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SANTA BABY Ukulele Chords By Eartha Kitt

SANTA BABY uke chords and lyrics By Eartha Kitt


Bb7, Bb7sus4, C7, Cm7, Dbdim, Eb, Eb6, F7, G7, Ab, Ab/G, Abdim

Eb    C7          Ab          Bb7        Eb      C7  Ab
Santa Baby, just slip a sable under the tree for me;

        Bb7    Bb7sus4 Eb            C7
Been an awful good  girl, Santa Baby,
  Ab    Ab/G      Bb7        Eb    Cm7  Cm7    Bb7
So hurry down the chimney tonight

Eb    C7      Ab      Bb7      Eb            C7  Ab
Santa baby, a '54 convertible too -- light blue.

Bb7    Bb7sus4          Eb        C7
I'll wait up for you, dear Santa baby,
  Ab    Ab/G      Bb7        Eb    Cm7  Ab  Abdim  Eb
So hurry down the chimney tonight

Think of all the fun I've missed,

Think of all the fellas that I haven't kissed;

Next year I could be just as good

  Bb7          Dbdim    F7        Bb7
If you'll check off my Christmas list.

Eb    C7      Ab              Bb7            Eb    C7  Ab
Santa Baby, I want a yacht and really that's not a lot

Bb7    Bb7sus4          Eb        C7
Been an angel all year, Santa Baby,
  Ab    Ab/G      Bb7        Eb    Cm7  Ab  Abdim  Eb
So hurry down the chimney tonight

Eb    C7          Ab              Bb7    Eb          C7  Ab
Santa honey, one little thing I really need -- the deed
Bb7    Bb7sus4          Eb    C7
To a platinum mine, Santa Baby,
  Ab    Ab/G      Bb7        Eb    Cm7  Cm7    Bb7
So hurry down the chimney tonight.

Eb    C7          Ab              Bb7        Eb        C7  Ab
Santa cutie, and fill my stocking with a duplex and checks
Bb7    Bb7sus4        Eb          C7
Sign your 'x' on the line, Santa cutie,
  Ab    Ab/G      Bb7        Eb    Cm7  Ab  Abdim  Eb
So hurry down the chimney tonight

Bridge 2:
Come and trim my Christmas tree

With some decorations bought at Tif-fa-ny
I really do believe in you --

Bb7          Dbdim    F7      Bb7
Let's see if you believe in me

Eb    C7      Ab              Bb7          Eb        C7  Ab
Santa Baby, forgot to mention one little thing -- a ring
Bb7    Bb7sus4        Eb          C7
I don't mean on the phone, Santa Baby,
Ab        Ab/G      Bb7        Eb    Cm7  Ab  Abdim  Eb
So hurry down the chimney tonight.

Ab    Ab/G      Bb7        Eb    Cm7  Ab
Hurry down the chimney tonight,

Bb7        Eb6

Other Versions For This Ukulele Chords Song :

B7, B7sus4, Db7, Dbm7, Ddim, E, E6, Gb7, Ab7, A, A/Ab, Adim

E    Db7          A          B7        E      Db7  A
Santa Baby, just slip a sable under the tree for me;

        B7    B7sus4 E            Db7
Been an awful good  girl, Santa Baby,
  A    A/Ab      B7        E    Dbm7  Dbm7    B7
So hurry down the chimney tonight

E    Db7      A      B7      E            Db7  A
Santa baby, a '54 convertible too -- light blue.

B7    B7sus4          E        Db7
I'll wait up for you, dear Santa baby,
  A    A/Ab      B7        E    Dbm7  A  Adim  E
So hurry down the chimney tonight

Think of all the fun I've missed,

Think of all the fellas that I haven't kissed;

Next year I could be just as good

  B7          Ddim    Gb7        B7
If you'll check off my Christmas list.

