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CHRISTMAS ISN'T CANCELED (JUST YOU) Ukulele Chords By Kelly Clarkson

CHRISTMAS ISN'T CANCELED (JUST YOU) uke chords and lyrics By Kelly Clarkson


Bb, B, Cm, Cm6/A, Cm7/Bb, Cmmaj7, Cmmaj7/Bb, Cmmaj7/B, Eb, Ebmaj7, F7, Fm7, G, Ab, Abm, Abm/B

Verse 1 :
Eb          Cm
Out in the cold
                  Eb              Cm
Standin' where the trees meet the road
This used to be our favorite spot in this town
              Fm7                Bb
Memories with you and me ruin it now (Woah-woah-woah)
Eb              Cm
That's where we met
              Eb          Cm
Like a winter dream and I bet
I wasn't the first, and I won't be the last
                Fm7                      Bb
Underneath that mistletoe, you've been so bad (Woah-woah-woah)

Pre-Chorus :
Cm          Cmmaj7/B      Cm7/Bb                  Cm6/A
You ruined all my favorite things (All my favorite things)
        Abm                  B  Bb
But you won't take Christmas from me

Chorus :
                Eb            Ebmaj7
I'll be hanging every light I find in this house
G                Cm
Playin' Christmas music so loud
Ab                  Bb                Eb  Bb
This year Christmas won't be quite so blue
              Eb                  Cm
And I'm gonna shout too much and dance in the snow
G                Cm    Cmmaj7
Drink just enough to let us go
Ab              Bb              Eb  Bb
Christmas isn't canceled, just you

Verse 2 :
Eb      Cm
Lost at first
                Eb                  Cm
Thinkin' that I might (I might) be cursed
Winter Wonderlands weren't made for one
                  Fm7                Bb
So we've all been told since we were young (Woah-woah-woah)

Pre-Chorus :
Cm          Cmmaj7/Bb    Cm7/Bb              Cm6/A
But I'm not feelin' incomplete (Feelin' incomplete)
          Abm                        B      Bb
Turns out I don't need a thing underneath my tree

Chorus :
                Eb            Ebmaj7
I'll be hanging every light I find in this house
G                Cm
Playin' Christmas music so loud
Ab                  Bb                Eb  Bb
This year Christmas won't be quite so blue
              Eb                  Cm
And I'm gonna shout too much and dance in the snow
G                Cm    Cmmaj7/B
Drink just enough to let us go
Ab              Bb              Eb  Bb
Christmas isn't canceled, just you

Bridge :
(Christmas) Without you is still fun
(Christmas) And when the New Year comes
Don't you worry 'bout me, I'll be alright
Baby, by New Year's night, ooh

Chorus :
                Eb              Ebmaj7
I'll be ringin' in the New Year with all my friends
G              Cm
Kissin' goodbye to what might've been
Ab                    Bb              Eb  Bb
This year New Year's, I won't be your fool
              Eb            Cm
And I bet you see me out wonderin' what's wrong
G              Cm      Cmmaj7/B
Watchin' me have fun with you gone
    Ab                Bb
But New Year's isn't canceled
Ab              Bb
Christmas isn't canceled
Just you

Outro :
Christmas isn't canceled
Christmas isn't canceled
Abm              Abm/B          Eb
Christmas isn't canceled, just you

Other Versions For This Ukulele Chords Song :

B, C, Dbm, Dbm6/Bb, Dbm7/B, Dbmmaj7, Dbmmaj7/B, Dbmmaj7/C, E, Emaj7, Gb7, Gbm7, Ab, A, Am, Am/C

Verse 1 :
E          Dbm
Out in the cold
                  E              Dbm
Standin' where the trees meet the road
This used to be our favorite spot in this town
              Gbm7                B
Memories with you and me ruin it now (Woah-woah-woah)
E              Dbm
That's where we met
              E          Dbm
Like a winter dream and I bet
I wasn't the first, and I won't be the last
                Gbm7                      B
Underneath that mistletoe, you've been so bad (Woah-woah-woah)

