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WHEN MY HEART FINDS CHRISTMAS Ukulele Chords By Harry Connick Jr.

WHEN MY HEART FINDS CHRISTMAS uke chords and lyrics By Harry Connick Jr.


Ab, Abm, Bb, Bb7, Bbm, Cm, Cm7, D, D7, Dm, Eb, F7, Fm, G, Gm

Intro :
Bb  D7  Cm  F7
Bb  D7  Cm

Eb                    Bb
In my eyes are valentines
Ab                  Eb
And Easter eggs and New Year's wine
Ab        Fm                  Cm7
But when my heart finds Christmas
      F7                  Bb7
My eyes will shine like new

Eb                  Bb
All the days are kind to me
Abm                  Eb
But fall too far behind to see
Ab                            Cm
But when my heart finds Christmas
    Bb                Eb
I hope it finds you too

Let the angels sing around us
Bbm                Eb
Christmas time is here
D                                G
Let our children's love surround us
D7                          Gm
Laughing and filled with cheer

Eb                Dm
My heart told me once before
    Ab                Eb
To find my dream and search no more
      Ab                      Bb
And when my heart finds Christmas
I hope it finds you too

Let the angels sing around us
Bbm                Eb
Christmas time is here
D                                G
Let our children's love surround us
D7                          Bb7
Laughing and filled with cheer

Eb                Dm
My heart told me once before
    Ab                Eb
To find my dream and search no more
      Bb      D                Eb
And when my heart finds Christmas
      Bb      D                Eb
And when my heart finds Christmas
      Bb      D                Eb
And when my heart finds Christmas
I hope it finds you too

Other Versions For This Ukulele Chords Song :

A, Am, B, B7, Bm, Dbm, Dbm7, Eb, Eb7, Ebm, E, Gb7, Gbm, Ab, Abm

Intro :
B  Eb7  Dbm  Gb7
B  Eb7  Dbm

E                    B
In my eyes are valentines
A                  E
And Easter eggs and New Year's wine
A        Gbm                  Dbm7
But when my heart finds Christmas
      Gb7                  B7
My eyes will shine like new

E                  B
All the days are kind to me
Am                  E
But fall too far behind to see
A                            Dbm
But when my heart finds Christmas
    B                E
I hope it finds you too

Let the angels sing around us
Bm                E
Christmas time is here
Eb                                Ab
Let our children's love surround us
Eb7                          Abm
Laughing and filled with cheer

E                Ebm
My heart told me once before
    A                E
To find my dream and search no more
      A                      B
And when my heart finds Christmas
I hope it finds you too

Let the angels sing around us
Bm                E
Christmas time is here
Eb                                Ab
Let our children's love surround us
Eb7                          B7
Laughing and filled with cheer

E                Ebm
My heart told me once before
    A                E
To find my dream and search no more
      B      Eb                E
And when my heart finds Christmas
      B      Eb                E
And when my heart finds Christmas
      B      Eb                E
And when my heart finds Christmas
I hope it finds you too

Bb, Bbm, C, C7, Cm, Dm, Dm7, E, E7, Em, F, G7, Gm, A, Am

Intro :
C  E7  Dm  G7
C  E7  Dm

F                    C
In my eyes are valentines
Bb                  F
And Easter eggs and New Year's wine
Bb        Gm                  Dm7
But when my heart finds Christmas
      G7                  C7
My eyes will shine like new

F                  C
All the days are kind to me
Bbm                  F
But fall too far behind to see
Bb                            Dm
But when my heart finds Christmas
    C                F
I hope it finds you too

Let the angels sing around us
Cm                F
Christmas time is here
E                                A
Let our children's love surround us
E7                          Am
Laughing and filled with cheer

F                Em
My heart told me once before
    Bb                F
To find my dream and search no more
      Bb                      C
And when my heart finds Christmas
I hope it finds you too

Let the angels sing around us
Cm                F
Christmas time is here
E                                A
Let our children's love surround us
E7                          C7
Laughing and filled with cheer

