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WHEN CHRISTMAS COMES TO TOWN Ukulele Chords By Matthew Hall & Meagan Moore

WHEN CHRISTMAS COMES TO TOWN uke chords and lyrics By Matthew Hall & Meagan Moore


Bb/Eb, Bb7, Bb7/Eb, Bb7sus, Bbm7, B, B/Gb, B7sus2, Bdim7, Cm7, Cm7/Bb, Db/B, Eb, Eb/G, Ebm, Ebm7, Ebmm7, F/A, Fm/Eb, Fm7, Gb/Db, Gbm7, Ab, Ab/G, Abm7

Intro :
Eb  Fm/Eb  Ebm7  Eb  Ebm7  Fm/Eb  Eb
Eb  Fm/Eb  Ebm7  Eb  Ebm7  Fm/Eb  Eb

Verse 1 :
    Eb      Fm/Eb Ebm7      Eb      Bb/Eb  Bb7/Eb  Eb
I'm wishing on a star And trying to    be  - lieve
    Eb    Fm/Eb        Ebm7      Eb      Bb/Eb      Bb7/Eb  Eb
That even though it's far He'll find me Christ - mas  Eve
  Fm7                Bb7sus Bb7            Eb    Eb/G    Ab    Ab/G
I guess that Santa's busy    'Cause he's never come a - round
  Fm7              Bb7sus    Bb7      Eb  Fm/Eb  Ebm7  Eb  Ebm7  Fm/Eb  Eb
I think of him when Christmas comes to town

Verse 2 :
Eb            Fm/Eb  Ebm7      Eb      Bb/Eb  Bb7/Eb  Eb
The best time of the year When every - one  comes home
Eb            Fm/Eb      Ebm7        Eb      Bb/Eb  Bb7/Eb  Eb
With all this Christmas cheer It's hard to be    a  -  lone
Fm7            Bb7sus    Bb7        Eb            Eb/G    Ab    Ab/G
Putting up the Christmas tree With friends that come a - round
Fm7                  Bb7sus    Bb7      Eb    Bb/Eb  Bb7/Eb  Eb
It's so much fun when Christmas comes to town

Chorus :
B              Db/B    Bbm7                Ebm7
Presents for the children wrapped in red and green
B                  Db/B          Bbm7          Ebm7
All the things I've heard about but never really seen
Abm7    B/Gb    Fm7      Bb7    Ebm      Ebmm7      Gb/Db
No one will be sleeping on the night of Christmas Eve
      Gbm7    B7sus2  Bb7sus  Bb7
Hoping Santa's on his  way

Instrumental :
Eb    Fm/Eb  Ebm7    Eb    Bb/Eb  Bb7/Eb  Eb
Eb    Fm/Eb  Ebm7    Eb    Bb/Eb  Bb7/Eb  Eb
Fm7  Bb7sus    Bb7    Eb    Eb/G    Ab  Ab/G
Fm7  Bb7sus    Bb7    Eb    Bb/Eb  Bb7/Eb  Eb

Chorus :
B              Db/B    Bbm7                Ebm7
Presents for the children wrapped in red and green
B                  Db/B          Bbm7          Ebm7
All the things I've heard about but never really seen
Abm7    B/Gb    Fm7      Bb7    Ebm      Ebmm7      Gb/Db
No one will be sleeping on the night of Christmas Eve
      Gbm7    B7sus2  Bb7sus  Bb7
Hoping Santa's on his  way

Verse 3 :
Eb            Fm/Eb          Ebm7  Eb        Bb/Eb Bb7/Eb  Eb
When Santa's sleight bells ring I listen all a  -  round
Eb          Fm/Eb  Ebm7    Eb    Bb/Eb  Bb7/Eb  Eb
The herald angels sing I never hear a    sound
Fm7                      Bb7sus  Bb7      Eb        Eb/G  Ab    Ab/G
And all the dreams of the children    Once lost will all be found
Fm7                    Bb7sus    Bdim7  Cm7  Cm7/Bb  F/A
That's all I want when Christmas comes to town
Fm7                    Bb7sus    Bb7      Eb
That's all I want when Christmas comes to town

Outro :
Eb  Fm/Eb  Ebm7  Eb  Ebm7  Fm/Eb  Eb
Eb  Fm/Eb  Ebm7  Eb  Ebm7  Fm/Eb  Eb

Other Versions For This Ukulele Chords Song :

B/E, B7, B7/E, B7sus, Bm7, C, C/G, C7sus2, Cdim7, Dbm7, Dbm7/B, D/C, E, E/Ab, Em, Em7, Emm7, Gb/Bb, Gbm/E, Gbm7, G/D, Gm7, A, A/Ab, Am7

