MERRY CHRISTMAS DARLING Ukulele Chords By Carpenters
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MERRY CHRISTMAS DARLING uke chords and lyrics By Carpenters
Bb/D, Bbm7, Bbm7/Eb, Bbm7/Ab, Bbm9, B, B/Gb, Cm7, Db, Db/B, Db/F, Db7, Dbm6, Dbm7, Dbm7/Gb, Dbmaj7, Eb, Eb/Db, Eb/G, Eb6, Eb7, Eb7/Db, Eb7sus4, D7+11, Ebm, Ebm7, Ebm9, Ebmmaj7, F7, F7+5, Fm, , Fm7, Fmmaj7, Gb, Gb7, Gbmaj7/Ab, Ab, Ab/C, Ab/Eb, Ab7/Eb, Abm7, Abmaj9
Bbm7 Cm7 Fm7
Greeting cards have all been sent
Bbm7 Bbm7/Eb Ab Ab Eb/G Fm
The Christmas rush is through
Fmmaj7 Fm7
But I still have one wish to make
Bbm7 Eb Fm Eb/G Eb
A special one for you
Abmaj9 Bbm7/Ab
Merry Christmas, darling
Abmaj9 Ebm9 Gbmaj7/Ab
We're apart, that's true
Ab7/Eb Dbmaj7 Eb/Db
But I can dream
Cm7 Fm7
And in my dreams
Bbm7 Cm7 Dbmaj7 Eb7sus4 Eb7
I'm Christmas ing with you
Abmaj9 Bbm7/Ab
Holidays are joyful
Abmaj9 Ebm9
There's always something new
Dbmaj7 Eb/Db Cm7 Fm7 Eb6
But every day's a holi day
Bb/D Dbm6 Gb7
When I'm near to you
B Db/B
The lights on my tree
Bbm7 Ebm7
I wish you could see
Abm7 Db7 Gb
I wish it every da-a-a-a-ay
( ahh ahh
Db/F Ebm Ebmmaj7
The logs on the fire
ahh ahh )
Ebm7 Eb7 Eb7/Db
Fill me with de sire
Ab/C Bbm7 Cm7 Bbm7
To see you and to say
Bbm7/Eb Abmaj9 Bbm7/Ab
That I wish you Merry Christmas
(Merry christmas darling)
Ebm9 Gbmaj7/Ab D7+11
Happy New Year to-o-o-o
( ahh ahh ahh
Dbmaj7 Eb/Db
I've just one wish
On this Christmas Eve
Fm7 Bbm7
( On this Christmas eve)
Bbm7/Eb Ab
I wish I were with you
( Ahh ahh ahh
sax solo:
B/Gb Db/B Bbm7 Ebm7 Abm7 Db
Gb Db/F Ebm Ebmmaj7
The logs on the fire
Ebm7 Eb7 Eb7/Db
Fill me with desire
Ab/C Bbm7 Cm7 Bbm7
To see you and to say
Bbm7/Eb Abmaj9 Bbm7/Ab
That I wish you Merry Christmas
( Merry Christmas Darling )
Ebm9 Gbmaj7/Ab D7+11
Happy New Year to-o-o-o-o-o I’ve
(ahh ahhh ahhh
Dbmaj7 Eb/Db
just one wish
On this Christmas Eve
Fm7 Bbm7
( On this Christmas eve )
Eb7 Eb7/Db Cm7 F7+5 F7
I wish I were with yo-o-o-o-ou
Bbm7 Bbm7/Eb Ab
I wish I were with you
(merry merry merry)
Bbm9 Dbm7 Dbm7/Gb Abmaj9
Merry Christma-a-as, merry Christma-a-a-a-a-a-s darling
Other Versions For This Ukulele Chords Song :
B/Eb, Bm7, Bm7/E, Bm7/A, Bm9, C, C/G, Dbm7, D, D/C, D/Gb, D7, Dm6, Dm7, Dm7/G, Dmaj7, E, E/D, E/Ab, E6, E7, E7/D, E7sus4, Eb7+11, Em, Em7, Em9, Emmaj7, Gb7, Gb7+5, Gbm, , Gbm7, Gbmmaj7, G, G7, Gmaj7/A, A, A/Db, A/E, A7/E, Am7, Amaj9
Bm7 Dbm7 Gbm7
Greeting cards have all been sent
Bm7 Bm7/E A A E/Ab Gbm
