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IT'S BEGINNING TO LOOK LIKE CHRISTMAS uke chords and lyrics By Bing Crosby


A, B, B7, Db7, Dbm, E, Gb7, Gbdim, Gbm, Ab, Ab7

    E                  A        E
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas,
    Ab7        A  Db7
everywhere you go
      Gbm                  B
Take a look in the five-and-ten,
B7              Gbm
glistening once again,
    B              Gb7            Gbm  B
with candy canes and silver lanes aglow

      E                A        E
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas,
        Ab7    A    Db7
toys in every store
        Gbm                Gbdim
But the prettiest sight to see,
      E              Db7
is the holly that will be,
        Gbm  B7    E
on your own front door

A pair of hop along boots and a pistol that shoots
Db7      Ab7        Dbm
Is the wish of Barney and Ben
B7                            Gb7
Dolls that will talk and will go for a walk
      B7      Gb7        B
Is the hope of Janice and Jen
    B7              Gb7              Gbm              B  B7
And Mom and Dad can hardly wait for school to start again

      E                A        E
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas,
    Ab7        A  Db7
everywhere you go
          Gbm                  B
There's a tree in the Grand Hotel,
B7                Gbm
one in the park as well,
    B                Gb7              Gbm  B
the sturdy kind that doesn't mind the snow

      E                A        E
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas,
        Ab7        A    Db7
soon the bells will start
        Gbm                        Gbdim
And the thing that will make them ring,
      E              Db7
is the carol that you sing,
          Gbm B7  E
right within your heart

Instrumental to Chorus Chords (It's beginning to look a lot...)

However, live, let's do this bridge again:
A pair of hop along boots and a pistol that shoots
Db7      Ab7        Dbm
Is the wish of Barney and Ben
B7                            Gb7
Dolls that will talk and will go for a walk
      B7      Gb7        B
Is the hope of Janice and Jen
    B7              Gb7              Gbm              B  B7
And Mom and Dad can hardly wait for school to start again

      E                A        E
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas,
        Ab7    A    Db7
toys in every store
        Gbm                Gbdim
But the prettiest sight to see,
      E              Db7
is the holly that will be,
        Gbm  B7  Ab
on your own front door
        Gbm        B7  E
For it's Christmas once more!

Other Versions For This Ukulele Chords Song :

Bb, C, C7, D7, Dm, F, G7, Gdim, Gm, A, A7

    F                  Bb        F
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas,
    A7        Bb  D7
everywhere you go
      Gm                  C
Take a look in the five-and-ten,
C7              Gm
glistening once again,
    C              G7            Gm  C
with candy canes and silver lanes aglow

      F                Bb        F
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas,
        A7    Bb    D7
toys in every store
        Gm                Gdim
But the prettiest sight to see,
      F              D7
is the holly that will be,
        Gm  C7    F
on your own front door

A pair of hop along boots and a pistol that shoots
D7      A7        Dm
Is the wish of Barney and Ben
C7                            G7
Dolls that will talk and will go for a walk
      C7      G7        C
Is the hope of Janice and Jen
    C7              G7              Gm              C  C7
And Mom and Dad can hardly wait for school to start again

      F                Bb        F
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas,
    A7        Bb  D7
everywhere you go
          Gm                  C
There's a tree in the Grand Hotel,
C7                Gm
one in the park as well,
    C                G7              Gm  C
the sturdy kind that doesn't mind the snow

      F                Bb        F
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas,
        A7        Bb    D7
soon the bells will start
        Gm                        Gdim
And the thing that will make them ring,
      F              D7
is the carol that you sing,
          Gm C7  F
right within your heart

Instrumental to Chorus Chords (It's beginning to look a lot...)

