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CHRISTMAS TIME IS HERE Ukulele Chords By Vince Guaraldi Trio

CHRISTMAS TIME IS HERE uke chords and lyrics By Vince Guaraldi Trio


A7, Bbm, Bbm7, B7, Cm7, Db, Eb7, Dmaj7, E7, Gb, Gbmaj7, Gmaj7, Abm, Abm7

Gbmaj7            E7
Christmas time is here
Gbmaj7        E7
Happiness and cheer
Cm7        B7  Bbm7
Fun for all that children call
  A7 Abm            Db      Gb
Their favorite time of the year

Gbmaj7            E7
Snowflakes in the air
Gbmaj7      E7
Carols everywhere
Cm7          B7 Bbm7
Olden times and  ancient rhymes
A7 Abm              Db  Gb
Of  love and dreams to share

Dmaj7              Gmaj7
Sleigh bells in the air
Dmaj7      Gmaj7
Beauty everywhere
Gb            E7 Eb7
Yuletide by the  fireside
Bbm    Abm7        Gb  Db
  And joyful memories there

Gbmaj7            E7
Christmas time is here
Gbmaj7            E7
We'll be drawing near
Cm7          B7  Bbm7
Oh, that we could always see
A7  Abm            Db  Gb
Such spirit through the year


Dmaj7              Gmaj7
Sleigh bells in the air
Dmaj7      Gmaj7
Beauty everywhere
Gb            E7 Eb7
Yuletide by the  fireside
Bbm    Abm7        Gb  Db
  And joyful memories there

Gbmaj7            E7
Christmas time is here
Gbmaj7            E7
We'll be drawing near
Cm7          B7  Bbm7
Oh, that we could always see
A7  Abm            Db  Gb
Such spirit through the year

Other Versions For This Ukulele Chords Song :

Bb7, Bm, Bm7, C7, Dbm7, D, E7, Ebmaj7, F7, G, Gmaj7, Abmaj7, Am, Am7

Gmaj7            F7
Christmas time is here
Gmaj7        F7
Happiness and cheer
Dbm7        C7  Bm7
Fun for all that children call
  Bb7 Am            D      G
Their favorite time of the year

Gmaj7            F7
Snowflakes in the air
Gmaj7      F7
Carols everywhere
Dbm7          C7 Bm7
Olden times and  ancient rhymes
Bb7 Am              D  G
Of  love and dreams to share

Ebmaj7              Abmaj7
Sleigh bells in the air
Ebmaj7      Abmaj7
Beauty everywhere
G            F7 E7
Yuletide by the  fireside
Bm    Am7        G  D
  And joyful memories there

Gmaj7            F7
Christmas time is here
Gmaj7            F7
We'll be drawing near
Dbm7          C7  Bm7
Oh, that we could always see
Bb7  Am            D  G
Such spirit through the year


Ebmaj7              Abmaj7
Sleigh bells in the air
Ebmaj7      Abmaj7
Beauty everywhere
G            F7 E7
Yuletide by the  fireside
Bm    Am7        G  D
  And joyful memories there

Gmaj7            F7
Christmas time is here
Gmaj7            F7
We'll be drawing near
Dbm7          C7  Bm7
Oh, that we could always see
Bb7  Am            D  G
Such spirit through the year

B7, Cm, Cm7, Db7, Dm7, Eb, F7, Emaj7, Gb7, Ab, Abmaj7, Amaj7, Bbm, Bbm7

Abmaj7            Gb7
Christmas time is here
Abmaj7        Gb7
Happiness and cheer
Dm7        Db7  Cm7
Fun for all that children call
  B7 Bbm            Eb      Ab
Their favorite time of the year

Abmaj7            Gb7
Snowflakes in the air
Abmaj7      Gb7
Carols everywhere
Dm7          Db7 Cm7
Olden times and  ancient rhymes
B7 Bbm              Eb  Ab
Of  love and dreams to share

Emaj7              Amaj7
Sleigh bells in the air
Emaj7      Amaj7
Beauty everywhere
Ab            Gb7 F7
Yuletide by the  fireside
Cm    Bbm7        Ab  Eb
  And joyful memories there

