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REMEDY Ukulele Chords By Adele

REMEDY uke chords and lyrics By Adele


Bb, Cm, Eb, Fm, Ab

Intro :
Fm Eb Bb
Fm Eb Bb

Verse :
Fm    Eb    Bb                        Fm        Eb        Bb
I remember all of the things that I thought I wanted to be
Fm  Eb            Bb                    Fm        Eb      Bb
So desperate, to find a way out of my world and finally breathe

        Fm      Eb      Bb
Right before my eyes, I saw
    Fm        Eb      Bb
My heart, it came to life
            Ab                    Bb
This ain't easy, it's not meant to be
Every story has its scars

Chorus :
              Eb            Bb
But when the pain cuts you deep
              Fm    Ab              Cm
And when the night keeps you from sleeping
      Eb                Bb
Just look and you will see
            Ab            Bb
That I will be your remedy

          Eb              Bb
When the world seems so cruel
          Fm              Ab          Cm
And your heart makes you feel like a fool
  Eb                Bb
I promise you will see
            Ab                  Bb  Fm Eb Bb
That I will be, I will be, your remedy...

Fm Eb Bb

Verse :
Fm  Eb        Bb                        Fm    Eb      Bb
No river is too wide or too deep for me, to swim to you
Fm      Eb      Bb                        Fm
Come whatever, I'll be the shelter that won't
        Eb        Bb
let the rain come through

      Fm      Eb    Bb
Your love it is my truth
    Fm    Eb          Bb
And I will always love you
Ab          Bb  Ab
Love you, oh

Chorus :
          Eb            Bb
When the pain cuts you deep
              Fm    Ab              Cm
And when the night keeps you from sleeping
      Eb                Bb
Just look and you will see
            Ab            Bb
That I will be your remedy

          Eb              Bb
When the world seems so cruel
          Fm              Ab          Cm
And your heart makes you feel like a fool
  Eb                Bb
I promise you will see
            Ab                  Bb  Fm  Eb Bb
That I will be, I will be, your remedy, oh

Instrumental :
Fm Eb Bb
Fm Eb Bb
Fm Eb Bb


Chorus :
          Eb            Bb
When the pain cuts you deep
              Fm    Ab              Cm
And when the night keeps you from sleeping
      Eb                Bb
Just look and you will see
That I will be, I will be

          Eb              Bb
When the world seems so cruel
          Fm              Ab          Cm
And your heart makes you feel like a fool
  Eb                Bb
I promise you will see
            Ab                      Eb
That I will be, I will be, I will be

Fm        Eb Bb
Your remedy
Fm    Eb Bb
Hmmm hmmm
Fm Eb Bb
Fm Eb Bb

Other Versions For This Ukulele Chords Song :

B, Dbm, E, Gbm, A

Intro :
Gbm E B
Gbm E B

Verse :
Gbm    E    B                        Gbm        E        B
I remember all of the things that I thought I wanted to be
Gbm  E            B                    Gbm        E      B
So desperate, to find a way out of my world and finally breathe

        Gbm      E      B
Right before my eyes, I saw
    Gbm        E      B
My heart, it came to life
            A                    B
This ain't easy, it's not meant to be
Every story has its scars

Chorus :
              E            B
But when the pain cuts you deep
              Gbm    A              Dbm
And when the night keeps you from sleeping
      E                B
Just look and you will see
            A            B
That I will be your remedy

          E              B
When the world seems so cruel
          Gbm              A          Dbm
And your heart makes you feel like a fool
  E                B
I promise you will see
            A                  B  Gbm E B
That I will be, I will be, your remedy...

Gbm E B

Verse :
Gbm  E        B                        Gbm    E      B
No river is too wide or too deep for me, to swim to you
Gbm      E      B                        Gbm
Come whatever, I'll be the shelter that won't
        E        B
let the rain come through

      Gbm      E    B
Your love it is my truth
    Gbm    E          B
And I will always love you
A          B  A
Love you, oh

Chorus :
          E            B
When the pain cuts you deep
              Gbm    A              Dbm
And when the night keeps you from sleeping
      E                B
Just look and you will see
            A            B
That I will be your remedy

          E              B
When the world seems so cruel
          Gbm              A          Dbm
And your heart makes you feel like a fool
  E                B
I promise you will see
            A                  B  Gbm  E B
That I will be, I will be, your remedy, oh