Pre-Chorus :
Dbm          Dbmmaj7/C      Dbm7/B                  Dbm6/Bb
You ruined all my favorite things (All my favorite things)
        Am                  C  B
But you won't take Christmas from me

Chorus :
                E            Emaj7
I'll be hanging every light I find in this house
Ab                Dbm
Playin' Christmas music so loud
A                  B                E  B
This year Christmas won't be quite so blue
              E                  Dbm
And I'm gonna shout too much and dance in the snow
Ab                Dbm    Dbmmaj7
Drink just enough to let us go
A              B              E  B
Christmas isn't canceled, just you

Verse 2 :
E      Dbm
Lost at first
                E                  Dbm
Thinkin' that I might (I might) be cursed
Winter Wonderlands weren't made for one
                  Gbm7                B
So we've all been told since we were young (Woah-woah-woah)

Pre-Chorus :
Dbm          Dbmmaj7/B    Dbm7/B              Dbm6/Bb
But I'm not feelin' incomplete (Feelin' incomplete)
          Am                        C      B
Turns out I don't need a thing underneath my tree

Chorus :
                E            Emaj7
I'll be hanging every light I find in this house
Ab                Dbm
Playin' Christmas music so loud
A                  B                E  B
This year Christmas won't be quite so blue
              E                  Dbm
And I'm gonna shout too much and dance in the snow
Ab                Dbm    Dbmmaj7/C
Drink just enough to let us go
A              B              E  B
Christmas isn't canceled, just you

Bridge :
(Christmas) Without you is still fun
(Christmas) And when the New Year comes
Don't you worry 'bout me, I'll be alright
Baby, by New Year's night, ooh

Chorus :
                E              Emaj7
I'll be ringin' in the New Year with all my friends
Ab              Dbm
Kissin' goodbye to what might've been
A                    B              E  B
This year New Year's, I won't be your fool
              E            Dbm
And I bet you see me out wonderin' what's wrong
Ab              Dbm      Dbmmaj7/C
Watchin' me have fun with you gone
    A                B
But New Year's isn't canceled
A              B
Christmas isn't canceled
Just you

Outro :
Christmas isn't canceled
Christmas isn't canceled
Am              Am/C          E
Christmas isn't canceled, just you

C, Db, Dm, Dm6/B, Dm7/C, Dmmaj7, Dmmaj7/C, Dmmaj7/Db, F, Fmaj7, G7, Gm7, A, Bb, Bbm, Bbm/Db

Verse 1 :
F          Dm
Out in the cold
                  F              Dm
Standin' where the trees meet the road
This used to be our favorite spot in this town
              Gm7                C
Memories with you and me ruin it now (Woah-woah-woah)
F              Dm
That's where we met
              F          Dm
Like a winter dream and I bet
I wasn't the first, and I won't be the last
                Gm7                      C
Underneath that mistletoe, you've been so bad (Woah-woah-woah)

Pre-Chorus :
Dm          Dmmaj7/Db      Dm7/C                  Dm6/B
You ruined all my favorite things (All my favorite things)
        Bbm                  Db  C
But you won't take Christmas from me

Chorus :
                F            Fmaj7
I'll be hanging every light I find in this house
A                Dm
Playin' Christmas music so loud
Bb                  C                F  C
This year Christmas won't be quite so blue
              F                  Dm
And I'm gonna shout too much and dance in the snow
A                Dm    Dmmaj7
Drink just enough to let us go
Bb              C              F  C
Christmas isn't canceled, just you

Verse 2 :
F      Dm
Lost at first
                F                  Dm
Thinkin' that I might (I might) be cursed
Winter Wonderlands weren't made for one
                  Gm7                C
So we've all been told since we were young (Woah-woah-woah)

Pre-Chorus :
Dm          Dmmaj7/C    Dm7/C              Dm6/B
But I'm not feelin' incomplete (Feelin' incomplete)
          Bbm                        Db      C
Turns out I don't need a thing underneath my tree

Chorus :
                F            Fmaj7
I'll be hanging every light I find in this house
A                Dm
Playin' Christmas music so loud
Bb                  C                F  C
This year Christmas won't be quite so blue
              F                  Dm
And I'm gonna shout too much and dance in the snow
A                Dm    Dmmaj7/Db
Drink just enough to let us go
Bb              C              F  C
Christmas isn't canceled, just you

