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HAPPY XMAS (WAR IS OVER) Ukulele Chords By John Lennon And Yoko Ono

HAPPY XMAS (WAR IS OVER) uke chords and lyrics By John Lennon And Yoko Ono


Bb/Eb, Bbm, Bbsus2, Bbsus4, Db, Dbsus2, Dbsus4, Eb, Eb6, Eb7, Ebadd9, Ebm, Ebsus2, Ebsus4, Gb, Gb6, Ab, Absus2, Absus4

Verse :
              Ab          Absus2  Absus4
And so this is Christmas
    Ab            Bbm  Bbsus2  Bbsus4
And what have you done
Bbm          Ebsus4  Eb  Ebsus2
Another year over
      Eb              Ab  Absus2  Absus4
And a new one just begun
    Ab          Db          Dbsus2  Dbsus4
And so this is Christmas
  Db            Ebm  Bb/Eb  Ebsus4
I hope you have fun
    Ebm          Absus4      Ab  Absus2
The near and the dear ones
    Ab            Db    Dbsus2  Dbsus4
The old and the young

Chorus :
  Db          Gb
A very merry Christmas
And a happy New Year
Let's hope it's a good one
Gb6            Db      Eb7    Eb6
  Without any fear  (And so this is ...)

Verse :
Eb7    Eb6        Ab          Absus2  Absus4
  And so this is Christmas
    Ab            Bbm  Bbsus2  Bbsus4
For weak and for strong
    Bbm          Ebsus4    Eb  Ebsus2
For rich and the poor ones
    Eb          Ab  Absus2  Absus4
The road is so long
    Ab        Db          Dbsus2  Dbsus4
And so happy Christmas
    Db            Ebm  Bb/Eb  Ebsus4
For black and for white
    Ebm        Absus4      Ab  Absus2
For yellow and red ones
      Ab            Db    Dbsus2  Dbsus4
Let's stop all the fight

Chorus :
  Db            Gb
A merry, merry Christmas
And a happy New Year
Let's hope it's a good one
Gb6            Db      Eb7    Eb6
  Without any fear  (And so this is ...)

Verse :
Eb7    Eb6        Ab          Absus2  Absus4
  And so this is Christmas
    Ab            Bbm  Bbsus2  Bbsus4
And what have we done
Bbm          Ebsus4  Eb  Ebsus2
Another year over
      Eb              Ab  Absus2  Absus4
And a new one just begun
    Ab        Db          Dbsus2  Dbsus4
And so happy Christmas
  Db            Ebm  Bb/Eb  Ebsus4
We hope you have fun
    Ebm          Absus4      Ab  Absus2
The near and the dear ones
    Ab            Db    Dbsus2  Dbsus4
The old and the young

Chorus :
  Db          Gb
A very merry Christmas
And a happy New Year
Let's hope it's a good one
Gb6            Db      Eb7  Eb6
  Without any fear

Coda :
Ab  Absus2  Absus4 Ab
War is    o  -  ver
Bbm Bbsus2 Bbsus4 Bbm
If you  want  it
Ebsus4 Eb  Ebadd9  Eb
War  is o  -  ver
Ab    Absus2 Absus4 Ab
Now - ow -  ow  - ow

Other Versions For This Ukulele Chords Song :

B/E, Bm, Bsus2, Bsus4, D, Dsus2, Dsus4, E, E6, E7, Eadd9, Em, Esus2, Esus4, G, G6, A, Asus2, Asus4

Verse :
              A          Asus2  Asus4
And so this is Christmas
    A            Bm  Bsus2  Bsus4
And what have you done
Bm          Esus4  E  Esus2
Another year over
      E              A  Asus2  Asus4
And a new one just begun
    A          D          Dsus2  Dsus4
And so this is Christmas
  D            Em  B/E  Esus4
I hope you have fun
    Em          Asus4      A  Asus2
The near and the dear ones
    A            D    Dsus2  Dsus4
The old and the young

Chorus :
  D          G
A very merry Christmas
And a happy New Year
Let's hope it's a good one
G6            D      E7    E6
  Without any fear  (And so this is ...)

