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HAVE YOURSELF A MERRY LITTLE CHRISTMAS uke chords and lyrics By Judy Garland


Bb7, Bbm, Bbm7, C7, Bdim, Cm, Dbm6, Dbmaj7, Eb, Eb7, F7, Fm, Fm7, G7, Ab, Ab7, Abmaj7

Intro :
Ab Fm7 Bbm7 Eb7
Ab Fm7 Bbm7 Eb7

Verse 1 :

Ab        Fm7    Bbm7          Eb7
Have yourself a merry little Christmas
Ab          Fm7      Bbm7  Eb7
  Let your heart be light
Ab          Fm7    Bbm7              Eb7    C7  F7  Bb7  Eb  Eb7
  Next year all our troubles will be out of sight

Ab        Fm7    Bbm7          Eb7
Have yourself a merry little Christmas
Ab          Fm7      Bbm7    Eb7
  Make the Yuletide gay
Ab          Fm7    Bbm7              C7    Fm  Ab  Ab7
  Next year all our troubles will be miles away

Bridge :
Dbmaj7      Dbm6        Cm        Bdim
      Once again as in olden days
      Bbm          Eb7      Abmaj7
Happy golden days      of yore
Fm      G7              Cm        F7
Faithful friends who were dear to us
        Eb7        Bb7      Bbm7  Eb7
Will be near to us    once more

Verse 2 :
Ab        Fm7    Bbm7          Eb7
Someday soon we all will be together
Ab        Fm7    Bbm7  Eb7
  If the Fates allow
Ab      Fm7        Bbm7            C7          Fm    Ab  Ab7
  Until then, we'll have to muddle through somehow
  Dbmaj7          Bbm7          Eb7        Ab
So have yourself a merry little Christmas now.

Outro :
Ab Fm7 Bbm7 Eb7
Ab Fm7 Bbm7 Eb7

Other Versions For This Ukulele Chords Song :

B7, Bm, Bm7, Db7, Cdim, Dbm, Dm6, Dmaj7, E, E7, Gb7, Gbm, Gbm7, Ab7, A, A7, Amaj7

Intro :
A Gbm7 Bm7 E7
A Gbm7 Bm7 E7

Verse 1 :

A        Gbm7    Bm7          E7
Have yourself a merry little Christmas
A          Gbm7      Bm7  E7
  Let your heart be light
A          Gbm7    Bm7              E7    Db7  Gb7  B7  E  E7
  Next year all our troubles will be out of sight

A        Gbm7    Bm7          E7
Have yourself a merry little Christmas
A          Gbm7      Bm7    E7
  Make the Yuletide gay
A          Gbm7    Bm7              Db7    Gbm  A  A7
  Next year all our troubles will be miles away

Bridge :
Dmaj7      Dm6        Dbm        Cdim
      Once again as in olden days
      Bm          E7      Amaj7
Happy golden days      of yore
Gbm      Ab7              Dbm        Gb7
Faithful friends who were dear to us
        E7        B7      Bm7  E7
Will be near to us    once more

Verse 2 :
A        Gbm7    Bm7          E7
Someday soon we all will be together
A        Gbm7    Bm7  E7
  If the Fates allow
A      Gbm7        Bm7            Db7          Gbm    A  A7
  Until then, we'll have to muddle through somehow
  Dmaj7          Bm7          E7        A
So have yourself a merry little Christmas now.

Outro :
A Gbm7 Bm7 E7
A Gbm7 Bm7 E7

C7, Cm, Cm7, D7, Dbdim, Dm, Ebm6, Ebmaj7, F, F7, G7, Gm, Gm7, A7, Bb, Bb7, Bbmaj7

Intro :
Bb Gm7 Cm7 F7
Bb Gm7 Cm7 F7

Verse 1 :

Bb        Gm7    Cm7          F7
Have yourself a merry little Christmas
Bb          Gm7      Cm7  F7
  Let your heart be light
Bb          Gm7    Cm7              F7    D7  G7  C7  F  F7
  Next year all our troubles will be out of sight

Bb        Gm7    Cm7          F7
Have yourself a merry little Christmas
Bb          Gm7      Cm7    F7
  Make the Yuletide gay
Bb          Gm7    Cm7              D7    Gm  Bb  Bb7
  Next year all our troubles will be miles away

Bridge :
Ebmaj7      Ebm6        Dm        Dbdim
      Once again as in olden days
      Cm          F7      Bbmaj7
Happy golden days      of yore
Gm      A7              Dm        G7
Faithful friends who were dear to us
        F7        C7      Cm7  F7
Will be near to us    once more

Verse 2 :
Bb        Gm7    Cm7          F7
Someday soon we all will be together
Bb        Gm7    Cm7  F7
  If the Fates allow
Bb      Gm7        Cm7            D7          Gm    Bb  Bb7
  Until then, we'll have to muddle through somehow
  Ebmaj7          Cm7          F7        Bb
So have yourself a merry little Christmas now.