Instrumental :
Gbm E B
Gbm E B
Gbm E B


Chorus :
          E            B
When the pain cuts you deep
              Gbm    A              Dbm
And when the night keeps you from sleeping
      E                B
Just look and you will see
That I will be, I will be

          E              B
When the world seems so cruel
          Gbm              A          Dbm
And your heart makes you feel like a fool
  E                B
I promise you will see
            A                      E
That I will be, I will be, I will be

Gbm        E B
Your remedy
Gbm    E B
Hmmm hmmm
Gbm E B
Gbm E B

C, Dm, F, Gm, Bb

Intro :
Gm F C
Gm F C

Verse :
Gm    F    C                        Gm        F        C
I remember all of the things that I thought I wanted to be
Gm  F            C                    Gm        F      C
So desperate, to find a way out of my world and finally breathe

        Gm      F      C
Right before my eyes, I saw
    Gm        F      C
My heart, it came to life
            Bb                    C
This ain't easy, it's not meant to be
Every story has its scars

Chorus :
              F            C
But when the pain cuts you deep
              Gm    Bb              Dm
And when the night keeps you from sleeping
      F                C
Just look and you will see
            Bb            C
That I will be your remedy

          F              C
When the world seems so cruel
          Gm              Bb          Dm
And your heart makes you feel like a fool
  F                C
I promise you will see
            Bb                  C  Gm F C
That I will be, I will be, your remedy...

Gm F C

Verse :
Gm  F        C                        Gm    F      C
No river is too wide or too deep for me, to swim to you
Gm      F      C                        Gm
Come whatever, I'll be the shelter that won't
        F        C
let the rain come through

      Gm      F    C
Your love it is my truth
    Gm    F          C
And I will always love you
Bb          C  Bb
Love you, oh

Chorus :
          F            C
When the pain cuts you deep
              Gm    Bb              Dm
And when the night keeps you from sleeping
      F                C
Just look and you will see
            Bb            C
That I will be your remedy

          F              C
When the world seems so cruel
          Gm              Bb          Dm
And your heart makes you feel like a fool
  F                C
I promise you will see
            Bb                  C  Gm  F C
That I will be, I will be, your remedy, oh

Instrumental :
Gm F C
Gm F C
Gm F C


Chorus :
          F            C
When the pain cuts you deep
              Gm    Bb              Dm
And when the night keeps you from sleeping
      F                C
Just look and you will see
That I will be, I will be

          F              C
When the world seems so cruel
          Gm              Bb          Dm
And your heart makes you feel like a fool
  F                C
I promise you will see
            Bb                      F
That I will be, I will be, I will be

Gm        F C
Your remedy
Gm    F C
Hmmm hmmm
Gm F C
Gm F C

Db, Ebm, Gb, Abm, B

Intro :
Abm Gb Db
Abm Gb Db

Verse :
Abm    Gb    Db                        Abm        Gb        Db
I remember all of the things that I thought I wanted to be
Abm  Gb            Db                    Abm        Gb      Db
So desperate, to find a way out of my world and finally breathe

        Abm      Gb      Db
Right before my eyes, I saw
    Abm        Gb      Db
My heart, it came to life
            B                    Db
This ain't easy, it's not meant to be
Every story has its scars

Chorus :
              Gb            Db
But when the pain cuts you deep
              Abm    B              Ebm
And when the night keeps you from sleeping
      Gb                Db
Just look and you will see
            B            Db
That I will be your remedy

          Gb              Db
When the world seems so cruel
          Abm              B          Ebm
And your heart makes you feel like a fool
  Gb                Db
I promise you will see
            B                  Db  Abm Gb Db
That I will be, I will be, your remedy...