F                Em
My heart told me once before
    Bb                F
To find my dream and search no more
      C      E                F
And when my heart finds Christmas
      C      E                F
And when my heart finds Christmas
      C      E                F
And when my heart finds Christmas
I hope it finds you too

B, Bm, Db, Db7, Dbm, Ebm, Ebm7, F, F7, Fm, Gb, Ab7, Abm, Bb, Bbm

Intro :
Db  F7  Ebm  Ab7
Db  F7  Ebm

Gb                    Db
In my eyes are valentines
B                  Gb
And Easter eggs and New Year's wine
B        Abm                  Ebm7
But when my heart finds Christmas
      Ab7                  Db7
My eyes will shine like new

Gb                  Db
All the days are kind to me
Bm                  Gb
But fall too far behind to see
B                            Ebm
But when my heart finds Christmas
    Db                Gb
I hope it finds you too

Let the angels sing around us
Dbm                Gb
Christmas time is here
F                                Bb
Let our children's love surround us
F7                          Bbm
Laughing and filled with cheer

Gb                Fm
My heart told me once before
    B                Gb
To find my dream and search no more
      B                      Db
And when my heart finds Christmas
I hope it finds you too

Let the angels sing around us
Dbm                Gb
Christmas time is here
F                                Bb
Let our children's love surround us
F7                          Db7
Laughing and filled with cheer

Gb                Fm
My heart told me once before
    B                Gb
To find my dream and search no more
      Db      F                Gb
And when my heart finds Christmas
      Db      F                Gb
And when my heart finds Christmas
      Db      F                Gb
And when my heart finds Christmas
I hope it finds you too

C, Cm, D, D7, Dm, Em, Em7, Gb, Gb7, Gbm, G, A7, Am, B, Bm

Intro :
D  Gb7  Em  A7
D  Gb7  Em

G                    D
In my eyes are valentines
C                  G
And Easter eggs and New Year's wine
C        Am                  Em7
But when my heart finds Christmas
      A7                  D7
My eyes will shine like new

G                  D
All the days are kind to me
Cm                  G
But fall too far behind to see
C                            Em
But when my heart finds Christmas
    D                G
I hope it finds you too

Let the angels sing around us
Dm                G
Christmas time is here
Gb                                B
Let our children's love surround us
Gb7                          Bm
Laughing and filled with cheer

G                Gbm
My heart told me once before
    C                G
To find my dream and search no more
      C                      D
And when my heart finds Christmas
I hope it finds you too

Let the angels sing around us
Dm                G
Christmas time is here
Gb                                B
Let our children's love surround us
Gb7                          D7
Laughing and filled with cheer

G                Gbm
My heart told me once before
    C                G
To find my dream and search no more
      D      Gb                G
And when my heart finds Christmas
      D      Gb                G
And when my heart finds Christmas
      D      Gb                G
And when my heart finds Christmas
I hope it finds you too

Db, Dbm, Eb, Eb7, Ebm, Fm, Fm7, G, G7, Gm, Ab, Bb7, Bbm, C, Cm

Intro :
Eb  G7  Fm  Bb7
Eb  G7  Fm

Ab                    Eb
In my eyes are valentines
Db                  Ab
And Easter eggs and New Year's wine
Db        Bbm                  Fm7
But when my heart finds Christmas
      Bb7                  Eb7
My eyes will shine like new

Ab                  Eb
All the days are kind to me
Dbm                  Ab
But fall too far behind to see
Db                            Fm
But when my heart finds Christmas
    Eb                Ab
I hope it finds you too

Let the angels sing around us
Ebm                Ab
Christmas time is here
G                                C
Let our children's love surround us
G7                          Cm
Laughing and filled with cheer

Ab                Gm
My heart told me once before
    Db                Ab
To find my dream and search no more
      Db                      Eb
And when my heart finds Christmas
I hope it finds you too

Let the angels sing around us
Ebm                Ab
Christmas time is here
G                                C
Let our children's love surround us
G7                          Eb7
Laughing and filled with cheer

