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GLOW Ukulele Chords By Kelly Clarkson & Chris Stapleton

GLOW uke chords and lyrics By Kelly Clarkson & Chris Stapleton


Bb, Cm, Eb, Ab

Intro :

Verse 1 :
Eb                                      Ab
You're the only one, only one I got my eyes on
Eb                                              Ab
I don't need, I don't need but a second, then I'm gone
              Eb                                              Ab
But when the snow starts falling, Christmas ain't far and I feel it
        Eb                                                    Ab
In my heart, in my bones, you're the secret I hold, can you keep it

Pre-Chorus :
              Bb  Cm                Ab   
If you every need me, if you find yourself alone
                Bb  Cm                    Ab
Christmas is a season, lights like you glow all year long

Chorus :
              Eb                              Ab
Nothing has changed, I still wish you could be
                  Eb                          Ab
Wrapped up in my arms, spending Christmas with me
              Cm                        Ab
When it gets cold is when I notice the most
              Eb                                                          Ab   
With all the lights on the trees, even Christmas can't compete with your glow

Verse 2 :
Eb                                                          Ab
Oh, records spinning as I'm dr?aming about how to get you alone
          Eb                                        Ab 
A little win?, slow dancing, making memories with mistletoe
          Eb                                                      Ab 
Did you know that I've thought about telling you a hundred times before?
          Eb                                                        Ab
And I'm standing here handing you my heart 'cause I couldn't wait anymore

Pre-Chorus 2 :
                  Bb Cm                Ab 
I could make you laugh, I would never let you down
                Bb Cm                  Ab
My list in the past, for Santa isn't different now

Chorus :
              Eb                            Ab
Nothing has changed, I still wish you could be
                  Eb                            Ab
Wrapped up in my arms, spending Christmas with me
              Cm                        Ab
When it gets cold is when I notice the most
              Eb                                                      Ab       
With all the lights on the trees, even Christmas can't compete with your glow

Bridge :
  Eb      Ab 
(Glow, glow)
  Eb    Ab
(Glow, glow)
Eb                      Ab    Eb                Ab
Did you know, did you know Christmas can't compete with your
(Glow, glow)
Cm                      Ab    Eb                    Bb               
Did you know, did you know, did you know, did you know

Cm                      Ab
Did you know, did you know
Just so you know

Chorus :
              Eb                            Ab
Nothing has changed, I still wish you could be
                  Eb                            Ab
Wrapped up in my arms, spending Christmas with me
              Cm                        Ab
When it gets cold is when I notice the most
              Eb                                                      Ab       
With all the lights on the trees, even Christmas can't compete with your glow

Outro :
It's a shame you can't see
Even Christmas can't compete with your glow

Other Versions For This Ukulele Chords Song :

B, Dbm, E, A

Intro :

Verse 1 :
E                                      A
You're the only one, only one I got my eyes on
E                                              A
I don't need, I don't need but a second, then I'm gone
              E                                              A
But when the snow starts falling, Christmas ain't far and I feel it
        E                                                    A
In my heart, in my bones, you're the secret I hold, can you keep it

Pre-Chorus :
              B  Dbm                A   
If you every need me, if you find yourself alone
                B  Dbm                    A
Christmas is a season, lights like you glow all year long

Chorus :
              E                              A
Nothing has changed, I still wish you could be
                  E                          A
Wrapped up in my arms, spending Christmas with me
              Dbm                        A
When it gets cold is when I notice the most
              E                                                          A   
With all the lights on the trees, even Christmas can't compete with your glow

Verse 2 :
E                                                          A
Oh, records spinning as I'm dr?aming about how to get you alone
          E                                        A 
A little win?, slow dancing, making memories with mistletoe
          E                                                      A 
Did you know that I've thought about telling you a hundred times before?
          E                                                        A
And I'm standing here handing you my heart 'cause I couldn't wait anymore

Pre-Chorus 2 :
                  B Dbm                A 
I could make you laugh, I would never let you down
                B Dbm                  A
My list in the past, for Santa isn't different now

Chorus :
              E                            A
Nothing has changed, I still wish you could be
                  E                            A
Wrapped up in my arms, spending Christmas with me
              Dbm                        A
When it gets cold is when I notice the most
              E                                                      A       
With all the lights on the trees, even Christmas can't compete with your glow

