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TO BE LOVED Ukulele Chords By Adele

TO BE LOVED uke chords and lyrics By Adele


A, Am, B, Bm, Bm7, Cm7, Dbm, Dbm7, D, Dm, Ebm, E, Fdim, Fm, Gbm, Gbm7

Verse 1
                          Dbm        E
I built a house for a love to grow
              Gbm7                        D
I was so young that it was hard to know
                    A            Bm7
I'm as lost now as I was back then
                    E          A
Always make a mess of everything
                        Dbm7          E
It's about time that I face myself
            Gbm7                      D
All I do is bleed into someone else
                              A        Bm7
Painting walls with all my secret tears
Filling rooms with all my hopes and fears

    A    E  Gbm7  E
But oh my, oh my
                D              A
I'll never learn if I never leap
                Bm                E
I'll always yearn if I never speak

A    Dbm7        D
To be loved and love at the highest count
E      Gbm              E          D
Means to lose all the things I can't live without
            Fdim      A      Dbm7          D
Let it be known that I will choose to lose
                      E  Gbm      E
It's a sacrifice, but I can't live a lie
            D            Dm                A  Dbm  D
Let it be known, let it be known that I tried

Verse 2
A                      Dbm        E
I'm so afraid, but I'm open wide
              Gbm7                          D
I'll be the one to catch myself this time
                    A              Cm7
Trying to learn to lean into it all
                        E          A
Ain't it funny how the mighty fall?
                        Dbm7  E
Looking back I don't regret a thing
                        Gbm7                  D
Yeah, I took some bad turns that I am owning
                              A          Cm7
I'll stand still and let the storm pass by
Keep my heart safe till the time feels right

    A    E    Gbm7    E
But oh my, oh my
                    D            A
I'll never learn if I never leap
                      Cm7        E
I'll always yearn if I never speak

A      Dbm7        D
To be loved and love at the highest count
E        Gbm7          A                  D
Means to lose all the things I can't live without
      Fdim          A                    D
Let it be known that I will choose to lose
                      E  Gbm          A
It's a sacrifice, but I can't live a lie
              Ebm Dm
Let it be known

                        Gbm        Fm
Let it be known that I cried for you
                A    B
Even started lying to you
        Bm        Am
What a thing to do
D          E
All because I wanted

A      Dbm7      D
To be loved and love at the highest count
E    Gbm      A                    D
Means to lose all the things I can't live without
Let it be known, known, known
    A        Dbm7          D
That I will choose, I will lose
                  E    Gbm          A
It's a sacrifice, but I can't live a lie
Let it be known
            Dm          A  Dbm D E            Gbm A D
Let it be known that I tried,        that I tried
            Dm                A
Let it be known that I tried

Other Versions For This Ukulele Chords Song :

Bb, Bbm, C, Cm, Cm7, Dbm7, Dm, Dm7, Eb, Ebm, Em, F, Gbdim, Gbm, Gm, Gm7

Verse 1
                          Dm        F
I built a house for a love to grow
              Gm7                        Eb
I was so young that it was hard to know
                    Bb            Cm7
I'm as lost now as I was back then
                    F          Bb
Always make a mess of everything
                        Dm7          F
It's about time that I face myself
            Gm7                      Eb
All I do is bleed into someone else
                              Bb        Cm7
Painting walls with all my secret tears
Filling rooms with all my hopes and fears

    Bb    F  Gm7  F
But oh my, oh my
                Eb              Bb
I'll never learn if I never leap
                Cm                F
I'll always yearn if I never speak

Bb    Dm7        Eb
To be loved and love at the highest count
F      Gm              F          Eb
Means to lose all the things I can't live without
            Gbdim      Bb      Dm7          Eb
Let it be known that I will choose to lose
                      F  Gm      F
It's a sacrifice, but I can't live a lie
            Eb            Ebm                Bb  Dm  Eb
Let it be known, let it be known that I tried

Verse 2
Bb                      Dm        F
I'm so afraid, but I'm open wide
              Gm7                          Eb
I'll be the one to catch myself this time
                    Bb              Dbm7
Trying to learn to lean into it all
                        F          Bb
Ain't it funny how the mighty fall?
                        Dm7  F
Looking back I don't regret a thing
                        Gm7                  Eb
Yeah, I took some bad turns that I am owning
                              Bb          Dbm7
I'll stand still and let the storm pass by
Keep my heart safe till the time feels right