Abm Gb Db

Verse :
Abm  Gb        Db                        Abm    Gb      Db
No river is too wide or too deep for me, to swim to you
Abm      Gb      Db                        Abm
Come whatever, I'll be the shelter that won't
        Gb        Db
let the rain come through

      Abm      Gb    Db
Your love it is my truth
    Abm    Gb          Db
And I will always love you
B          Db  B
Love you, oh

Chorus :
          Gb            Db
When the pain cuts you deep
              Abm    B              Ebm
And when the night keeps you from sleeping
      Gb                Db
Just look and you will see
            B            Db
That I will be your remedy

          Gb              Db
When the world seems so cruel
          Abm              B          Ebm
And your heart makes you feel like a fool
  Gb                Db
I promise you will see
            B                  Db  Abm  Gb Db
That I will be, I will be, your remedy, oh

Instrumental :
Abm Gb Db
Abm Gb Db
Abm Gb Db


Chorus :
          Gb            Db
When the pain cuts you deep
              Abm    B              Ebm
And when the night keeps you from sleeping
      Gb                Db
Just look and you will see
That I will be, I will be

          Gb              Db
When the world seems so cruel
          Abm              B          Ebm
And your heart makes you feel like a fool
  Gb                Db
I promise you will see
            B                      Gb
That I will be, I will be, I will be

Abm        Gb Db
Your remedy
Abm    Gb Db
Hmmm hmmm
Abm Gb Db
Abm Gb Db

D, Em, G, Am, C

Intro :
Am G D
Am G D

Verse :
Am    G    D                        Am        G        D
I remember all of the things that I thought I wanted to be
Am  G            D                    Am        G      D
So desperate, to find a way out of my world and finally breathe

        Am      G      D
Right before my eyes, I saw
    Am        G      D
My heart, it came to life
            C                    D
This ain't easy, it's not meant to be
Every story has its scars

Chorus :
              G            D
But when the pain cuts you deep
              Am    C              Em
And when the night keeps you from sleeping
      G                D
Just look and you will see
            C            D
That I will be your remedy

          G              D
When the world seems so cruel
          Am              C          Em
And your heart makes you feel like a fool
  G                D
I promise you will see
            C                  D  Am G D
That I will be, I will be, your remedy...

Am G D

Verse :
Am  G        D                        Am    G      D
No river is too wide or too deep for me, to swim to you
Am      G      D                        Am
Come whatever, I'll be the shelter that won't
        G        D
let the rain come through

      Am      G    D
Your love it is my truth
    Am    G          D
And I will always love you
C          D  C
Love you, oh

Chorus :
          G            D
When the pain cuts you deep
              Am    C              Em
And when the night keeps you from sleeping
      G                D
Just look and you will see
            C            D
That I will be your remedy

          G              D
When the world seems so cruel
          Am              C          Em
And your heart makes you feel like a fool
  G                D
I promise you will see
            C                  D  Am  G D
That I will be, I will be, your remedy, oh

Instrumental :
Am G D
Am G D
Am G D


Chorus :
          G            D
When the pain cuts you deep
              Am    C              Em
And when the night keeps you from sleeping
      G                D
Just look and you will see
That I will be, I will be

          G              D
When the world seems so cruel
          Am              C          Em
And your heart makes you feel like a fool
  G                D
I promise you will see
            C                      G
That I will be, I will be, I will be

Am        G D
Your remedy
Am    G D
Hmmm hmmm
Am G D
Am G D

Eb, Fm, Ab, Bbm, Db

Intro :
Bbm Ab Eb
Bbm Ab Eb

Verse :
Bbm    Ab    Eb                        Bbm        Ab        Eb
I remember all of the things that I thought I wanted to be
Bbm  Ab            Eb                    Bbm        Ab      Eb
So desperate, to find a way out of my world and finally breathe

        Bbm      Ab      Eb
Right before my eyes, I saw
    Bbm        Ab      Eb
My heart, it came to life
            Db                    Eb
This ain't easy, it's not meant to be
Every story has its scars

Chorus :
              Ab            Eb
But when the pain cuts you deep
              Bbm    Db              Fm
And when the night keeps you from sleeping
      Ab                Eb
Just look and you will see
            Db            Eb
That I will be your remedy

          Ab              Eb
When the world seems so cruel
          Bbm              Db          Fm
And your heart makes you feel like a fool
  Ab                Eb
I promise you will see
            Db                  Eb  Bbm Ab Eb
That I will be, I will be, your remedy...