The Christmas rush is through
Gbmmaj7 Gbm7
But I still have one wish to make
Bm7 E Gbm E/Ab E
A special one for you
Amaj9 Bm7/A
Merry Christmas, darling
Amaj9 Em9 Gmaj7/A
We're apart, that's true
A7/E Dmaj7 E/D
But I can dream
Dbm7 Gbm7
And in my dreams
Bm7 Dbm7 Dmaj7 E7sus4 E7
I'm Christmas ing with you
Amaj9 Bm7/A
Holidays are joyful
Amaj9 Em9
There's always something new
Dmaj7 E/D Dbm7 Gbm7 E6
But every day's a holi day
B/Eb Dm6 G7
When I'm near to you
The lights on my tree
Bm7 Em7
I wish you could see
Am7 D7 G
I wish it every da-a-a-a-ay
( ahh ahh
D/Gb Em Emmaj7
The logs on the fire
ahh ahh )
Em7 E7 E7/D
Fill me with de sire
A/Db Bm7 Dbm7 Bm7
To see you and to say
Bm7/E Amaj9 Bm7/A
That I wish you Merry Christmas
(Merry christmas darling)
Em9 Gmaj7/A Eb7+11
Happy New Year to-o-o-o
( ahh ahh ahh
Dmaj7 E/D
I've just one wish
On this Christmas Eve
Gbm7 Bm7
( On this Christmas eve)
Bm7/E A
I wish I were with you
( Ahh ahh ahh
sax solo:
C/G D/C Bm7 Em7 Am7 D
G D/Gb Em Emmaj7
The logs on the fire
Em7 E7 E7/D
Fill me with desire
A/Db Bm7 Dbm7 Bm7
To see you and to say
Bm7/E Amaj9 Bm7/A
That I wish you Merry Christmas
( Merry Christmas Darling )
Em9 Gmaj7/A Eb7+11
Happy New Year to-o-o-o-o-o I’ve
(ahh ahhh ahhh
Dmaj7 E/D
just one wish
On this Christmas Eve
Gbm7 Bm7
( On this Christmas eve )
E7 E7/D Dbm7 Gb7+5 Gb7
I wish I were with yo-o-o-o-ou
Bm7 Bm7/E A
I wish I were with you
(merry merry merry)
Bm9 Dm7 Dm7/G Amaj9
Merry Christma-a-as, merry Christma-a-a-a-a-a-s darling
C/E, Cm7, Cm7/F, Cm7/Bb, Cm9, Db, Db/Ab, Dm7, Eb, Eb/Db, Eb/G, Eb7, Ebm6, Ebm7, Ebm7/Ab, Ebmaj7, F, F/Eb, F/A, F6, F7, F7/Eb, F7sus4, E7+11, Fm, Fm7, Fm9, Fmmaj7, G7, G7+5, Gm, , Gm7, Gmmaj7, Ab, Ab7, Abmaj7/Bb, Bb, Bb/D, Bb/F, Bb7/F, Bbm7, Bbmaj9
Cm7 Dm7 Gm7
Greeting cards have all been sent
Cm7 Cm7/F Bb Bb F/A Gm
The Christmas rush is through
Gmmaj7 Gm7
But I still have one wish to make
Cm7 F Gm F/A F
A special one for you
Bbmaj9 Cm7/Bb
Merry Christmas, darling
Bbmaj9 Fm9 Abmaj7/Bb
We're apart, that's true
Bb7/F Ebmaj7 F/Eb
But I can dream
Dm7 Gm7
And in my dreams
Cm7 Dm7 Ebmaj7 F7sus4 F7
I'm Christmas ing with you
Bbmaj9 Cm7/Bb
Holidays are joyful
Bbmaj9 Fm9
There's always something new
Ebmaj7 F/Eb Dm7 Gm7 F6
But every day's a holi day
C/E Ebm6 Ab7
When I'm near to you
Db Eb/Db
The lights on my tree
Cm7 Fm7
I wish you could see
Bbm7 Eb7 Ab
I wish it every da-a-a-a-ay
( ahh ahh
Eb/G Fm Fmmaj7
The logs on the fire
ahh ahh )
Fm7 F7 F7/Eb