Outro :
Bb Gm7 Cm7 F7
Bb Gm7 Cm7 F7

Db7, Dbm, Dbm7, Eb7, Ddim, Ebm, Em6, Emaj7, Gb, Gb7, Ab7, Abm, Abm7, Bb7, B, B7, Bmaj7

Intro :
B Abm7 Dbm7 Gb7
B Abm7 Dbm7 Gb7

Verse 1 :

B        Abm7    Dbm7          Gb7
Have yourself a merry little Christmas
B          Abm7      Dbm7  Gb7
  Let your heart be light
B          Abm7    Dbm7              Gb7    Eb7  Ab7  Db7  Gb  Gb7
  Next year all our troubles will be out of sight

B        Abm7    Dbm7          Gb7
Have yourself a merry little Christmas
B          Abm7      Dbm7    Gb7
  Make the Yuletide gay
B          Abm7    Dbm7              Eb7    Abm  B  B7
  Next year all our troubles will be miles away

Bridge :
Emaj7      Em6        Ebm        Ddim
      Once again as in olden days
      Dbm          Gb7      Bmaj7
Happy golden days      of yore
Abm      Bb7              Ebm        Ab7
Faithful friends who were dear to us
        Gb7        Db7      Dbm7  Gb7
Will be near to us    once more

Verse 2 :
B        Abm7    Dbm7          Gb7
Someday soon we all will be together
B        Abm7    Dbm7  Gb7
  If the Fates allow
B      Abm7        Dbm7            Eb7          Abm    B  B7
  Until then, we'll have to muddle through somehow
  Emaj7          Dbm7          Gb7        B
So have yourself a merry little Christmas now.

Outro :
B Abm7 Dbm7 Gb7
B Abm7 Dbm7 Gb7

D7, Dm, Dm7, E7, Ebdim, Em, Fm6, Fmaj7, G, G7, A7, Am, Am7, B7, C, C7, Cmaj7

Intro :
C Am7 Dm7 G7
C Am7 Dm7 G7

Verse 1 :

C        Am7    Dm7          G7
Have yourself a merry little Christmas
C          Am7      Dm7  G7
  Let your heart be light
C          Am7    Dm7              G7    E7  A7  D7  G  G7
  Next year all our troubles will be out of sight

C        Am7    Dm7          G7
Have yourself a merry little Christmas
C          Am7      Dm7    G7
  Make the Yuletide gay
C          Am7    Dm7              E7    Am  C  C7
  Next year all our troubles will be miles away

Bridge :
Fmaj7      Fm6        Em        Ebdim
      Once again as in olden days
      Dm          G7      Cmaj7
Happy golden days      of yore
Am      B7              Em        A7
Faithful friends who were dear to us
        G7        D7      Dm7  G7
Will be near to us    once more

Verse 2 :
C        Am7    Dm7          G7
Someday soon we all will be together
C        Am7    Dm7  G7
  If the Fates allow
C      Am7        Dm7            E7          Am    C  C7
  Until then, we'll have to muddle through somehow
  Fmaj7          Dm7          G7        C
So have yourself a merry little Christmas now.

Outro :
C Am7 Dm7 G7
C Am7 Dm7 G7

Eb7, Ebm, Ebm7, F7, Edim, Fm, Gbm6, Gbmaj7, Ab, Ab7, Bb7, Bbm, Bbm7, C7, Db, Db7, Dbmaj7

Intro :
Db Bbm7 Ebm7 Ab7
Db Bbm7 Ebm7 Ab7

Verse 1 :

Db        Bbm7    Ebm7          Ab7
Have yourself a merry little Christmas
Db          Bbm7      Ebm7  Ab7
  Let your heart be light
Db          Bbm7    Ebm7              Ab7    F7  Bb7  Eb7  Ab  Ab7
  Next year all our troubles will be out of sight