Bridge :
  E      A 
(Glow, glow)
  E    A
(Glow, glow)
E                      A    E                A
Did you know, did you know Christmas can't compete with your
(Glow, glow)
Dbm                      A    E                    B               
Did you know, did you know, did you know, did you know

Dbm                      A
Did you know, did you know
Just so you know

Chorus :
              E                            A
Nothing has changed, I still wish you could be
                  E                            A
Wrapped up in my arms, spending Christmas with me
              Dbm                        A
When it gets cold is when I notice the most
              E                                                      A       
With all the lights on the trees, even Christmas can't compete with your glow

Outro :
It's a shame you can't see
Even Christmas can't compete with your glow

C, Dm, F, Bb

Intro :

Verse 1 :
F                                      Bb
You're the only one, only one I got my eyes on
F                                              Bb
I don't need, I don't need but a second, then I'm gone
              F                                              Bb
But when the snow starts falling, Christmas ain't far and I feel it
        F                                                    Bb
In my heart, in my bones, you're the secret I hold, can you keep it

Pre-Chorus :
              C  Dm                Bb   
If you every need me, if you find yourself alone
                C  Dm                    Bb
Christmas is a season, lights like you glow all year long

Chorus :
              F                              Bb
Nothing has changed, I still wish you could be
                  F                          Bb
Wrapped up in my arms, spending Christmas with me
              Dm                        Bb
When it gets cold is when I notice the most
              F                                                          Bb   
With all the lights on the trees, even Christmas can't compete with your glow

Verse 2 :
F                                                          Bb
Oh, records spinning as I'm dr?aming about how to get you alone
          F                                        Bb 
A little win?, slow dancing, making memories with mistletoe
          F                                                      Bb 
Did you know that I've thought about telling you a hundred times before?
          F                                                        Bb
And I'm standing here handing you my heart 'cause I couldn't wait anymore

Pre-Chorus 2 :
                  C Dm                Bb 
I could make you laugh, I would never let you down
                C Dm                  Bb
My list in the past, for Santa isn't different now

Chorus :
              F                            Bb
Nothing has changed, I still wish you could be
                  F                            Bb
Wrapped up in my arms, spending Christmas with me
              Dm                        Bb
When it gets cold is when I notice the most
              F                                                      Bb       
With all the lights on the trees, even Christmas can't compete with your glow

Bridge :
  F      Bb 
(Glow, glow)
  F    Bb
(Glow, glow)
F                      Bb    F                Bb
Did you know, did you know Christmas can't compete with your
(Glow, glow)
Dm                      Bb    F                    C               
Did you know, did you know, did you know, did you know

Dm                      Bb
Did you know, did you know
Just so you know

Chorus :
              F                            Bb
Nothing has changed, I still wish you could be
                  F                            Bb
Wrapped up in my arms, spending Christmas with me
              Dm                        Bb
When it gets cold is when I notice the most
              F                                                      Bb       
With all the lights on the trees, even Christmas can't compete with your glow

Outro :
It's a shame you can't see
Even Christmas can't compete with your glow

Db, Ebm, Gb, B

Intro :

Verse 1 :
Gb                                      B
You're the only one, only one I got my eyes on
Gb                                              B
I don't need, I don't need but a second, then I'm gone
              Gb                                              B
But when the snow starts falling, Christmas ain't far and I feel it
        Gb                                                    B
In my heart, in my bones, you're the secret I hold, can you keep it

Pre-Chorus :
              Db  Ebm                B   
If you every need me, if you find yourself alone
                Db  Ebm                    B
Christmas is a season, lights like you glow all year long

Chorus :
              Gb                              B
Nothing has changed, I still wish you could be
                  Gb                          B
Wrapped up in my arms, spending Christmas with me
              Ebm                        B
When it gets cold is when I notice the most
              Gb                                                          B   
With all the lights on the trees, even Christmas can't compete with your glow

Verse 2 :
Gb                                                          B
Oh, records spinning as I'm dr?aming about how to get you alone
          Gb                                        B 
A little win?, slow dancing, making memories with mistletoe
          Gb                                                      B 
Did you know that I've thought about telling you a hundred times before?
          Gb                                                        B
And I'm standing here handing you my heart 'cause I couldn't wait anymore

Pre-Chorus 2 :
                  Db Ebm                B 
I could make you laugh, I would never let you down
                Db Ebm                  B
My list in the past, for Santa isn't different now