Intro :
E  Gbm/E  Em7  E  Em7  Gbm/E  E
E  Gbm/E  Em7  E  Em7  Gbm/E  E

Verse 1 :
    E      Gbm/E Em7      E      B/E  B7/E  E
I'm wishing on a star And trying to    be  - lieve
    E    Gbm/E        Em7      E      B/E      B7/E  E
That even though it's far He'll find me Christ - mas  Eve
  Gbm7                B7sus B7            E    E/Ab    A    A/Ab
I guess that Santa's busy    'Cause he's never come a - round
  Gbm7              B7sus    B7      E  Gbm/E  Em7  E  Em7  Gbm/E  E
I think of him when Christmas comes to town

Verse 2 :
E            Gbm/E  Em7      E      B/E  B7/E  E
The best time of the year When every - one  comes home
E            Gbm/E      Em7        E      B/E  B7/E  E
With all this Christmas cheer It's hard to be    a  -  lone
Gbm7            B7sus    B7        E            E/Ab    A    A/Ab
Putting up the Christmas tree With friends that come a - round
Gbm7                  B7sus    B7      E    B/E  B7/E  E
It's so much fun when Christmas comes to town

Chorus :
C              D/C    Bm7                Em7
Presents for the children wrapped in red and green
C                  D/C          Bm7          Em7
All the things I've heard about but never really seen
Am7    C/G    Gbm7      B7    Em      Emm7      G/D
No one will be sleeping on the night of Christmas Eve
      Gm7    C7sus2  B7sus  B7
Hoping Santa's on his  way

Instrumental :
E    Gbm/E  Em7    E    B/E  B7/E  E
E    Gbm/E  Em7    E    B/E  B7/E  E
Gbm7  B7sus    B7    E    E/Ab    A  A/Ab
Gbm7  B7sus    B7    E    B/E  B7/E  E

Chorus :
C              D/C    Bm7                Em7
Presents for the children wrapped in red and green
C                  D/C          Bm7          Em7
All the things I've heard about but never really seen
Am7    C/G    Gbm7      B7    Em      Emm7      G/D
No one will be sleeping on the night of Christmas Eve
      Gm7    C7sus2  B7sus  B7
Hoping Santa's on his  way

Verse 3 :
E            Gbm/E          Em7  E        B/E B7/E  E
When Santa's sleight bells ring I listen all a  -  round
E          Gbm/E  Em7    E    B/E  B7/E  E
The herald angels sing I never hear a    sound
Gbm7                      B7sus  B7      E        E/Ab  A    A/Ab
And all the dreams of the children    Once lost will all be found
Gbm7                    B7sus    Cdim7  Dbm7  Dbm7/B  Gb/Bb
That's all I want when Christmas comes to town
Gbm7                    B7sus    B7      E
That's all I want when Christmas comes to town

Outro :
E  Gbm/E  Em7  E  Em7  Gbm/E  E
E  Gbm/E  Em7  E  Em7  Gbm/E  E

C/F, C7, C7/F, C7sus, Cm7, Db, Db/Ab, Db7sus2, Dbdim7, Dm7, Dm7/C, Eb/Db, F, F/A, Fm, Fm7, Fmm7, G/B, Gm/F, Gm7, Ab/Eb, Abm7, Bb, Bb/A, Bbm7

Intro :
F  Gm/F  Fm7  F  Fm7  Gm/F  F
F  Gm/F  Fm7  F  Fm7  Gm/F  F

Verse 1 :
    F      Gm/F Fm7      F      C/F  C7/F  F
I'm wishing on a star And trying to    be  - lieve
    F    Gm/F        Fm7      F      C/F      C7/F  F
That even though it's far He'll find me Christ - mas  Eve
  Gm7                C7sus C7            F    F/A    Bb    Bb/A
I guess that Santa's busy    'Cause he's never come a - round
  Gm7              C7sus    C7      F  Gm/F  Fm7  F  Fm7  Gm/F  F
I think of him when Christmas comes to town

Verse 2 :
F            Gm/F  Fm7      F      C/F  C7/F  F
The best time of the year When every - one  comes home
F            Gm/F      Fm7        F      C/F  C7/F  F
With all this Christmas cheer It's hard to be    a  -  lone
Gm7            C7sus    C7        F            F/A    Bb    Bb/A
Putting up the Christmas tree With friends that come a - round
Gm7                  C7sus    C7      F    C/F  C7/F  F
It's so much fun when Christmas comes to town

Chorus :
Db              Eb/Db    Cm7                Fm7
Presents for the children wrapped in red and green
Db                  Eb/Db          Cm7          Fm7
All the things I've heard about but never really seen
Bbm7    Db/Ab    Gm7      C7    Fm      Fmm7      Ab/Eb
No one will be sleeping on the night of Christmas Eve
      Abm7    Db7sus2  C7sus  C7
Hoping Santa's on his  way

Instrumental :
F    Gm/F  Fm7    F    C/F  C7/F  F
F    Gm/F  Fm7    F    C/F  C7/F  F
Gm7  C7sus    C7    F    F/A    Bb  Bb/A
Gm7  C7sus    C7    F    C/F  C7/F  F

