
Right here wishing the flowers were from you
Wishing the card was from you
            Abm                Db
Wishing the call was from you
Db                                    Gb
'Cause I loved you from the very first day

Chorus :
Gb      Db                Abm
I watch Superman fly away
            B            Gb
You've got a busy day today
            Db              Abm        B            Gb
Go save the world I'll be around, forever and ever!
        Db                Abm
I watch Superman fly away
            B                  Gb
I swear I'll be with you someday
              Db          Abm    B
I'll be right here on the ground
                  Gb    Db
When you come back down 
Abm    B  Gb  Db  Abm    B                  Gb   
La, la, la, la, la, la, when you come back down

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