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HOME FOR THE HOLIDAYS Ukulele Chords By Carpenters

HOME FOR THE HOLIDAYS uke chords and lyrics By Carpenters


Db, Db7, Eb7, Ebm, Gb, Ab, Ab7

Verse :
Ab7        Db                Gb        Db
oh, there's no place like home for the holidays
  Ab7        Db        Gb                  Ab7
'cause, no mat-ter how far away you roam,
Ab7      Db              Gb            Db
when you long for the sunshine of a friendly gaze,
Eb7      Ab7                                  Db
for the hol-i-days you can't beat home sweet home...

Bridge :
Db7      Gb
I met a man who lives in Tennessee,
He was a' headin' for...
    Ab7                                  Db    Db7
Pennsylvania and some home-made pumpkin pie,
from Pennsylvania folks are travlin', down
to Dixie's sunny shores
      Ab              Eb7            Ab7
From Atlantic to Pacific, gee, the traffic is terrific!

Verse :
      Ab7    Db              Gb          Db
oh, there's no place like home for the holidays
  Ab7        Db            Gb                  Ab7
'cause, no mat-ter how far away you roam,
Ab7      Db          Gb            Db
if you want to be happy in a million ways...

Outro :
Eb7      Ab7                              Db
for the hol-i-days you can't beat home sweet home...
Eb7      Ab7              Ebm      Ab    Db
for the hol-i-days you can't beat home sweet home.

Other Versions For This Ukulele Chords Song :

D, D7, E7, Em, G, A, A7

Verse :
A7        D                G        D
oh, there's no place like home for the holidays
  A7        D        G                  A7
'cause, no mat-ter how far away you roam,
A7      D              G            D
when you long for the sunshine of a friendly gaze,
E7      A7                                  D
for the hol-i-days you can't beat home sweet home...

Bridge :
D7      G
I met a man who lives in Tennessee,
He was a' headin' for...
    A7                                  D    D7
Pennsylvania and some home-made pumpkin pie,
from Pennsylvania folks are travlin', down
to Dixie's sunny shores
      A              E7            A7
From Atlantic to Pacific, gee, the traffic is terrific!

Verse :
      A7    D              G          D
oh, there's no place like home for the holidays
  A7        D            G                  A7
'cause, no mat-ter how far away you roam,
A7      D          G            D
if you want to be happy in a million ways...

Outro :
E7      A7                              D
for the hol-i-days you can't beat home sweet home...
E7      A7              Em      A    D
for the hol-i-days you can't beat home sweet home.

Eb, Eb7, F7, Fm, Ab, Bb, Bb7

Verse :
Bb7        Eb                Ab        Eb
oh, there's no place like home for the holidays
  Bb7        Eb        Ab                  Bb7
'cause, no mat-ter how far away you roam,
Bb7      Eb              Ab            Eb
when you long for the sunshine of a friendly gaze,
F7      Bb7                                  Eb
for the hol-i-days you can't beat home sweet home...

Bridge :
Eb7      Ab
I met a man who lives in Tennessee,
He was a' headin' for...
    Bb7                                  Eb    Eb7
Pennsylvania and some home-made pumpkin pie,
from Pennsylvania folks are travlin', down
to Dixie's sunny shores
      Bb              F7            Bb7
From Atlantic to Pacific, gee, the traffic is terrific!

Verse :
      Bb7    Eb              Ab          Eb
oh, there's no place like home for the holidays
  Bb7        Eb            Ab                  Bb7
'cause, no mat-ter how far away you roam,
Bb7      Eb          Ab            Eb
if you want to be happy in a million ways...

Outro :
F7      Bb7                              Eb
for the hol-i-days you can't beat home sweet home...
F7      Bb7              Fm      Bb    Eb
for the hol-i-days you can't beat home sweet home.

E, E7, Gb7, Gbm, A, B, B7

Verse :
B7        E                A        E
oh, there's no place like home for the holidays
  B7        E        A                  B7
'cause, no mat-ter how far away you roam,
B7      E              A            E
when you long for the sunshine of a friendly gaze,
Gb7      B7                                  E
for the hol-i-days you can't beat home sweet home...