Chorus :
Db              Eb/Db    Cm7                Fm7
Presents for the children wrapped in red and green
Db                  Eb/Db          Cm7          Fm7
All the things I've heard about but never really seen
Bbm7    Db/Ab    Gm7      C7    Fm      Fmm7      Ab/Eb
No one will be sleeping on the night of Christmas Eve
      Abm7    Db7sus2  C7sus  C7
Hoping Santa's on his  way

Verse 3 :
F            Gm/F          Fm7  F        C/F C7/F  F
When Santa's sleight bells ring I listen all a  -  round
F          Gm/F  Fm7    F    C/F  C7/F  F
The herald angels sing I never hear a    sound
Gm7                      C7sus  C7      F        F/A  Bb    Bb/A
And all the dreams of the children    Once lost will all be found
Gm7                    C7sus    Dbdim7  Dm7  Dm7/C  G/B
That's all I want when Christmas comes to town
Gm7                    C7sus    C7      F
That's all I want when Christmas comes to town

Outro :
F  Gm/F  Fm7  F  Fm7  Gm/F  F
F  Gm/F  Fm7  F  Fm7  Gm/F  F

Db/Gb, Db7, Db7/Gb, Db7sus, Dbm7, D, D/A, D7sus2, Ddim7, Ebm7, Ebm7/Db, E/D, Gb, Gb/Bb, Gbm, Gbm7, Gbmm7, Ab/C, Abm/Gb, Abm7, A/E, Am7, B, B/Bb, Bm7

Intro :
Gb  Abm/Gb  Gbm7  Gb  Gbm7  Abm/Gb  Gb
Gb  Abm/Gb  Gbm7  Gb  Gbm7  Abm/Gb  Gb

Verse 1 :
    Gb      Abm/Gb Gbm7      Gb      Db/Gb  Db7/Gb  Gb
I'm wishing on a star And trying to    be  - lieve
    Gb    Abm/Gb        Gbm7      Gb      Db/Gb      Db7/Gb  Gb
That even though it's far He'll find me Christ - mas  Eve
  Abm7                Db7sus Db7            Gb    Gb/Bb    B    B/Bb
I guess that Santa's busy    'Cause he's never come a - round
  Abm7              Db7sus    Db7      Gb  Abm/Gb  Gbm7  Gb  Gbm7  Abm/Gb  Gb
I think of him when Christmas comes to town

Verse 2 :
Gb            Abm/Gb  Gbm7      Gb      Db/Gb  Db7/Gb  Gb
The best time of the year When every - one  comes home
Gb            Abm/Gb      Gbm7        Gb      Db/Gb  Db7/Gb  Gb
With all this Christmas cheer It's hard to be    a  -  lone
Abm7            Db7sus    Db7        Gb            Gb/Bb    B    B/Bb
Putting up the Christmas tree With friends that come a - round
Abm7                  Db7sus    Db7      Gb    Db/Gb  Db7/Gb  Gb
It's so much fun when Christmas comes to town

Chorus :
D              E/D    Dbm7                Gbm7
Presents for the children wrapped in red and green
D                  E/D          Dbm7          Gbm7
All the things I've heard about but never really seen
Bm7    D/A    Abm7      Db7    Gbm      Gbmm7      A/E
No one will be sleeping on the night of Christmas Eve
      Am7    D7sus2  Db7sus  Db7
Hoping Santa's on his  way

Instrumental :
Gb    Abm/Gb  Gbm7    Gb    Db/Gb  Db7/Gb  Gb
Gb    Abm/Gb  Gbm7    Gb    Db/Gb  Db7/Gb  Gb
Abm7  Db7sus    Db7    Gb    Gb/Bb    B  B/Bb
Abm7  Db7sus    Db7    Gb    Db/Gb  Db7/Gb  Gb

Chorus :
D              E/D    Dbm7                Gbm7
Presents for the children wrapped in red and green
D                  E/D          Dbm7          Gbm7
All the things I've heard about but never really seen
Bm7    D/A    Abm7      Db7    Gbm      Gbmm7      A/E
No one will be sleeping on the night of Christmas Eve
      Am7    D7sus2  Db7sus  Db7
Hoping Santa's on his  way

Verse 3 :
Gb            Abm/Gb          Gbm7  Gb        Db/Gb Db7/Gb  Gb
When Santa's sleight bells ring I listen all a  -  round
Gb          Abm/Gb  Gbm7    Gb    Db/Gb  Db7/Gb  Gb
The herald angels sing I never hear a    sound
Abm7                      Db7sus  Db7      Gb        Gb/Bb  B    B/Bb
And all the dreams of the children    Once lost will all be found
Abm7                    Db7sus    Ddim7  Ebm7  Ebm7/Db  Ab/C
That's all I want when Christmas comes to town
Abm7                    Db7sus    Db7      Gb
That's all I want when Christmas comes to town

Outro :
Gb  Abm/Gb  Gbm7  Gb  Gbm7  Abm/Gb  Gb
Gb  Abm/Gb  Gbm7  Gb  Gbm7  Abm/Gb  Gb

