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CHRISTMAS WALTZ Ukulele Chords By Frank Sinatra

CHRISTMAS WALTZ uke chords and lyrics By Frank Sinatra


Bb, Db, Ebm, Fm, Ab

Db    Bb
Frosted windowpanes
        Ebm        Ab
Candles gleaming inside
        Db    Bb
Painted candy canes
      Ebm    Ab
On the tree
        Db      Bb
Santa's on his way
    Ebm        Ab
He's filled his sleigh
    Db        Bb
With things
          Ebm          Ab
Things for you and for me
          Db      Bb
It's that time of year
        Ebm            Ab
When the world falls in love
      Db        Bb
Every song you hear
        Ebm      Ab
Seems to say
      Db            Bb
Merry Christmas
        Ebm        Ab
May your new year's dreams
    Fm      Bb
Come true

        Ebm      Ab
And this song of mine
        Db            Bb
In three quarter time
    Ebm                Ab          Db
Wish you and yours the same thing too
          Db      Bb
It's that time of year
        Ebm            Ab
When the world falls in love
      Db        Bb
Every song you hear
        Ebm      Ab
Seems to say
      Db          Bb
Merry Christmas
        Ebm        Ab
May your new year's dreams
    Fm    Bb
Come true
        Ebm      Ab
And this song of mine
        Db      Bb
In three quarter time
      Ebm                Ab          Db
Wishes you and yours the same thing too

Other Versions For This Ukulele Chords Song :

B, D, Em, Gbm, A

D    B
Frosted windowpanes
        Em        A
Candles gleaming inside
        D    B
Painted candy canes
      Em    A
On the tree
        D      B
Santa's on his way
    Em        A
He's filled his sleigh
    D        B
With things
          Em          A
Things for you and for me
          D      B
It's that time of year
        Em            A
When the world falls in love
      D        B
Every song you hear
        Em      A
Seems to say
      D            B
Merry Christmas
        Em        A
May your new year's dreams
    Gbm      B
Come true

        Em      A
And this song of mine
        D            B
In three quarter time
    Em                A          D
Wish you and yours the same thing too
          D      B
It's that time of year
        Em            A
When the world falls in love
      D        B
Every song you hear
        Em      A
Seems to say
      D          B
Merry Christmas
        Em        A
May your new year's dreams
    Gbm    B
Come true
        Em      A
And this song of mine
        D      B
In three quarter time
      Em                A          D
Wishes you and yours the same thing too

C, Eb, Fm, Gm, Bb

Eb    C
Frosted windowpanes
        Fm        Bb
Candles gleaming inside
        Eb    C
Painted candy canes
      Fm    Bb
On the tree
        Eb      C
Santa's on his way
    Fm        Bb
He's filled his sleigh
    Eb        C
With things
          Fm          Bb
Things for you and for me
          Eb      C
It's that time of year
        Fm            Bb
When the world falls in love
      Eb        C
Every song you hear
        Fm      Bb
Seems to say
      Eb            C
Merry Christmas
        Fm        Bb
May your new year's dreams
    Gm      C
Come true

        Fm      Bb
And this song of mine
        Eb            C
In three quarter time
    Fm                Bb          Eb
Wish you and yours the same thing too
          Eb      C
It's that time of year
        Fm            Bb
When the world falls in love
      Eb        C
Every song you hear
        Fm      Bb
Seems to say
      Eb          C
Merry Christmas
        Fm        Bb
May your new year's dreams
    Gm    C
Come true
        Fm      Bb
And this song of mine
        Eb      C
In three quarter time
      Fm                Bb          Eb
Wishes you and yours the same thing too

Db, E, Gbm, Abm, B

E    Db
Frosted windowpanes
        Gbm        B
Candles gleaming inside
        E    Db
Painted candy canes
      Gbm    B
On the tree
        E      Db
Santa's on his way
    Gbm        B
He's filled his sleigh
    E        Db
With things
          Gbm          B
Things for you and for me
          E      Db
It's that time of year
        Gbm            B
When the world falls in love
      E        Db
Every song you hear
        Gbm      B
Seems to say
      E            Db
Merry Christmas
        Gbm        B
May your new year's dreams
    Abm      Db
Come true