Bridge :
E7      A
I met a man who lives in Tennessee,
He was a' headin' for...
    B7                                  E    E7
Pennsylvania and some home-made pumpkin pie,
from Pennsylvania folks are travlin', down
to Dixie's sunny shores
      B              Gb7            B7
From Atlantic to Pacific, gee, the traffic is terrific!

Verse :
      B7    E              A          E
oh, there's no place like home for the holidays
  B7        E            A                  B7
'cause, no mat-ter how far away you roam,
B7      E          A            E
if you want to be happy in a million ways...

Outro :
Gb7      B7                              E
for the hol-i-days you can't beat home sweet home...
Gb7      B7              Gbm      B    E
for the hol-i-days you can't beat home sweet home.

F, F7, G7, Gm, Bb, C, C7

Verse :
C7        F                Bb        F
oh, there's no place like home for the holidays
  C7        F        Bb                  C7
'cause, no mat-ter how far away you roam,
C7      F              Bb            F
when you long for the sunshine of a friendly gaze,
G7      C7                                  F
for the hol-i-days you can't beat home sweet home...

Bridge :
F7      Bb
I met a man who lives in Tennessee,
He was a' headin' for...
    C7                                  F    F7
Pennsylvania and some home-made pumpkin pie,
from Pennsylvania folks are travlin', down
to Dixie's sunny shores
      C              G7            C7
From Atlantic to Pacific, gee, the traffic is terrific!

Verse :
      C7    F              Bb          F
oh, there's no place like home for the holidays
  C7        F            Bb                  C7
'cause, no mat-ter how far away you roam,
C7      F          Bb            F
if you want to be happy in a million ways...

Outro :
G7      C7                              F
for the hol-i-days you can't beat home sweet home...
G7      C7              Gm      C    F
for the hol-i-days you can't beat home sweet home.

Gb, Gb7, Ab7, Abm, B, Db, Db7

Verse :
Db7        Gb                B        Gb
oh, there's no place like home for the holidays
  Db7        Gb        B                  Db7
'cause, no mat-ter how far away you roam,
Db7      Gb              B            Gb
when you long for the sunshine of a friendly gaze,
Ab7      Db7                                  Gb
for the hol-i-days you can't beat home sweet home...

Bridge :
Gb7      B
I met a man who lives in Tennessee,
He was a' headin' for...
    Db7                                  Gb    Gb7
Pennsylvania and some home-made pumpkin pie,
from Pennsylvania folks are travlin', down
to Dixie's sunny shores
      Db              Ab7            Db7
From Atlantic to Pacific, gee, the traffic is terrific!

Verse :
      Db7    Gb              B          Gb
oh, there's no place like home for the holidays
  Db7        Gb            B                  Db7
'cause, no mat-ter how far away you roam,
Db7      Gb          B            Gb
if you want to be happy in a million ways...

Outro :
Ab7      Db7                              Gb
for the hol-i-days you can't beat home sweet home...
Ab7      Db7              Abm      Db    Gb
for the hol-i-days you can't beat home sweet home.

G, G7, A7, Am, C, D, D7

Verse :
D7        G                C        G
oh, there's no place like home for the holidays
  D7        G        C                  D7
'cause, no mat-ter how far away you roam,
D7      G              C            G
when you long for the sunshine of a friendly gaze,
A7      D7                                  G
for the hol-i-days you can't beat home sweet home...

Bridge :
G7      C
I met a man who lives in Tennessee,
He was a' headin' for...
    D7                                  G    G7
Pennsylvania and some home-made pumpkin pie,
from Pennsylvania folks are travlin', down
to Dixie's sunny shores
      D              A7            D7
From Atlantic to Pacific, gee, the traffic is terrific!

Verse :
      D7    G              C          G
oh, there's no place like home for the holidays
  D7        G            C                  D7
'cause, no mat-ter how far away you roam,
D7      G          C            G
if you want to be happy in a million ways...

Outro :
A7      D7                              G
for the hol-i-days you can't beat home sweet home...
A7      D7              Am      D    G
for the hol-i-days you can't beat home sweet home.

Ab, Ab7, Bb7, Bbm, Db, Eb, Eb7

Verse :
Eb7        Ab                Db        Ab
oh, there's no place like home for the holidays
  Eb7        Ab        Db                  Eb7
'cause, no mat-ter how far away you roam,
Eb7      Ab              Db            Ab
when you long for the sunshine of a friendly gaze,
Bb7      Eb7                                  Ab
for the hol-i-days you can't beat home sweet home...