Verse :
E7    E6        A          Asus2  Asus4
  And so this is Christmas
    A            Bm  Bsus2  Bsus4
For weak and for strong
    Bm          Esus4    E  Esus2
For rich and the poor ones
    E          A  Asus2  Asus4
The road is so long
    A        D          Dsus2  Dsus4
And so happy Christmas
    D            Em  B/E  Esus4
For black and for white
    Em        Asus4      A  Asus2
For yellow and red ones
      A            D    Dsus2  Dsus4
Let's stop all the fight

Chorus :
  D            G
A merry, merry Christmas
And a happy New Year
Let's hope it's a good one
G6            D      E7    E6
  Without any fear  (And so this is ...)

Verse :
E7    E6        A          Asus2  Asus4
  And so this is Christmas
    A            Bm  Bsus2  Bsus4
And what have we done
Bm          Esus4  E  Esus2
Another year over
      E              A  Asus2  Asus4
And a new one just begun
    A        D          Dsus2  Dsus4
And so happy Christmas
  D            Em  B/E  Esus4
We hope you have fun
    Em          Asus4      A  Asus2
The near and the dear ones
    A            D    Dsus2  Dsus4
The old and the young

Chorus :
  D          G
A very merry Christmas
And a happy New Year
Let's hope it's a good one
G6            D      E7  E6
  Without any fear

Coda :
A  Asus2  Asus4 A
War is    o  -  ver
Bm Bsus2 Bsus4 Bm
If you  want  it
Esus4 E  Eadd9  E
War  is o  -  ver
A    Asus2 Asus4 A
Now - ow -  ow  - ow

C/F, Cm, Csus2, Csus4, Eb, Ebsus2, Ebsus4, F, F6, F7, Fadd9, Fm, Fsus2, Fsus4, Ab, Ab6, Bb, Bbsus2, Bbsus4

Verse :
              Bb          Bbsus2  Bbsus4
And so this is Christmas
    Bb            Cm  Csus2  Csus4
And what have you done
Cm          Fsus4  F  Fsus2
Another year over
      F              Bb  Bbsus2  Bbsus4
And a new one just begun
    Bb          Eb          Ebsus2  Ebsus4
And so this is Christmas
  Eb            Fm  C/F  Fsus4
I hope you have fun
    Fm          Bbsus4      Bb  Bbsus2
The near and the dear ones
    Bb            Eb    Ebsus2  Ebsus4
The old and the young

Chorus :
  Eb          Ab
A very merry Christmas
And a happy New Year
Let's hope it's a good one
Ab6            Eb      F7    F6
  Without any fear  (And so this is ...)

Verse :
F7    F6        Bb          Bbsus2  Bbsus4
  And so this is Christmas
    Bb            Cm  Csus2  Csus4
For weak and for strong
    Cm          Fsus4    F  Fsus2
For rich and the poor ones
    F          Bb  Bbsus2  Bbsus4
The road is so long
    Bb        Eb          Ebsus2  Ebsus4
And so happy Christmas
    Eb            Fm  C/F  Fsus4
For black and for white
    Fm        Bbsus4      Bb  Bbsus2
For yellow and red ones
      Bb            Eb    Ebsus2  Ebsus4
Let's stop all the fight

Chorus :
  Eb            Ab
A merry, merry Christmas
And a happy New Year
Let's hope it's a good one
Ab6            Eb      F7    F6
  Without any fear  (And so this is ...)

Verse :
F7    F6        Bb          Bbsus2  Bbsus4
  And so this is Christmas
    Bb            Cm  Csus2  Csus4
And what have we done
Cm          Fsus4  F  Fsus2
Another year over
      F              Bb  Bbsus2  Bbsus4
And a new one just begun
    Bb        Eb          Ebsus2  Ebsus4
And so happy Christmas
  Eb            Fm  C/F  Fsus4
We hope you have fun
    Fm          Bbsus4      Bb  Bbsus2
The near and the dear ones
    Bb            Eb    Ebsus2  Ebsus4
The old and the young

Chorus :
  Eb          Ab
A very merry Christmas
And a happy New Year
Let's hope it's a good one
Ab6            Eb      F7  F6
  Without any fear

Coda :
Bb  Bbsus2  Bbsus4 Bb
War is    o  -  ver
Cm Csus2 Csus4 Cm
If you  want  it
Fsus4 F  Fadd9  F
War  is o  -  ver
Bb    Bbsus2 Bbsus4 Bb
Now - ow -  ow  - ow