E    Db7      A              B7            E    Db7  A
Santa Baby, I want a yacht and really that's not a lot

B7    B7sus4          E        Db7
Been an angel all year, Santa Baby,
  A    A/Ab      B7        E    Dbm7  A  Adim  E
So hurry down the chimney tonight

E    Db7          A              B7    E          Db7  A
Santa honey, one little thing I really need -- the deed
B7    B7sus4          E    Db7
To a platinum mine, Santa Baby,
  A    A/Ab      B7        E    Dbm7  Dbm7    B7
So hurry down the chimney tonight.

E    Db7          A              B7        E        Db7  A
Santa cutie, and fill my stocking with a duplex and checks
B7    B7sus4        E          Db7
Sign your 'x' on the line, Santa cutie,
  A    A/Ab      B7        E    Dbm7  A  Adim  E
So hurry down the chimney tonight

Bridge 2:
Come and trim my Christmas tree

With some decorations bought at Tif-fa-ny
I really do believe in you --

B7          Ddim    Gb7      B7
Let's see if you believe in me

E    Db7      A              B7          E        Db7  A
Santa Baby, forgot to mention one little thing -- a ring
B7    B7sus4        E          Db7
I don't mean on the phone, Santa Baby,
A        A/Ab      B7        E    Dbm7  A  Adim  E
So hurry down the chimney tonight.

A    A/Ab      B7        E    Dbm7  A
Hurry down the chimney tonight,

B7        E6

C7, C7sus4, D7, Dm7, Ebdim, F, F6, G7, A7, Bb, Bb/A, Bbdim

F    D7          Bb          C7        F      D7  Bb
Santa Baby, just slip a sable under the tree for me;

        C7    C7sus4 F            D7
Been an awful good  girl, Santa Baby,
  Bb    Bb/A      C7        F    Dm7  Dm7    C7
So hurry down the chimney tonight

F    D7      Bb      C7      F            D7  Bb
Santa baby, a '54 convertible too -- light blue.

C7    C7sus4          F        D7
I'll wait up for you, dear Santa baby,
  Bb    Bb/A      C7        F    Dm7  Bb  Bbdim  F
So hurry down the chimney tonight

Think of all the fun I've missed,

Think of all the fellas that I haven't kissed;

Next year I could be just as good

  C7          Ebdim    G7        C7
If you'll check off my Christmas list.

F    D7      Bb              C7            F    D7  Bb
Santa Baby, I want a yacht and really that's not a lot

C7    C7sus4          F        D7
Been an angel all year, Santa Baby,
  Bb    Bb/A      C7        F    Dm7  Bb  Bbdim  F
So hurry down the chimney tonight

F    D7          Bb              C7    F          D7  Bb
Santa honey, one little thing I really need -- the deed
C7    C7sus4          F    D7
To a platinum mine, Santa Baby,
  Bb    Bb/A      C7        F    Dm7  Dm7    C7
So hurry down the chimney tonight.

F    D7          Bb              C7        F        D7  Bb
Santa cutie, and fill my stocking with a duplex and checks
C7    C7sus4        F          D7
Sign your 'x' on the line, Santa cutie,
  Bb    Bb/A      C7        F    Dm7  Bb  Bbdim  F
So hurry down the chimney tonight

Bridge 2:
Come and trim my Christmas tree

With some decorations bought at Tif-fa-ny
I really do believe in you --

C7          Ebdim    G7      C7
Let's see if you believe in me

F    D7      Bb              C7          F        D7  Bb
Santa Baby, forgot to mention one little thing -- a ring
C7    C7sus4        F          D7
I don't mean on the phone, Santa Baby,
Bb        Bb/A      C7        F    Dm7  Bb  Bbdim  F
So hurry down the chimney tonight.