Bridge :
Ab7      Db
I met a man who lives in Tennessee,
He was a' headin' for...
    Eb7                                  Ab    Ab7
Pennsylvania and some home-made pumpkin pie,
from Pennsylvania folks are travlin', down
to Dixie's sunny shores
      Eb              Bb7            Eb7
From Atlantic to Pacific, gee, the traffic is terrific!

Verse :
      Eb7    Ab              Db          Ab
oh, there's no place like home for the holidays
  Eb7        Ab            Db                  Eb7
'cause, no mat-ter how far away you roam,
Eb7      Ab          Db            Ab
if you want to be happy in a million ways...

Outro :
Bb7      Eb7                              Ab
for the hol-i-days you can't beat home sweet home...
Bb7      Eb7              Bbm      Eb    Ab
for the hol-i-days you can't beat home sweet home.

A, A7, B7, Bm, D, E, E7

Verse :
E7        A                D        A
oh, there's no place like home for the holidays
  E7        A        D                  E7
'cause, no mat-ter how far away you roam,
E7      A              D            A
when you long for the sunshine of a friendly gaze,
B7      E7                                  A
for the hol-i-days you can't beat home sweet home...

Bridge :
A7      D
I met a man who lives in Tennessee,
He was a' headin' for...
    E7                                  A    A7
Pennsylvania and some home-made pumpkin pie,
from Pennsylvania folks are travlin', down
to Dixie's sunny shores
      E              B7            E7
From Atlantic to Pacific, gee, the traffic is terrific!

Verse :
      E7    A              D          A
oh, there's no place like home for the holidays
  E7        A            D                  E7
'cause, no mat-ter how far away you roam,
E7      A          D            A
if you want to be happy in a million ways...

Outro :
B7      E7                              A
for the hol-i-days you can't beat home sweet home...
B7      E7              Bm      E    A
for the hol-i-days you can't beat home sweet home.

Bb, Bb7, C7, Cm, Eb, F, F7

Verse :
F7        Bb                Eb        Bb
oh, there's no place like home for the holidays
  F7        Bb        Eb                  F7
'cause, no mat-ter how far away you roam,
F7      Bb              Eb            Bb
when you long for the sunshine of a friendly gaze,
C7      F7                                  Bb
for the hol-i-days you can't beat home sweet home...

Bridge :
Bb7      Eb
I met a man who lives in Tennessee,
He was a' headin' for...
    F7                                  Bb    Bb7
Pennsylvania and some home-made pumpkin pie,
from Pennsylvania folks are travlin', down
to Dixie's sunny shores
      F              C7            F7
From Atlantic to Pacific, gee, the traffic is terrific!

Verse :
      F7    Bb              Eb          Bb
oh, there's no place like home for the holidays
  F7        Bb            Eb                  F7
'cause, no mat-ter how far away you roam,
F7      Bb          Eb            Bb
if you want to be happy in a million ways...

Outro :
C7      F7                              Bb
for the hol-i-days you can't beat home sweet home...
C7      F7              Cm      F    Bb
for the hol-i-days you can't beat home sweet home.

B, B7, Db7, Dbm, E, Gb, Gb7

Verse :
Gb7        B                E        B
oh, there's no place like home for the holidays
  Gb7        B        E                  Gb7
'cause, no mat-ter how far away you roam,
Gb7      B              E            B
when you long for the sunshine of a friendly gaze,
Db7      Gb7                                  B
for the hol-i-days you can't beat home sweet home...

Bridge :
B7      E
I met a man who lives in Tennessee,
He was a' headin' for...
    Gb7                                  B    B7
Pennsylvania and some home-made pumpkin pie,
from Pennsylvania folks are travlin', down
to Dixie's sunny shores
      Gb              Db7            Gb7
From Atlantic to Pacific, gee, the traffic is terrific!

Verse :
      Gb7    B              E          B
oh, there's no place like home for the holidays
  Gb7        B            E                  Gb7
'cause, no mat-ter how far away you roam,
Gb7      B          E            B
if you want to be happy in a million ways...

Outro :
Db7      Gb7                              B
for the hol-i-days you can't beat home sweet home...
Db7      Gb7              Dbm      Gb    B
for the hol-i-days you can't beat home sweet home.

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