D/G, D7, D7/G, D7sus, Dm7, Eb, Eb/Bb, Eb7sus2, Ebdim7, Em7, Em7/D, F/Eb, G, G/B, Gm, Gm7, Gmm7, A/Db, Am/G, Am7, Bb/F, Bbm7, C, C/B, Cm7

Intro :
G  Am/G  Gm7  G  Gm7  Am/G  G
G  Am/G  Gm7  G  Gm7  Am/G  G

Verse 1 :
    G      Am/G Gm7      G      D/G  D7/G  G
I'm wishing on a star And trying to    be  - lieve
    G    Am/G        Gm7      G      D/G      D7/G  G
That even though it's far He'll find me Christ - mas  Eve
  Am7                D7sus D7            G    G/B    C    C/B
I guess that Santa's busy    'Cause he's never come a - round
  Am7              D7sus    D7      G  Am/G  Gm7  G  Gm7  Am/G  G
I think of him when Christmas comes to town

Verse 2 :
G            Am/G  Gm7      G      D/G  D7/G  G
The best time of the year When every - one  comes home
G            Am/G      Gm7        G      D/G  D7/G  G
With all this Christmas cheer It's hard to be    a  -  lone
Am7            D7sus    D7        G            G/B    C    C/B
Putting up the Christmas tree With friends that come a - round
Am7                  D7sus    D7      G    D/G  D7/G  G
It's so much fun when Christmas comes to town

Chorus :
Eb              F/Eb    Dm7                Gm7
Presents for the children wrapped in red and green
Eb                  F/Eb          Dm7          Gm7
All the things I've heard about but never really seen
Cm7    Eb/Bb    Am7      D7    Gm      Gmm7      Bb/F
No one will be sleeping on the night of Christmas Eve
      Bbm7    Eb7sus2  D7sus  D7
Hoping Santa's on his  way

Instrumental :
G    Am/G  Gm7    G    D/G  D7/G  G
G    Am/G  Gm7    G    D/G  D7/G  G
Am7  D7sus    D7    G    G/B    C  C/B
Am7  D7sus    D7    G    D/G  D7/G  G

Chorus :
Eb              F/Eb    Dm7                Gm7
Presents for the children wrapped in red and green
Eb                  F/Eb          Dm7          Gm7
All the things I've heard about but never really seen
Cm7    Eb/Bb    Am7      D7    Gm      Gmm7      Bb/F
No one will be sleeping on the night of Christmas Eve
      Bbm7    Eb7sus2  D7sus  D7
Hoping Santa's on his  way

Verse 3 :
G            Am/G          Gm7  G        D/G D7/G  G
When Santa's sleight bells ring I listen all a  -  round
G          Am/G  Gm7    G    D/G  D7/G  G
The herald angels sing I never hear a    sound
Am7                      D7sus  D7      G        G/B  C    C/B
And all the dreams of the children    Once lost will all be found
Am7                    D7sus    Ebdim7  Em7  Em7/D  A/Db
That's all I want when Christmas comes to town
Am7                    D7sus    D7      G
That's all I want when Christmas comes to town

Outro :
G  Am/G  Gm7  G  Gm7  Am/G  G
G  Am/G  Gm7  G  Gm7  Am/G  G

Eb/Ab, Eb7, Eb7/Ab, Eb7sus, Ebm7, E, E/B, E7sus2, Edim7, Fm7, Fm7/Eb, Gb/E, Ab, Ab/C, Abm, Abm7, Abmm7, Bb/D, Bbm/Ab, Bbm7, B/Gb, Bm7, Db, Db/C, Dbm7

Intro :
Ab  Bbm/Ab  Abm7  Ab  Abm7  Bbm/Ab  Ab
Ab  Bbm/Ab  Abm7  Ab  Abm7  Bbm/Ab  Ab

Verse 1 :
    Ab      Bbm/Ab Abm7      Ab      Eb/Ab  Eb7/Ab  Ab
I'm wishing on a star And trying to    be  - lieve
    Ab    Bbm/Ab        Abm7      Ab      Eb/Ab      Eb7/Ab  Ab
That even though it's far He'll find me Christ - mas  Eve
  Bbm7                Eb7sus Eb7            Ab    Ab/C    Db    Db/C
I guess that Santa's busy    'Cause he's never come a - round
  Bbm7              Eb7sus    Eb7      Ab  Bbm/Ab  Abm7  Ab  Abm7  Bbm/Ab  Ab
I think of him when Christmas comes to town

Verse 2 :
Ab            Bbm/Ab  Abm7      Ab      Eb/Ab  Eb7/Ab  Ab
The best time of the year When every - one  comes home
Ab            Bbm/Ab      Abm7        Ab      Eb/Ab  Eb7/Ab  Ab
With all this Christmas cheer It's hard to be    a  -  lone
Bbm7            Eb7sus    Eb7        Ab            Ab/C    Db    Db/C
Putting up the Christmas tree With friends that come a - round
Bbm7                  Eb7sus    Eb7      Ab    Eb/Ab  Eb7/Ab  Ab
It's so much fun when Christmas comes to town