    Bb    F    Gm7    F
But oh my, oh my
                    Eb            Bb
I'll never learn if I never leap
                      Dbm7        F
I'll always yearn if I never speak

Bb      Dm7        Eb
To be loved and love at the highest count
F        Gm7          Bb                  Eb
Means to lose all the things I can't live without
      Gbdim          Bb                    Eb
Let it be known that I will choose to lose
                      F  Gm          Bb
It's a sacrifice, but I can't live a lie
              Em Ebm
Let it be known

                        Gm        Gbm
Let it be known that I cried for you
                Bb    C
Even started lying to you
        Cm        Bbm
What a thing to do
Eb          F
All because I wanted

Bb      Dm7      Eb
To be loved and love at the highest count
F    Gm      Bb                    Eb
Means to lose all the things I can't live without
Let it be known, known, known
    Bb        Dm7          Eb
That I will choose, I will lose
                  F    Gm          Bb
It's a sacrifice, but I can't live a lie
Let it be known
            Ebm          Bb  Dm Eb F            Gm Bb Eb
Let it be known that I tried,        that I tried
            Ebm                Bb
Let it be known that I tried

B, Bm, Db, Dbm, Dbm7, Dm7, Ebm, Ebm7, E, Em, Fm, Gb, Gdim, Gm, Abm, Abm7

Verse 1
                          Ebm        Gb
I built a house for a love to grow
              Abm7                        E
I was so young that it was hard to know
                    B            Dbm7
I'm as lost now as I was back then
                    Gb          B
Always make a mess of everything
                        Ebm7          Gb
It's about time that I face myself
            Abm7                      E
All I do is bleed into someone else
                              B        Dbm7
Painting walls with all my secret tears
Filling rooms with all my hopes and fears

    B    Gb  Abm7  Gb
But oh my, oh my
                E              B
I'll never learn if I never leap
                Dbm                Gb
I'll always yearn if I never speak

B    Ebm7        E
To be loved and love at the highest count
Gb      Abm              Gb          E
Means to lose all the things I can't live without
            Gdim      B      Ebm7          E
Let it be known that I will choose to lose
                      Gb  Abm      Gb
It's a sacrifice, but I can't live a lie
            E            Em                B  Ebm  E
Let it be known, let it be known that I tried

Verse 2
B                      Ebm        Gb
I'm so afraid, but I'm open wide
              Abm7                          E
I'll be the one to catch myself this time
                    B              Dm7
Trying to learn to lean into it all
                        Gb          B
Ain't it funny how the mighty fall?
                        Ebm7  Gb
Looking back I don't regret a thing
                        Abm7                  E
Yeah, I took some bad turns that I am owning
                              B          Dm7
I'll stand still and let the storm pass by
Keep my heart safe till the time feels right

    B    Gb    Abm7    Gb
But oh my, oh my
                    E            B
I'll never learn if I never leap
                      Dm7        Gb
I'll always yearn if I never speak

B      Ebm7        E
To be loved and love at the highest count
Gb        Abm7          B                  E
Means to lose all the things I can't live without
      Gdim          B                    E
Let it be known that I will choose to lose
                      Gb  Abm          B
It's a sacrifice, but I can't live a lie
              Fm Em
Let it be known

                        Abm        Gm
Let it be known that I cried for you
                B    Db
Even started lying to you
        Dbm        Bm
What a thing to do
E          Gb
All because I wanted

B      Ebm7      E
To be loved and love at the highest count
Gb    Abm      B                    E
Means to lose all the things I can't live without
Let it be known, known, known
    B        Ebm7          E
That I will choose, I will lose
                  Gb    Abm          B
It's a sacrifice, but I can't live a lie
Let it be known
            Em          B  Ebm E Gb            Abm B E
Let it be known that I tried,        that I tried
            Em                B
Let it be known that I tried

