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ILL BE HOME FOR CHRISTMAS Ukulele Chords By Reba McEntire

ILL BE HOME FOR CHRISTMAS uke chords and lyrics By Reba Mcentire


Bb7, Bbm, Bbm7, Db, Dbm, Dbmaj7, Eb, Eb7, F, F7, Fm, Fm7, Gb, Gb7, Ab

Verse :
      Bbm        Eb          Ab      Fm
I'm dreaming tonight of a place I love
      Bbm7          Eb      Ab
Even more then I usually do
      Bbm        Eb          Ab        Fm
And although I know, it's a long road back
Bbm    Bb7      Bbm  Eb
This I promise you
a one, two..

Solo :
Ab Dbmaj7 Db  Ab Gb7  F  Bbm7  Eb7  Ab

Verse 1 :
      Ab      Bb7  Bbm7  Eb7
Well, I'll be home for Christmas
Ab      Gb  F7 Bbm
You can plan on me
                Eb7              Ab      Fm
So please have snow and lots of mistletoe
      Bbm      Bb7      Bbm  Eb
And presents under the tree

    Ab        Bbm7      Bbm  Eb
Oh Christmas Eve will find me
Ab        Gb    F7    Bbm
Where the love light gleams
Db      Dbm      Ab  Gb  F7
I'll be home for Christmas
    Bbm  Eb    Ab
If only in my dreams

Solo :
Ab  Bb7  Bbm  Eb7  Ab  Gb  F7  Bbm  Eb7  Ab  Fm  Bbm  Fm7  Bb7  Eb

Verse 2 :
          Ab      Bbm7      Bbm  Eb
You know Christmas Eve will find me
Ab          Gb    F7    Bbm
Where the love light gleams
        Db      Dbm      Ab  Gb  F7
Darling I'll be home for Christmas
    Bbm  Eb7    Ab        Db  Dbm    Ab  Gb  F7
If only in my dreams
      Bbm  Eb      Ab      Ab  Eb  Ab
Oh if only in my dreams

Other Versions For This Ukulele Chords Song :

B7, Bm, Bm7, D, Dm, Dmaj7, E, E7, Gb, Gb7, Gbm, Gbm7, G, G7, A

Verse :
      Bm        E          A      Gbm
I'm dreaming tonight of a place I love
      Bm7          E      A
Even more then I usually do
      Bm        E          A        Gbm
And although I know, it's a long road back
Bm    B7      Bm  E
This I promise you
a one, two..

Solo :
A Dmaj7 D  A G7  Gb  Bm7  E7  A

Verse 1 :
      A      B7  Bm7  E7
Well, I'll be home for Christmas
A      G  Gb7 Bm
You can plan on me
                E7              A      Gbm
So please have snow and lots of mistletoe
      Bm      B7      Bm  E
And presents under the tree

    A        Bm7      Bm  E
Oh Christmas Eve will find me
A        G    Gb7    Bm
Where the love light gleams
D      Dm      A  G  Gb7
I'll be home for Christmas
    Bm  E    A
If only in my dreams

Solo :
A  B7  Bm  E7  A  G  Gb7  Bm  E7  A  Gbm  Bm  Gbm7  B7  E

Verse 2 :
          A      Bm7      Bm  E
You know Christmas Eve will find me
A          G    Gb7    Bm
Where the love light gleams
        D      Dm      A  G  Gb7
Darling I'll be home for Christmas
    Bm  E7    A        D  Dm    A  G  Gb7
If only in my dreams
      Bm  E      A      A  E  A
Oh if only in my dreams

C7, Cm, Cm7, Eb, Ebm, Ebmaj7, F, F7, G, G7, Gm, Gm7, Ab, Ab7, Bb

Verse :
      Cm        F          Bb      Gm
I'm dreaming tonight of a place I love
      Cm7          F      Bb
Even more then I usually do
      Cm        F          Bb        Gm
And although I know, it's a long road back
Cm    C7      Cm  F
This I promise you
a one, two..