Bb    Bb/A      C7        F    Dm7  Bb
Hurry down the chimney tonight,

C7        F6

Db7, Db7sus4, Eb7, Ebm7, Edim, Gb, Gb6, Ab7, Bb7, B, B/Bb, Bdim

Gb    Eb7          B          Db7        Gb      Eb7  B
Santa Baby, just slip a sable under the tree for me;

        Db7    Db7sus4 Gb            Eb7
Been an awful good  girl, Santa Baby,
  B    B/Bb      Db7        Gb    Ebm7  Ebm7    Db7
So hurry down the chimney tonight

Gb    Eb7      B      Db7      Gb            Eb7  B
Santa baby, a '54 convertible too -- light blue.

Db7    Db7sus4          Gb        Eb7
I'll wait up for you, dear Santa baby,
  B    B/Bb      Db7        Gb    Ebm7  B  Bdim  Gb
So hurry down the chimney tonight

Think of all the fun I've missed,

Think of all the fellas that I haven't kissed;

Next year I could be just as good

  Db7          Edim    Ab7        Db7
If you'll check off my Christmas list.

Gb    Eb7      B              Db7            Gb    Eb7  B
Santa Baby, I want a yacht and really that's not a lot

Db7    Db7sus4          Gb        Eb7
Been an angel all year, Santa Baby,
  B    B/Bb      Db7        Gb    Ebm7  B  Bdim  Gb
So hurry down the chimney tonight

Gb    Eb7          B              Db7    Gb          Eb7  B
Santa honey, one little thing I really need -- the deed
Db7    Db7sus4          Gb    Eb7
To a platinum mine, Santa Baby,
  B    B/Bb      Db7        Gb    Ebm7  Ebm7    Db7
So hurry down the chimney tonight.

Gb    Eb7          B              Db7        Gb        Eb7  B
Santa cutie, and fill my stocking with a duplex and checks
Db7    Db7sus4        Gb          Eb7
Sign your 'x' on the line, Santa cutie,
  B    B/Bb      Db7        Gb    Ebm7  B  Bdim  Gb
So hurry down the chimney tonight

Bridge 2:
Come and trim my Christmas tree

With some decorations bought at Tif-fa-ny
I really do believe in you --

Db7          Edim    Ab7      Db7
Let's see if you believe in me

Gb    Eb7      B              Db7          Gb        Eb7  B
Santa Baby, forgot to mention one little thing -- a ring
Db7    Db7sus4        Gb          Eb7
I don't mean on the phone, Santa Baby,
B        B/Bb      Db7        Gb    Ebm7  B  Bdim  Gb
So hurry down the chimney tonight.

B    B/Bb      Db7        Gb    Ebm7  B
Hurry down the chimney tonight,

Db7        Gb6

D7, D7sus4, E7, Em7, Fdim, G, G6, A7, B7, C, C/B, Cdim

G    E7          C          D7        G      E7  C
Santa Baby, just slip a sable under the tree for me;

        D7    D7sus4 G            E7
Been an awful good  girl, Santa Baby,
  C    C/B      D7        G    Em7  Em7    D7
So hurry down the chimney tonight

G    E7      C      D7      G            E7  C
Santa baby, a '54 convertible too -- light blue.

D7    D7sus4          G        E7
I'll wait up for you, dear Santa baby,
  C    C/B      D7        G    Em7  C  Cdim  G
So hurry down the chimney tonight

Think of all the fun I've missed,

Think of all the fellas that I haven't kissed;

Next year I could be just as good

  D7          Fdim    A7        D7
If you'll check off my Christmas list.

G    E7      C              D7            G    E7  C
Santa Baby, I want a yacht and really that's not a lot

D7    D7sus4          G        E7
Been an angel all year, Santa Baby,
  C    C/B      D7        G    Em7  C  Cdim  G
So hurry down the chimney tonight

G    E7          C              D7    G          E7  C
Santa honey, one little thing I really need -- the deed
D7    D7sus4          G    E7
To a platinum mine, Santa Baby,
  C    C/B      D7        G    Em7  Em7    D7
So hurry down the chimney tonight.