C, Cm, D, Dm, Dm7, Ebm7, Em, Em7, F, Fm, Gbm, G, Abdim, Abm, Am, Am7

Verse 1
                          Em        G
I built a house for a love to grow
              Am7                        F
I was so young that it was hard to know
                    C            Dm7
I'm as lost now as I was back then
                    G          C
Always make a mess of everything
                        Em7          G
It's about time that I face myself
            Am7                      F
All I do is bleed into someone else
                              C        Dm7
Painting walls with all my secret tears
Filling rooms with all my hopes and fears

    C    G  Am7  G
But oh my, oh my
                F              C
I'll never learn if I never leap
                Dm                G
I'll always yearn if I never speak

C    Em7        F
To be loved and love at the highest count
G      Am              G          F
Means to lose all the things I can't live without
            Abdim      C      Em7          F
Let it be known that I will choose to lose
                      G  Am      G
It's a sacrifice, but I can't live a lie
            F            Fm                C  Em  F
Let it be known, let it be known that I tried

Verse 2
C                      Em        G
I'm so afraid, but I'm open wide
              Am7                          F
I'll be the one to catch myself this time
                    C              Ebm7
Trying to learn to lean into it all
                        G          C
Ain't it funny how the mighty fall?
                        Em7  G
Looking back I don't regret a thing
                        Am7                  F
Yeah, I took some bad turns that I am owning
                              C          Ebm7
I'll stand still and let the storm pass by
Keep my heart safe till the time feels right

    C    G    Am7    G
But oh my, oh my
                    F            C
I'll never learn if I never leap
                      Ebm7        G
I'll always yearn if I never speak

C      Em7        F
To be loved and love at the highest count
G        Am7          C                  F
Means to lose all the things I can't live without
      Abdim          C                    F
Let it be known that I will choose to lose
                      G  Am          C
It's a sacrifice, but I can't live a lie
              Gbm Fm
Let it be known

                        Am        Abm
Let it be known that I cried for you
                C    D
Even started lying to you
        Dm        Cm
What a thing to do
F          G
All because I wanted

C      Em7      F
To be loved and love at the highest count
G    Am      C                    F
Means to lose all the things I can't live without
Let it be known, known, known
    C        Em7          F
That I will choose, I will lose
                  G    Am          C
It's a sacrifice, but I can't live a lie
Let it be known
            Fm          C  Em F G            Am C F
Let it be known that I tried,        that I tried
            Fm                C
Let it be known that I tried

Db, Dbm, Eb, Ebm, Ebm7, Em7, Fm, Fm7, Gb, Gbm, Gm, Ab, Adim, Am, Bbm, Bbm7

Verse 1
                          Fm        Ab
I built a house for a love to grow
              Bbm7                        Gb
I was so young that it was hard to know
                    Db            Ebm7
I'm as lost now as I was back then
                    Ab          Db
Always make a mess of everything
                        Fm7          Ab
It's about time that I face myself
            Bbm7                      Gb
All I do is bleed into someone else
                              Db        Ebm7
Painting walls with all my secret tears
Filling rooms with all my hopes and fears

    Db    Ab  Bbm7  Ab
But oh my, oh my
                Gb              Db
I'll never learn if I never leap
                Ebm                Ab
I'll always yearn if I never speak

Db    Fm7        Gb
To be loved and love at the highest count
Ab      Bbm              Ab          Gb
Means to lose all the things I can't live without
            Adim      Db      Fm7          Gb
Let it be known that I will choose to lose
                      Ab  Bbm      Ab
It's a sacrifice, but I can't live a lie
            Gb            Gbm                Db  Fm  Gb
Let it be known, let it be known that I tried

Verse 2
Db                      Fm        Ab
I'm so afraid, but I'm open wide
              Bbm7                          Gb
I'll be the one to catch myself this time
                    Db              Em7
Trying to learn to lean into it all
                        Ab          Db
Ain't it funny how the mighty fall?
                        Fm7  Ab
Looking back I don't regret a thing
                        Bbm7                  Gb
Yeah, I took some bad turns that I am owning
                              Db          Em7
I'll stand still and let the storm pass by
Keep my heart safe till the time feels right

    Db    Ab    Bbm7    Ab
But oh my, oh my
                    Gb            Db
I'll never learn if I never leap
                      Em7        Ab
I'll always yearn if I never speak