Chorus :
              Gb                            B
Nothing has changed, I still wish you could be
                  Gb                            B
Wrapped up in my arms, spending Christmas with me
              Ebm                        B
When it gets cold is when I notice the most
              Gb                                                      B       
With all the lights on the trees, even Christmas can't compete with your glow

Bridge :
  Gb      B 
(Glow, glow)
  Gb    B
(Glow, glow)
Gb                      B    Gb                B
Did you know, did you know Christmas can't compete with your
(Glow, glow)
Ebm                      B    Gb                    Db               
Did you know, did you know, did you know, did you know

Ebm                      B
Did you know, did you know
Just so you know

Chorus :
              Gb                            B
Nothing has changed, I still wish you could be
                  Gb                            B
Wrapped up in my arms, spending Christmas with me
              Ebm                        B
When it gets cold is when I notice the most
              Gb                                                      B       
With all the lights on the trees, even Christmas can't compete with your glow

Outro :
It's a shame you can't see
Even Christmas can't compete with your glow

D, Em, G, C

Intro :

Verse 1 :
G                                      C
You're the only one, only one I got my eyes on
G                                              C
I don't need, I don't need but a second, then I'm gone
              G                                              C
But when the snow starts falling, Christmas ain't far and I feel it
        G                                                    C
In my heart, in my bones, you're the secret I hold, can you keep it

Pre-Chorus :
              D  Em                C   
If you every need me, if you find yourself alone
                D  Em                    C
Christmas is a season, lights like you glow all year long

Chorus :
              G                              C
Nothing has changed, I still wish you could be
                  G                          C
Wrapped up in my arms, spending Christmas with me
              Em                        C
When it gets cold is when I notice the most
              G                                                          C   
With all the lights on the trees, even Christmas can't compete with your glow

Verse 2 :
G                                                          C
Oh, records spinning as I'm dr?aming about how to get you alone
          G                                        C 
A little win?, slow dancing, making memories with mistletoe
          G                                                      C 
Did you know that I've thought about telling you a hundred times before?
          G                                                        C
And I'm standing here handing you my heart 'cause I couldn't wait anymore

Pre-Chorus 2 :
                  D Em                C 
I could make you laugh, I would never let you down
                D Em                  C
My list in the past, for Santa isn't different now

Chorus :
              G                            C
Nothing has changed, I still wish you could be
                  G                            C
Wrapped up in my arms, spending Christmas with me
              Em                        C
When it gets cold is when I notice the most
              G                                                      C       
With all the lights on the trees, even Christmas can't compete with your glow

Bridge :
  G      C 
(Glow, glow)
  G    C
(Glow, glow)
G                      C    G                C
Did you know, did you know Christmas can't compete with your
(Glow, glow)
Em                      C    G                    D               
Did you know, did you know, did you know, did you know

Em                      C
Did you know, did you know
Just so you know

Chorus :
              G                            C
Nothing has changed, I still wish you could be
                  G                            C
Wrapped up in my arms, spending Christmas with me
              Em                        C
When it gets cold is when I notice the most
              G                                                      C       
With all the lights on the trees, even Christmas can't compete with your glow

Outro :
It's a shame you can't see
Even Christmas can't compete with your glow

Eb, Fm, Ab, Db

Intro :

Verse 1 :
Ab                                      Db
You're the only one, only one I got my eyes on
Ab                                              Db
I don't need, I don't need but a second, then I'm gone
              Ab                                              Db
But when the snow starts falling, Christmas ain't far and I feel it
        Ab                                                    Db
In my heart, in my bones, you're the secret I hold, can you keep it

Pre-Chorus :
              Eb  Fm                Db   
If you every need me, if you find yourself alone
                Eb  Fm                    Db
Christmas is a season, lights like you glow all year long

Chorus :
              Ab                              Db
Nothing has changed, I still wish you could be
                  Ab                          Db
Wrapped up in my arms, spending Christmas with me
              Fm                        Db
When it gets cold is when I notice the most
              Ab                                                          Db   
With all the lights on the trees, even Christmas can't compete with your glow

Verse 2 :
Ab                                                          Db
Oh, records spinning as I'm dr?aming about how to get you alone
          Ab                                        Db 
A little win?, slow dancing, making memories with mistletoe
          Ab                                                      Db 
Did you know that I've thought about telling you a hundred times before?
          Ab                                                        Db
And I'm standing here handing you my heart 'cause I couldn't wait anymore