        Gbm      B
And this song of mine
        E            Db
In three quarter time
    Gbm                B          E
Wish you and yours the same thing too
          E      Db
It's that time of year
        Gbm            B
When the world falls in love
      E        Db
Every song you hear
        Gbm      B
Seems to say
      E          Db
Merry Christmas
        Gbm        B
May your new year's dreams
    Abm    Db
Come true
        Gbm      B
And this song of mine
        E      Db
In three quarter time
      Gbm                B          E
Wishes you and yours the same thing too

D, F, Gm, Am, C

F    D
Frosted windowpanes
        Gm        C
Candles gleaming inside
        F    D
Painted candy canes
      Gm    C
On the tree
        F      D
Santa's on his way
    Gm        C
He's filled his sleigh
    F        D
With things
          Gm          C
Things for you and for me
          F      D
It's that time of year
        Gm            C
When the world falls in love
      F        D
Every song you hear
        Gm      C
Seems to say
      F            D
Merry Christmas
        Gm        C
May your new year's dreams
    Am      D
Come true

        Gm      C
And this song of mine
        F            D
In three quarter time
    Gm                C          F
Wish you and yours the same thing too
          F      D
It's that time of year
        Gm            C
When the world falls in love
      F        D
Every song you hear
        Gm      C
Seems to say
      F          D
Merry Christmas
        Gm        C
May your new year's dreams
    Am    D
Come true
        Gm      C
And this song of mine
        F      D
In three quarter time
      Gm                C          F
Wishes you and yours the same thing too

Eb, Gb, Abm, Bbm, Db

Gb    Eb
Frosted windowpanes
        Abm        Db
Candles gleaming inside
        Gb    Eb
Painted candy canes
      Abm    Db
On the tree
        Gb      Eb
Santa's on his way
    Abm        Db
He's filled his sleigh
    Gb        Eb
With things
          Abm          Db
Things for you and for me
          Gb      Eb
It's that time of year
        Abm            Db
When the world falls in love
      Gb        Eb
Every song you hear
        Abm      Db
Seems to say
      Gb            Eb
Merry Christmas
        Abm        Db
May your new year's dreams
    Bbm      Eb
Come true

        Abm      Db
And this song of mine
        Gb            Eb
In three quarter time
    Abm                Db          Gb
Wish you and yours the same thing too
          Gb      Eb
It's that time of year
        Abm            Db
When the world falls in love
      Gb        Eb
Every song you hear
        Abm      Db
Seems to say
      Gb          Eb
Merry Christmas
        Abm        Db
May your new year's dreams
    Bbm    Eb
Come true
        Abm      Db
And this song of mine
        Gb      Eb
In three quarter time
      Abm                Db          Gb
Wishes you and yours the same thing too

E, G, Am, Bm, D

G    E
Frosted windowpanes
        Am        D
Candles gleaming inside
        G    E
Painted candy canes
      Am    D
On the tree
        G      E
Santa's on his way
    Am        D
He's filled his sleigh
    G        E
With things
          Am          D
Things for you and for me
          G      E
It's that time of year
        Am            D
When the world falls in love
      G        E
Every song you hear
        Am      D
Seems to say
      G            E
Merry Christmas
        Am        D
May your new year's dreams
    Bm      E
Come true

        Am      D
And this song of mine
        G            E
In three quarter time
    Am                D          G
Wish you and yours the same thing too
          G      E
It's that time of year
        Am            D
When the world falls in love
      G        E
Every song you hear
        Am      D
Seems to say
      G          E
Merry Christmas
        Am        D
May your new year's dreams
    Bm    E
Come true
        Am      D
And this song of mine
        G      E
In three quarter time
      Am                D          G
Wishes you and yours the same thing too

F, Ab, Bbm, Cm, Eb

Ab    F
Frosted windowpanes
        Bbm        Eb
Candles gleaming inside
        Ab    F
Painted candy canes
      Bbm    Eb
On the tree
        Ab      F
Santa's on his way
    Bbm        Eb
He's filled his sleigh
    Ab        F
With things
          Bbm          Eb
Things for you and for me
          Ab      F
It's that time of year
        Bbm            Eb
When the world falls in love
      Ab        F
Every song you hear
        Bbm      Eb
Seems to say
      Ab            F
Merry Christmas
        Bbm        Eb
May your new year's dreams
    Cm      F
Come true