Solo :
Bb Ebmaj7 Eb  Bb Ab7  G  Cm7  F7  Bb

Verse 1 :
      Bb      C7  Cm7  F7
Well, I'll be home for Christmas
Bb      Ab  G7 Cm
You can plan on me
                F7              Bb      Gm
So please have snow and lots of mistletoe
      Cm      C7      Cm  F
And presents under the tree

    Bb        Cm7      Cm  F
Oh Christmas Eve will find me
Bb        Ab    G7    Cm
Where the love light gleams
Eb      Ebm      Bb  Ab  G7
I'll be home for Christmas
    Cm  F    Bb
If only in my dreams

Solo :
Bb  C7  Cm  F7  Bb  Ab  G7  Cm  F7  Bb  Gm  Cm  Gm7  C7  F

Verse 2 :
          Bb      Cm7      Cm  F
You know Christmas Eve will find me
Bb          Ab    G7    Cm
Where the love light gleams
        Eb      Ebm      Bb  Ab  G7
Darling I'll be home for Christmas
    Cm  F7    Bb        Eb  Ebm    Bb  Ab  G7
If only in my dreams
      Cm  F      Bb      Bb  F  Bb
Oh if only in my dreams

Db7, Dbm, Dbm7, E, Em, Emaj7, Gb, Gb7, Ab, Ab7, Abm, Abm7, A, A7, B

Verse :
      Dbm        Gb          B      Abm
I'm dreaming tonight of a place I love
      Dbm7          Gb      B
Even more then I usually do
      Dbm        Gb          B        Abm
And although I know, it's a long road back
Dbm    Db7      Dbm  Gb
This I promise you
a one, two..

Solo :
B Emaj7 E  B A7  Ab  Dbm7  Gb7  B

Verse 1 :
      B      Db7  Dbm7  Gb7
Well, I'll be home for Christmas
B      A  Ab7 Dbm
You can plan on me
                Gb7              B      Abm
So please have snow and lots of mistletoe
      Dbm      Db7      Dbm  Gb
And presents under the tree

    B        Dbm7      Dbm  Gb
Oh Christmas Eve will find me
B        A    Ab7    Dbm
Where the love light gleams
E      Em      B  A  Ab7
I'll be home for Christmas
    Dbm  Gb    B
If only in my dreams

Solo :
B  Db7  Dbm  Gb7  B  A  Ab7  Dbm  Gb7  B  Abm  Dbm  Abm7  Db7  Gb

Verse 2 :
          B      Dbm7      Dbm  Gb
You know Christmas Eve will find me
B          A    Ab7    Dbm
Where the love light gleams
        E      Em      B  A  Ab7
Darling I'll be home for Christmas
    Dbm  Gb7    B        E  Em    B  A  Ab7
If only in my dreams
      Dbm  Gb      B      B  Gb  B
Oh if only in my dreams

D7, Dm, Dm7, F, Fm, Fmaj7, G, G7, A, A7, Am, Am7, Bb, Bb7, C

Verse :
      Dm        G          C      Am
I'm dreaming tonight of a place I love
      Dm7          G      C
Even more then I usually do
      Dm        G          C        Am
And although I know, it's a long road back
Dm    D7      Dm  G
This I promise you
a one, two..

Solo :
C Fmaj7 F  C Bb7  A  Dm7  G7  C

Verse 1 :
      C      D7  Dm7  G7
Well, I'll be home for Christmas
C      Bb  A7 Dm
You can plan on me
                G7              C      Am
So please have snow and lots of mistletoe
      Dm      D7      Dm  G
And presents under the tree

    C        Dm7      Dm  G
Oh Christmas Eve will find me
C        Bb    A7    Dm
Where the love light gleams
F      Fm      C  Bb  A7
I'll be home for Christmas
    Dm  G    C
If only in my dreams

Solo :
C  D7  Dm  G7  C  Bb  A7  Dm  G7  C  Am  Dm  Am7  D7  G

Verse 2 :
          C      Dm7      Dm  G
You know Christmas Eve will find me
C          Bb    A7    Dm
Where the love light gleams
        F      Fm      C  Bb  A7
Darling I'll be home for Christmas
    Dm  G7    C        F  Fm    C  Bb  A7
If only in my dreams
      Dm  G      C      C  G  C
Oh if only in my dreams

Eb7, Ebm, Ebm7, Gb, Gbm, Gbmaj7, Ab, Ab7, Bb, Bb7, Bbm, Bbm7, B, B7, Db

Verse :
      Ebm        Ab          Db      Bbm
I'm dreaming tonight of a place I love
      Ebm7          Ab      Db
Even more then I usually do
      Ebm        Ab          Db        Bbm
And although I know, it's a long road back
Ebm    Eb7      Ebm  Ab
This I promise you
a one, two..