Fill me with de sire
Bb/D Cm7 Dm7 Cm7
To see you and to say
Cm7/F Bbmaj9 Cm7/Bb
That I wish you Merry Christmas
(Merry christmas darling)
Fm9 Abmaj7/Bb E7+11
Happy New Year to-o-o-o
( ahh ahh ahh
Ebmaj7 F/Eb
I've just one wish
On this Christmas Eve
Gm7 Cm7
( On this Christmas eve)
Cm7/F Bb
I wish I were with you
( Ahh ahh ahh
sax solo:
Db/Ab Eb/Db Cm7 Fm7 Bbm7 Eb
Ab Eb/G Fm Fmmaj7
The logs on the fire
Fm7 F7 F7/Eb
Fill me with desire
Bb/D Cm7 Dm7 Cm7
To see you and to say
Cm7/F Bbmaj9 Cm7/Bb
That I wish you Merry Christmas
( Merry Christmas Darling )
Fm9 Abmaj7/Bb E7+11
Happy New Year to-o-o-o-o-o I’ve
(ahh ahhh ahhh
Ebmaj7 F/Eb
just one wish
On this Christmas Eve
Gm7 Cm7
( On this Christmas eve )
F7 F7/Eb Dm7 G7+5 G7
I wish I were with yo-o-o-o-ou
Cm7 Cm7/F Bb
I wish I were with you
(merry merry merry)
Cm9 Ebm7 Ebm7/Ab Bbmaj9
Merry Christma-a-as, merry Christma-a-a-a-a-a-s darling
Db/F, Dbm7, Dbm7/Gb, Dbm7/B, Dbm9, D, D/A, Ebm7, E, E/D, E/Ab, E7, Em6, Em7, Em7/A, Emaj7, Gb, Gb/E, Gb/Bb, Gb6, Gb7, Gb7/E, Gb7sus4, F7+11, Gbm, Gbm7, Gbm9, Gbmmaj7, Ab7, Ab7+5, Abm, , Abm7, Abmmaj7, A, A7, Amaj7/B, B, B/Eb, B/Gb, B7/Gb, Bm7, Bmaj9
Dbm7 Ebm7 Abm7
Greeting cards have all been sent
Dbm7 Dbm7/Gb B B Gb/Bb Abm
The Christmas rush is through
Abmmaj7 Abm7
But I still have one wish to make
Dbm7 Gb Abm Gb/Bb Gb
A special one for you
Bmaj9 Dbm7/B
Merry Christmas, darling
Bmaj9 Gbm9 Amaj7/B
We're apart, that's true
B7/Gb Emaj7 Gb/E
But I can dream
Ebm7 Abm7
And in my dreams
Dbm7 Ebm7 Emaj7 Gb7sus4 Gb7
I'm Christmas ing with you
Bmaj9 Dbm7/B
Holidays are joyful
Bmaj9 Gbm9
There's always something new
Emaj7 Gb/E Ebm7 Abm7 Gb6
But every day's a holi day
Db/F Em6 A7
When I'm near to you
The lights on my tree
Dbm7 Gbm7
I wish you could see
Bm7 E7 A
I wish it every da-a-a-a-ay
( ahh ahh
E/Ab Gbm Gbmmaj7
The logs on the fire
ahh ahh )
Gbm7 Gb7 Gb7/E
Fill me with de sire
B/Eb Dbm7 Ebm7 Dbm7
To see you and to say
Dbm7/Gb Bmaj9 Dbm7/B
That I wish you Merry Christmas
(Merry christmas darling)
Gbm9 Amaj7/B F7+11
Happy New Year to-o-o-o
( ahh ahh ahh
Emaj7 Gb/E
I've just one wish
On this Christmas Eve
Abm7 Dbm7
( On this Christmas eve)
Dbm7/Gb B
I wish I were with you
( Ahh ahh ahh
sax solo:
D/A E/D Dbm7 Gbm7 Bm7 E
A E/Ab Gbm Gbmmaj7
The logs on the fire
Gbm7 Gb7 Gb7/E
Fill me with desire
B/Eb Dbm7 Ebm7 Dbm7
To see you and to say
Dbm7/Gb Bmaj9 Dbm7/B
That I wish you Merry Christmas
( Merry Christmas Darling )
Gbm9 Amaj7/B F7+11