However, live, let's do this bridge again:
A pair of hop along boots and a pistol that shoots
D7      A7        Dm
Is the wish of Barney and Ben
C7                            G7
Dolls that will talk and will go for a walk
      C7      G7        C
Is the hope of Janice and Jen
    C7              G7              Gm              C  C7
And Mom and Dad can hardly wait for school to start again

      F                Bb        F
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas,
        A7    Bb    D7
toys in every store
        Gm                Gdim
But the prettiest sight to see,
      F              D7
is the holly that will be,
        Gm  C7  A
on your own front door
        Gm        C7  F
For it's Christmas once more!

B, Db, Db7, Eb7, Ebm, Gb, Ab7, Abdim, Abm, Bb, Bb7

    Gb                  B        Gb
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas,
    Bb7        B  Eb7
everywhere you go
      Abm                  Db
Take a look in the five-and-ten,
Db7              Abm
glistening once again,
    Db              Ab7            Abm  Db
with candy canes and silver lanes aglow

      Gb                B        Gb
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas,
        Bb7    B    Eb7
toys in every store
        Abm                Abdim
But the prettiest sight to see,
      Gb              Eb7
is the holly that will be,
        Abm  Db7    Gb
on your own front door

A pair of hop along boots and a pistol that shoots
Eb7      Bb7        Ebm
Is the wish of Barney and Ben
Db7                            Ab7
Dolls that will talk and will go for a walk
      Db7      Ab7        Db
Is the hope of Janice and Jen
    Db7              Ab7              Abm              Db  Db7
And Mom and Dad can hardly wait for school to start again

      Gb                B        Gb
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas,
    Bb7        B  Eb7
everywhere you go
          Abm                  Db
There's a tree in the Grand Hotel,
Db7                Abm
one in the park as well,
    Db                Ab7              Abm  Db
the sturdy kind that doesn't mind the snow

      Gb                B        Gb
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas,
        Bb7        B    Eb7
soon the bells will start
        Abm                        Abdim
And the thing that will make them ring,
      Gb              Eb7
is the carol that you sing,
          Abm Db7  Gb
right within your heart

Instrumental to Chorus Chords (It's beginning to look a lot...)

However, live, let's do this bridge again:
A pair of hop along boots and a pistol that shoots
Eb7      Bb7        Ebm
Is the wish of Barney and Ben
Db7                            Ab7
Dolls that will talk and will go for a walk
      Db7      Ab7        Db
Is the hope of Janice and Jen
    Db7              Ab7              Abm              Db  Db7
And Mom and Dad can hardly wait for school to start again

      Gb                B        Gb
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas,
        Bb7    B    Eb7
toys in every store
        Abm                Abdim
But the prettiest sight to see,
      Gb              Eb7
is the holly that will be,
        Abm  Db7  Bb
on your own front door
        Abm        Db7  Gb
For it's Christmas once more!

C, D, D7, E7, Em, G, A7, Adim, Am, B, B7

    G                  C        G
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas,
    B7        C  E7
everywhere you go
      Am                  D
Take a look in the five-and-ten,
D7              Am
glistening once again,
    D              A7            Am  D
with candy canes and silver lanes aglow

      G                C        G
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas,
        B7    C    E7
toys in every store
        Am                Adim
But the prettiest sight to see,
      G              E7
is the holly that will be,
        Am  D7    G
on your own front door

A pair of hop along boots and a pistol that shoots
E7      B7        Em
Is the wish of Barney and Ben
D7                            A7
Dolls that will talk and will go for a walk
      D7      A7        D
Is the hope of Janice and Jen
    D7              A7              Am              D  D7
And Mom and Dad can hardly wait for school to start again

      G                C        G
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas,
    B7        C  E7
everywhere you go
          Am                  D
There's a tree in the Grand Hotel,
D7                Am
one in the park as well,
    D                A7              Am  D
the sturdy kind that doesn't mind the snow

      G                C        G
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas,
        B7        C    E7
soon the bells will start
        Am                        Adim
And the thing that will make them ring,
      G              E7
is the carol that you sing,
          Am D7  G
right within your heart

Instrumental to Chorus Chords (It's beginning to look a lot...)