Bbm Ab Eb

Verse :
Bbm  Ab        Eb                        Bbm    Ab      Eb
No river is too wide or too deep for me, to swim to you
Bbm      Ab      Eb                        Bbm
Come whatever, I'll be the shelter that won't
        Ab        Eb
let the rain come through

      Bbm      Ab    Eb
Your love it is my truth
    Bbm    Ab          Eb
And I will always love you
Db          Eb  Db
Love you, oh

Chorus :
          Ab            Eb
When the pain cuts you deep
              Bbm    Db              Fm
And when the night keeps you from sleeping
      Ab                Eb
Just look and you will see
            Db            Eb
That I will be your remedy

          Ab              Eb
When the world seems so cruel
          Bbm              Db          Fm
And your heart makes you feel like a fool
  Ab                Eb
I promise you will see
            Db                  Eb  Bbm  Ab Eb
That I will be, I will be, your remedy, oh

Instrumental :
Bbm Ab Eb
Bbm Ab Eb
Bbm Ab Eb


Chorus :
          Ab            Eb
When the pain cuts you deep
              Bbm    Db              Fm
And when the night keeps you from sleeping
      Ab                Eb
Just look and you will see
That I will be, I will be

          Ab              Eb
When the world seems so cruel
          Bbm              Db          Fm
And your heart makes you feel like a fool
  Ab                Eb
I promise you will see
            Db                      Ab
That I will be, I will be, I will be

Bbm        Ab Eb
Your remedy
Bbm    Ab Eb
Hmmm hmmm
Bbm Ab Eb
Bbm Ab Eb

E, Gbm, A, Bm, D

Intro :
Bm A E
Bm A E

Verse :
Bm    A    E                        Bm        A        E
I remember all of the things that I thought I wanted to be
Bm  A            E                    Bm        A      E
So desperate, to find a way out of my world and finally breathe

        Bm      A      E
Right before my eyes, I saw
    Bm        A      E
My heart, it came to life
            D                    E
This ain't easy, it's not meant to be
Every story has its scars

Chorus :
              A            E
But when the pain cuts you deep
              Bm    D              Gbm
And when the night keeps you from sleeping
      A                E
Just look and you will see
            D            E
That I will be your remedy

          A              E
When the world seems so cruel
          Bm              D          Gbm
And your heart makes you feel like a fool
  A                E
I promise you will see
            D                  E  Bm A E
That I will be, I will be, your remedy...

Bm A E

Verse :
Bm  A        E                        Bm    A      E
No river is too wide or too deep for me, to swim to you
Bm      A      E                        Bm
Come whatever, I'll be the shelter that won't
        A        E
let the rain come through

      Bm      A    E
Your love it is my truth
    Bm    A          E
And I will always love you
D          E  D
Love you, oh

Chorus :
          A            E
When the pain cuts you deep
              Bm    D              Gbm
And when the night keeps you from sleeping
      A                E
Just look and you will see
            D            E
That I will be your remedy

          A              E
When the world seems so cruel
          Bm              D          Gbm
And your heart makes you feel like a fool
  A                E
I promise you will see
            D                  E  Bm  A E
That I will be, I will be, your remedy, oh

Instrumental :
Bm A E
Bm A E
Bm A E


Chorus :
          A            E
When the pain cuts you deep
              Bm    D              Gbm
And when the night keeps you from sleeping
      A                E
Just look and you will see
That I will be, I will be

          A              E
When the world seems so cruel
          Bm              D          Gbm
And your heart makes you feel like a fool
  A                E
I promise you will see
            D                      A
That I will be, I will be, I will be

Bm        A E
Your remedy
Bm    A E
Hmmm hmmm
Bm A E
Bm A E

F, Gm, Bb, Cm, Eb

Intro :
Cm Bb F
Cm Bb F

Verse :
Cm    Bb    F                        Cm        Bb        F
I remember all of the things that I thought I wanted to be
Cm  Bb            F                    Cm        Bb      F
So desperate, to find a way out of my world and finally breathe

        Cm      Bb      F
Right before my eyes, I saw
    Cm        Bb      F
My heart, it came to life
            Eb                    F
This ain't easy, it's not meant to be
Every story has its scars

Chorus :
              Bb            F
But when the pain cuts you deep
              Cm    Eb              Gm
And when the night keeps you from sleeping
      Bb                F
Just look and you will see
            Eb            F
That I will be your remedy

          Bb              F
When the world seems so cruel
          Cm              Eb          Gm
And your heart makes you feel like a fool
  Bb                F
I promise you will see
            Eb                  F  Cm Bb F
That I will be, I will be, your remedy...