Db      Fm7        Gb
To be loved and love at the highest count
Ab        Bbm7          Db                  Gb
Means to lose all the things I can't live without
      Adim          Db                    Gb
Let it be known that I will choose to lose
                      Ab  Bbm          Db
It's a sacrifice, but I can't live a lie
              Gm Gbm
Let it be known

                        Bbm        Am
Let it be known that I cried for you
                Db    Eb
Even started lying to you
        Ebm        Dbm
What a thing to do
Gb          Ab
All because I wanted

Db      Fm7      Gb
To be loved and love at the highest count
Ab    Bbm      Db                    Gb
Means to lose all the things I can't live without
Let it be known, known, known
    Db        Fm7          Gb
That I will choose, I will lose
                  Ab    Bbm          Db
It's a sacrifice, but I can't live a lie
Let it be known
            Gbm          Db  Fm Gb Ab            Bbm Db Gb
Let it be known that I tried,        that I tried
            Gbm                Db
Let it be known that I tried

D, Dm, E, Em, Em7, Fm7, Gbm, Gbm7, G, Gm, Abm, A, Bbdim, Bbm, Bm, Bm7

Verse 1
                          Gbm        A
I built a house for a love to grow
              Bm7                        G
I was so young that it was hard to know
                    D            Em7
I'm as lost now as I was back then
                    A          D
Always make a mess of everything
                        Gbm7          A
It's about time that I face myself
            Bm7                      G
All I do is bleed into someone else
                              D        Em7
Painting walls with all my secret tears
Filling rooms with all my hopes and fears

    D    A  Bm7  A
But oh my, oh my
                G              D
I'll never learn if I never leap
                Em                A
I'll always yearn if I never speak

D    Gbm7        G
To be loved and love at the highest count
A      Bm              A          G
Means to lose all the things I can't live without
            Bbdim      D      Gbm7          G
Let it be known that I will choose to lose
                      A  Bm      A
It's a sacrifice, but I can't live a lie
            G            Gm                D  Gbm  G
Let it be known, let it be known that I tried

Verse 2
D                      Gbm        A
I'm so afraid, but I'm open wide
              Bm7                          G
I'll be the one to catch myself this time
                    D              Fm7
Trying to learn to lean into it all
                        A          D
Ain't it funny how the mighty fall?
                        Gbm7  A
Looking back I don't regret a thing
                        Bm7                  G
Yeah, I took some bad turns that I am owning
                              D          Fm7
I'll stand still and let the storm pass by
Keep my heart safe till the time feels right

    D    A    Bm7    A
But oh my, oh my
                    G            D
I'll never learn if I never leap
                      Fm7        A
I'll always yearn if I never speak

D      Gbm7        G
To be loved and love at the highest count
A        Bm7          D                  G
Means to lose all the things I can't live without
      Bbdim          D                    G
Let it be known that I will choose to lose
                      A  Bm          D
It's a sacrifice, but I can't live a lie
              Abm Gm
Let it be known

                        Bm        Bbm
Let it be known that I cried for you
                D    E
Even started lying to you
        Em        Dm
What a thing to do
G          A
All because I wanted

D      Gbm7      G
To be loved and love at the highest count
A    Bm      D                    G
Means to lose all the things I can't live without
Let it be known, known, known
    D        Gbm7          G
That I will choose, I will lose
                  A    Bm          D
It's a sacrifice, but I can't live a lie
Let it be known
            Gm          D  Gbm G A            Bm D G
Let it be known that I tried,        that I tried
            Gm                D
Let it be known that I tried

Eb, Ebm, F, Fm, Fm7, Gbm7, Gm, Gm7, Ab, Abm, Am, Bb, Bdim, Bm, Cm, Cm7

Verse 1
                          Gm        Bb
I built a house for a love to grow
              Cm7                        Ab
I was so young that it was hard to know
                    Eb            Fm7
I'm as lost now as I was back then
                    Bb          Eb
Always make a mess of everything
                        Gm7          Bb
It's about time that I face myself
            Cm7                      Ab
All I do is bleed into someone else
                              Eb        Fm7
Painting walls with all my secret tears
Filling rooms with all my hopes and fears

    Eb    Bb  Cm7  Bb
But oh my, oh my
                Ab              Eb
I'll never learn if I never leap
                Fm                Bb
I'll always yearn if I never speak