Abmaj7            Gb7
Christmas time is here
Abmaj7            Gb7
We'll be drawing near
Dm7          Db7  Cm7
Oh, that we could always see
B7  Bbm            Eb  Ab
Such spirit through the year


Emaj7              Amaj7
Sleigh bells in the air
Emaj7      Amaj7
Beauty everywhere
Ab            Gb7 F7
Yuletide by the  fireside
Cm    Bbm7        Ab  Eb
  And joyful memories there

Abmaj7            Gb7
Christmas time is here
Abmaj7            Gb7
We'll be drawing near
Dm7          Db7  Cm7
Oh, that we could always see
B7  Bbm            Eb  Ab
Such spirit through the year

C7, Dbm, Dbm7, D7, Ebm7, E, Gb7, Fmaj7, G7, A, Amaj7, Bbmaj7, Bm, Bm7

Amaj7            G7
Christmas time is here
Amaj7        G7
Happiness and cheer
Ebm7        D7  Dbm7
Fun for all that children call
  C7 Bm            E      A
Their favorite time of the year

Amaj7            G7
Snowflakes in the air
Amaj7      G7
Carols everywhere
Ebm7          D7 Dbm7
Olden times and  ancient rhymes
C7 Bm              E  A
Of  love and dreams to share

Fmaj7              Bbmaj7
Sleigh bells in the air
Fmaj7      Bbmaj7
Beauty everywhere
A            G7 Gb7
Yuletide by the  fireside
Dbm    Bm7        A  E
  And joyful memories there

Amaj7            G7
Christmas time is here
Amaj7            G7
We'll be drawing near
Ebm7          D7  Dbm7
Oh, that we could always see
C7  Bm            E  A
Such spirit through the year


Fmaj7              Bbmaj7
Sleigh bells in the air
Fmaj7      Bbmaj7
Beauty everywhere
A            G7 Gb7
Yuletide by the  fireside
Dbm    Bm7        A  E
  And joyful memories there

Amaj7            G7
Christmas time is here
Amaj7            G7
We'll be drawing near
Ebm7          D7  Dbm7
Oh, that we could always see
C7  Bm            E  A
Such spirit through the year

Db7, Dm, Dm7, Eb7, Em7, F, G7, Gbmaj7, Ab7, Bb, Bbmaj7, Bmaj7, Cm, Cm7

Bbmaj7            Ab7
Christmas time is here
Bbmaj7        Ab7
Happiness and cheer
Em7        Eb7  Dm7
Fun for all that children call
  Db7 Cm            F      Bb
Their favorite time of the year

Bbmaj7            Ab7
Snowflakes in the air
Bbmaj7      Ab7
Carols everywhere
Em7          Eb7 Dm7
Olden times and  ancient rhymes
Db7 Cm              F  Bb
Of  love and dreams to share

Gbmaj7              Bmaj7
Sleigh bells in the air
Gbmaj7      Bmaj7
Beauty everywhere
Bb            Ab7 G7
Yuletide by the  fireside
Dm    Cm7        Bb  F
  And joyful memories there

Bbmaj7            Ab7
Christmas time is here
Bbmaj7            Ab7
We'll be drawing near
Em7          Eb7  Dm7
Oh, that we could always see
Db7  Cm            F  Bb
Such spirit through the year


Gbmaj7              Bmaj7
Sleigh bells in the air
Gbmaj7      Bmaj7
Beauty everywhere
Bb            Ab7 G7
Yuletide by the  fireside
Dm    Cm7        Bb  F
  And joyful memories there

Bbmaj7            Ab7
Christmas time is here
Bbmaj7            Ab7
We'll be drawing near
Em7          Eb7  Dm7
Oh, that we could always see
Db7  Cm            F  Bb
Such spirit through the year

D7, Ebm, Ebm7, E7, Fm7, Gb, Ab7, Gmaj7, A7, B, Bmaj7, Cmaj7, Dbm, Dbm7

Bmaj7            A7
Christmas time is here
Bmaj7        A7
Happiness and cheer
Fm7        E7  Ebm7
Fun for all that children call
  D7 Dbm            Gb      B
Their favorite time of the year

Bmaj7            A7
Snowflakes in the air
Bmaj7      A7
Carols everywhere
Fm7          E7 Ebm7
Olden times and  ancient rhymes
D7 Dbm              Gb  B
Of  love and dreams to share