Bridge :
(Christmas) Without you is still fun
(Christmas) And when the New Year comes
Don't you worry 'bout me, I'll be alright
Baby, by New Year's night, ooh

Chorus :
                F              Fmaj7
I'll be ringin' in the New Year with all my friends
A              Dm
Kissin' goodbye to what might've been
Bb                    C              F  C
This year New Year's, I won't be your fool
              F            Dm
And I bet you see me out wonderin' what's wrong
A              Dm      Dmmaj7/Db
Watchin' me have fun with you gone
    Bb                C
But New Year's isn't canceled
Bb              C
Christmas isn't canceled
Just you

Outro :
Christmas isn't canceled
Christmas isn't canceled
Bbm              Bbm/Db          F
Christmas isn't canceled, just you

Db, D, Ebm, Ebm6/C, Ebm7/Db, Ebmmaj7, Ebmmaj7/Db, Ebmmaj7/D, Gb, Gbmaj7, Ab7, Abm7, Bb, B, Bm, Bm/D

Verse 1 :
Gb          Ebm
Out in the cold
                  Gb              Ebm
Standin' where the trees meet the road
This used to be our favorite spot in this town
              Abm7                Db
Memories with you and me ruin it now (Woah-woah-woah)
Gb              Ebm
That's where we met
              Gb          Ebm
Like a winter dream and I bet
I wasn't the first, and I won't be the last
                Abm7                      Db
Underneath that mistletoe, you've been so bad (Woah-woah-woah)

Pre-Chorus :
Ebm          Ebmmaj7/D      Ebm7/Db                  Ebm6/C
You ruined all my favorite things (All my favorite things)
        Bm                  D  Db
But you won't take Christmas from me

Chorus :
                Gb            Gbmaj7
I'll be hanging every light I find in this house
Bb                Ebm
Playin' Christmas music so loud
B                  Db                Gb  Db
This year Christmas won't be quite so blue
              Gb                  Ebm
And I'm gonna shout too much and dance in the snow
Bb                Ebm    Ebmmaj7
Drink just enough to let us go
B              Db              Gb  Db
Christmas isn't canceled, just you

Verse 2 :
Gb      Ebm
Lost at first
                Gb                  Ebm
Thinkin' that I might (I might) be cursed
Winter Wonderlands weren't made for one
                  Abm7                Db
So we've all been told since we were young (Woah-woah-woah)

Pre-Chorus :
Ebm          Ebmmaj7/Db    Ebm7/Db              Ebm6/C
But I'm not feelin' incomplete (Feelin' incomplete)
          Bm                        D      Db
Turns out I don't need a thing underneath my tree

Chorus :
                Gb            Gbmaj7
I'll be hanging every light I find in this house
Bb                Ebm
Playin' Christmas music so loud
B                  Db                Gb  Db
This year Christmas won't be quite so blue
              Gb                  Ebm
And I'm gonna shout too much and dance in the snow
Bb                Ebm    Ebmmaj7/D
Drink just enough to let us go
B              Db              Gb  Db
Christmas isn't canceled, just you

Bridge :
(Christmas) Without you is still fun
(Christmas) And when the New Year comes
Don't you worry 'bout me, I'll be alright
Baby, by New Year's night, ooh

Chorus :
                Gb              Gbmaj7
I'll be ringin' in the New Year with all my friends
Bb              Ebm
Kissin' goodbye to what might've been
B                    Db              Gb  Db
This year New Year's, I won't be your fool
              Gb            Ebm
And I bet you see me out wonderin' what's wrong
Bb              Ebm      Ebmmaj7/D
Watchin' me have fun with you gone
    B                Db
But New Year's isn't canceled
B              Db
Christmas isn't canceled
Just you

Outro :
Christmas isn't canceled
Christmas isn't canceled
Bm              Bm/D          Gb
Christmas isn't canceled, just you