Chorus :
E              Gb/E    Ebm7                Abm7
Presents for the children wrapped in red and green
E                  Gb/E          Ebm7          Abm7
All the things I've heard about but never really seen
Dbm7    E/B    Bbm7      Eb7    Abm      Abmm7      B/Gb
No one will be sleeping on the night of Christmas Eve
      Bm7    E7sus2  Eb7sus  Eb7
Hoping Santa's on his  way

Instrumental :
Ab    Bbm/Ab  Abm7    Ab    Eb/Ab  Eb7/Ab  Ab
Ab    Bbm/Ab  Abm7    Ab    Eb/Ab  Eb7/Ab  Ab
Bbm7  Eb7sus    Eb7    Ab    Ab/C    Db  Db/C
Bbm7  Eb7sus    Eb7    Ab    Eb/Ab  Eb7/Ab  Ab

Chorus :
E              Gb/E    Ebm7                Abm7
Presents for the children wrapped in red and green
E                  Gb/E          Ebm7          Abm7
All the things I've heard about but never really seen
Dbm7    E/B    Bbm7      Eb7    Abm      Abmm7      B/Gb
No one will be sleeping on the night of Christmas Eve
      Bm7    E7sus2  Eb7sus  Eb7
Hoping Santa's on his  way

Verse 3 :
Ab            Bbm/Ab          Abm7  Ab        Eb/Ab Eb7/Ab  Ab
When Santa's sleight bells ring I listen all a  -  round
Ab          Bbm/Ab  Abm7    Ab    Eb/Ab  Eb7/Ab  Ab
The herald angels sing I never hear a    sound
Bbm7                      Eb7sus  Eb7      Ab        Ab/C  Db    Db/C
And all the dreams of the children    Once lost will all be found
Bbm7                    Eb7sus    Edim7  Fm7  Fm7/Eb  Bb/D
That's all I want when Christmas comes to town
Bbm7                    Eb7sus    Eb7      Ab
That's all I want when Christmas comes to town

Outro :
Ab  Bbm/Ab  Abm7  Ab  Abm7  Bbm/Ab  Ab
Ab  Bbm/Ab  Abm7  Ab  Abm7  Bbm/Ab  Ab

E/A, E7, E7/A, E7sus, Em7, F, F/C, F7sus2, Fdim7, Gbm7, Gbm7/E, G/F, A, A/Db, Am, Am7, Amm7, B/Eb, Bm/A, Bm7, C/G, Cm7, D, D/Db, Dm7

Intro :
A  Bm/A  Am7  A  Am7  Bm/A  A
A  Bm/A  Am7  A  Am7  Bm/A  A

Verse 1 :
    A      Bm/A Am7      A      E/A  E7/A  A
I'm wishing on a star And trying to    be  - lieve
    A    Bm/A        Am7      A      E/A      E7/A  A
That even though it's far He'll find me Christ - mas  Eve
  Bm7                E7sus E7            A    A/Db    D    D/Db
I guess that Santa's busy    'Cause he's never come a - round
  Bm7              E7sus    E7      A  Bm/A  Am7  A  Am7  Bm/A  A
I think of him when Christmas comes to town

Verse 2 :
A            Bm/A  Am7      A      E/A  E7/A  A
The best time of the year When every - one  comes home
A            Bm/A      Am7        A      E/A  E7/A  A
With all this Christmas cheer It's hard to be    a  -  lone
Bm7            E7sus    E7        A            A/Db    D    D/Db
Putting up the Christmas tree With friends that come a - round
Bm7                  E7sus    E7      A    E/A  E7/A  A
It's so much fun when Christmas comes to town

Chorus :
F              G/F    Em7                Am7
Presents for the children wrapped in red and green
F                  G/F          Em7          Am7
All the things I've heard about but never really seen
Dm7    F/C    Bm7      E7    Am      Amm7      C/G
No one will be sleeping on the night of Christmas Eve
      Cm7    F7sus2  E7sus  E7
Hoping Santa's on his  way

Instrumental :
A    Bm/A  Am7    A    E/A  E7/A  A
A    Bm/A  Am7    A    E/A  E7/A  A
Bm7  E7sus    E7    A    A/Db    D  D/Db
Bm7  E7sus    E7    A    E/A  E7/A  A

Chorus :
F              G/F    Em7                Am7
Presents for the children wrapped in red and green
F                  G/F          Em7          Am7
All the things I've heard about but never really seen
Dm7    F/C    Bm7      E7    Am      Amm7      C/G
No one will be sleeping on the night of Christmas Eve
      Cm7    F7sus2  E7sus  E7
Hoping Santa's on his  way

Verse 3 :
A            Bm/A          Am7  A        E/A E7/A  A
When Santa's sleight bells ring I listen all a  -  round
A          Bm/A  Am7    A    E/A  E7/A  A
The herald angels sing I never hear a    sound
Bm7                      E7sus  E7      A        A/Db  D    D/Db
And all the dreams of the children    Once lost will all be found
Bm7                    E7sus    Fdim7  Gbm7  Gbm7/E  B/Eb
That's all I want when Christmas comes to town
Bm7                    E7sus    E7      A
That's all I want when Christmas comes to town