Solo :
Db Gbmaj7 Gb  Db B7  Bb  Ebm7  Ab7  Db

Verse 1 :
      Db      Eb7  Ebm7  Ab7
Well, I'll be home for Christmas
Db      B  Bb7 Ebm
You can plan on me
                Ab7              Db      Bbm
So please have snow and lots of mistletoe
      Ebm      Eb7      Ebm  Ab
And presents under the tree

    Db        Ebm7      Ebm  Ab
Oh Christmas Eve will find me
Db        B    Bb7    Ebm
Where the love light gleams
Gb      Gbm      Db  B  Bb7
I'll be home for Christmas
    Ebm  Ab    Db
If only in my dreams

Solo :
Db  Eb7  Ebm  Ab7  Db  B  Bb7  Ebm  Ab7  Db  Bbm  Ebm  Bbm7  Eb7  Ab

Verse 2 :
          Db      Ebm7      Ebm  Ab
You know Christmas Eve will find me
Db          B    Bb7    Ebm
Where the love light gleams
        Gb      Gbm      Db  B  Bb7
Darling I'll be home for Christmas
    Ebm  Ab7    Db        Gb  Gbm    Db  B  Bb7
If only in my dreams
      Ebm  Ab      Db      Db  Ab  Db
Oh if only in my dreams

E7, Em, Em7, G, Gm, Gmaj7, A, A7, B, B7, Bm, Bm7, C, C7, D

Verse :
      Em        A          D      Bm
I'm dreaming tonight of a place I love
      Em7          A      D
Even more then I usually do
      Em        A          D        Bm
And although I know, it's a long road back
Em    E7      Em  A
This I promise you
a one, two..

Solo :
D Gmaj7 G  D C7  B  Em7  A7  D

Verse 1 :
      D      E7  Em7  A7
Well, I'll be home for Christmas
D      C  B7 Em
You can plan on me
                A7              D      Bm
So please have snow and lots of mistletoe
      Em      E7      Em  A
And presents under the tree

    D        Em7      Em  A
Oh Christmas Eve will find me
D        C    B7    Em
Where the love light gleams
G      Gm      D  C  B7
I'll be home for Christmas
    Em  A    D
If only in my dreams

Solo :
D  E7  Em  A7  D  C  B7  Em  A7  D  Bm  Em  Bm7  E7  A

Verse 2 :
          D      Em7      Em  A
You know Christmas Eve will find me
D          C    B7    Em
Where the love light gleams
        G      Gm      D  C  B7
Darling I'll be home for Christmas
    Em  A7    D        G  Gm    D  C  B7
If only in my dreams
      Em  A      D      D  A  D
Oh if only in my dreams

F7, Fm, Fm7, Ab, Abm, Abmaj7, Bb, Bb7, C, C7, Cm, Cm7, Db, Db7, Eb

Verse :
      Fm        Bb          Eb      Cm
I'm dreaming tonight of a place I love
      Fm7          Bb      Eb
Even more then I usually do
      Fm        Bb          Eb        Cm
And although I know, it's a long road back
Fm    F7      Fm  Bb
This I promise you
a one, two..

Solo :
Eb Abmaj7 Ab  Eb Db7  C  Fm7  Bb7  Eb

Verse 1 :
      Eb      F7  Fm7  Bb7
Well, I'll be home for Christmas
Eb      Db  C7 Fm
You can plan on me
                Bb7              Eb      Cm
So please have snow and lots of mistletoe
      Fm      F7      Fm  Bb
And presents under the tree

    Eb        Fm7      Fm  Bb
Oh Christmas Eve will find me
Eb        Db    C7    Fm
Where the love light gleams
Ab      Abm      Eb  Db  C7
I'll be home for Christmas
    Fm  Bb    Eb
If only in my dreams

Solo :
Eb  F7  Fm  Bb7  Eb  Db  C7  Fm  Bb7  Eb  Cm  Fm  Cm7  F7  Bb

Verse 2 :
          Eb      Fm7      Fm  Bb
You know Christmas Eve will find me
Eb          Db    C7    Fm
Where the love light gleams
        Ab      Abm      Eb  Db  C7
Darling I'll be home for Christmas
    Fm  Bb7    Eb        Ab  Abm    Eb  Db  C7
If only in my dreams
      Fm  Bb      Eb      Eb  Bb  Eb
Oh if only in my dreams

Gb7, Gbm, Gbm7, A, Am, Amaj7, B, B7, Db, Db7, Dbm, Dbm7, D, D7, E

Verse :
      Gbm        B          E      Dbm
I'm dreaming tonight of a place I love
      Gbm7          B      E
Even more then I usually do
      Gbm        B          E        Dbm
And although I know, it's a long road back
Gbm    Gb7      Gbm  B
This I promise you
a one, two..