Ab                Gm
My heart told me once before
    Db                Ab
To find my dream and search no more
      Eb      G                Ab
And when my heart finds Christmas
      Eb      G                Ab
And when my heart finds Christmas
      Eb      G                Ab
And when my heart finds Christmas
I hope it finds you too

D, Dm, E, E7, Em, Gbm, Gbm7, Ab, Ab7, Abm, A, B7, Bm, Db, Dbm

Intro :
E  Ab7  Gbm  B7
E  Ab7  Gbm

A                    E
In my eyes are valentines
D                  A
And Easter eggs and New Year's wine
D        Bm                  Gbm7
But when my heart finds Christmas
      B7                  E7
My eyes will shine like new

A                  E
All the days are kind to me
Dm                  A
But fall too far behind to see
D                            Gbm
But when my heart finds Christmas
    E                A
I hope it finds you too

Let the angels sing around us
Em                A
Christmas time is here
Ab                                Db
Let our children's love surround us
Ab7                          Dbm
Laughing and filled with cheer

A                Abm
My heart told me once before
    D                A
To find my dream and search no more
      D                      E
And when my heart finds Christmas
I hope it finds you too

Let the angels sing around us
Em                A
Christmas time is here
Ab                                Db
Let our children's love surround us
Ab7                          E7
Laughing and filled with cheer

A                Abm
My heart told me once before
    D                A
To find my dream and search no more
      E      Ab                A
And when my heart finds Christmas
      E      Ab                A
And when my heart finds Christmas
      E      Ab                A
And when my heart finds Christmas
I hope it finds you too

Eb, Ebm, F, F7, Fm, Gm, Gm7, A, A7, Am, Bb, C7, Cm, D, Dm

Intro :
F  A7  Gm  C7
F  A7  Gm

Bb                    F
In my eyes are valentines
Eb                  Bb
And Easter eggs and New Year's wine
Eb        Cm                  Gm7
But when my heart finds Christmas
      C7                  F7
My eyes will shine like new

Bb                  F
All the days are kind to me
Ebm                  Bb
But fall too far behind to see
Eb                            Gm
But when my heart finds Christmas
    F                Bb
I hope it finds you too

Let the angels sing around us
Fm                Bb
Christmas time is here
A                                D
Let our children's love surround us
A7                          Dm
Laughing and filled with cheer

Bb                Am
My heart told me once before
    Eb                Bb
To find my dream and search no more
      Eb                      F
And when my heart finds Christmas
I hope it finds you too

Let the angels sing around us
Fm                Bb
Christmas time is here
A                                D
Let our children's love surround us
A7                          F7
Laughing and filled with cheer

Bb                Am
My heart told me once before
    Eb                Bb
To find my dream and search no more
      F      A                Bb
And when my heart finds Christmas
      F      A                Bb
And when my heart finds Christmas
      F      A                Bb
And when my heart finds Christmas
I hope it finds you too

E, Em, Gb, Gb7, Gbm, Abm, Abm7, Bb, Bb7, Bbm, B, Db7, Dbm, Eb, Ebm

Intro :
Gb  Bb7  Abm  Db7
Gb  Bb7  Abm

B                    Gb
In my eyes are valentines
E                  B
And Easter eggs and New Year's wine
E        Dbm                  Abm7
But when my heart finds Christmas
      Db7                  Gb7
My eyes will shine like new

B                  Gb
All the days are kind to me
Em                  B
But fall too far behind to see
E                            Abm
But when my heart finds Christmas
    Gb                B
I hope it finds you too

Let the angels sing around us
Gbm                B
Christmas time is here
Bb                                Eb
Let our children's love surround us
Bb7                          Ebm
Laughing and filled with cheer

B                Bbm
My heart told me once before
    E                B
To find my dream and search no more
      E                      Gb
And when my heart finds Christmas
I hope it finds you too

Let the angels sing around us
Gbm                B
Christmas time is here
Bb                                Eb
Let our children's love surround us
Bb7                          Gb7
Laughing and filled with cheer