Outro :
A  Bm/A  Am7  A  Am7  Bm/A  A
A  Bm/A  Am7  A  Am7  Bm/A  A

F/Bb, F7, F7/Bb, F7sus, Fm7, Gb, Gb/Db, Gb7sus2, Gbdim7, Gm7, Gm7/F, Ab/Gb, Bb, Bb/D, Bbm, Bbm7, Bbmm7, C/E, Cm/Bb, Cm7, Db/Ab, Dbm7, Eb, Eb/D, Ebm7

Intro :
Bb  Cm/Bb  Bbm7  Bb  Bbm7  Cm/Bb  Bb
Bb  Cm/Bb  Bbm7  Bb  Bbm7  Cm/Bb  Bb

Verse 1 :
    Bb      Cm/Bb Bbm7      Bb      F/Bb  F7/Bb  Bb
I'm wishing on a star And trying to    be  - lieve
    Bb    Cm/Bb        Bbm7      Bb      F/Bb      F7/Bb  Bb
That even though it's far He'll find me Christ - mas  Eve
  Cm7                F7sus F7            Bb    Bb/D    Eb    Eb/D
I guess that Santa's busy    'Cause he's never come a - round
  Cm7              F7sus    F7      Bb  Cm/Bb  Bbm7  Bb  Bbm7  Cm/Bb  Bb
I think of him when Christmas comes to town

Verse 2 :
Bb            Cm/Bb  Bbm7      Bb      F/Bb  F7/Bb  Bb
The best time of the year When every - one  comes home
Bb            Cm/Bb      Bbm7        Bb      F/Bb  F7/Bb  Bb
With all this Christmas cheer It's hard to be    a  -  lone
Cm7            F7sus    F7        Bb            Bb/D    Eb    Eb/D
Putting up the Christmas tree With friends that come a - round
Cm7                  F7sus    F7      Bb    F/Bb  F7/Bb  Bb
It's so much fun when Christmas comes to town

Chorus :
Gb              Ab/Gb    Fm7                Bbm7
Presents for the children wrapped in red and green
Gb                  Ab/Gb          Fm7          Bbm7
All the things I've heard about but never really seen
Ebm7    Gb/Db    Cm7      F7    Bbm      Bbmm7      Db/Ab
No one will be sleeping on the night of Christmas Eve
      Dbm7    Gb7sus2  F7sus  F7
Hoping Santa's on his  way

Instrumental :
Bb    Cm/Bb  Bbm7    Bb    F/Bb  F7/Bb  Bb
Bb    Cm/Bb  Bbm7    Bb    F/Bb  F7/Bb  Bb
Cm7  F7sus    F7    Bb    Bb/D    Eb  Eb/D
Cm7  F7sus    F7    Bb    F/Bb  F7/Bb  Bb

Chorus :
Gb              Ab/Gb    Fm7                Bbm7
Presents for the children wrapped in red and green
Gb                  Ab/Gb          Fm7          Bbm7
All the things I've heard about but never really seen
Ebm7    Gb/Db    Cm7      F7    Bbm      Bbmm7      Db/Ab
No one will be sleeping on the night of Christmas Eve
      Dbm7    Gb7sus2  F7sus  F7
Hoping Santa's on his  way

Verse 3 :
Bb            Cm/Bb          Bbm7  Bb        F/Bb F7/Bb  Bb
When Santa's sleight bells ring I listen all a  -  round
Bb          Cm/Bb  Bbm7    Bb    F/Bb  F7/Bb  Bb
The herald angels sing I never hear a    sound
Cm7                      F7sus  F7      Bb        Bb/D  Eb    Eb/D
And all the dreams of the children    Once lost will all be found
Cm7                    F7sus    Gbdim7  Gm7  Gm7/F  C/E
That's all I want when Christmas comes to town
Cm7                    F7sus    F7      Bb
That's all I want when Christmas comes to town

Outro :
Bb  Cm/Bb  Bbm7  Bb  Bbm7  Cm/Bb  Bb
Bb  Cm/Bb  Bbm7  Bb  Bbm7  Cm/Bb  Bb

Gb/B, Gb7, Gb7/B, Gb7sus, Gbm7, G, G/D, G7sus2, Gdim7, Abm7, Abm7/Gb, A/G, B, B/Eb, Bm, Bm7, Bmm7, Db/F, Dbm/B, Dbm7, D/A, Dm7, E, E/Eb, Em7

Intro :
B  Dbm/B  Bm7  B  Bm7  Dbm/B  B
B  Dbm/B  Bm7  B  Bm7  Dbm/B  B

Verse 1 :
    B      Dbm/B Bm7      B      Gb/B  Gb7/B  B
I'm wishing on a star And trying to    be  - lieve
    B    Dbm/B        Bm7      B      Gb/B      Gb7/B  B
That even though it's far He'll find me Christ - mas  Eve
  Dbm7                Gb7sus Gb7            B    B/Eb    E    E/Eb
I guess that Santa's busy    'Cause he's never come a - round
  Dbm7              Gb7sus    Gb7      B  Dbm/B  Bm7  B  Bm7  Dbm/B  B
I think of him when Christmas comes to town