G    E7          C              D7        G        E7  C
Santa cutie, and fill my stocking with a duplex and checks
D7    D7sus4        G          E7
Sign your 'x' on the line, Santa cutie,
  C    C/B      D7        G    Em7  C  Cdim  G
So hurry down the chimney tonight

Bridge 2:
Come and trim my Christmas tree

With some decorations bought at Tif-fa-ny
I really do believe in you --

D7          Fdim    A7      D7
Let's see if you believe in me

G    E7      C              D7          G        E7  C
Santa Baby, forgot to mention one little thing -- a ring
D7    D7sus4        G          E7
I don't mean on the phone, Santa Baby,
C        C/B      D7        G    Em7  C  Cdim  G
So hurry down the chimney tonight.

C    C/B      D7        G    Em7  C
Hurry down the chimney tonight,

D7        G6

Eb7, Eb7sus4, F7, Fm7, Gbdim, Ab, Ab6, Bb7, C7, Db, Db/C, Dbdim

Ab    F7          Db          Eb7        Ab      F7  Db
Santa Baby, just slip a sable under the tree for me;

        Eb7    Eb7sus4 Ab            F7
Been an awful good  girl, Santa Baby,
  Db    Db/C      Eb7        Ab    Fm7  Fm7    Eb7
So hurry down the chimney tonight

Ab    F7      Db      Eb7      Ab            F7  Db
Santa baby, a '54 convertible too -- light blue.

Eb7    Eb7sus4          Ab        F7
I'll wait up for you, dear Santa baby,
  Db    Db/C      Eb7        Ab    Fm7  Db  Dbdim  Ab
So hurry down the chimney tonight

Think of all the fun I've missed,

Think of all the fellas that I haven't kissed;

Next year I could be just as good

  Eb7          Gbdim    Bb7        Eb7
If you'll check off my Christmas list.

Ab    F7      Db              Eb7            Ab    F7  Db
Santa Baby, I want a yacht and really that's not a lot

Eb7    Eb7sus4          Ab        F7
Been an angel all year, Santa Baby,
  Db    Db/C      Eb7        Ab    Fm7  Db  Dbdim  Ab
So hurry down the chimney tonight

Ab    F7          Db              Eb7    Ab          F7  Db
Santa honey, one little thing I really need -- the deed
Eb7    Eb7sus4          Ab    F7
To a platinum mine, Santa Baby,
  Db    Db/C      Eb7        Ab    Fm7  Fm7    Eb7
So hurry down the chimney tonight.

Ab    F7          Db              Eb7        Ab        F7  Db
Santa cutie, and fill my stocking with a duplex and checks
Eb7    Eb7sus4        Ab          F7
Sign your 'x' on the line, Santa cutie,
  Db    Db/C      Eb7        Ab    Fm7  Db  Dbdim  Ab
So hurry down the chimney tonight

Bridge 2:
Come and trim my Christmas tree

With some decorations bought at Tif-fa-ny
I really do believe in you --

Eb7          Gbdim    Bb7      Eb7
Let's see if you believe in me

Ab    F7      Db              Eb7          Ab        F7  Db
Santa Baby, forgot to mention one little thing -- a ring
Eb7    Eb7sus4        Ab          F7
I don't mean on the phone, Santa Baby,
Db        Db/C      Eb7        Ab    Fm7  Db  Dbdim  Ab
So hurry down the chimney tonight.

Db    Db/C      Eb7        Ab    Fm7  Db
Hurry down the chimney tonight,

Eb7        Ab6

E7, E7sus4, Gb7, Gbm7, Gdim, A, A6, B7, Db7, D, D/Db, Ddim

A    Gb7          D          E7        A      Gb7  D
Santa Baby, just slip a sable under the tree for me;

        E7    E7sus4 A            Gb7
Been an awful good  girl, Santa Baby,
  D    D/Db      E7        A    Gbm7  Gbm7    E7
So hurry down the chimney tonight

A    Gb7      D      E7      A            Gb7  D
Santa baby, a '54 convertible too -- light blue.