Gmaj7              Cmaj7
Sleigh bells in the air
Gmaj7      Cmaj7
Beauty everywhere
B            A7 Ab7
Yuletide by the  fireside
Ebm    Dbm7        B  Gb
  And joyful memories there

Bmaj7            A7
Christmas time is here
Bmaj7            A7
We'll be drawing near
Fm7          E7  Ebm7
Oh, that we could always see
D7  Dbm            Gb  B
Such spirit through the year


Gmaj7              Cmaj7
Sleigh bells in the air
Gmaj7      Cmaj7
Beauty everywhere
B            A7 Ab7
Yuletide by the  fireside
Ebm    Dbm7        B  Gb
  And joyful memories there

Bmaj7            A7
Christmas time is here
Bmaj7            A7
We'll be drawing near
Fm7          E7  Ebm7
Oh, that we could always see
D7  Dbm            Gb  B
Such spirit through the year

Eb7, Em, Em7, F7, Gbm7, G, A7, Abmaj7, Bb7, C, Cmaj7, Dbmaj7, Dm, Dm7

Cmaj7            Bb7
Christmas time is here
Cmaj7        Bb7
Happiness and cheer
Gbm7        F7  Em7
Fun for all that children call
  Eb7 Dm            G      C
Their favorite time of the year

Cmaj7            Bb7
Snowflakes in the air
Cmaj7      Bb7
Carols everywhere
Gbm7          F7 Em7
Olden times and  ancient rhymes
Eb7 Dm              G  C
Of  love and dreams to share

Abmaj7              Dbmaj7
Sleigh bells in the air
Abmaj7      Dbmaj7
Beauty everywhere
C            Bb7 A7
Yuletide by the  fireside
Em    Dm7        C  G
  And joyful memories there

Cmaj7            Bb7
Christmas time is here
Cmaj7            Bb7
We'll be drawing near
Gbm7          F7  Em7
Oh, that we could always see
Eb7  Dm            G  C
Such spirit through the year


Abmaj7              Dbmaj7
Sleigh bells in the air
Abmaj7      Dbmaj7
Beauty everywhere
C            Bb7 A7
Yuletide by the  fireside
Em    Dm7        C  G
  And joyful memories there

Cmaj7            Bb7
Christmas time is here
Cmaj7            Bb7
We'll be drawing near
Gbm7          F7  Em7
Oh, that we could always see
Eb7  Dm            G  C
Such spirit through the year

E7, Fm, Fm7, Gb7, Gm7, Ab, Bb7, Amaj7, B7, Db, Dbmaj7, Dmaj7, Ebm, Ebm7

Dbmaj7            B7
Christmas time is here
Dbmaj7        B7
Happiness and cheer
Gm7        Gb7  Fm7
Fun for all that children call
  E7 Ebm            Ab      Db
Their favorite time of the year

Dbmaj7            B7
Snowflakes in the air
Dbmaj7      B7
Carols everywhere
Gm7          Gb7 Fm7
Olden times and  ancient rhymes
E7 Ebm              Ab  Db
Of  love and dreams to share

Amaj7              Dmaj7
Sleigh bells in the air
Amaj7      Dmaj7
Beauty everywhere
Db            B7 Bb7
Yuletide by the  fireside
Fm    Ebm7        Db  Ab
  And joyful memories there

Dbmaj7            B7
Christmas time is here
Dbmaj7            B7
We'll be drawing near
Gm7          Gb7  Fm7
Oh, that we could always see
E7  Ebm            Ab  Db
Such spirit through the year


Amaj7              Dmaj7
Sleigh bells in the air
Amaj7      Dmaj7
Beauty everywhere
Db            B7 Bb7
Yuletide by the  fireside
Fm    Ebm7        Db  Ab
  And joyful memories there

Dbmaj7            B7
Christmas time is here
Dbmaj7            B7
We'll be drawing near
Gm7          Gb7  Fm7
Oh, that we could always see
E7  Ebm            Ab  Db
Such spirit through the year

F7, Gbm, Gbm7, G7, Abm7, A, B7, Bbmaj7, C7, D, Dmaj7, Ebmaj7, Em, Em7

Dmaj7            C7
Christmas time is here
Dmaj7        C7
Happiness and cheer
Abm7        G7  Gbm7
Fun for all that children call
  F7 Em            A      D
Their favorite time of the year