Cm Bb F

Verse :
Cm  Bb        F                        Cm    Bb      F
No river is too wide or too deep for me, to swim to you
Cm      Bb      F                        Cm
Come whatever, I'll be the shelter that won't
        Bb        F
let the rain come through

      Cm      Bb    F
Your love it is my truth
    Cm    Bb          F
And I will always love you
Eb          F  Eb
Love you, oh

Chorus :
          Bb            F
When the pain cuts you deep
              Cm    Eb              Gm
And when the night keeps you from sleeping
      Bb                F
Just look and you will see
            Eb            F
That I will be your remedy

          Bb              F
When the world seems so cruel
          Cm              Eb          Gm
And your heart makes you feel like a fool
  Bb                F
I promise you will see
            Eb                  F  Cm  Bb F
That I will be, I will be, your remedy, oh

Instrumental :
Cm Bb F
Cm Bb F
Cm Bb F


Chorus :
          Bb            F
When the pain cuts you deep
              Cm    Eb              Gm
And when the night keeps you from sleeping
      Bb                F
Just look and you will see
That I will be, I will be

          Bb              F
When the world seems so cruel
          Cm              Eb          Gm
And your heart makes you feel like a fool
  Bb                F
I promise you will see
            Eb                      Bb
That I will be, I will be, I will be

Cm        Bb F
Your remedy
Cm    Bb F
Hmmm hmmm
Cm Bb F
Cm Bb F

Gb, Abm, B, Dbm, E

Intro :
Dbm B Gb
Dbm B Gb

Verse :
Dbm    B    Gb                        Dbm        B        Gb
I remember all of the things that I thought I wanted to be
Dbm  B            Gb                    Dbm        B      Gb
So desperate, to find a way out of my world and finally breathe

        Dbm      B      Gb
Right before my eyes, I saw
    Dbm        B      Gb
My heart, it came to life
            E                    Gb
This ain't easy, it's not meant to be
Every story has its scars

Chorus :
              B            Gb
But when the pain cuts you deep
              Dbm    E              Abm
And when the night keeps you from sleeping
      B                Gb
Just look and you will see
            E            Gb
That I will be your remedy

          B              Gb
When the world seems so cruel
          Dbm              E          Abm
And your heart makes you feel like a fool
  B                Gb
I promise you will see
            E                  Gb  Dbm B Gb
That I will be, I will be, your remedy...

Dbm B Gb

Verse :
Dbm  B        Gb                        Dbm    B      Gb
No river is too wide or too deep for me, to swim to you
Dbm      B      Gb                        Dbm
Come whatever, I'll be the shelter that won't
        B        Gb
let the rain come through

      Dbm      B    Gb
Your love it is my truth
    Dbm    B          Gb
And I will always love you
E          Gb  E
Love you, oh

Chorus :
          B            Gb
When the pain cuts you deep
              Dbm    E              Abm
And when the night keeps you from sleeping
      B                Gb
Just look and you will see
            E            Gb
That I will be your remedy

          B              Gb
When the world seems so cruel
          Dbm              E          Abm
And your heart makes you feel like a fool
  B                Gb
I promise you will see
            E                  Gb  Dbm  B Gb
That I will be, I will be, your remedy, oh

Instrumental :
Dbm B Gb
Dbm B Gb
Dbm B Gb


Chorus :
          B            Gb
When the pain cuts you deep
              Dbm    E              Abm
And when the night keeps you from sleeping
      B                Gb
Just look and you will see
That I will be, I will be

          B              Gb
When the world seems so cruel
          Dbm              E          Abm
And your heart makes you feel like a fool
  B                Gb
I promise you will see
            E                      B
That I will be, I will be, I will be

Dbm        B Gb
Your remedy
Dbm    B Gb
Hmmm hmmm
Dbm B Gb
Dbm B Gb

G, Am, C, Dm, F

Intro :
Dm C G
Dm C G

Verse :
Dm    C    G                        Dm        C        G
I remember all of the things that I thought I wanted to be
Dm  C            G                    Dm        C      G
So desperate, to find a way out of my world and finally breathe

        Dm      C      G
Right before my eyes, I saw
    Dm        C      G
My heart, it came to life
            F                    G
This ain't easy, it's not meant to be
Every story has its scars

Chorus :
              C            G
But when the pain cuts you deep
              Dm    F              Am
And when the night keeps you from sleeping
      C                G
Just look and you will see
            F            G
That I will be your remedy

          C              G
When the world seems so cruel
          Dm              F          Am
And your heart makes you feel like a fool
  C                G
I promise you will see
            F                  G  Dm C G
That I will be, I will be, your remedy...