Happy New Year to-o-o-o-o-o I’ve
(ahh ahhh ahhh
Emaj7 Gb/E
just one wish
On this Christmas Eve
Abm7 Dbm7
( On this Christmas eve )
Gb7 Gb7/E Ebm7 Ab7+5 Ab7
I wish I were with yo-o-o-o-ou
Dbm7 Dbm7/Gb B
I wish I were with you
(merry merry merry)
Dbm9 Em7 Em7/A Bmaj9
Merry Christma-a-as, merry Christma-a-a-a-a-a-s darling
D/Gb, Dm7, Dm7/G, Dm7/C, Dm9, Eb, Eb/Bb, Em7, F, F/Eb, F/A, F7, Fm6, Fm7, Fm7/Bb, Fmaj7, G, G/F, G/B, G6, G7, G7/F, G7sus4, Gb7+11, Gm, Gm7, Gm9, Gmmaj7, A7, A7+5, Am, , Am7, Ammaj7, Bb, Bb7, Bbmaj7/C, C, C/E, C/G, C7/G, Cm7, Cmaj9
Dm7 Em7 Am7
Greeting cards have all been sent
Dm7 Dm7/G C C G/B Am
The Christmas rush is through
Ammaj7 Am7
But I still have one wish to make
Dm7 G Am G/B G
A special one for you
Cmaj9 Dm7/C
Merry Christmas, darling
Cmaj9 Gm9 Bbmaj7/C
We're apart, that's true
C7/G Fmaj7 G/F
But I can dream
Em7 Am7
And in my dreams
Dm7 Em7 Fmaj7 G7sus4 G7
I'm Christmas ing with you
Cmaj9 Dm7/C
Holidays are joyful
Cmaj9 Gm9
There's always something new
Fmaj7 G/F Em7 Am7 G6
But every day's a holi day
D/Gb Fm6 Bb7
When I'm near to you
Eb F/Eb
The lights on my tree
Dm7 Gm7
I wish you could see
Cm7 F7 Bb
I wish it every da-a-a-a-ay
( ahh ahh
F/A Gm Gmmaj7
The logs on the fire
ahh ahh )
Gm7 G7 G7/F
Fill me with de sire
C/E Dm7 Em7 Dm7
To see you and to say
Dm7/G Cmaj9 Dm7/C
That I wish you Merry Christmas
(Merry christmas darling)
Gm9 Bbmaj7/C Gb7+11
Happy New Year to-o-o-o
( ahh ahh ahh
Fmaj7 G/F
I've just one wish
On this Christmas Eve
Am7 Dm7
( On this Christmas eve)
Dm7/G C
I wish I were with you
( Ahh ahh ahh
sax solo:
Eb/Bb F/Eb Dm7 Gm7 Cm7 F
Bb F/A Gm Gmmaj7
The logs on the fire
Gm7 G7 G7/F
Fill me with desire
C/E Dm7 Em7 Dm7
To see you and to say
Dm7/G Cmaj9 Dm7/C
That I wish you Merry Christmas
( Merry Christmas Darling )
Gm9 Bbmaj7/C Gb7+11
Happy New Year to-o-o-o-o-o I’ve
(ahh ahhh ahhh
Fmaj7 G/F
just one wish
On this Christmas Eve
Am7 Dm7
( On this Christmas eve )
G7 G7/F Em7 A7+5 A7
I wish I were with yo-o-o-o-ou
Dm7 Dm7/G C
I wish I were with you
(merry merry merry)
Dm9 Fm7 Fm7/Bb Cmaj9
Merry Christma-a-as, merry Christma-a-a-a-a-a-s darling
Eb/G, Ebm7, Ebm7/Ab, Ebm7/Db, Ebm9, E, E/B, Fm7, Gb, Gb/E, Gb/Bb, Gb7, Gbm6, Gbm7, Gbm7/B, Gbmaj7, Ab, Ab/Gb, Ab/C, Ab6, Ab7, Ab7/Gb, Ab7sus4, G7+11, Abm, Abm7, Abm9, Abmmaj7, Bb7, Bb7+5, Bbm, , Bbm7, Bbmmaj7, B, B7, Bmaj7/Db, Db, Db/F, Db/Ab, Db7/Ab, Dbm7, Dbmaj9
Ebm7 Fm7 Bbm7
Greeting cards have all been sent