D, Eb, Em, Em6/Db, Em7/D, Emmaj7, Emmaj7/D, Emmaj7/Eb, G, Gmaj7, A7, Am7, B, C, Cm, Cm/Eb

Verse 1 :
G          Em
Out in the cold
                  G              Em
Standin' where the trees meet the road
This used to be our favorite spot in this town
              Am7                D
Memories with you and me ruin it now (Woah-woah-woah)
G              Em
That's where we met
              G          Em
Like a winter dream and I bet
I wasn't the first, and I won't be the last
                Am7                      D
Underneath that mistletoe, you've been so bad (Woah-woah-woah)

Pre-Chorus :
Em          Emmaj7/Eb      Em7/D                  Em6/Db
You ruined all my favorite things (All my favorite things)
        Cm                  Eb  D
But you won't take Christmas from me

Chorus :
                G            Gmaj7
I'll be hanging every light I find in this house
B                Em
Playin' Christmas music so loud
C                  D                G  D
This year Christmas won't be quite so blue
              G                  Em
And I'm gonna shout too much and dance in the snow
B                Em    Emmaj7
Drink just enough to let us go
C              D              G  D
Christmas isn't canceled, just you

Verse 2 :
G      Em
Lost at first
                G                  Em
Thinkin' that I might (I might) be cursed
Winter Wonderlands weren't made for one
                  Am7                D
So we've all been told since we were young (Woah-woah-woah)

Pre-Chorus :
Em          Emmaj7/D    Em7/D              Em6/Db
But I'm not feelin' incomplete (Feelin' incomplete)
          Cm                        Eb      D
Turns out I don't need a thing underneath my tree

Chorus :
                G            Gmaj7
I'll be hanging every light I find in this house
B                Em
Playin' Christmas music so loud
C                  D                G  D
This year Christmas won't be quite so blue
              G                  Em
And I'm gonna shout too much and dance in the snow
B                Em    Emmaj7/Eb
Drink just enough to let us go
C              D              G  D
Christmas isn't canceled, just you

Bridge :
(Christmas) Without you is still fun
(Christmas) And when the New Year comes
Don't you worry 'bout me, I'll be alright
Baby, by New Year's night, ooh

Chorus :
                G              Gmaj7
I'll be ringin' in the New Year with all my friends
B              Em
Kissin' goodbye to what might've been
C                    D              G  D
This year New Year's, I won't be your fool
              G            Em
And I bet you see me out wonderin' what's wrong
B              Em      Emmaj7/Eb
Watchin' me have fun with you gone
    C                D
But New Year's isn't canceled
C              D
Christmas isn't canceled
Just you

Outro :
Christmas isn't canceled
Christmas isn't canceled
Cm              Cm/Eb          G
Christmas isn't canceled, just you

Eb, E, Fm, Fm6/D, Fm7/Eb, Fmmaj7, Fmmaj7/Eb, Fmmaj7/E, Ab, Abmaj7, Bb7, Bbm7, C, Db, Dbm, Dbm/E

Verse 1 :
Ab          Fm
Out in the cold
                  Ab              Fm
Standin' where the trees meet the road
This used to be our favorite spot in this town
              Bbm7                Eb
Memories with you and me ruin it now (Woah-woah-woah)
Ab              Fm
That's where we met
              Ab          Fm
Like a winter dream and I bet
I wasn't the first, and I won't be the last
                Bbm7                      Eb
Underneath that mistletoe, you've been so bad (Woah-woah-woah)

Pre-Chorus :
Fm          Fmmaj7/E      Fm7/Eb                  Fm6/D
You ruined all my favorite things (All my favorite things)
        Dbm                  E  Eb
But you won't take Christmas from me

Chorus :
                Ab            Abmaj7
I'll be hanging every light I find in this house
C                Fm
Playin' Christmas music so loud
Db                  Eb                Ab  Eb
This year Christmas won't be quite so blue
              Ab                  Fm
And I'm gonna shout too much and dance in the snow
C                Fm    Fmmaj7
Drink just enough to let us go
Db              Eb              Ab  Eb
Christmas isn't canceled, just you