Verse 2 :
B            Dbm/B  Bm7      B      Gb/B  Gb7/B  B
The best time of the year When every - one  comes home
B            Dbm/B      Bm7        B      Gb/B  Gb7/B  B
With all this Christmas cheer It's hard to be    a  -  lone
Dbm7            Gb7sus    Gb7        B            B/Eb    E    E/Eb
Putting up the Christmas tree With friends that come a - round
Dbm7                  Gb7sus    Gb7      B    Gb/B  Gb7/B  B
It's so much fun when Christmas comes to town

Chorus :
G              A/G    Gbm7                Bm7
Presents for the children wrapped in red and green
G                  A/G          Gbm7          Bm7
All the things I've heard about but never really seen
Em7    G/D    Dbm7      Gb7    Bm      Bmm7      D/A
No one will be sleeping on the night of Christmas Eve
      Dm7    G7sus2  Gb7sus  Gb7
Hoping Santa's on his  way

Instrumental :
B    Dbm/B  Bm7    B    Gb/B  Gb7/B  B
B    Dbm/B  Bm7    B    Gb/B  Gb7/B  B
Dbm7  Gb7sus    Gb7    B    B/Eb    E  E/Eb
Dbm7  Gb7sus    Gb7    B    Gb/B  Gb7/B  B

Chorus :
G              A/G    Gbm7                Bm7
Presents for the children wrapped in red and green
G                  A/G          Gbm7          Bm7
All the things I've heard about but never really seen
Em7    G/D    Dbm7      Gb7    Bm      Bmm7      D/A
No one will be sleeping on the night of Christmas Eve
      Dm7    G7sus2  Gb7sus  Gb7
Hoping Santa's on his  way

Verse 3 :
B            Dbm/B          Bm7  B        Gb/B Gb7/B  B
When Santa's sleight bells ring I listen all a  -  round
B          Dbm/B  Bm7    B    Gb/B  Gb7/B  B
The herald angels sing I never hear a    sound
Dbm7                      Gb7sus  Gb7      B        B/Eb  E    E/Eb
And all the dreams of the children    Once lost will all be found
Dbm7                    Gb7sus    Gdim7  Abm7  Abm7/Gb  Db/F
That's all I want when Christmas comes to town
Dbm7                    Gb7sus    Gb7      B
That's all I want when Christmas comes to town

Outro :
B  Dbm/B  Bm7  B  Bm7  Dbm/B  B
B  Dbm/B  Bm7  B  Bm7  Dbm/B  B

G/C, G7, G7/C, G7sus, Gm7, Ab, Ab/Eb, Ab7sus2, Abdim7, Am7, Am7/G, Bb/Ab, C, C/E, Cm, Cm7, Cmm7, D/Gb, Dm/C, Dm7, Eb/Bb, Ebm7, F, F/E, Fm7

Intro :
C  Dm/C  Cm7  C  Cm7  Dm/C  C
C  Dm/C  Cm7  C  Cm7  Dm/C  C

Verse 1 :
    C      Dm/C Cm7      C      G/C  G7/C  C
I'm wishing on a star And trying to    be  - lieve
    C    Dm/C        Cm7      C      G/C      G7/C  C
That even though it's far He'll find me Christ - mas  Eve
  Dm7                G7sus G7            C    C/E    F    F/E
I guess that Santa's busy    'Cause he's never come a - round
  Dm7              G7sus    G7      C  Dm/C  Cm7  C  Cm7  Dm/C  C
I think of him when Christmas comes to town

Verse 2 :
C            Dm/C  Cm7      C      G/C  G7/C  C
The best time of the year When every - one  comes home
C            Dm/C      Cm7        C      G/C  G7/C  C
With all this Christmas cheer It's hard to be    a  -  lone
Dm7            G7sus    G7        C            C/E    F    F/E
Putting up the Christmas tree With friends that come a - round
Dm7                  G7sus    G7      C    G/C  G7/C  C
It's so much fun when Christmas comes to town

Chorus :
Ab              Bb/Ab    Gm7                Cm7
Presents for the children wrapped in red and green
Ab                  Bb/Ab          Gm7          Cm7
All the things I've heard about but never really seen
Fm7    Ab/Eb    Dm7      G7    Cm      Cmm7      Eb/Bb
No one will be sleeping on the night of Christmas Eve
      Ebm7    Ab7sus2  G7sus  G7
Hoping Santa's on his  way

Instrumental :
C    Dm/C  Cm7    C    G/C  G7/C  C
C    Dm/C  Cm7    C    G/C  G7/C  C
Dm7  G7sus    G7    C    C/E    F  F/E
Dm7  G7sus    G7    C    G/C  G7/C  C