Db/Gb, Dbm, Dbsus2, Dbsus4, E, Esus2, Esus4, Gb, Gb6, Gb7, Gbadd9, Gbm, Gbsus2, Gbsus4, A, A6, B, Bsus2, Bsus4

Verse :
              B          Bsus2  Bsus4
And so this is Christmas
    B            Dbm  Dbsus2  Dbsus4
And what have you done
Dbm          Gbsus4  Gb  Gbsus2
Another year over
      Gb              B  Bsus2  Bsus4
And a new one just begun
    B          E          Esus2  Esus4
And so this is Christmas
  E            Gbm  Db/Gb  Gbsus4
I hope you have fun
    Gbm          Bsus4      B  Bsus2
The near and the dear ones
    B            E    Esus2  Esus4
The old and the young

Chorus :
  E          A
A very merry Christmas
And a happy New Year
Let's hope it's a good one
A6            E      Gb7    Gb6
  Without any fear  (And so this is ...)

Verse :
Gb7    Gb6        B          Bsus2  Bsus4
  And so this is Christmas
    B            Dbm  Dbsus2  Dbsus4
For weak and for strong
    Dbm          Gbsus4    Gb  Gbsus2
For rich and the poor ones
    Gb          B  Bsus2  Bsus4
The road is so long
    B        E          Esus2  Esus4
And so happy Christmas
    E            Gbm  Db/Gb  Gbsus4
For black and for white
    Gbm        Bsus4      B  Bsus2
For yellow and red ones
      B            E    Esus2  Esus4
Let's stop all the fight

Chorus :
  E            A
A merry, merry Christmas
And a happy New Year
Let's hope it's a good one
A6            E      Gb7    Gb6
  Without any fear  (And so this is ...)

Verse :
Gb7    Gb6        B          Bsus2  Bsus4
  And so this is Christmas
    B            Dbm  Dbsus2  Dbsus4
And what have we done
Dbm          Gbsus4  Gb  Gbsus2
Another year over
      Gb              B  Bsus2  Bsus4
And a new one just begun
    B        E          Esus2  Esus4
And so happy Christmas
  E            Gbm  Db/Gb  Gbsus4
We hope you have fun
    Gbm          Bsus4      B  Bsus2
The near and the dear ones
    B            E    Esus2  Esus4
The old and the young

Chorus :
  E          A
A very merry Christmas
And a happy New Year
Let's hope it's a good one
A6            E      Gb7  Gb6
  Without any fear

Coda :
B  Bsus2  Bsus4 B
War is    o  -  ver
Dbm Dbsus2 Dbsus4 Dbm
If you  want  it
Gbsus4 Gb  Gbadd9  Gb
War  is o  -  ver
B    Bsus2 Bsus4 B
Now - ow -  ow  - ow

D/G, Dm, Dsus2, Dsus4, F, Fsus2, Fsus4, G, G6, G7, Gadd9, Gm, Gsus2, Gsus4, Bb, Bb6, C, Csus2, Csus4

Verse :
              C          Csus2  Csus4
And so this is Christmas
    C            Dm  Dsus2  Dsus4
And what have you done
Dm          Gsus4  G  Gsus2
Another year over
      G              C  Csus2  Csus4
And a new one just begun
    C          F          Fsus2  Fsus4
And so this is Christmas
  F            Gm  D/G  Gsus4
I hope you have fun
    Gm          Csus4      C  Csus2
The near and the dear ones
    C            F    Fsus2  Fsus4
The old and the young

Chorus :
  F          Bb
A very merry Christmas
And a happy New Year
Let's hope it's a good one
Bb6            F      G7    G6
  Without any fear  (And so this is ...)

Verse :
G7    G6        C          Csus2  Csus4
  And so this is Christmas
    C            Dm  Dsus2  Dsus4
For weak and for strong
    Dm          Gsus4    G  Gsus2
For rich and the poor ones
    G          C  Csus2  Csus4
The road is so long
    C        F          Fsus2  Fsus4
And so happy Christmas
    F            Gm  D/G  Gsus4
For black and for white
    Gm        Csus4      C  Csus2
For yellow and red ones
      C            F    Fsus2  Fsus4
Let's stop all the fight

Chorus :
  F            Bb
A merry, merry Christmas
And a happy New Year
Let's hope it's a good one
Bb6            F      G7    G6
  Without any fear  (And so this is ...)