Verse 2 :
Ab      Fm
Lost at first
                Ab                  Fm
Thinkin' that I might (I might) be cursed
Winter Wonderlands weren't made for one
                  Bbm7                Eb
So we've all been told since we were young (Woah-woah-woah)

Pre-Chorus :
Fm          Fmmaj7/Eb    Fm7/Eb              Fm6/D
But I'm not feelin' incomplete (Feelin' incomplete)
          Dbm                        E      Eb
Turns out I don't need a thing underneath my tree

Chorus :
                Ab            Abmaj7
I'll be hanging every light I find in this house
C                Fm
Playin' Christmas music so loud
Db                  Eb                Ab  Eb
This year Christmas won't be quite so blue
              Ab                  Fm
And I'm gonna shout too much and dance in the snow
C                Fm    Fmmaj7/E
Drink just enough to let us go
Db              Eb              Ab  Eb
Christmas isn't canceled, just you

Bridge :
(Christmas) Without you is still fun
(Christmas) And when the New Year comes
Don't you worry 'bout me, I'll be alright
Baby, by New Year's night, ooh

Chorus :
                Ab              Abmaj7
I'll be ringin' in the New Year with all my friends
C              Fm
Kissin' goodbye to what might've been
Db                    Eb              Ab  Eb
This year New Year's, I won't be your fool
              Ab            Fm
And I bet you see me out wonderin' what's wrong
C              Fm      Fmmaj7/E
Watchin' me have fun with you gone
    Db                Eb
But New Year's isn't canceled
Db              Eb
Christmas isn't canceled
Just you

Outro :
Christmas isn't canceled
Christmas isn't canceled
Dbm              Dbm/E          Ab
Christmas isn't canceled, just you

E, F, Gbm, Gbm6/Eb, Gbm7/E, Gbmmaj7, Gbmmaj7/E, Gbmmaj7/F, A, Amaj7, B7, Bm7, Db, D, Dm, Dm/F

Verse 1 :
A          Gbm
Out in the cold
                  A              Gbm
Standin' where the trees meet the road
This used to be our favorite spot in this town
              Bm7                E
Memories with you and me ruin it now (Woah-woah-woah)
A              Gbm
That's where we met
              A          Gbm
Like a winter dream and I bet
I wasn't the first, and I won't be the last
                Bm7                      E
Underneath that mistletoe, you've been so bad (Woah-woah-woah)

Pre-Chorus :
Gbm          Gbmmaj7/F      Gbm7/E                  Gbm6/Eb
You ruined all my favorite things (All my favorite things)
        Dm                  F  E
But you won't take Christmas from me

Chorus :
                A            Amaj7
I'll be hanging every light I find in this house
Db                Gbm
Playin' Christmas music so loud
D                  E                A  E
This year Christmas won't be quite so blue
              A                  Gbm
And I'm gonna shout too much and dance in the snow
Db                Gbm    Gbmmaj7
Drink just enough to let us go
D              E              A  E
Christmas isn't canceled, just you

Verse 2 :
A      Gbm
Lost at first
                A                  Gbm
Thinkin' that I might (I might) be cursed
Winter Wonderlands weren't made for one
                  Bm7                E
So we've all been told since we were young (Woah-woah-woah)

Pre-Chorus :
Gbm          Gbmmaj7/E    Gbm7/E              Gbm6/Eb
But I'm not feelin' incomplete (Feelin' incomplete)
          Dm                        F      E
Turns out I don't need a thing underneath my tree

Chorus :
                A            Amaj7
I'll be hanging every light I find in this house
Db                Gbm
Playin' Christmas music so loud
D                  E                A  E
This year Christmas won't be quite so blue
              A                  Gbm
And I'm gonna shout too much and dance in the snow
Db                Gbm    Gbmmaj7/F
Drink just enough to let us go
D              E              A  E
Christmas isn't canceled, just you

Bridge :
(Christmas) Without you is still fun
(Christmas) And when the New Year comes
Don't you worry 'bout me, I'll be alright
Baby, by New Year's night, ooh