Ebm7 Ebm7/Ab Db Db Ab/C Bbm
The Christmas rush is through
Bbmmaj7 Bbm7
But I still have one wish to make
Ebm7 Ab Bbm Ab/C Ab
A special one for you
Dbmaj9 Ebm7/Db
Merry Christmas, darling
Dbmaj9 Abm9 Bmaj7/Db
We're apart, that's true
Db7/Ab Gbmaj7 Ab/Gb
But I can dream
Fm7 Bbm7
And in my dreams
Ebm7 Fm7 Gbmaj7 Ab7sus4 Ab7
I'm Christmas ing with you
Dbmaj9 Ebm7/Db
Holidays are joyful
Dbmaj9 Abm9
There's always something new
Gbmaj7 Ab/Gb Fm7 Bbm7 Ab6
But every day's a holi day
Eb/G Gbm6 B7
When I'm near to you
E Gb/E
The lights on my tree
Ebm7 Abm7
I wish you could see
Dbm7 Gb7 B
I wish it every da-a-a-a-ay
( ahh ahh
Gb/Bb Abm Abmmaj7
The logs on the fire
ahh ahh )
Abm7 Ab7 Ab7/Gb
Fill me with de sire
Db/F Ebm7 Fm7 Ebm7
To see you and to say
Ebm7/Ab Dbmaj9 Ebm7/Db
That I wish you Merry Christmas
(Merry christmas darling)
Abm9 Bmaj7/Db G7+11
Happy New Year to-o-o-o
( ahh ahh ahh
Gbmaj7 Ab/Gb
I've just one wish
On this Christmas Eve
Bbm7 Ebm7
( On this Christmas eve)
Ebm7/Ab Db
I wish I were with you
( Ahh ahh ahh
sax solo:
E/B Gb/E Ebm7 Abm7 Dbm7 Gb
B Gb/Bb Abm Abmmaj7
The logs on the fire
Abm7 Ab7 Ab7/Gb
Fill me with desire
Db/F Ebm7 Fm7 Ebm7
To see you and to say
Ebm7/Ab Dbmaj9 Ebm7/Db
That I wish you Merry Christmas
( Merry Christmas Darling )
Abm9 Bmaj7/Db G7+11
Happy New Year to-o-o-o-o-o I’ve
(ahh ahhh ahhh
Gbmaj7 Ab/Gb
just one wish
On this Christmas Eve
Bbm7 Ebm7
( On this Christmas eve )
Ab7 Ab7/Gb Fm7 Bb7+5 Bb7
I wish I were with yo-o-o-o-ou
Ebm7 Ebm7/Ab Db
I wish I were with you
(merry merry merry)
Ebm9 Gbm7 Gbm7/B Dbmaj9
Merry Christma-a-as, merry Christma-a-a-a-a-a-s darling
E/Ab, Em7, Em7/A, Em7/D, Em9, F, F/C, Gbm7, G, G/F, G/B, G7, Gm6, Gm7, Gm7/C, Gmaj7, A, A/G, A/Db, A6, A7, A7/G, A7sus4, Ab7+11, Am, Am7, Am9, Ammaj7, B7, B7+5, Bm, , Bm7, Bmmaj7, C, C7, Cmaj7/D, D, D/Gb, D/A, D7/A, Dm7, Dmaj9
Em7 Gbm7 Bm7
Greeting cards have all been sent
Em7 Em7/A D D A/Db Bm
The Christmas rush is through
Bmmaj7 Bm7
But I still have one wish to make
Em7 A Bm A/Db A
A special one for you
Dmaj9 Em7/D
Merry Christmas, darling
Dmaj9 Am9 Cmaj7/D
We're apart, that's true
D7/A Gmaj7 A/G
But I can dream
Gbm7 Bm7
And in my dreams
Em7 Gbm7 Gmaj7 A7sus4 A7
I'm Christmas ing with you
Dmaj9 Em7/D
Holidays are joyful
Dmaj9 Am9
There's always something new
Gmaj7 A/G Gbm7 Bm7 A6
But every day's a holi day
E/Ab Gm6 C7
When I'm near to you
The lights on my tree
Em7 Am7
I wish you could see
Dm7 G7 C
I wish it every da-a-a-a-ay