Chorus :
Ab              Bb/Ab    Gm7                Cm7
Presents for the children wrapped in red and green
Ab                  Bb/Ab          Gm7          Cm7
All the things I've heard about but never really seen
Fm7    Ab/Eb    Dm7      G7    Cm      Cmm7      Eb/Bb
No one will be sleeping on the night of Christmas Eve
      Ebm7    Ab7sus2  G7sus  G7
Hoping Santa's on his  way

Verse 3 :
C            Dm/C          Cm7  C        G/C G7/C  C
When Santa's sleight bells ring I listen all a  -  round
C          Dm/C  Cm7    C    G/C  G7/C  C
The herald angels sing I never hear a    sound
Dm7                      G7sus  G7      C        C/E  F    F/E
And all the dreams of the children    Once lost will all be found
Dm7                    G7sus    Abdim7  Am7  Am7/G  D/Gb
That's all I want when Christmas comes to town
Dm7                    G7sus    G7      C
That's all I want when Christmas comes to town

Outro :
C  Dm/C  Cm7  C  Cm7  Dm/C  C
C  Dm/C  Cm7  C  Cm7  Dm/C  C

Ab/Db, Ab7, Ab7/Db, Ab7sus, Abm7, A, A/E, A7sus2, Adim7, Bbm7, Bbm7/Ab, B/A, Db, Db/F, Dbm, Dbm7, Dbmm7, Eb/G, Ebm/Db, Ebm7, E/B, Em7, Gb, Gb/F, Gbm7

Intro :
Db  Ebm/Db  Dbm7  Db  Dbm7  Ebm/Db  Db
Db  Ebm/Db  Dbm7  Db  Dbm7  Ebm/Db  Db

Verse 1 :
    Db      Ebm/Db Dbm7      Db      Ab/Db  Ab7/Db  Db
I'm wishing on a star And trying to    be  - lieve
    Db    Ebm/Db        Dbm7      Db      Ab/Db      Ab7/Db  Db
That even though it's far He'll find me Christ - mas  Eve
  Ebm7                Ab7sus Ab7            Db    Db/F    Gb    Gb/F
I guess that Santa's busy    'Cause he's never come a - round
  Ebm7              Ab7sus    Ab7      Db  Ebm/Db  Dbm7  Db  Dbm7  Ebm/Db  Db
I think of him when Christmas comes to town

Verse 2 :
Db            Ebm/Db  Dbm7      Db      Ab/Db  Ab7/Db  Db
The best time of the year When every - one  comes home
Db            Ebm/Db      Dbm7        Db      Ab/Db  Ab7/Db  Db
With all this Christmas cheer It's hard to be    a  -  lone
Ebm7            Ab7sus    Ab7        Db            Db/F    Gb    Gb/F
Putting up the Christmas tree With friends that come a - round
Ebm7                  Ab7sus    Ab7      Db    Ab/Db  Ab7/Db  Db
It's so much fun when Christmas comes to town

Chorus :
A              B/A    Abm7                Dbm7
Presents for the children wrapped in red and green
A                  B/A          Abm7          Dbm7
All the things I've heard about but never really seen
Gbm7    A/E    Ebm7      Ab7    Dbm      Dbmm7      E/B
No one will be sleeping on the night of Christmas Eve
      Em7    A7sus2  Ab7sus  Ab7
Hoping Santa's on his  way

Instrumental :
Db    Ebm/Db  Dbm7    Db    Ab/Db  Ab7/Db  Db
Db    Ebm/Db  Dbm7    Db    Ab/Db  Ab7/Db  Db
Ebm7  Ab7sus    Ab7    Db    Db/F    Gb  Gb/F
Ebm7  Ab7sus    Ab7    Db    Ab/Db  Ab7/Db  Db

Chorus :
A              B/A    Abm7                Dbm7
Presents for the children wrapped in red and green
A                  B/A          Abm7          Dbm7
All the things I've heard about but never really seen
Gbm7    A/E    Ebm7      Ab7    Dbm      Dbmm7      E/B
No one will be sleeping on the night of Christmas Eve
      Em7    A7sus2  Ab7sus  Ab7
Hoping Santa's on his  way

Verse 3 :
Db            Ebm/Db          Dbm7  Db        Ab/Db Ab7/Db  Db
When Santa's sleight bells ring I listen all a  -  round
Db          Ebm/Db  Dbm7    Db    Ab/Db  Ab7/Db  Db
The herald angels sing I never hear a    sound
Ebm7                      Ab7sus  Ab7      Db        Db/F  Gb    Gb/F
And all the dreams of the children    Once lost will all be found
Ebm7                    Ab7sus    Adim7  Bbm7  Bbm7/Ab  Eb/G
That's all I want when Christmas comes to town
Ebm7                    Ab7sus    Ab7      Db
That's all I want when Christmas comes to town

Outro :
Db  Ebm/Db  Dbm7  Db  Dbm7  Ebm/Db  Db
Db  Ebm/Db  Dbm7  Db  Dbm7  Ebm/Db  Db

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