Dmaj7            C7
Snowflakes in the air
Dmaj7      C7
Carols everywhere
Abm7          G7 Gbm7
Olden times and  ancient rhymes
F7 Em              A  D
Of  love and dreams to share

Bbmaj7              Ebmaj7
Sleigh bells in the air
Bbmaj7      Ebmaj7
Beauty everywhere
D            C7 B7
Yuletide by the  fireside
Gbm    Em7        D  A
  And joyful memories there

Dmaj7            C7
Christmas time is here
Dmaj7            C7
We'll be drawing near
Abm7          G7  Gbm7
Oh, that we could always see
F7  Em            A  D
Such spirit through the year


Bbmaj7              Ebmaj7
Sleigh bells in the air
Bbmaj7      Ebmaj7
Beauty everywhere
D            C7 B7
Yuletide by the  fireside
Gbm    Em7        D  A
  And joyful memories there

Dmaj7            C7
Christmas time is here
Dmaj7            C7
We'll be drawing near
Abm7          G7  Gbm7
Oh, that we could always see
F7  Em            A  D
Such spirit through the year

Gb7, Gm, Gm7, Ab7, Am7, Bb, C7, Bmaj7, Db7, Eb, Ebmaj7, Emaj7, Fm, Fm7

Ebmaj7            Db7
Christmas time is here
Ebmaj7        Db7
Happiness and cheer
Am7        Ab7  Gm7
Fun for all that children call
  Gb7 Fm            Bb      Eb
Their favorite time of the year

Ebmaj7            Db7
Snowflakes in the air
Ebmaj7      Db7
Carols everywhere
Am7          Ab7 Gm7
Olden times and  ancient rhymes
Gb7 Fm              Bb  Eb
Of  love and dreams to share

Bmaj7              Emaj7
Sleigh bells in the air
Bmaj7      Emaj7
Beauty everywhere
Eb            Db7 C7
Yuletide by the  fireside
Gm    Fm7        Eb  Bb
  And joyful memories there

Ebmaj7            Db7
Christmas time is here
Ebmaj7            Db7
We'll be drawing near
Am7          Ab7  Gm7
Oh, that we could always see
Gb7  Fm            Bb  Eb
Such spirit through the year


Bmaj7              Emaj7
Sleigh bells in the air
Bmaj7      Emaj7
Beauty everywhere
Eb            Db7 C7
Yuletide by the  fireside
Gm    Fm7        Eb  Bb
  And joyful memories there

Ebmaj7            Db7
Christmas time is here
Ebmaj7            Db7
We'll be drawing near
Am7          Ab7  Gm7
Oh, that we could always see
Gb7  Fm            Bb  Eb
Such spirit through the year

G7, Abm, Abm7, A7, Bbm7, B, Db7, Cmaj7, D7, E, Emaj7, Fmaj7, Gbm, Gbm7

Emaj7            D7
Christmas time is here
Emaj7        D7
Happiness and cheer
Bbm7        A7  Abm7
Fun for all that children call
  G7 Gbm            B      E
Their favorite time of the year

Emaj7            D7
Snowflakes in the air
Emaj7      D7
Carols everywhere
Bbm7          A7 Abm7
Olden times and  ancient rhymes
G7 Gbm              B  E
Of  love and dreams to share

Cmaj7              Fmaj7
Sleigh bells in the air
Cmaj7      Fmaj7
Beauty everywhere
E            D7 Db7
Yuletide by the  fireside
Abm    Gbm7        E  B
  And joyful memories there

Emaj7            D7
Christmas time is here
Emaj7            D7
We'll be drawing near
Bbm7          A7  Abm7
Oh, that we could always see
G7  Gbm            B  E
Such spirit through the year


Cmaj7              Fmaj7
Sleigh bells in the air
Cmaj7      Fmaj7
Beauty everywhere
E            D7 Db7
Yuletide by the  fireside
Abm    Gbm7        E  B
  And joyful memories there

Emaj7            D7
Christmas time is here
Emaj7            D7
We'll be drawing near
Bbm7          A7  Abm7
Oh, that we could always see
G7  Gbm            B  E
Such spirit through the year

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