Eb    Gm7        Ab
To be loved and love at the highest count
Bb      Cm              Bb          Ab
Means to lose all the things I can't live without
            Bdim      Eb      Gm7          Ab
Let it be known that I will choose to lose
                      Bb  Cm      Bb
It's a sacrifice, but I can't live a lie
            Ab            Abm                Eb  Gm  Ab
Let it be known, let it be known that I tried

Verse 2
Eb                      Gm        Bb
I'm so afraid, but I'm open wide
              Cm7                          Ab
I'll be the one to catch myself this time
                    Eb              Gbm7
Trying to learn to lean into it all
                        Bb          Eb
Ain't it funny how the mighty fall?
                        Gm7  Bb
Looking back I don't regret a thing
                        Cm7                  Ab
Yeah, I took some bad turns that I am owning
                              Eb          Gbm7
I'll stand still and let the storm pass by
Keep my heart safe till the time feels right

    Eb    Bb    Cm7    Bb
But oh my, oh my
                    Ab            Eb
I'll never learn if I never leap
                      Gbm7        Bb
I'll always yearn if I never speak

Eb      Gm7        Ab
To be loved and love at the highest count
Bb        Cm7          Eb                  Ab
Means to lose all the things I can't live without
      Bdim          Eb                    Ab
Let it be known that I will choose to lose
                      Bb  Cm          Eb
It's a sacrifice, but I can't live a lie
              Am Abm
Let it be known

                        Cm        Bm
Let it be known that I cried for you
                Eb    F
Even started lying to you
        Fm        Ebm
What a thing to do
Ab          Bb
All because I wanted

Eb      Gm7      Ab
To be loved and love at the highest count
Bb    Cm      Eb                    Ab
Means to lose all the things I can't live without
Let it be known, known, known
    Eb        Gm7          Ab
That I will choose, I will lose
                  Bb    Cm          Eb
It's a sacrifice, but I can't live a lie
Let it be known
            Abm          Eb  Gm Ab Bb            Cm Eb Ab
Let it be known that I tried,        that I tried
            Abm                Eb
Let it be known that I tried

E, Em, Gb, Gbm, Gbm7, Gm7, Abm, Abm7, A, Am, Bbm, B, Cdim, Cm, Dbm, Dbm7

Verse 1
                          Abm        B
I built a house for a love to grow
              Dbm7                        A
I was so young that it was hard to know
                    E            Gbm7
I'm as lost now as I was back then
                    B          E
Always make a mess of everything
                        Abm7          B
It's about time that I face myself
            Dbm7                      A
All I do is bleed into someone else
                              E        Gbm7
Painting walls with all my secret tears
Filling rooms with all my hopes and fears

    E    B  Dbm7  B
But oh my, oh my
                A              E
I'll never learn if I never leap
                Gbm                B
I'll always yearn if I never speak

E    Abm7        A
To be loved and love at the highest count
B      Dbm              B          A
Means to lose all the things I can't live without
            Cdim      E      Abm7          A
Let it be known that I will choose to lose
                      B  Dbm      B
It's a sacrifice, but I can't live a lie
            A            Am                E  Abm  A
Let it be known, let it be known that I tried

Verse 2
E                      Abm        B
I'm so afraid, but I'm open wide
              Dbm7                          A
I'll be the one to catch myself this time
                    E              Gm7
Trying to learn to lean into it all
                        B          E
Ain't it funny how the mighty fall?
                        Abm7  B
Looking back I don't regret a thing
                        Dbm7                  A
Yeah, I took some bad turns that I am owning
                              E          Gm7
I'll stand still and let the storm pass by
Keep my heart safe till the time feels right

    E    B    Dbm7    B
But oh my, oh my
                    A            E
I'll never learn if I never leap
                      Gm7        B
I'll always yearn if I never speak

E      Abm7        A
To be loved and love at the highest count
B        Dbm7          E                  A
Means to lose all the things I can't live without
      Cdim          E                    A
Let it be known that I will choose to lose
                      B  Dbm          E
It's a sacrifice, but I can't live a lie
              Bbm Am
Let it be known