Verse :
G7    G6        C          Csus2  Csus4
  And so this is Christmas
    C            Dm  Dsus2  Dsus4
And what have we done
Dm          Gsus4  G  Gsus2
Another year over
      G              C  Csus2  Csus4
And a new one just begun
    C        F          Fsus2  Fsus4
And so happy Christmas
  F            Gm  D/G  Gsus4
We hope you have fun
    Gm          Csus4      C  Csus2
The near and the dear ones
    C            F    Fsus2  Fsus4
The old and the young

Chorus :
  F          Bb
A very merry Christmas
And a happy New Year
Let's hope it's a good one
Bb6            F      G7  G6
  Without any fear

Coda :
C  Csus2  Csus4 C
War is    o  -  ver
Dm Dsus2 Dsus4 Dm
If you  want  it
Gsus4 G  Gadd9  G
War  is o  -  ver
C    Csus2 Csus4 C
Now - ow -  ow  - ow

Eb/Ab, Ebm, Ebsus2, Ebsus4, Gb, Gbsus2, Gbsus4, Ab, Ab6, Ab7, Abadd9, Abm, Absus2, Absus4, B, B6, Db, Dbsus2, Dbsus4

Verse :
              Db          Dbsus2  Dbsus4
And so this is Christmas
    Db            Ebm  Ebsus2  Ebsus4
And what have you done
Ebm          Absus4  Ab  Absus2
Another year over
      Ab              Db  Dbsus2  Dbsus4
And a new one just begun
    Db          Gb          Gbsus2  Gbsus4
And so this is Christmas
  Gb            Abm  Eb/Ab  Absus4
I hope you have fun
    Abm          Dbsus4      Db  Dbsus2
The near and the dear ones
    Db            Gb    Gbsus2  Gbsus4
The old and the young

Chorus :
  Gb          B
A very merry Christmas
And a happy New Year
Let's hope it's a good one
B6            Gb      Ab7    Ab6
  Without any fear  (And so this is ...)

Verse :
Ab7    Ab6        Db          Dbsus2  Dbsus4
  And so this is Christmas
    Db            Ebm  Ebsus2  Ebsus4
For weak and for strong
    Ebm          Absus4    Ab  Absus2
For rich and the poor ones
    Ab          Db  Dbsus2  Dbsus4
The road is so long
    Db        Gb          Gbsus2  Gbsus4
And so happy Christmas
    Gb            Abm  Eb/Ab  Absus4
For black and for white
    Abm        Dbsus4      Db  Dbsus2
For yellow and red ones
      Db            Gb    Gbsus2  Gbsus4
Let's stop all the fight

Chorus :
  Gb            B
A merry, merry Christmas
And a happy New Year
Let's hope it's a good one
B6            Gb      Ab7    Ab6
  Without any fear  (And so this is ...)

Verse :
Ab7    Ab6        Db          Dbsus2  Dbsus4
  And so this is Christmas
    Db            Ebm  Ebsus2  Ebsus4
And what have we done
Ebm          Absus4  Ab  Absus2
Another year over
      Ab              Db  Dbsus2  Dbsus4
And a new one just begun
    Db        Gb          Gbsus2  Gbsus4
And so happy Christmas
  Gb            Abm  Eb/Ab  Absus4
We hope you have fun
    Abm          Dbsus4      Db  Dbsus2
The near and the dear ones
    Db            Gb    Gbsus2  Gbsus4
The old and the young

Chorus :
  Gb          B
A very merry Christmas
And a happy New Year
Let's hope it's a good one
B6            Gb      Ab7  Ab6
  Without any fear

Coda :
Db  Dbsus2  Dbsus4 Db
War is    o  -  ver
Ebm Ebsus2 Ebsus4 Ebm
If you  want  it
Absus4 Ab  Abadd9  Ab
War  is o  -  ver
Db    Dbsus2 Dbsus4 Db
Now - ow -  ow  - ow

E/A, Em, Esus2, Esus4, G, Gsus2, Gsus4, A, A6, A7, Aadd9, Am, Asus2, Asus4, C, C6, D, Dsus2, Dsus4

Verse :
              D          Dsus2  Dsus4
And so this is Christmas
    D            Em  Esus2  Esus4
And what have you done
Em          Asus4  A  Asus2
Another year over
      A              D  Dsus2  Dsus4
And a new one just begun
    D          G          Gsus2  Gsus4
And so this is Christmas
  G            Am  E/A  Asus4
I hope you have fun
    Am          Dsus4      D  Dsus2
The near and the dear ones
    D            G    Gsus2  Gsus4
The old and the young

Chorus :
  G          C
A very merry Christmas
And a happy New Year
Let's hope it's a good one
C6            G      A7    A6
  Without any fear  (And so this is ...)