However, live, let's do this bridge again:
A pair of hop along boots and a pistol that shoots
E7      B7        Em
Is the wish of Barney and Ben
D7                            A7
Dolls that will talk and will go for a walk
      D7      A7        D
Is the hope of Janice and Jen
    D7              A7              Am              D  D7
And Mom and Dad can hardly wait for school to start again

      G                C        G
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas,
        B7    C    E7
toys in every store
        Am                Adim
But the prettiest sight to see,
      G              E7
is the holly that will be,
        Am  D7  B
on your own front door
        Am        D7  G
For it's Christmas once more!

Db, Eb, Eb7, F7, Fm, Ab, Bb7, Bbdim, Bbm, C, C7

    Ab                  Db        Ab
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas,
    C7        Db  F7
everywhere you go
      Bbm                  Eb
Take a look in the five-and-ten,
Eb7              Bbm
glistening once again,
    Eb              Bb7            Bbm  Eb
with candy canes and silver lanes aglow

      Ab                Db        Ab
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas,
        C7    Db    F7
toys in every store
        Bbm                Bbdim
But the prettiest sight to see,
      Ab              F7
is the holly that will be,
        Bbm  Eb7    Ab
on your own front door

A pair of hop along boots and a pistol that shoots
F7      C7        Fm
Is the wish of Barney and Ben
Eb7                            Bb7
Dolls that will talk and will go for a walk
      Eb7      Bb7        Eb
Is the hope of Janice and Jen
    Eb7              Bb7              Bbm              Eb  Eb7
And Mom and Dad can hardly wait for school to start again

      Ab                Db        Ab
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas,
    C7        Db  F7
everywhere you go
          Bbm                  Eb
There's a tree in the Grand Hotel,
Eb7                Bbm
one in the park as well,
    Eb                Bb7              Bbm  Eb
the sturdy kind that doesn't mind the snow

      Ab                Db        Ab
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas,
        C7        Db    F7
soon the bells will start
        Bbm                        Bbdim
And the thing that will make them ring,
      Ab              F7
is the carol that you sing,
          Bbm Eb7  Ab
right within your heart

Instrumental to Chorus Chords (It's beginning to look a lot...)

However, live, let's do this bridge again:
A pair of hop along boots and a pistol that shoots
F7      C7        Fm
Is the wish of Barney and Ben
Eb7                            Bb7
Dolls that will talk and will go for a walk
      Eb7      Bb7        Eb
Is the hope of Janice and Jen
    Eb7              Bb7              Bbm              Eb  Eb7
And Mom and Dad can hardly wait for school to start again

      Ab                Db        Ab
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas,
        C7    Db    F7
toys in every store
        Bbm                Bbdim
But the prettiest sight to see,
      Ab              F7
is the holly that will be,
        Bbm  Eb7  C
on your own front door
        Bbm        Eb7  Ab
For it's Christmas once more!

D, E, E7, Gb7, Gbm, A, B7, Bdim, Bm, Db, Db7

    A                  D        A
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas,
    Db7        D  Gb7
everywhere you go
      Bm                  E
Take a look in the five-and-ten,
E7              Bm
glistening once again,
    E              B7            Bm  E
with candy canes and silver lanes aglow

      A                D        A
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas,
        Db7    D    Gb7
toys in every store
        Bm                Bdim
But the prettiest sight to see,
      A              Gb7
is the holly that will be,
        Bm  E7    A
on your own front door

A pair of hop along boots and a pistol that shoots
Gb7      Db7        Gbm
Is the wish of Barney and Ben
E7                            B7
Dolls that will talk and will go for a walk
      E7      B7        E
Is the hope of Janice and Jen
    E7              B7              Bm              E  E7
And Mom and Dad can hardly wait for school to start again

      A                D        A
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas,
    Db7        D  Gb7
everywhere you go
          Bm                  E
There's a tree in the Grand Hotel,
E7                Bm
one in the park as well,
    E                B7              Bm  E
the sturdy kind that doesn't mind the snow

      A                D        A
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas,
        Db7        D    Gb7
soon the bells will start
        Bm                        Bdim
And the thing that will make them ring,
      A              Gb7
is the carol that you sing,
          Bm E7  A
right within your heart

Instrumental to Chorus Chords (It's beginning to look a lot...)