                        Dbm        Cm
Let it be known that I cried for you
                E    Gb
Even started lying to you
        Gbm        Em
What a thing to do
A          B
All because I wanted

E      Abm7      A
To be loved and love at the highest count
B    Dbm      E                    A
Means to lose all the things I can't live without
Let it be known, known, known
    E        Abm7          A
That I will choose, I will lose
                  B    Dbm          E
It's a sacrifice, but I can't live a lie
Let it be known
            Am          E  Abm A B            Dbm E A
Let it be known that I tried,        that I tried
            Am                E
Let it be known that I tried

F, Fm, G, Gm, Gm7, Abm7, Am, Am7, Bb, Bbm, Bm, C, Dbdim, Dbm, Dm, Dm7

Verse 1
                          Am        C
I built a house for a love to grow
              Dm7                        Bb
I was so young that it was hard to know
                    F            Gm7
I'm as lost now as I was back then
                    C          F
Always make a mess of everything
                        Am7          C
It's about time that I face myself
            Dm7                      Bb
All I do is bleed into someone else
                              F        Gm7
Painting walls with all my secret tears
Filling rooms with all my hopes and fears

    F    C  Dm7  C
But oh my, oh my
                Bb              F
I'll never learn if I never leap
                Gm                C
I'll always yearn if I never speak

F    Am7        Bb
To be loved and love at the highest count
C      Dm              C          Bb
Means to lose all the things I can't live without
            Dbdim      F      Am7          Bb
Let it be known that I will choose to lose
                      C  Dm      C
It's a sacrifice, but I can't live a lie
            Bb            Bbm                F  Am  Bb
Let it be known, let it be known that I tried

Verse 2
F                      Am        C
I'm so afraid, but I'm open wide
              Dm7                          Bb
I'll be the one to catch myself this time
                    F              Abm7
Trying to learn to lean into it all
                        C          F
Ain't it funny how the mighty fall?
                        Am7  C
Looking back I don't regret a thing
                        Dm7                  Bb
Yeah, I took some bad turns that I am owning
                              F          Abm7
I'll stand still and let the storm pass by
Keep my heart safe till the time feels right

    F    C    Dm7    C
But oh my, oh my
                    Bb            F
I'll never learn if I never leap
                      Abm7        C
I'll always yearn if I never speak

F      Am7        Bb
To be loved and love at the highest count
C        Dm7          F                  Bb
Means to lose all the things I can't live without
      Dbdim          F                    Bb
Let it be known that I will choose to lose
                      C  Dm          F
It's a sacrifice, but I can't live a lie
              Bm Bbm
Let it be known

                        Dm        Dbm
Let it be known that I cried for you
                F    G
Even started lying to you
        Gm        Fm
What a thing to do
Bb          C
All because I wanted

F      Am7      Bb
To be loved and love at the highest count
C    Dm      F                    Bb
Means to lose all the things I can't live without
Let it be known, known, known
    F        Am7          Bb
That I will choose, I will lose
                  C    Dm          F
It's a sacrifice, but I can't live a lie
Let it be known
            Bbm          F  Am Bb C            Dm F Bb
Let it be known that I tried,        that I tried
            Bbm                F
Let it be known that I tried

Gb, Gbm, Ab, Abm, Abm7, Am7, Bbm, Bbm7, B, Bm, Cm, Db, Ddim, Dm, Ebm, Ebm7

Verse 1
                          Bbm        Db
I built a house for a love to grow
              Ebm7                        B
I was so young that it was hard to know
                    Gb            Abm7
I'm as lost now as I was back then
                    Db          Gb
Always make a mess of everything
                        Bbm7          Db
It's about time that I face myself
            Ebm7                      B
All I do is bleed into someone else
                              Gb        Abm7
Painting walls with all my secret tears
Filling rooms with all my hopes and fears

    Gb    Db  Ebm7  Db
But oh my, oh my
                B              Gb
I'll never learn if I never leap
                Abm                Db
I'll always yearn if I never speak

Gb    Bbm7        B
To be loved and love at the highest count
Db      Ebm              Db          B
Means to lose all the things I can't live without
            Ddim      Gb      Bbm7          B
Let it be known that I will choose to lose
                      Db  Ebm      Db
It's a sacrifice, but I can't live a lie
            B            Bm                Gb  Bbm  B
Let it be known, let it be known that I tried