Chorus :
                A              Amaj7
I'll be ringin' in the New Year with all my friends
Db              Gbm
Kissin' goodbye to what might've been
D                    E              A  E
This year New Year's, I won't be your fool
              A            Gbm
And I bet you see me out wonderin' what's wrong
Db              Gbm      Gbmmaj7/F
Watchin' me have fun with you gone
    D                E
But New Year's isn't canceled
D              E
Christmas isn't canceled
Just you

Outro :
Christmas isn't canceled
Christmas isn't canceled
Dm              Dm/F          A
Christmas isn't canceled, just you

F, Gb, Gm, Gm6/E, Gm7/F, Gmmaj7, Gmmaj7/F, Gmmaj7/Gb, Bb, Bbmaj7, C7, Cm7, D, Eb, Ebm, Ebm/Gb

Verse 1 :
Bb          Gm
Out in the cold
                  Bb              Gm
Standin' where the trees meet the road
This used to be our favorite spot in this town
              Cm7                F
Memories with you and me ruin it now (Woah-woah-woah)
Bb              Gm
That's where we met
              Bb          Gm
Like a winter dream and I bet
I wasn't the first, and I won't be the last
                Cm7                      F
Underneath that mistletoe, you've been so bad (Woah-woah-woah)

Pre-Chorus :
Gm          Gmmaj7/Gb      Gm7/F                  Gm6/E
You ruined all my favorite things (All my favorite things)
        Ebm                  Gb  F
But you won't take Christmas from me

Chorus :
                Bb            Bbmaj7
I'll be hanging every light I find in this house
D                Gm
Playin' Christmas music so loud
Eb                  F                Bb  F
This year Christmas won't be quite so blue
              Bb                  Gm
And I'm gonna shout too much and dance in the snow
D                Gm    Gmmaj7
Drink just enough to let us go
Eb              F              Bb  F
Christmas isn't canceled, just you

Verse 2 :
Bb      Gm
Lost at first
                Bb                  Gm
Thinkin' that I might (I might) be cursed
Winter Wonderlands weren't made for one
                  Cm7                F
So we've all been told since we were young (Woah-woah-woah)

Pre-Chorus :
Gm          Gmmaj7/F    Gm7/F              Gm6/E
But I'm not feelin' incomplete (Feelin' incomplete)
          Ebm                        Gb      F
Turns out I don't need a thing underneath my tree

Chorus :
                Bb            Bbmaj7
I'll be hanging every light I find in this house
D                Gm
Playin' Christmas music so loud
Eb                  F                Bb  F
This year Christmas won't be quite so blue
              Bb                  Gm
And I'm gonna shout too much and dance in the snow
D                Gm    Gmmaj7/Gb
Drink just enough to let us go
Eb              F              Bb  F
Christmas isn't canceled, just you

Bridge :
(Christmas) Without you is still fun
(Christmas) And when the New Year comes
Don't you worry 'bout me, I'll be alright
Baby, by New Year's night, ooh

Chorus :
                Bb              Bbmaj7
I'll be ringin' in the New Year with all my friends
D              Gm
Kissin' goodbye to what might've been
Eb                    F              Bb  F
This year New Year's, I won't be your fool
              Bb            Gm
And I bet you see me out wonderin' what's wrong
D              Gm      Gmmaj7/Gb
Watchin' me have fun with you gone
    Eb                F
But New Year's isn't canceled
Eb              F
Christmas isn't canceled
Just you

Outro :
Christmas isn't canceled
Christmas isn't canceled
Ebm              Ebm/Gb          Bb
Christmas isn't canceled, just you

Gb, G, Abm, Abm6/F, Abm7/Gb, Abmmaj7, Abmmaj7/Gb, Abmmaj7/G, B, Bmaj7, Db7, Dbm7, Eb, E, Em, Em/G

Verse 1 :
B          Abm
Out in the cold
                  B              Abm
Standin' where the trees meet the road
This used to be our favorite spot in this town
              Dbm7                Gb
Memories with you and me ruin it now (Woah-woah-woah)
B              Abm
That's where we met
              B          Abm
Like a winter dream and I bet
I wasn't the first, and I won't be the last
                Dbm7                      Gb
Underneath that mistletoe, you've been so bad (Woah-woah-woah)