Pre-Chorus 2 :
                  Eb Fm                Db 
I could make you laugh, I would never let you down
                Eb Fm                  Db
My list in the past, for Santa isn't different now

Chorus :
              Ab                            Db
Nothing has changed, I still wish you could be
                  Ab                            Db
Wrapped up in my arms, spending Christmas with me
              Fm                        Db
When it gets cold is when I notice the most
              Ab                                                      Db       
With all the lights on the trees, even Christmas can't compete with your glow

Bridge :
  Ab      Db 
(Glow, glow)
  Ab    Db
(Glow, glow)
Ab                      Db    Ab                Db
Did you know, did you know Christmas can't compete with your
(Glow, glow)
Fm                      Db    Ab                    Eb               
Did you know, did you know, did you know, did you know

Fm                      Db
Did you know, did you know
Just so you know

Chorus :
              Ab                            Db
Nothing has changed, I still wish you could be
                  Ab                            Db
Wrapped up in my arms, spending Christmas with me
              Fm                        Db
When it gets cold is when I notice the most
              Ab                                                      Db       
With all the lights on the trees, even Christmas can't compete with your glow

Outro :
It's a shame you can't see
Even Christmas can't compete with your glow

E, Gbm, A, D

Intro :

Verse 1 :
A                                      D
You're the only one, only one I got my eyes on
A                                              D
I don't need, I don't need but a second, then I'm gone
              A                                              D
But when the snow starts falling, Christmas ain't far and I feel it
        A                                                    D
In my heart, in my bones, you're the secret I hold, can you keep it

Pre-Chorus :
              E  Gbm                D   
If you every need me, if you find yourself alone
                E  Gbm                    D
Christmas is a season, lights like you glow all year long

Chorus :
              A                              D
Nothing has changed, I still wish you could be
                  A                          D
Wrapped up in my arms, spending Christmas with me
              Gbm                        D
When it gets cold is when I notice the most
              A                                                          D   
With all the lights on the trees, even Christmas can't compete with your glow

Verse 2 :
A                                                          D
Oh, records spinning as I'm dr?aming about how to get you alone
          A                                        D 
A little win?, slow dancing, making memories with mistletoe
          A                                                      D 
Did you know that I've thought about telling you a hundred times before?
          A                                                        D
And I'm standing here handing you my heart 'cause I couldn't wait anymore

Pre-Chorus 2 :
                  E Gbm                D 
I could make you laugh, I would never let you down
                E Gbm                  D
My list in the past, for Santa isn't different now

Chorus :
              A                            D
Nothing has changed, I still wish you could be
                  A                            D
Wrapped up in my arms, spending Christmas with me
              Gbm                        D
When it gets cold is when I notice the most
              A                                                      D       
With all the lights on the trees, even Christmas can't compete with your glow

Bridge :
  A      D 
(Glow, glow)
  A    D
(Glow, glow)
A                      D    A                D
Did you know, did you know Christmas can't compete with your
(Glow, glow)
Gbm                      D    A                    E               
Did you know, did you know, did you know, did you know

Gbm                      D
Did you know, did you know
Just so you know

Chorus :
              A                            D
Nothing has changed, I still wish you could be
                  A                            D
Wrapped up in my arms, spending Christmas with me
              Gbm                        D
When it gets cold is when I notice the most
              A                                                      D       
With all the lights on the trees, even Christmas can't compete with your glow

Outro :
It's a shame you can't see
Even Christmas can't compete with your glow

F, Gm, Bb, Eb

Intro :

Verse 1 :
Bb                                      Eb
You're the only one, only one I got my eyes on
Bb                                              Eb
I don't need, I don't need but a second, then I'm gone
              Bb                                              Eb
But when the snow starts falling, Christmas ain't far and I feel it
        Bb                                                    Eb
In my heart, in my bones, you're the secret I hold, can you keep it

Pre-Chorus :
              F  Gm                Eb   
If you every need me, if you find yourself alone
                F  Gm                    Eb
Christmas is a season, lights like you glow all year long

Chorus :
              Bb                              Eb
Nothing has changed, I still wish you could be
                  Bb                          Eb
Wrapped up in my arms, spending Christmas with me
              Gm                        Eb
When it gets cold is when I notice the most
              Bb                                                          Eb   
With all the lights on the trees, even Christmas can't compete with your glow