E7    E7sus4          A        Gb7
I'll wait up for you, dear Santa baby,
  D    D/Db      E7        A    Gbm7  D  Ddim  A
So hurry down the chimney tonight

Think of all the fun I've missed,

Think of all the fellas that I haven't kissed;

Next year I could be just as good

  E7          Gdim    B7        E7
If you'll check off my Christmas list.

A    Gb7      D              E7            A    Gb7  D
Santa Baby, I want a yacht and really that's not a lot

E7    E7sus4          A        Gb7
Been an angel all year, Santa Baby,
  D    D/Db      E7        A    Gbm7  D  Ddim  A
So hurry down the chimney tonight

A    Gb7          D              E7    A          Gb7  D
Santa honey, one little thing I really need -- the deed
E7    E7sus4          A    Gb7
To a platinum mine, Santa Baby,
  D    D/Db      E7        A    Gbm7  Gbm7    E7
So hurry down the chimney tonight.

A    Gb7          D              E7        A        Gb7  D
Santa cutie, and fill my stocking with a duplex and checks
E7    E7sus4        A          Gb7
Sign your 'x' on the line, Santa cutie,
  D    D/Db      E7        A    Gbm7  D  Ddim  A
So hurry down the chimney tonight

Bridge 2:
Come and trim my Christmas tree

With some decorations bought at Tif-fa-ny
I really do believe in you --

E7          Gdim    B7      E7
Let's see if you believe in me

A    Gb7      D              E7          A        Gb7  D
Santa Baby, forgot to mention one little thing -- a ring
E7    E7sus4        A          Gb7
I don't mean on the phone, Santa Baby,
D        D/Db      E7        A    Gbm7  D  Ddim  A
So hurry down the chimney tonight.

D    D/Db      E7        A    Gbm7  D
Hurry down the chimney tonight,

E7        A6

F7, F7sus4, G7, Gm7, Abdim, Bb, Bb6, C7, D7, Eb, Eb/D, Ebdim

Bb    G7          Eb          F7        Bb      G7  Eb
Santa Baby, just slip a sable under the tree for me;

        F7    F7sus4 Bb            G7
Been an awful good  girl, Santa Baby,
  Eb    Eb/D      F7        Bb    Gm7  Gm7    F7
So hurry down the chimney tonight

Bb    G7      Eb      F7      Bb            G7  Eb
Santa baby, a '54 convertible too -- light blue.

F7    F7sus4          Bb        G7
I'll wait up for you, dear Santa baby,
  Eb    Eb/D      F7        Bb    Gm7  Eb  Ebdim  Bb
So hurry down the chimney tonight

Think of all the fun I've missed,

Think of all the fellas that I haven't kissed;

Next year I could be just as good

  F7          Abdim    C7        F7
If you'll check off my Christmas list.

Bb    G7      Eb              F7            Bb    G7  Eb
Santa Baby, I want a yacht and really that's not a lot

F7    F7sus4          Bb        G7
Been an angel all year, Santa Baby,
  Eb    Eb/D      F7        Bb    Gm7  Eb  Ebdim  Bb
So hurry down the chimney tonight

Bb    G7          Eb              F7    Bb          G7  Eb
Santa honey, one little thing I really need -- the deed
F7    F7sus4          Bb    G7
To a platinum mine, Santa Baby,
  Eb    Eb/D      F7        Bb    Gm7  Gm7    F7
So hurry down the chimney tonight.

Bb    G7          Eb              F7        Bb        G7  Eb
Santa cutie, and fill my stocking with a duplex and checks
F7    F7sus4        Bb          G7
Sign your 'x' on the line, Santa cutie,
  Eb    Eb/D      F7        Bb    Gm7  Eb  Ebdim  Bb
So hurry down the chimney tonight

Bridge 2:
Come and trim my Christmas tree

With some decorations bought at Tif-fa-ny
I really do believe in you --

F7          Abdim    C7      F7
Let's see if you believe in me

Bb    G7      Eb              F7          Bb        G7  Eb
Santa Baby, forgot to mention one little thing -- a ring
F7    F7sus4        Bb          G7
I don't mean on the phone, Santa Baby,
Eb        Eb/D      F7        Bb    Gm7  Eb  Ebdim  Bb
So hurry down the chimney tonight.