B                Bbm
My heart told me once before
    E                B
To find my dream and search no more
      Gb      Bb                B
And when my heart finds Christmas
      Gb      Bb                B
And when my heart finds Christmas
      Gb      Bb                B
And when my heart finds Christmas
I hope it finds you too

F, Fm, G, G7, Gm, Am, Am7, B, B7, Bm, C, D7, Dm, E, Em

Intro :
G  B7  Am  D7
G  B7  Am

C                    G
In my eyes are valentines
F                  C
And Easter eggs and New Year's wine
F        Dm                  Am7
But when my heart finds Christmas
      D7                  G7
My eyes will shine like new

C                  G
All the days are kind to me
Fm                  C
But fall too far behind to see
F                            Am
But when my heart finds Christmas
    G                C
I hope it finds you too

Let the angels sing around us
Gm                C
Christmas time is here
B                                E
Let our children's love surround us
B7                          Em
Laughing and filled with cheer

C                Bm
My heart told me once before
    F                C
To find my dream and search no more
      F                      G
And when my heart finds Christmas
I hope it finds you too

Let the angels sing around us
Gm                C
Christmas time is here
B                                E
Let our children's love surround us
B7                          G7
Laughing and filled with cheer

C                Bm
My heart told me once before
    F                C
To find my dream and search no more
      G      B                C
And when my heart finds Christmas
      G      B                C
And when my heart finds Christmas
      G      B                C
And when my heart finds Christmas
I hope it finds you too

Gb, Gbm, Ab, Ab7, Abm, Bbm, Bbm7, C, C7, Cm, Db, Eb7, Ebm, F, Fm

Intro :
Ab  C7  Bbm  Eb7
Ab  C7  Bbm

Db                    Ab
In my eyes are valentines
Gb                  Db
And Easter eggs and New Year's wine
Gb        Ebm                  Bbm7
But when my heart finds Christmas
      Eb7                  Ab7
My eyes will shine like new

Db                  Ab
All the days are kind to me
Gbm                  Db
But fall too far behind to see
Gb                            Bbm
But when my heart finds Christmas
    Ab                Db
I hope it finds you too

Let the angels sing around us
Abm                Db
Christmas time is here
C                                F
Let our children's love surround us
C7                          Fm
Laughing and filled with cheer

Db                Cm
My heart told me once before
    Gb                Db
To find my dream and search no more
      Gb                      Ab
And when my heart finds Christmas
I hope it finds you too

Let the angels sing around us
Abm                Db
Christmas time is here
C                                F
Let our children's love surround us
C7                          Ab7
Laughing and filled with cheer

Db                Cm
My heart told me once before
    Gb                Db
To find my dream and search no more
      Ab      C                Db
And when my heart finds Christmas
      Ab      C                Db
And when my heart finds Christmas
      Ab      C                Db
And when my heart finds Christmas
I hope it finds you too

G, Gm, A, A7, Am, Bm, Bm7, Db, Db7, Dbm, D, E7, Em, Gb, Gbm

Intro :
A  Db7  Bm  E7
A  Db7  Bm

D                    A
In my eyes are valentines
G                  D
And Easter eggs and New Year's wine
G        Em                  Bm7
But when my heart finds Christmas
      E7                  A7
My eyes will shine like new

D                  A
All the days are kind to me
Gm                  D
But fall too far behind to see
G                            Bm
But when my heart finds Christmas
    A                D
I hope it finds you too

Let the angels sing around us
Am                D
Christmas time is here
Db                                Gb
Let our children's love surround us
Db7                          Gbm
Laughing and filled with cheer

D                Dbm
My heart told me once before
    G                D
To find my dream and search no more
      G                      A
And when my heart finds Christmas
I hope it finds you too

Let the angels sing around us
Am                D
Christmas time is here
Db                                Gb
Let our children's love surround us
Db7                          A7
Laughing and filled with cheer

D                Dbm
My heart told me once before
    G                D
To find my dream and search no more
      A      Db                D
And when my heart finds Christmas
      A      Db                D
And when my heart finds Christmas
      A      Db                D
And when my heart finds Christmas
I hope it finds you too

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