Solo :
E Amaj7 A  E D7  Db  Gbm7  B7  E

Verse 1 :
      E      Gb7  Gbm7  B7
Well, I'll be home for Christmas
E      D  Db7 Gbm
You can plan on me
                B7              E      Dbm
So please have snow and lots of mistletoe
      Gbm      Gb7      Gbm  B
And presents under the tree

    E        Gbm7      Gbm  B
Oh Christmas Eve will find me
E        D    Db7    Gbm
Where the love light gleams
A      Am      E  D  Db7
I'll be home for Christmas
    Gbm  B    E
If only in my dreams

Solo :
E  Gb7  Gbm  B7  E  D  Db7  Gbm  B7  E  Dbm  Gbm  Dbm7  Gb7  B

Verse 2 :
          E      Gbm7      Gbm  B
You know Christmas Eve will find me
E          D    Db7    Gbm
Where the love light gleams
        A      Am      E  D  Db7
Darling I'll be home for Christmas
    Gbm  B7    E        A  Am    E  D  Db7
If only in my dreams
      Gbm  B      E      E  B  E
Oh if only in my dreams

G7, Gm, Gm7, Bb, Bbm, Bbmaj7, C, C7, D, D7, Dm, Dm7, Eb, Eb7, F

Verse :
      Gm        C          F      Dm
I'm dreaming tonight of a place I love
      Gm7          C      F
Even more then I usually do
      Gm        C          F        Dm
And although I know, it's a long road back
Gm    G7      Gm  C
This I promise you
a one, two..

Solo :
F Bbmaj7 Bb  F Eb7  D  Gm7  C7  F

Verse 1 :
      F      G7  Gm7  C7
Well, I'll be home for Christmas
F      Eb  D7 Gm
You can plan on me
                C7              F      Dm
So please have snow and lots of mistletoe
      Gm      G7      Gm  C
And presents under the tree

    F        Gm7      Gm  C
Oh Christmas Eve will find me
F        Eb    D7    Gm
Where the love light gleams
Bb      Bbm      F  Eb  D7
I'll be home for Christmas
    Gm  C    F
If only in my dreams

Solo :
F  G7  Gm  C7  F  Eb  D7  Gm  C7  F  Dm  Gm  Dm7  G7  C

Verse 2 :
          F      Gm7      Gm  C
You know Christmas Eve will find me
F          Eb    D7    Gm
Where the love light gleams
        Bb      Bbm      F  Eb  D7
Darling I'll be home for Christmas
    Gm  C7    F        Bb  Bbm    F  Eb  D7
If only in my dreams
      Gm  C      F      F  C  F
Oh if only in my dreams

Ab7, Abm, Abm7, B, Bm, Bmaj7, Db, Db7, Eb, Eb7, Ebm, Ebm7, E, E7, Gb

Verse :
      Abm        Db          Gb      Ebm
I'm dreaming tonight of a place I love
      Abm7          Db      Gb
Even more then I usually do
      Abm        Db          Gb        Ebm
And although I know, it's a long road back
Abm    Ab7      Abm  Db
This I promise you
a one, two..

Solo :
Gb Bmaj7 B  Gb E7  Eb  Abm7  Db7  Gb

Verse 1 :
      Gb      Ab7  Abm7  Db7
Well, I'll be home for Christmas
Gb      E  Eb7 Abm
You can plan on me
                Db7              Gb      Ebm
So please have snow and lots of mistletoe
      Abm      Ab7      Abm  Db
And presents under the tree

    Gb        Abm7      Abm  Db
Oh Christmas Eve will find me
Gb        E    Eb7    Abm
Where the love light gleams
B      Bm      Gb  E  Eb7
I'll be home for Christmas
    Abm  Db    Gb
If only in my dreams

Solo :
Gb  Ab7  Abm  Db7  Gb  E  Eb7  Abm  Db7  Gb  Ebm  Abm  Ebm7  Ab7  Db

Verse 2 :
          Gb      Abm7      Abm  Db
You know Christmas Eve will find me
Gb          E    Eb7    Abm
Where the love light gleams
        B      Bm      Gb  E  Eb7
Darling I'll be home for Christmas
    Abm  Db7    Gb        B  Bm    Gb  E  Eb7
If only in my dreams
      Abm  Db      Gb      Gb  Db  Gb
Oh if only in my dreams

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