Eb    Eb/D      F7        Bb    Gm7  Eb
Hurry down the chimney tonight,

F7        Bb6

Gb7, Gb7sus4, Ab7, Abm7, Adim, B, B6, Db7, Eb7, E, E/Eb, Edim

B    Ab7          E          Gb7        B      Ab7  E
Santa Baby, just slip a sable under the tree for me;

        Gb7    Gb7sus4 B            Ab7
Been an awful good  girl, Santa Baby,
  E    E/Eb      Gb7        B    Abm7  Abm7    Gb7
So hurry down the chimney tonight

B    Ab7      E      Gb7      B            Ab7  E
Santa baby, a '54 convertible too -- light blue.

Gb7    Gb7sus4          B        Ab7
I'll wait up for you, dear Santa baby,
  E    E/Eb      Gb7        B    Abm7  E  Edim  B
So hurry down the chimney tonight

Think of all the fun I've missed,

Think of all the fellas that I haven't kissed;

Next year I could be just as good

  Gb7          Adim    Db7        Gb7
If you'll check off my Christmas list.

B    Ab7      E              Gb7            B    Ab7  E
Santa Baby, I want a yacht and really that's not a lot

Gb7    Gb7sus4          B        Ab7
Been an angel all year, Santa Baby,
  E    E/Eb      Gb7        B    Abm7  E  Edim  B
So hurry down the chimney tonight

B    Ab7          E              Gb7    B          Ab7  E
Santa honey, one little thing I really need -- the deed
Gb7    Gb7sus4          B    Ab7
To a platinum mine, Santa Baby,
  E    E/Eb      Gb7        B    Abm7  Abm7    Gb7
So hurry down the chimney tonight.

B    Ab7          E              Gb7        B        Ab7  E
Santa cutie, and fill my stocking with a duplex and checks
Gb7    Gb7sus4        B          Ab7
Sign your 'x' on the line, Santa cutie,
  E    E/Eb      Gb7        B    Abm7  E  Edim  B
So hurry down the chimney tonight

Bridge 2:
Come and trim my Christmas tree

With some decorations bought at Tif-fa-ny
I really do believe in you --

Gb7          Adim    Db7      Gb7
Let's see if you believe in me

B    Ab7      E              Gb7          B        Ab7  E
Santa Baby, forgot to mention one little thing -- a ring
Gb7    Gb7sus4        B          Ab7
I don't mean on the phone, Santa Baby,
E        E/Eb      Gb7        B    Abm7  E  Edim  B
So hurry down the chimney tonight.

E    E/Eb      Gb7        B    Abm7  E
Hurry down the chimney tonight,

Gb7        B6

G7, G7sus4, A7, Am7, Bbdim, C, C6, D7, E7, F, F/E, Fdim

C    A7          F          G7        C      A7  F
Santa Baby, just slip a sable under the tree for me;

        G7    G7sus4 C            A7
Been an awful good  girl, Santa Baby,
  F    F/E      G7        C    Am7  Am7    G7
So hurry down the chimney tonight

C    A7      F      G7      C            A7  F
Santa baby, a '54 convertible too -- light blue.

G7    G7sus4          C        A7
I'll wait up for you, dear Santa baby,
  F    F/E      G7        C    Am7  F  Fdim  C
So hurry down the chimney tonight

Think of all the fun I've missed,

Think of all the fellas that I haven't kissed;

Next year I could be just as good

  G7          Bbdim    D7        G7
If you'll check off my Christmas list.