Dm C G

Verse :
Dm  C        G                        Dm    C      G
No river is too wide or too deep for me, to swim to you
Dm      C      G                        Dm
Come whatever, I'll be the shelter that won't
        C        G
let the rain come through

      Dm      C    G
Your love it is my truth
    Dm    C          G
And I will always love you
F          G  F
Love you, oh

Chorus :
          C            G
When the pain cuts you deep
              Dm    F              Am
And when the night keeps you from sleeping
      C                G
Just look and you will see
            F            G
That I will be your remedy

          C              G
When the world seems so cruel
          Dm              F          Am
And your heart makes you feel like a fool
  C                G
I promise you will see
            F                  G  Dm  C G
That I will be, I will be, your remedy, oh

Instrumental :
Dm C G
Dm C G
Dm C G


Chorus :
          C            G
When the pain cuts you deep
              Dm    F              Am
And when the night keeps you from sleeping
      C                G
Just look and you will see
That I will be, I will be

          C              G
When the world seems so cruel
          Dm              F          Am
And your heart makes you feel like a fool
  C                G
I promise you will see
            F                      C
That I will be, I will be, I will be

Dm        C G
Your remedy
Dm    C G
Hmmm hmmm
Dm C G
Dm C G

Ab, Bbm, Db, Ebm, Gb

Intro :
Ebm Db Ab
Ebm Db Ab

Verse :
Ebm    Db    Ab                        Ebm        Db        Ab
I remember all of the things that I thought I wanted to be
Ebm  Db            Ab                    Ebm        Db      Ab
So desperate, to find a way out of my world and finally breathe

        Ebm      Db      Ab
Right before my eyes, I saw
    Ebm        Db      Ab
My heart, it came to life
            Gb                    Ab
This ain't easy, it's not meant to be
Every story has its scars

Chorus :
              Db            Ab
But when the pain cuts you deep
              Ebm    Gb              Bbm
And when the night keeps you from sleeping
      Db                Ab
Just look and you will see
            Gb            Ab
That I will be your remedy

          Db              Ab
When the world seems so cruel
          Ebm              Gb          Bbm
And your heart makes you feel like a fool
  Db                Ab
I promise you will see
            Gb                  Ab  Ebm Db Ab
That I will be, I will be, your remedy...

Ebm Db Ab

Verse :
Ebm  Db        Ab                        Ebm    Db      Ab
No river is too wide or too deep for me, to swim to you
Ebm      Db      Ab                        Ebm
Come whatever, I'll be the shelter that won't
        Db        Ab
let the rain come through

      Ebm      Db    Ab
Your love it is my truth
    Ebm    Db          Ab
And I will always love you
Gb          Ab  Gb
Love you, oh

Chorus :
          Db            Ab
When the pain cuts you deep
              Ebm    Gb              Bbm
And when the night keeps you from sleeping
      Db                Ab
Just look and you will see
            Gb            Ab
That I will be your remedy

          Db              Ab
When the world seems so cruel
          Ebm              Gb          Bbm
And your heart makes you feel like a fool
  Db                Ab
I promise you will see
            Gb                  Ab  Ebm  Db Ab
That I will be, I will be, your remedy, oh

Instrumental :
Ebm Db Ab
Ebm Db Ab
Ebm Db Ab


Chorus :
          Db            Ab
When the pain cuts you deep
              Ebm    Gb              Bbm
And when the night keeps you from sleeping
      Db                Ab
Just look and you will see
That I will be, I will be

          Db              Ab
When the world seems so cruel
          Ebm              Gb          Bbm
And your heart makes you feel like a fool
  Db                Ab
I promise you will see
            Gb                      Db
That I will be, I will be, I will be

Ebm        Db Ab
Your remedy
Ebm    Db Ab
Hmmm hmmm
Ebm Db Ab
Ebm Db Ab

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