Verse :
A7    A6        D          Dsus2  Dsus4
  And so this is Christmas
    D            Em  Esus2  Esus4
For weak and for strong
    Em          Asus4    A  Asus2
For rich and the poor ones
    A          D  Dsus2  Dsus4
The road is so long
    D        G          Gsus2  Gsus4
And so happy Christmas
    G            Am  E/A  Asus4
For black and for white
    Am        Dsus4      D  Dsus2
For yellow and red ones
      D            G    Gsus2  Gsus4
Let's stop all the fight

Chorus :
  G            C
A merry, merry Christmas
And a happy New Year
Let's hope it's a good one
C6            G      A7    A6
  Without any fear  (And so this is ...)

Verse :
A7    A6        D          Dsus2  Dsus4
  And so this is Christmas
    D            Em  Esus2  Esus4
And what have we done
Em          Asus4  A  Asus2
Another year over
      A              D  Dsus2  Dsus4
And a new one just begun
    D        G          Gsus2  Gsus4
And so happy Christmas
  G            Am  E/A  Asus4
We hope you have fun
    Am          Dsus4      D  Dsus2
The near and the dear ones
    D            G    Gsus2  Gsus4
The old and the young

Chorus :
  G          C
A very merry Christmas
And a happy New Year
Let's hope it's a good one
C6            G      A7  A6
  Without any fear

Coda :
D  Dsus2  Dsus4 D
War is    o  -  ver
Em Esus2 Esus4 Em
If you  want  it
Asus4 A  Aadd9  A
War  is o  -  ver
D    Dsus2 Dsus4 D
Now - ow -  ow  - ow

F/Bb, Fm, Fsus2, Fsus4, Ab, Absus2, Absus4, Bb, Bb6, Bb7, Bbadd9, Bbm, Bbsus2, Bbsus4, Db, Db6, Eb, Ebsus2, Ebsus4

Verse :
              Eb          Ebsus2  Ebsus4
And so this is Christmas
    Eb            Fm  Fsus2  Fsus4
And what have you done
Fm          Bbsus4  Bb  Bbsus2
Another year over
      Bb              Eb  Ebsus2  Ebsus4
And a new one just begun
    Eb          Ab          Absus2  Absus4
And so this is Christmas
  Ab            Bbm  F/Bb  Bbsus4
I hope you have fun
    Bbm          Ebsus4      Eb  Ebsus2
The near and the dear ones
    Eb            Ab    Absus2  Absus4
The old and the young

Chorus :
  Ab          Db
A very merry Christmas
And a happy New Year
Let's hope it's a good one
Db6            Ab      Bb7    Bb6
  Without any fear  (And so this is ...)

Verse :
Bb7    Bb6        Eb          Ebsus2  Ebsus4
  And so this is Christmas
    Eb            Fm  Fsus2  Fsus4
For weak and for strong
    Fm          Bbsus4    Bb  Bbsus2
For rich and the poor ones
    Bb          Eb  Ebsus2  Ebsus4
The road is so long
    Eb        Ab          Absus2  Absus4
And so happy Christmas
    Ab            Bbm  F/Bb  Bbsus4
For black and for white
    Bbm        Ebsus4      Eb  Ebsus2
For yellow and red ones
      Eb            Ab    Absus2  Absus4
Let's stop all the fight

Chorus :
  Ab            Db
A merry, merry Christmas
And a happy New Year
Let's hope it's a good one
Db6            Ab      Bb7    Bb6
  Without any fear  (And so this is ...)