        Bbm      Eb
And this song of mine
        Ab            F
In three quarter time
    Bbm                Eb          Ab
Wish you and yours the same thing too
          Ab      F
It's that time of year
        Bbm            Eb
When the world falls in love
      Ab        F
Every song you hear
        Bbm      Eb
Seems to say
      Ab          F
Merry Christmas
        Bbm        Eb
May your new year's dreams
    Cm    F
Come true
        Bbm      Eb
And this song of mine
        Ab      F
In three quarter time
      Bbm                Eb          Ab
Wishes you and yours the same thing too

Gb, A, Bm, Dbm, E

A    Gb
Frosted windowpanes
        Bm        E
Candles gleaming inside
        A    Gb
Painted candy canes
      Bm    E
On the tree
        A      Gb
Santa's on his way
    Bm        E
He's filled his sleigh
    A        Gb
With things
          Bm          E
Things for you and for me
          A      Gb
It's that time of year
        Bm            E
When the world falls in love
      A        Gb
Every song you hear
        Bm      E
Seems to say
      A            Gb
Merry Christmas
        Bm        E
May your new year's dreams
    Dbm      Gb
Come true

        Bm      E
And this song of mine
        A            Gb
In three quarter time
    Bm                E          A
Wish you and yours the same thing too
          A      Gb
It's that time of year
        Bm            E
When the world falls in love
      A        Gb
Every song you hear
        Bm      E
Seems to say
      A          Gb
Merry Christmas
        Bm        E
May your new year's dreams
    Dbm    Gb
Come true
        Bm      E
And this song of mine
        A      Gb
In three quarter time
      Bm                E          A
Wishes you and yours the same thing too

G, Bb, Cm, Dm, F

Bb    G
Frosted windowpanes
        Cm        F
Candles gleaming inside
        Bb    G
Painted candy canes
      Cm    F
On the tree
        Bb      G
Santa's on his way
    Cm        F
He's filled his sleigh
    Bb        G
With things
          Cm          F
Things for you and for me
          Bb      G
It's that time of year
        Cm            F
When the world falls in love
      Bb        G
Every song you hear
        Cm      F
Seems to say
      Bb            G
Merry Christmas
        Cm        F
May your new year's dreams
    Dm      G
Come true

        Cm      F
And this song of mine
        Bb            G
In three quarter time
    Cm                F          Bb
Wish you and yours the same thing too
          Bb      G
It's that time of year
        Cm            F
When the world falls in love
      Bb        G
Every song you hear
        Cm      F
Seems to say
      Bb          G
Merry Christmas
        Cm        F
May your new year's dreams
    Dm    G
Come true
        Cm      F
And this song of mine
        Bb      G
In three quarter time
      Cm                F          Bb
Wishes you and yours the same thing too

Ab, B, Dbm, Ebm, Gb

B    Ab
Frosted windowpanes
        Dbm        Gb
Candles gleaming inside
        B    Ab
Painted candy canes
      Dbm    Gb
On the tree
        B      Ab
Santa's on his way
    Dbm        Gb
He's filled his sleigh
    B        Ab
With things
          Dbm          Gb
Things for you and for me
          B      Ab
It's that time of year
        Dbm            Gb
When the world falls in love
      B        Ab
Every song you hear
        Dbm      Gb
Seems to say
      B            Ab
Merry Christmas
        Dbm        Gb
May your new year's dreams
    Ebm      Ab
Come true

        Dbm      Gb
And this song of mine
        B            Ab
In three quarter time
    Dbm                Gb          B
Wish you and yours the same thing too
          B      Ab
It's that time of year
        Dbm            Gb
When the world falls in love
      B        Ab
Every song you hear
        Dbm      Gb
Seems to say
      B          Ab
Merry Christmas
        Dbm        Gb
May your new year's dreams
    Ebm    Ab
Come true
        Dbm      Gb
And this song of mine
        B      Ab
In three quarter time
      Dbm                Gb          B
Wishes you and yours the same thing too

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