Db        Bbm7    Ebm7          Ab7
Have yourself a merry little Christmas
Db          Bbm7      Ebm7    Ab7
  Make the Yuletide gay
Db          Bbm7    Ebm7              F7    Bbm  Db  Db7
  Next year all our troubles will be miles away

Bridge :
Gbmaj7      Gbm6        Fm        Edim
      Once again as in olden days
      Ebm          Ab7      Dbmaj7
Happy golden days      of yore
Bbm      C7              Fm        Bb7
Faithful friends who were dear to us
        Ab7        Eb7      Ebm7  Ab7
Will be near to us    once more

Verse 2 :
Db        Bbm7    Ebm7          Ab7
Someday soon we all will be together
Db        Bbm7    Ebm7  Ab7
  If the Fates allow
Db      Bbm7        Ebm7            F7          Bbm    Db  Db7
  Until then, we'll have to muddle through somehow
  Gbmaj7          Ebm7          Ab7        Db
So have yourself a merry little Christmas now.

Outro :
Db Bbm7 Ebm7 Ab7
Db Bbm7 Ebm7 Ab7

E7, Em, Em7, Gb7, Fdim, Gbm, Gm6, Gmaj7, A, A7, B7, Bm, Bm7, Db7, D, D7, Dmaj7

Intro :
D Bm7 Em7 A7
D Bm7 Em7 A7

Verse 1 :

D        Bm7    Em7          A7
Have yourself a merry little Christmas
D          Bm7      Em7  A7
  Let your heart be light
D          Bm7    Em7              A7    Gb7  B7  E7  A  A7
  Next year all our troubles will be out of sight

D        Bm7    Em7          A7
Have yourself a merry little Christmas
D          Bm7      Em7    A7
  Make the Yuletide gay
D          Bm7    Em7              Gb7    Bm  D  D7
  Next year all our troubles will be miles away

Bridge :
Gmaj7      Gm6        Gbm        Fdim
      Once again as in olden days
      Em          A7      Dmaj7
Happy golden days      of yore
Bm      Db7              Gbm        B7
Faithful friends who were dear to us
        A7        E7      Em7  A7
Will be near to us    once more

Verse 2 :
D        Bm7    Em7          A7
Someday soon we all will be together
D        Bm7    Em7  A7
  If the Fates allow
D      Bm7        Em7            Gb7          Bm    D  D7
  Until then, we'll have to muddle through somehow
  Gmaj7          Em7          A7        D
So have yourself a merry little Christmas now.

Outro :
D Bm7 Em7 A7
D Bm7 Em7 A7

F7, Fm, Fm7, G7, Gbdim, Gm, Abm6, Abmaj7, Bb, Bb7, C7, Cm, Cm7, D7, Eb, Eb7, Ebmaj7

Intro :
Eb Cm7 Fm7 Bb7
Eb Cm7 Fm7 Bb7

Verse 1 :

Eb        Cm7    Fm7          Bb7
Have yourself a merry little Christmas
Eb          Cm7      Fm7  Bb7
  Let your heart be light
Eb          Cm7    Fm7              Bb7    G7  C7  F7  Bb  Bb7
  Next year all our troubles will be out of sight

Eb        Cm7    Fm7          Bb7
Have yourself a merry little Christmas
Eb          Cm7      Fm7    Bb7
  Make the Yuletide gay
Eb          Cm7    Fm7              G7    Cm  Eb  Eb7
  Next year all our troubles will be miles away

Bridge :
Abmaj7      Abm6        Gm        Gbdim
      Once again as in olden days
      Fm          Bb7      Ebmaj7
Happy golden days      of yore
Cm      D7              Gm        C7
Faithful friends who were dear to us
        Bb7        F7      Fm7  Bb7
Will be near to us    once more

Verse 2 :
Eb        Cm7    Fm7          Bb7
Someday soon we all will be together
Eb        Cm7    Fm7  Bb7
  If the Fates allow
Eb      Cm7        Fm7            G7          Cm    Eb  Eb7
  Until then, we'll have to muddle through somehow
  Abmaj7          Fm7          Bb7        Eb
So have yourself a merry little Christmas now.