However, live, let's do this bridge again:
A pair of hop along boots and a pistol that shoots
Gb7      Db7        Gbm
Is the wish of Barney and Ben
E7                            B7
Dolls that will talk and will go for a walk
      E7      B7        E
Is the hope of Janice and Jen
    E7              B7              Bm              E  E7
And Mom and Dad can hardly wait for school to start again

      A                D        A
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas,
        Db7    D    Gb7
toys in every store
        Bm                Bdim
But the prettiest sight to see,
      A              Gb7
is the holly that will be,
        Bm  E7  Db
on your own front door
        Bm        E7  A
For it's Christmas once more!

Eb, F, F7, G7, Gm, Bb, C7, Cdim, Cm, D, D7

    Bb                  Eb        Bb
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas,
    D7        Eb  G7
everywhere you go
      Cm                  F
Take a look in the five-and-ten,
F7              Cm
glistening once again,
    F              C7            Cm  F
with candy canes and silver lanes aglow

      Bb                Eb        Bb
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas,
        D7    Eb    G7
toys in every store
        Cm                Cdim
But the prettiest sight to see,
      Bb              G7
is the holly that will be,
        Cm  F7    Bb
on your own front door

A pair of hop along boots and a pistol that shoots
G7      D7        Gm
Is the wish of Barney and Ben
F7                            C7
Dolls that will talk and will go for a walk
      F7      C7        F
Is the hope of Janice and Jen
    F7              C7              Cm              F  F7
And Mom and Dad can hardly wait for school to start again

      Bb                Eb        Bb
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas,
    D7        Eb  G7
everywhere you go
          Cm                  F
There's a tree in the Grand Hotel,
F7                Cm
one in the park as well,
    F                C7              Cm  F
the sturdy kind that doesn't mind the snow

      Bb                Eb        Bb
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas,
        D7        Eb    G7
soon the bells will start
        Cm                        Cdim
And the thing that will make them ring,
      Bb              G7
is the carol that you sing,
          Cm F7  Bb
right within your heart

Instrumental to Chorus Chords (It's beginning to look a lot...)

However, live, let's do this bridge again:
A pair of hop along boots and a pistol that shoots
G7      D7        Gm
Is the wish of Barney and Ben
F7                            C7
Dolls that will talk and will go for a walk
      F7      C7        F
Is the hope of Janice and Jen
    F7              C7              Cm              F  F7
And Mom and Dad can hardly wait for school to start again

      Bb                Eb        Bb
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas,
        D7    Eb    G7
toys in every store
        Cm                Cdim
But the prettiest sight to see,
      Bb              G7
is the holly that will be,
        Cm  F7  D
on your own front door
        Cm        F7  Bb
For it's Christmas once more!

E, Gb, Gb7, Ab7, Abm, B, Db7, Dbdim, Dbm, Eb, Eb7

    B                  E        B
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas,
    Eb7        E  Ab7
everywhere you go
      Dbm                  Gb
Take a look in the five-and-ten,
Gb7              Dbm
glistening once again,
    Gb              Db7            Dbm  Gb
with candy canes and silver lanes aglow

      B                E        B
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas,
        Eb7    E    Ab7
toys in every store
        Dbm                Dbdim
But the prettiest sight to see,
      B              Ab7
is the holly that will be,
        Dbm  Gb7    B
on your own front door