Verse :
Bb7    Bb6        Eb          Ebsus2  Ebsus4
  And so this is Christmas
    Eb            Fm  Fsus2  Fsus4
And what have we done
Fm          Bbsus4  Bb  Bbsus2
Another year over
      Bb              Eb  Ebsus2  Ebsus4
And a new one just begun
    Eb        Ab          Absus2  Absus4
And so happy Christmas
  Ab            Bbm  F/Bb  Bbsus4
We hope you have fun
    Bbm          Ebsus4      Eb  Ebsus2
The near and the dear ones
    Eb            Ab    Absus2  Absus4
The old and the young

Chorus :
  Ab          Db
A very merry Christmas
And a happy New Year
Let's hope it's a good one
Db6            Ab      Bb7  Bb6
  Without any fear

Coda :
Eb  Ebsus2  Ebsus4 Eb
War is    o  -  ver
Fm Fsus2 Fsus4 Fm
If you  want  it
Bbsus4 Bb  Bbadd9  Bb
War  is o  -  ver
Eb    Ebsus2 Ebsus4 Eb
Now - ow -  ow  - ow

Gb/B, Gbm, Gbsus2, Gbsus4, A, Asus2, Asus4, B, B6, B7, Badd9, Bm, Bsus2, Bsus4, D, D6, E, Esus2, Esus4

Verse :
              E          Esus2  Esus4
And so this is Christmas
    E            Gbm  Gbsus2  Gbsus4
And what have you done
Gbm          Bsus4  B  Bsus2
Another year over
      B              E  Esus2  Esus4
And a new one just begun
    E          A          Asus2  Asus4
And so this is Christmas
  A            Bm  Gb/B  Bsus4
I hope you have fun
    Bm          Esus4      E  Esus2
The near and the dear ones
    E            A    Asus2  Asus4
The old and the young

Chorus :
  A          D
A very merry Christmas
And a happy New Year
Let's hope it's a good one
D6            A      B7    B6
  Without any fear  (And so this is ...)

Verse :
B7    B6        E          Esus2  Esus4
  And so this is Christmas
    E            Gbm  Gbsus2  Gbsus4
For weak and for strong
    Gbm          Bsus4    B  Bsus2
For rich and the poor ones
    B          E  Esus2  Esus4
The road is so long
    E        A          Asus2  Asus4
And so happy Christmas
    A            Bm  Gb/B  Bsus4
For black and for white
    Bm        Esus4      E  Esus2
For yellow and red ones
      E            A    Asus2  Asus4
Let's stop all the fight

Chorus :
  A            D
A merry, merry Christmas
And a happy New Year
Let's hope it's a good one
D6            A      B7    B6
  Without any fear  (And so this is ...)

Verse :
B7    B6        E          Esus2  Esus4
  And so this is Christmas
    E            Gbm  Gbsus2  Gbsus4
And what have we done
Gbm          Bsus4  B  Bsus2
Another year over
      B              E  Esus2  Esus4
And a new one just begun
    E        A          Asus2  Asus4
And so happy Christmas
  A            Bm  Gb/B  Bsus4
We hope you have fun
    Bm          Esus4      E  Esus2
The near and the dear ones
    E            A    Asus2  Asus4
The old and the young

Chorus :
  A          D
A very merry Christmas
And a happy New Year
Let's hope it's a good one
D6            A      B7  B6
  Without any fear

Coda :
E  Esus2  Esus4 E
War is    o  -  ver
Gbm Gbsus2 Gbsus4 Gbm
If you  want  it
Bsus4 B  Badd9  B
War  is o  -  ver
E    Esus2 Esus4 E
Now - ow -  ow  - ow

G/C, Gm, Gsus2, Gsus4, Bb, Bbsus2, Bbsus4, C, C6, C7, Cadd9, Cm, Csus2, Csus4, Eb, Eb6, F, Fsus2, Fsus4

Verse :
              F          Fsus2  Fsus4
And so this is Christmas
    F            Gm  Gsus2  Gsus4
And what have you done
Gm          Csus4  C  Csus2
Another year over
      C              F  Fsus2  Fsus4
And a new one just begun
    F          Bb          Bbsus2  Bbsus4
And so this is Christmas
  Bb            Cm  G/C  Csus4
I hope you have fun
    Cm          Fsus4      F  Fsus2
The near and the dear ones
    F            Bb    Bbsus2  Bbsus4
The old and the young

Chorus :
  Bb          Eb
A very merry Christmas
And a happy New Year
Let's hope it's a good one
Eb6            Bb      C7    C6
  Without any fear  (And so this is ...)