Outro :
Eb Cm7 Fm7 Bb7
Eb Cm7 Fm7 Bb7

Gb7, Gbm, Gbm7, Ab7, Gdim, Abm, Am6, Amaj7, B, B7, Db7, Dbm, Dbm7, Eb7, E, E7, Emaj7

Intro :
E Dbm7 Gbm7 B7
E Dbm7 Gbm7 B7

Verse 1 :

E        Dbm7    Gbm7          B7
Have yourself a merry little Christmas
E          Dbm7      Gbm7  B7
  Let your heart be light
E          Dbm7    Gbm7              B7    Ab7  Db7  Gb7  B  B7
  Next year all our troubles will be out of sight

E        Dbm7    Gbm7          B7
Have yourself a merry little Christmas
E          Dbm7      Gbm7    B7
  Make the Yuletide gay
E          Dbm7    Gbm7              Ab7    Dbm  E  E7
  Next year all our troubles will be miles away

Bridge :
Amaj7      Am6        Abm        Gdim
      Once again as in olden days
      Gbm          B7      Emaj7
Happy golden days      of yore
Dbm      Eb7              Abm        Db7
Faithful friends who were dear to us
        B7        Gb7      Gbm7  B7
Will be near to us    once more

Verse 2 :
E        Dbm7    Gbm7          B7
Someday soon we all will be together
E        Dbm7    Gbm7  B7
  If the Fates allow
E      Dbm7        Gbm7            Ab7          Dbm    E  E7
  Until then, we'll have to muddle through somehow
  Amaj7          Gbm7          B7        E
So have yourself a merry little Christmas now.

Outro :
E Dbm7 Gbm7 B7
E Dbm7 Gbm7 B7

G7, Gm, Gm7, A7, Abdim, Am, Bbm6, Bbmaj7, C, C7, D7, Dm, Dm7, E7, F, F7, Fmaj7

Intro :
F Dm7 Gm7 C7
F Dm7 Gm7 C7

Verse 1 :

F        Dm7    Gm7          C7
Have yourself a merry little Christmas
F          Dm7      Gm7  C7
  Let your heart be light
F          Dm7    Gm7              C7    A7  D7  G7  C  C7
  Next year all our troubles will be out of sight

F        Dm7    Gm7          C7
Have yourself a merry little Christmas
F          Dm7      Gm7    C7
  Make the Yuletide gay
F          Dm7    Gm7              A7    Dm  F  F7
  Next year all our troubles will be miles away

Bridge :
Bbmaj7      Bbm6        Am        Abdim
      Once again as in olden days
      Gm          C7      Fmaj7
Happy golden days      of yore
Dm      E7              Am        D7
Faithful friends who were dear to us
        C7        G7      Gm7  C7
Will be near to us    once more

Verse 2 :
F        Dm7    Gm7          C7
Someday soon we all will be together
F        Dm7    Gm7  C7
  If the Fates allow
F      Dm7        Gm7            A7          Dm    F  F7
  Until then, we'll have to muddle through somehow
  Bbmaj7          Gm7          C7        F
So have yourself a merry little Christmas now.

Outro :
F Dm7 Gm7 C7
F Dm7 Gm7 C7

Ab7, Abm, Abm7, Bb7, Adim, Bbm, Bm6, Bmaj7, Db, Db7, Eb7, Ebm, Ebm7, F7, Gb, Gb7, Gbmaj7

Intro :
Gb Ebm7 Abm7 Db7
Gb Ebm7 Abm7 Db7

Verse 1 :

Gb        Ebm7    Abm7          Db7
Have yourself a merry little Christmas
Gb          Ebm7      Abm7  Db7
  Let your heart be light
Gb          Ebm7    Abm7              Db7    Bb7  Eb7  Ab7  Db  Db7
  Next year all our troubles will be out of sight

Gb        Ebm7    Abm7          Db7
Have yourself a merry little Christmas
Gb          Ebm7      Abm7    Db7
  Make the Yuletide gay
Gb          Ebm7    Abm7              Bb7    Ebm  Gb  Gb7
  Next year all our troubles will be miles away

Bridge :
Bmaj7      Bm6        Bbm        Adim
      Once again as in olden days
      Abm          Db7      Gbmaj7
Happy golden days      of yore
Ebm      F7              Bbm        Eb7
Faithful friends who were dear to us
        Db7        Ab7      Abm7  Db7
Will be near to us    once more

Verse 2 :
Gb        Ebm7    Abm7          Db7
Someday soon we all will be together
Gb        Ebm7    Abm7  Db7
  If the Fates allow
Gb      Ebm7        Abm7            Bb7          Ebm    Gb  Gb7
  Until then, we'll have to muddle through somehow
  Bmaj7          Abm7          Db7        Gb
So have yourself a merry little Christmas now.

Outro :
Gb Ebm7 Abm7 Db7
Gb Ebm7 Abm7 Db7

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