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Hymn - Jesus Savior Pilot Me Ukulele Chords

G                   D          G        C                     D           G
Je - sus, Sav -ior, pi  -  lot me       O  - ver   life's tem-pes - tuous sea;

D                      C         G       D                     C           G
Un  -  known waves be -fore  me  roll,   Hid -ing   rocks  and treach'rous shoal;

G                      D         G      C                  D        G
Chart and   com -pass  come from Thee:  Je - sus, Sav-ior, pi - lot me.

G                   D          G        C                     D           G
As   a    moth-er   stills her child,   Thou canst hush   the o  -  cean  wild;
D                      C         G       D                     C           G
Boist 'rous  waves o - bey   Thy will    When Thou  say'st to  them  "Be   still!"

G                      D         G      C                  D        G
Won - drous Sov-'reign of   the  sea,   Je - sus, Sav-ior, pi - lot me.

G                   D          G        C                     D           G
When at   last I    near   the shore,   And  the   fear - ful break-ers   roar

D                      C         G       D                     C           G
'Twixt me    and   the peace-ful rest,   Then while lean - ing on     Thy  breast,

G                      D         G      C                  D        G
May   I     hear Thee  say  to   me,   "Fear not, I   will pi - lot thee."

Ending: (added)

D                  C            G       D                     C           G
Un  -  known waves be -fore  me roll,   Hid -ing   rocks  and treach'rous shoal;

G                      D         G      C                  D        G
May   I     hear Thee  say  to   me,   "Fear not, I   will pi - lot thee.

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