Verse :
C7    C6        F          Fsus2  Fsus4
  And so this is Christmas
    F            Gm  Gsus2  Gsus4
For weak and for strong
    Gm          Csus4    C  Csus2
For rich and the poor ones
    C          F  Fsus2  Fsus4
The road is so long
    F        Bb          Bbsus2  Bbsus4
And so happy Christmas
    Bb            Cm  G/C  Csus4
For black and for white
    Cm        Fsus4      F  Fsus2
For yellow and red ones
      F            Bb    Bbsus2  Bbsus4
Let's stop all the fight

Chorus :
  Bb            Eb
A merry, merry Christmas
And a happy New Year
Let's hope it's a good one
Eb6            Bb      C7    C6
  Without any fear  (And so this is ...)

Verse :
C7    C6        F          Fsus2  Fsus4
  And so this is Christmas
    F            Gm  Gsus2  Gsus4
And what have we done
Gm          Csus4  C  Csus2
Another year over
      C              F  Fsus2  Fsus4
And a new one just begun
    F        Bb          Bbsus2  Bbsus4
And so happy Christmas
  Bb            Cm  G/C  Csus4
We hope you have fun
    Cm          Fsus4      F  Fsus2
The near and the dear ones
    F            Bb    Bbsus2  Bbsus4
The old and the young

Chorus :
  Bb          Eb
A very merry Christmas
And a happy New Year
Let's hope it's a good one
Eb6            Bb      C7  C6
  Without any fear

Coda :
F  Fsus2  Fsus4 F
War is    o  -  ver
Gm Gsus2 Gsus4 Gm
If you  want  it
Csus4 C  Cadd9  C
War  is o  -  ver
F    Fsus2 Fsus4 F
Now - ow -  ow  - ow

Ab/Db, Abm, Absus2, Absus4, B, Bsus2, Bsus4, Db, Db6, Db7, Dbadd9, Dbm, Dbsus2, Dbsus4, E, E6, Gb, Gbsus2, Gbsus4

Verse :
              Gb          Gbsus2  Gbsus4
And so this is Christmas
    Gb            Abm  Absus2  Absus4
And what have you done
Abm          Dbsus4  Db  Dbsus2
Another year over
      Db              Gb  Gbsus2  Gbsus4
And a new one just begun
    Gb          B          Bsus2  Bsus4
And so this is Christmas
  B            Dbm  Ab/Db  Dbsus4
I hope you have fun
    Dbm          Gbsus4      Gb  Gbsus2
The near and the dear ones
    Gb            B    Bsus2  Bsus4
The old and the young

Chorus :
  B          E
A very merry Christmas
And a happy New Year
Let's hope it's a good one
E6            B      Db7    Db6
  Without any fear  (And so this is ...)

Verse :
Db7    Db6        Gb          Gbsus2  Gbsus4
  And so this is Christmas
    Gb            Abm  Absus2  Absus4
For weak and for strong
    Abm          Dbsus4    Db  Dbsus2
For rich and the poor ones
    Db          Gb  Gbsus2  Gbsus4
The road is so long
    Gb        B          Bsus2  Bsus4
And so happy Christmas
    B            Dbm  Ab/Db  Dbsus4
For black and for white
    Dbm        Gbsus4      Gb  Gbsus2
For yellow and red ones
      Gb            B    Bsus2  Bsus4
Let's stop all the fight

Chorus :
  B            E
A merry, merry Christmas
And a happy New Year
Let's hope it's a good one
E6            B      Db7    Db6
  Without any fear  (And so this is ...)

Verse :
Db7    Db6        Gb          Gbsus2  Gbsus4
  And so this is Christmas
    Gb            Abm  Absus2  Absus4
And what have we done
Abm          Dbsus4  Db  Dbsus2
Another year over
      Db              Gb  Gbsus2  Gbsus4
And a new one just begun
    Gb        B          Bsus2  Bsus4
And so happy Christmas
  B            Dbm  Ab/Db  Dbsus4
We hope you have fun
    Dbm          Gbsus4      Gb  Gbsus2
The near and the dear ones
    Gb            B    Bsus2  Bsus4
The old and the young

Chorus :
  B          E
A very merry Christmas
And a happy New Year
Let's hope it's a good one
E6            B      Db7  Db6
  Without any fear

Coda :
Gb  Gbsus2  Gbsus4 Gb
War is    o  -  ver
Abm Absus2 Absus4 Abm
If you  want  it
Dbsus4 Db  Dbadd9  Db
War  is o  -  ver
Gb    Gbsus2 Gbsus4 Gb
Now - ow -  ow  - ow

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