A pair of hop along boots and a pistol that shoots
Ab7      Eb7        Abm
Is the wish of Barney and Ben
Gb7                            Db7
Dolls that will talk and will go for a walk
      Gb7      Db7        Gb
Is the hope of Janice and Jen
    Gb7              Db7              Dbm              Gb  Gb7
And Mom and Dad can hardly wait for school to start again

      B                E        B
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas,
    Eb7        E  Ab7
everywhere you go
          Dbm                  Gb
There's a tree in the Grand Hotel,
Gb7                Dbm
one in the park as well,
    Gb                Db7              Dbm  Gb
the sturdy kind that doesn't mind the snow

      B                E        B
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas,
        Eb7        E    Ab7
soon the bells will start
        Dbm                        Dbdim
And the thing that will make them ring,
      B              Ab7
is the carol that you sing,
          Dbm Gb7  B
right within your heart

Instrumental to Chorus Chords (It's beginning to look a lot...)

However, live, let's do this bridge again:
A pair of hop along boots and a pistol that shoots
Ab7      Eb7        Abm
Is the wish of Barney and Ben
Gb7                            Db7
Dolls that will talk and will go for a walk
      Gb7      Db7        Gb
Is the hope of Janice and Jen
    Gb7              Db7              Dbm              Gb  Gb7
And Mom and Dad can hardly wait for school to start again

      B                E        B
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas,
        Eb7    E    Ab7
toys in every store
        Dbm                Dbdim
But the prettiest sight to see,
      B              Ab7
is the holly that will be,
        Dbm  Gb7  Eb
on your own front door
        Dbm        Gb7  B
For it's Christmas once more!

F, G, G7, A7, Am, C, D7, Ddim, Dm, E, E7

    C                  F        C
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas,
    E7        F  A7
everywhere you go
      Dm                  G
Take a look in the five-and-ten,
G7              Dm
glistening once again,
    G              D7            Dm  G
with candy canes and silver lanes aglow

      C                F        C
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas,
        E7    F    A7
toys in every store
        Dm                Ddim
But the prettiest sight to see,
      C              A7
is the holly that will be,
        Dm  G7    C
on your own front door

A pair of hop along boots and a pistol that shoots
A7      E7        Am
Is the wish of Barney and Ben
G7                            D7
Dolls that will talk and will go for a walk
      G7      D7        G
Is the hope of Janice and Jen
    G7              D7              Dm              G  G7
And Mom and Dad can hardly wait for school to start again

      C                F        C
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas,
    E7        F  A7
everywhere you go
          Dm                  G
There's a tree in the Grand Hotel,
G7                Dm
one in the park as well,
    G                D7              Dm  G
the sturdy kind that doesn't mind the snow

      C                F        C
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas,
        E7        F    A7
soon the bells will start
        Dm                        Ddim
And the thing that will make them ring,
      C              A7
is the carol that you sing,
          Dm G7  C
right within your heart

Instrumental to Chorus Chords (It's beginning to look a lot...)

However, live, let's do this bridge again:
A pair of hop along boots and a pistol that shoots
A7      E7        Am
Is the wish of Barney and Ben
G7                            D7
Dolls that will talk and will go for a walk
      G7      D7        G
Is the hope of Janice and Jen
    G7              D7              Dm              G  G7
And Mom and Dad can hardly wait for school to start again

      C                F        C
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas,
        E7    F    A7
toys in every store
        Dm                Ddim
But the prettiest sight to see,
      C              A7
is the holly that will be,
        Dm  G7  E
on your own front door
        Dm        G7  C
For it's Christmas once more!