Pre-Chorus :
Abm          Abmmaj7/G      Abm7/Gb                  Abm6/F
You ruined all my favorite things (All my favorite things)
        Em                  G  Gb
But you won't take Christmas from me

Chorus :
                B            Bmaj7
I'll be hanging every light I find in this house
Eb                Abm
Playin' Christmas music so loud
E                  Gb                B  Gb
This year Christmas won't be quite so blue
              B                  Abm
And I'm gonna shout too much and dance in the snow
Eb                Abm    Abmmaj7
Drink just enough to let us go
E              Gb              B  Gb
Christmas isn't canceled, just you

Verse 2 :
B      Abm
Lost at first
                B                  Abm
Thinkin' that I might (I might) be cursed
Winter Wonderlands weren't made for one
                  Dbm7                Gb
So we've all been told since we were young (Woah-woah-woah)

Pre-Chorus :
Abm          Abmmaj7/Gb    Abm7/Gb              Abm6/F
But I'm not feelin' incomplete (Feelin' incomplete)
          Em                        G      Gb
Turns out I don't need a thing underneath my tree

Chorus :
                B            Bmaj7
I'll be hanging every light I find in this house
Eb                Abm
Playin' Christmas music so loud
E                  Gb                B  Gb
This year Christmas won't be quite so blue
              B                  Abm
And I'm gonna shout too much and dance in the snow
Eb                Abm    Abmmaj7/G
Drink just enough to let us go
E              Gb              B  Gb
Christmas isn't canceled, just you

Bridge :
(Christmas) Without you is still fun
(Christmas) And when the New Year comes
Don't you worry 'bout me, I'll be alright
Baby, by New Year's night, ooh

Chorus :
                B              Bmaj7
I'll be ringin' in the New Year with all my friends
Eb              Abm
Kissin' goodbye to what might've been
E                    Gb              B  Gb
This year New Year's, I won't be your fool
              B            Abm
And I bet you see me out wonderin' what's wrong
Eb              Abm      Abmmaj7/G
Watchin' me have fun with you gone
    E                Gb
But New Year's isn't canceled
E              Gb
Christmas isn't canceled
Just you

Outro :
Christmas isn't canceled
Christmas isn't canceled
Em              Em/G          B
Christmas isn't canceled, just you

G, Ab, Am, Am6/Gb, Am7/G, Ammaj7, Ammaj7/G, Ammaj7/Ab, C, Cmaj7, D7, Dm7, E, F, Fm, Fm/Ab

Verse 1 :
C          Am
Out in the cold
                  C              Am
Standin' where the trees meet the road
This used to be our favorite spot in this town
              Dm7                G
Memories with you and me ruin it now (Woah-woah-woah)
C              Am
That's where we met
              C          Am
Like a winter dream and I bet
I wasn't the first, and I won't be the last
                Dm7                      G
Underneath that mistletoe, you've been so bad (Woah-woah-woah)

Pre-Chorus :
Am          Ammaj7/Ab      Am7/G                  Am6/Gb
You ruined all my favorite things (All my favorite things)
        Fm                  Ab  G
But you won't take Christmas from me

Chorus :
                C            Cmaj7
I'll be hanging every light I find in this house
E                Am
Playin' Christmas music so loud
F                  G                C  G
This year Christmas won't be quite so blue
              C                  Am
And I'm gonna shout too much and dance in the snow
E                Am    Ammaj7
Drink just enough to let us go
F              G              C  G
Christmas isn't canceled, just you

Verse 2 :
C      Am
Lost at first
                C                  Am
Thinkin' that I might (I might) be cursed
Winter Wonderlands weren't made for one
                  Dm7                G
So we've all been told since we were young (Woah-woah-woah)

Pre-Chorus :
Am          Ammaj7/G    Am7/G              Am6/Gb
But I'm not feelin' incomplete (Feelin' incomplete)
          Fm                        Ab      G
Turns out I don't need a thing underneath my tree