( ahh ahh
G/B Am Ammaj7
The logs on the fire
ahh ahh )
Am7 A7 A7/G
Fill me with de sire
D/Gb Em7 Gbm7 Em7
To see you and to say
Em7/A Dmaj9 Em7/D
That I wish you Merry Christmas
(Merry christmas darling)
Am9 Cmaj7/D Ab7+11
Happy New Year to-o-o-o
( ahh ahh ahh
Gmaj7 A/G
I've just one wish
On this Christmas Eve
Bm7 Em7
( On this Christmas eve)
Em7/A D
I wish I were with you
( Ahh ahh ahh
sax solo:
F/C G/F Em7 Am7 Dm7 G
C G/B Am Ammaj7
The logs on the fire
Am7 A7 A7/G
Fill me with desire
D/Gb Em7 Gbm7 Em7
To see you and to say
Em7/A Dmaj9 Em7/D
That I wish you Merry Christmas
( Merry Christmas Darling )
Am9 Cmaj7/D Ab7+11
Happy New Year to-o-o-o-o-o I’ve
(ahh ahhh ahhh
Gmaj7 A/G
just one wish
On this Christmas Eve
Bm7 Em7
( On this Christmas eve )
A7 A7/G Gbm7 B7+5 B7
I wish I were with yo-o-o-o-ou
Em7 Em7/A D
I wish I were with you
(merry merry merry)
Em9 Gm7 Gm7/C Dmaj9
Merry Christma-a-as, merry Christma-a-a-a-a-a-s darling
F/A, Fm7, Fm7/Bb, Fm7/Eb, Fm9, Gb, Gb/Db, Gm7, Ab, Ab/Gb, Ab/C, Ab7, Abm6, Abm7, Abm7/Db, Abmaj7, Bb, Bb/Ab, Bb/D, Bb6, Bb7, Bb7/Ab, Bb7sus4, A7+11, Bbm, Bbm7, Bbm9, Bbmmaj7, C7, C7+5, Cm, , Cm7, Cmmaj7, Db, Db7, Dbmaj7/Eb, Eb, Eb/G, Eb/Bb, Eb7/Bb, Ebm7, Ebmaj9
Fm7 Gm7 Cm7
Greeting cards have all been sent
Fm7 Fm7/Bb Eb Eb Bb/D Cm
The Christmas rush is through
Cmmaj7 Cm7
But I still have one wish to make
Fm7 Bb Cm Bb/D Bb
A special one for you
Ebmaj9 Fm7/Eb
Merry Christmas, darling
Ebmaj9 Bbm9 Dbmaj7/Eb
We're apart, that's true
Eb7/Bb Abmaj7 Bb/Ab
But I can dream
Gm7 Cm7
And in my dreams
Fm7 Gm7 Abmaj7 Bb7sus4 Bb7
I'm Christmas ing with you
Ebmaj9 Fm7/Eb
Holidays are joyful
Ebmaj9 Bbm9
There's always something new
Abmaj7 Bb/Ab Gm7 Cm7 Bb6
But every day's a holi day
F/A Abm6 Db7
When I'm near to you
Gb Ab/Gb
The lights on my tree
Fm7 Bbm7
I wish you could see
Ebm7 Ab7 Db
I wish it every da-a-a-a-ay
( ahh ahh
Ab/C Bbm Bbmmaj7
The logs on the fire
ahh ahh )
Bbm7 Bb7 Bb7/Ab
Fill me with de sire
Eb/G Fm7 Gm7 Fm7
To see you and to say
Fm7/Bb Ebmaj9 Fm7/Eb
That I wish you Merry Christmas
(Merry christmas darling)
Bbm9 Dbmaj7/Eb A7+11
Happy New Year to-o-o-o
( ahh ahh ahh
Abmaj7 Bb/Ab
I've just one wish
On this Christmas Eve
Cm7 Fm7
( On this Christmas eve)
Fm7/Bb Eb
I wish I were with you
( Ahh ahh ahh
sax solo:
Gb/Db Ab/Gb Fm7 Bbm7 Ebm7 Ab
Db Ab/C Bbm Bbmmaj7
The logs on the fire
Bbm7 Bb7 Bb7/Ab
Fill me with desire
Eb/G Fm7 Gm7 Fm7
To see you and to say
Fm7/Bb Ebmaj9 Fm7/Eb