Verse 2
Gb                      Bbm        Db
I'm so afraid, but I'm open wide
              Ebm7                          B
I'll be the one to catch myself this time
                    Gb              Am7
Trying to learn to lean into it all
                        Db          Gb
Ain't it funny how the mighty fall?
                        Bbm7  Db
Looking back I don't regret a thing
                        Ebm7                  B
Yeah, I took some bad turns that I am owning
                              Gb          Am7
I'll stand still and let the storm pass by
Keep my heart safe till the time feels right

    Gb    Db    Ebm7    Db
But oh my, oh my
                    B            Gb
I'll never learn if I never leap
                      Am7        Db
I'll always yearn if I never speak

Gb      Bbm7        B
To be loved and love at the highest count
Db        Ebm7          Gb                  B
Means to lose all the things I can't live without
      Ddim          Gb                    B
Let it be known that I will choose to lose
                      Db  Ebm          Gb
It's a sacrifice, but I can't live a lie
              Cm Bm
Let it be known

                        Ebm        Dm
Let it be known that I cried for you
                Gb    Ab
Even started lying to you
        Abm        Gbm
What a thing to do
B          Db
All because I wanted

Gb      Bbm7      B
To be loved and love at the highest count
Db    Ebm      Gb                    B
Means to lose all the things I can't live without
Let it be known, known, known
    Gb        Bbm7          B
That I will choose, I will lose
                  Db    Ebm          Gb
It's a sacrifice, but I can't live a lie
Let it be known
            Bm          Gb  Bbm B Db            Ebm Gb B
Let it be known that I tried,        that I tried
            Bm                Gb
Let it be known that I tried

G, Gm, A, Am, Am7, Bbm7, Bm, Bm7, C, Cm, Dbm, D, Ebdim, Ebm, Em, Em7

Verse 1
                          Bm        D
I built a house for a love to grow
              Em7                        C
I was so young that it was hard to know
                    G            Am7
I'm as lost now as I was back then
                    D          G
Always make a mess of everything
                        Bm7          D
It's about time that I face myself
            Em7                      C
All I do is bleed into someone else
                              G        Am7
Painting walls with all my secret tears
Filling rooms with all my hopes and fears

    G    D  Em7  D
But oh my, oh my
                C              G
I'll never learn if I never leap
                Am                D
I'll always yearn if I never speak

G    Bm7        C
To be loved and love at the highest count
D      Em              D          C
Means to lose all the things I can't live without
            Ebdim      G      Bm7          C
Let it be known that I will choose to lose
                      D  Em      D
It's a sacrifice, but I can't live a lie
            C            Cm                G  Bm  C
Let it be known, let it be known that I tried

Verse 2
G                      Bm        D
I'm so afraid, but I'm open wide
              Em7                          C
I'll be the one to catch myself this time
                    G              Bbm7
Trying to learn to lean into it all
                        D          G
Ain't it funny how the mighty fall?
                        Bm7  D
Looking back I don't regret a thing
                        Em7                  C
Yeah, I took some bad turns that I am owning
                              G          Bbm7
I'll stand still and let the storm pass by
Keep my heart safe till the time feels right

    G    D    Em7    D
But oh my, oh my
                    C            G
I'll never learn if I never leap
                      Bbm7        D
I'll always yearn if I never speak

G      Bm7        C
To be loved and love at the highest count
D        Em7          G                  C
Means to lose all the things I can't live without
      Ebdim          G                    C
Let it be known that I will choose to lose
                      D  Em          G
It's a sacrifice, but I can't live a lie
              Dbm Cm
Let it be known

                        Em        Ebm
Let it be known that I cried for you
                G    A
Even started lying to you
        Am        Gm
What a thing to do
C          D
All because I wanted

G      Bm7      C
To be loved and love at the highest count
D    Em      G                    C
Means to lose all the things I can't live without
Let it be known, known, known
    G        Bm7          C
That I will choose, I will lose
                  D    Em          G
It's a sacrifice, but I can't live a lie
Let it be known
            Cm          G  Bm C D            Em G C
Let it be known that I tried,        that I tried
            Cm                G
Let it be known that I tried

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