Chorus :
                C            Cmaj7
I'll be hanging every light I find in this house
E                Am
Playin' Christmas music so loud
F                  G                C  G
This year Christmas won't be quite so blue
              C                  Am
And I'm gonna shout too much and dance in the snow
E                Am    Ammaj7/Ab
Drink just enough to let us go
F              G              C  G
Christmas isn't canceled, just you

Bridge :
(Christmas) Without you is still fun
(Christmas) And when the New Year comes
Don't you worry 'bout me, I'll be alright
Baby, by New Year's night, ooh

Chorus :
                C              Cmaj7
I'll be ringin' in the New Year with all my friends
E              Am
Kissin' goodbye to what might've been
F                    G              C  G
This year New Year's, I won't be your fool
              C            Am
And I bet you see me out wonderin' what's wrong
E              Am      Ammaj7/Ab
Watchin' me have fun with you gone
    F                G
But New Year's isn't canceled
F              G
Christmas isn't canceled
Just you

Outro :
Christmas isn't canceled
Christmas isn't canceled
Fm              Fm/Ab          C
Christmas isn't canceled, just you

Ab, A, Bbm, Bbm6/G, Bbm7/Ab, Bbmmaj7, Bbmmaj7/Ab, Bbmmaj7/A, Db, Dbmaj7, Eb7, Ebm7, F, Gb, Gbm, Gbm/A

Verse 1 :
Db          Bbm
Out in the cold
                  Db              Bbm
Standin' where the trees meet the road
This used to be our favorite spot in this town
              Ebm7                Ab
Memories with you and me ruin it now (Woah-woah-woah)
Db              Bbm
That's where we met
              Db          Bbm
Like a winter dream and I bet
I wasn't the first, and I won't be the last
                Ebm7                      Ab
Underneath that mistletoe, you've been so bad (Woah-woah-woah)

Pre-Chorus :
Bbm          Bbmmaj7/A      Bbm7/Ab                  Bbm6/G
You ruined all my favorite things (All my favorite things)
        Gbm                  A  Ab
But you won't take Christmas from me

Chorus :
                Db            Dbmaj7
I'll be hanging every light I find in this house
F                Bbm
Playin' Christmas music so loud
Gb                  Ab                Db  Ab
This year Christmas won't be quite so blue
              Db                  Bbm
And I'm gonna shout too much and dance in the snow
F                Bbm    Bbmmaj7
Drink just enough to let us go
Gb              Ab              Db  Ab
Christmas isn't canceled, just you

Verse 2 :
Db      Bbm
Lost at first
                Db                  Bbm
Thinkin' that I might (I might) be cursed
Winter Wonderlands weren't made for one
                  Ebm7                Ab
So we've all been told since we were young (Woah-woah-woah)

Pre-Chorus :
Bbm          Bbmmaj7/Ab    Bbm7/Ab              Bbm6/G
But I'm not feelin' incomplete (Feelin' incomplete)
          Gbm                        A      Ab
Turns out I don't need a thing underneath my tree

Chorus :
                Db            Dbmaj7
I'll be hanging every light I find in this house
F                Bbm
Playin' Christmas music so loud
Gb                  Ab                Db  Ab
This year Christmas won't be quite so blue
              Db                  Bbm
And I'm gonna shout too much and dance in the snow
F                Bbm    Bbmmaj7/A
Drink just enough to let us go
Gb              Ab              Db  Ab
Christmas isn't canceled, just you

Bridge :
(Christmas) Without you is still fun
(Christmas) And when the New Year comes
Don't you worry 'bout me, I'll be alright
Baby, by New Year's night, ooh

Chorus :
                Db              Dbmaj7
I'll be ringin' in the New Year with all my friends
F              Bbm
Kissin' goodbye to what might've been
Gb                    Ab              Db  Ab
This year New Year's, I won't be your fool
              Db            Bbm
And I bet you see me out wonderin' what's wrong
F              Bbm      Bbmmaj7/A
Watchin' me have fun with you gone
    Gb                Ab
But New Year's isn't canceled
Gb              Ab
Christmas isn't canceled
Just you

Outro :
Christmas isn't canceled
Christmas isn't canceled
Gbm              Gbm/A          Db
Christmas isn't canceled, just you

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