C    A7      F              G7            C    A7  F
Santa Baby, I want a yacht and really that's not a lot

G7    G7sus4          C        A7
Been an angel all year, Santa Baby,
  F    F/E      G7        C    Am7  F  Fdim  C
So hurry down the chimney tonight

C    A7          F              G7    C          A7  F
Santa honey, one little thing I really need -- the deed
G7    G7sus4          C    A7
To a platinum mine, Santa Baby,
  F    F/E      G7        C    Am7  Am7    G7
So hurry down the chimney tonight.

C    A7          F              G7        C        A7  F
Santa cutie, and fill my stocking with a duplex and checks
G7    G7sus4        C          A7
Sign your 'x' on the line, Santa cutie,
  F    F/E      G7        C    Am7  F  Fdim  C
So hurry down the chimney tonight

Bridge 2:
Come and trim my Christmas tree

With some decorations bought at Tif-fa-ny
I really do believe in you --

G7          Bbdim    D7      G7
Let's see if you believe in me

C    A7      F              G7          C        A7  F
Santa Baby, forgot to mention one little thing -- a ring
G7    G7sus4        C          A7
I don't mean on the phone, Santa Baby,
F        F/E      G7        C    Am7  F  Fdim  C
So hurry down the chimney tonight.

F    F/E      G7        C    Am7  F
Hurry down the chimney tonight,

G7        C6

Ab7, Ab7sus4, Bb7, Bbm7, Bdim, Db, Db6, Eb7, F7, Gb, Gb/F, Gbdim

Db    Bb7          Gb          Ab7        Db      Bb7  Gb
Santa Baby, just slip a sable under the tree for me;

        Ab7    Ab7sus4 Db            Bb7
Been an awful good  girl, Santa Baby,
  Gb    Gb/F      Ab7        Db    Bbm7  Bbm7    Ab7
So hurry down the chimney tonight

Db    Bb7      Gb      Ab7      Db            Bb7  Gb
Santa baby, a '54 convertible too -- light blue.

Ab7    Ab7sus4          Db        Bb7
I'll wait up for you, dear Santa baby,
  Gb    Gb/F      Ab7        Db    Bbm7  Gb  Gbdim  Db
So hurry down the chimney tonight

Think of all the fun I've missed,

Think of all the fellas that I haven't kissed;

Next year I could be just as good

  Ab7          Bdim    Eb7        Ab7
If you'll check off my Christmas list.

Db    Bb7      Gb              Ab7            Db    Bb7  Gb
Santa Baby, I want a yacht and really that's not a lot

Ab7    Ab7sus4          Db        Bb7
Been an angel all year, Santa Baby,
  Gb    Gb/F      Ab7        Db    Bbm7  Gb  Gbdim  Db
So hurry down the chimney tonight

Db    Bb7          Gb              Ab7    Db          Bb7  Gb
Santa honey, one little thing I really need -- the deed
Ab7    Ab7sus4          Db    Bb7
To a platinum mine, Santa Baby,
  Gb    Gb/F      Ab7        Db    Bbm7  Bbm7    Ab7
So hurry down the chimney tonight.

Db    Bb7          Gb              Ab7        Db        Bb7  Gb
Santa cutie, and fill my stocking with a duplex and checks
Ab7    Ab7sus4        Db          Bb7
Sign your 'x' on the line, Santa cutie,
  Gb    Gb/F      Ab7        Db    Bbm7  Gb  Gbdim  Db
So hurry down the chimney tonight

Bridge 2:
Come and trim my Christmas tree

With some decorations bought at Tif-fa-ny
I really do believe in you --

Ab7          Bdim    Eb7      Ab7
Let's see if you believe in me

Db    Bb7      Gb              Ab7          Db        Bb7  Gb
Santa Baby, forgot to mention one little thing -- a ring
Ab7    Ab7sus4        Db          Bb7
I don't mean on the phone, Santa Baby,
Gb        Gb/F      Ab7        Db    Bbm7  Gb  Gbdim  Db
So hurry down the chimney tonight.

Gb    Gb/F      Ab7        Db    Bbm7  Gb
Hurry down the chimney tonight,

Ab7        Db6

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