Verse 2 :
Bb                                                          Eb
Oh, records spinning as I'm dr?aming about how to get you alone
          Bb                                        Eb 
A little win?, slow dancing, making memories with mistletoe
          Bb                                                      Eb 
Did you know that I've thought about telling you a hundred times before?
          Bb                                                        Eb
And I'm standing here handing you my heart 'cause I couldn't wait anymore

Pre-Chorus 2 :
                  F Gm                Eb 
I could make you laugh, I would never let you down
                F Gm                  Eb
My list in the past, for Santa isn't different now

Chorus :
              Bb                            Eb
Nothing has changed, I still wish you could be
                  Bb                            Eb
Wrapped up in my arms, spending Christmas with me
              Gm                        Eb
When it gets cold is when I notice the most
              Bb                                                      Eb       
With all the lights on the trees, even Christmas can't compete with your glow

Bridge :
  Bb      Eb 
(Glow, glow)
  Bb    Eb
(Glow, glow)
Bb                      Eb    Bb                Eb
Did you know, did you know Christmas can't compete with your
(Glow, glow)
Gm                      Eb    Bb                    F               
Did you know, did you know, did you know, did you know

Gm                      Eb
Did you know, did you know
Just so you know

Chorus :
              Bb                            Eb
Nothing has changed, I still wish you could be
                  Bb                            Eb
Wrapped up in my arms, spending Christmas with me
              Gm                        Eb
When it gets cold is when I notice the most
              Bb                                                      Eb       
With all the lights on the trees, even Christmas can't compete with your glow

Outro :
It's a shame you can't see
Even Christmas can't compete with your glow

Gb, Abm, B, E

Intro :

Verse 1 :
B                                      E
You're the only one, only one I got my eyes on
B                                              E
I don't need, I don't need but a second, then I'm gone
              B                                              E
But when the snow starts falling, Christmas ain't far and I feel it
        B                                                    E
In my heart, in my bones, you're the secret I hold, can you keep it

Pre-Chorus :
              Gb  Abm                E   
If you every need me, if you find yourself alone
                Gb  Abm                    E
Christmas is a season, lights like you glow all year long

Chorus :
              B                              E
Nothing has changed, I still wish you could be
                  B                          E
Wrapped up in my arms, spending Christmas with me
              Abm                        E
When it gets cold is when I notice the most
              B                                                          E   
With all the lights on the trees, even Christmas can't compete with your glow

Verse 2 :
B                                                          E
Oh, records spinning as I'm dr?aming about how to get you alone
          B                                        E 
A little win?, slow dancing, making memories with mistletoe
          B                                                      E 
Did you know that I've thought about telling you a hundred times before?
          B                                                        E
And I'm standing here handing you my heart 'cause I couldn't wait anymore

Pre-Chorus 2 :
                  Gb Abm                E 
I could make you laugh, I would never let you down
                Gb Abm                  E
My list in the past, for Santa isn't different now

Chorus :
              B                            E
Nothing has changed, I still wish you could be
                  B                            E
Wrapped up in my arms, spending Christmas with me
              Abm                        E
When it gets cold is when I notice the most
              B                                                      E       
With all the lights on the trees, even Christmas can't compete with your glow

Bridge :
  B      E 
(Glow, glow)
  B    E
(Glow, glow)
B                      E    B                E
Did you know, did you know Christmas can't compete with your
(Glow, glow)
Abm                      E    B                    Gb               
Did you know, did you know, did you know, did you know

Abm                      E
Did you know, did you know
Just so you know

Chorus :
              B                            E
Nothing has changed, I still wish you could be
                  B                            E
Wrapped up in my arms, spending Christmas with me
              Abm                        E
When it gets cold is when I notice the most
              B                                                      E       
With all the lights on the trees, even Christmas can't compete with your glow

Outro :
It's a shame you can't see
Even Christmas can't compete with your glow

G, Am, C, F

Intro :

Verse 1 :
C                                      F
You're the only one, only one I got my eyes on
C                                              F
I don't need, I don't need but a second, then I'm gone
              C                                              F
But when the snow starts falling, Christmas ain't far and I feel it
        C                                                    F
In my heart, in my bones, you're the secret I hold, can you keep it