Gb, Ab, Ab7, Bb7, Bbm, Db, Eb7, Ebdim, Ebm, F, F7

    Db                  Gb        Db
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas,
    F7        Gb  Bb7
everywhere you go
      Ebm                  Ab
Take a look in the five-and-ten,
Ab7              Ebm
glistening once again,
    Ab              Eb7            Ebm  Ab
with candy canes and silver lanes aglow

      Db                Gb        Db
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas,
        F7    Gb    Bb7
toys in every store
        Ebm                Ebdim
But the prettiest sight to see,
      Db              Bb7
is the holly that will be,
        Ebm  Ab7    Db
on your own front door

A pair of hop along boots and a pistol that shoots
Bb7      F7        Bbm
Is the wish of Barney and Ben
Ab7                            Eb7
Dolls that will talk and will go for a walk
      Ab7      Eb7        Ab
Is the hope of Janice and Jen
    Ab7              Eb7              Ebm              Ab  Ab7
And Mom and Dad can hardly wait for school to start again

      Db                Gb        Db
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas,
    F7        Gb  Bb7
everywhere you go
          Ebm                  Ab
There's a tree in the Grand Hotel,
Ab7                Ebm
one in the park as well,
    Ab                Eb7              Ebm  Ab
the sturdy kind that doesn't mind the snow

      Db                Gb        Db
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas,
        F7        Gb    Bb7
soon the bells will start
        Ebm                        Ebdim
And the thing that will make them ring,
      Db              Bb7
is the carol that you sing,
          Ebm Ab7  Db
right within your heart

Instrumental to Chorus Chords (It's beginning to look a lot...)

However, live, let's do this bridge again:
A pair of hop along boots and a pistol that shoots
Bb7      F7        Bbm
Is the wish of Barney and Ben
Ab7                            Eb7
Dolls that will talk and will go for a walk
      Ab7      Eb7        Ab
Is the hope of Janice and Jen
    Ab7              Eb7              Ebm              Ab  Ab7
And Mom and Dad can hardly wait for school to start again

      Db                Gb        Db
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas,
        F7    Gb    Bb7
toys in every store
        Ebm                Ebdim
But the prettiest sight to see,
      Db              Bb7
is the holly that will be,
        Ebm  Ab7  F
on your own front door
        Ebm        Ab7  Db
For it's Christmas once more!

G, A, A7, B7, Bm, D, E7, Edim, Em, Gb, Gb7

    D                  G        D
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas,
    Gb7        G  B7
everywhere you go
      Em                  A
Take a look in the five-and-ten,
A7              Em
glistening once again,
    A              E7            Em  A
with candy canes and silver lanes aglow

      D                G        D
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas,
        Gb7    G    B7
toys in every store
        Em                Edim
But the prettiest sight to see,
      D              B7
is the holly that will be,
        Em  A7    D
on your own front door

A pair of hop along boots and a pistol that shoots
B7      Gb7        Bm
Is the wish of Barney and Ben
A7                            E7
Dolls that will talk and will go for a walk
      A7      E7        A
Is the hope of Janice and Jen
    A7              E7              Em              A  A7
And Mom and Dad can hardly wait for school to start again

      D                G        D
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas,
    Gb7        G  B7
everywhere you go
          Em                  A
There's a tree in the Grand Hotel,
A7                Em
one in the park as well,
    A                E7              Em  A
the sturdy kind that doesn't mind the snow

      D                G        D
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas,
        Gb7        G    B7
soon the bells will start
        Em                        Edim
And the thing that will make them ring,
      D              B7
is the carol that you sing,
          Em A7  D
right within your heart

Instrumental to Chorus Chords (It's beginning to look a lot...)

However, live, let's do this bridge again:
A pair of hop along boots and a pistol that shoots
B7      Gb7        Bm
Is the wish of Barney and Ben
A7                            E7
Dolls that will talk and will go for a walk
      A7      E7        A
Is the hope of Janice and Jen
    A7              E7              Em              A  A7
And Mom and Dad can hardly wait for school to start again

      D                G        D
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas,
        Gb7    G    B7
toys in every store
        Em                Edim
But the prettiest sight to see,
      D              B7
is the holly that will be,
        Em  A7  Gb
on your own front door
        Em        A7  D
For it's Christmas once more!

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