Pre-Chorus :
              G  Am                F   
If you every need me, if you find yourself alone
                G  Am                    F
Christmas is a season, lights like you glow all year long

Chorus :
              C                              F
Nothing has changed, I still wish you could be
                  C                          F
Wrapped up in my arms, spending Christmas with me
              Am                        F
When it gets cold is when I notice the most
              C                                                          F   
With all the lights on the trees, even Christmas can't compete with your glow

Verse 2 :
C                                                          F
Oh, records spinning as I'm dr?aming about how to get you alone
          C                                        F 
A little win?, slow dancing, making memories with mistletoe
          C                                                      F 
Did you know that I've thought about telling you a hundred times before?
          C                                                        F
And I'm standing here handing you my heart 'cause I couldn't wait anymore

Pre-Chorus 2 :
                  G Am                F 
I could make you laugh, I would never let you down
                G Am                  F
My list in the past, for Santa isn't different now

Chorus :
              C                            F
Nothing has changed, I still wish you could be
                  C                            F
Wrapped up in my arms, spending Christmas with me
              Am                        F
When it gets cold is when I notice the most
              C                                                      F       
With all the lights on the trees, even Christmas can't compete with your glow

Bridge :
  C      F 
(Glow, glow)
  C    F
(Glow, glow)
C                      F    C                F
Did you know, did you know Christmas can't compete with your
(Glow, glow)
Am                      F    C                    G               
Did you know, did you know, did you know, did you know

Am                      F
Did you know, did you know
Just so you know

Chorus :
              C                            F
Nothing has changed, I still wish you could be
                  C                            F
Wrapped up in my arms, spending Christmas with me
              Am                        F
When it gets cold is when I notice the most
              C                                                      F       
With all the lights on the trees, even Christmas can't compete with your glow

Outro :
It's a shame you can't see
Even Christmas can't compete with your glow

Ab, Bbm, Db, Gb

Intro :

Verse 1 :
Db                                      Gb
You're the only one, only one I got my eyes on
Db                                              Gb
I don't need, I don't need but a second, then I'm gone
              Db                                              Gb
But when the snow starts falling, Christmas ain't far and I feel it
        Db                                                    Gb
In my heart, in my bones, you're the secret I hold, can you keep it

Pre-Chorus :
              Ab  Bbm                Gb   
If you every need me, if you find yourself alone
                Ab  Bbm                    Gb
Christmas is a season, lights like you glow all year long

Chorus :
              Db                              Gb
Nothing has changed, I still wish you could be
                  Db                          Gb
Wrapped up in my arms, spending Christmas with me
              Bbm                        Gb
When it gets cold is when I notice the most
              Db                                                          Gb   
With all the lights on the trees, even Christmas can't compete with your glow

Verse 2 :
Db                                                          Gb
Oh, records spinning as I'm dr?aming about how to get you alone
          Db                                        Gb 
A little win?, slow dancing, making memories with mistletoe
          Db                                                      Gb 
Did you know that I've thought about telling you a hundred times before?
          Db                                                        Gb
And I'm standing here handing you my heart 'cause I couldn't wait anymore

Pre-Chorus 2 :
                  Ab Bbm                Gb 
I could make you laugh, I would never let you down
                Ab Bbm                  Gb
My list in the past, for Santa isn't different now

Chorus :
              Db                            Gb
Nothing has changed, I still wish you could be
                  Db                            Gb
Wrapped up in my arms, spending Christmas with me
              Bbm                        Gb
When it gets cold is when I notice the most
              Db                                                      Gb       
With all the lights on the trees, even Christmas can't compete with your glow

Bridge :
  Db      Gb 
(Glow, glow)
  Db    Gb
(Glow, glow)
Db                      Gb    Db                Gb
Did you know, did you know Christmas can't compete with your
(Glow, glow)
Bbm                      Gb    Db                    Ab               
Did you know, did you know, did you know, did you know

Bbm                      Gb
Did you know, did you know
Just so you know

Chorus :
              Db                            Gb
Nothing has changed, I still wish you could be
                  Db                            Gb
Wrapped up in my arms, spending Christmas with me
              Bbm                        Gb
When it gets cold is when I notice the most
              Db                                                      Gb       
With all the lights on the trees, even Christmas can't compete with your glow

Outro :
It's a shame you can't see
Even Christmas can't compete with your glow

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