That I wish you Merry Christmas
( Merry Christmas Darling )
Bbm9 Dbmaj7/Eb A7+11
Happy New Year to-o-o-o-o-o I’ve
(ahh ahhh ahhh
Abmaj7 Bb/Ab
just one wish
On this Christmas Eve
Cm7 Fm7
( On this Christmas eve )
Bb7 Bb7/Ab Gm7 C7+5 C7
I wish I were with yo-o-o-o-ou
Fm7 Fm7/Bb Eb
I wish I were with you
(merry merry merry)
Fm9 Abm7 Abm7/Db Ebmaj9
Merry Christma-a-as, merry Christma-a-a-a-a-a-s darling
Gb/Bb, Gbm7, Gbm7/B, Gbm7/E, Gbm9, G, G/D, Abm7, A, A/G, A/Db, A7, Am6, Am7, Am7/D, Amaj7, B, B/A, B/Eb, B6, B7, B7/A, B7sus4, Bb7+11, Bm, Bm7, Bm9, Bmmaj7, Db7, Db7+5, Dbm, , Dbm7, Dbmmaj7, D, D7, Dmaj7/E, E, E/Ab, E/B, E7/B, Em7, Emaj9
Gbm7 Abm7 Dbm7
Greeting cards have all been sent
Gbm7 Gbm7/B E E B/Eb Dbm
The Christmas rush is through
Dbmmaj7 Dbm7
But I still have one wish to make
Gbm7 B Dbm B/Eb B
A special one for you
Emaj9 Gbm7/E
Merry Christmas, darling
Emaj9 Bm9 Dmaj7/E
We're apart, that's true
E7/B Amaj7 B/A
But I can dream
Abm7 Dbm7
And in my dreams
Gbm7 Abm7 Amaj7 B7sus4 B7
I'm Christmas ing with you
Emaj9 Gbm7/E
Holidays are joyful
Emaj9 Bm9
There's always something new
Amaj7 B/A Abm7 Dbm7 B6
But every day's a holi day
Gb/Bb Am6 D7
When I'm near to you
The lights on my tree
Gbm7 Bm7
I wish you could see
Em7 A7 D
I wish it every da-a-a-a-ay
( ahh ahh
A/Db Bm Bmmaj7
The logs on the fire
ahh ahh )
Bm7 B7 B7/A
Fill me with de sire
E/Ab Gbm7 Abm7 Gbm7
To see you and to say
Gbm7/B Emaj9 Gbm7/E
That I wish you Merry Christmas
(Merry christmas darling)
Bm9 Dmaj7/E Bb7+11
Happy New Year to-o-o-o
( ahh ahh ahh
Amaj7 B/A
I've just one wish
On this Christmas Eve
Dbm7 Gbm7
( On this Christmas eve)
Gbm7/B E
I wish I were with you
( Ahh ahh ahh
sax solo:
G/D A/G Gbm7 Bm7 Em7 A
D A/Db Bm Bmmaj7
The logs on the fire
Bm7 B7 B7/A
Fill me with desire
E/Ab Gbm7 Abm7 Gbm7
To see you and to say
Gbm7/B Emaj9 Gbm7/E
That I wish you Merry Christmas
( Merry Christmas Darling )
Bm9 Dmaj7/E Bb7+11
Happy New Year to-o-o-o-o-o I’ve
(ahh ahhh ahhh
Amaj7 B/A
just one wish
On this Christmas Eve
Dbm7 Gbm7
( On this Christmas eve )
B7 B7/A Abm7 Db7+5 Db7
I wish I were with yo-o-o-o-ou
Gbm7 Gbm7/B E
I wish I were with you
(merry merry merry)
Gbm9 Am7 Am7/D Emaj9
Merry Christma-a-as, merry Christma-a-a-a-a-a-s darling
G/B, Gm7, Gm7/C, Gm7/F, Gm9, Ab, Ab/Eb, Am7, Bb, Bb/Ab, Bb/D, Bb7, Bbm6, Bbm7, Bbm7/Eb, Bbmaj7, C, C/Bb, C/E, C6, C7, C7/Bb, C7sus4, B7+11, Cm, Cm7, Cm9, Cmmaj7, D7, D7+5, Dm, , Dm7, Dmmaj7, Eb, Eb7, Ebmaj7/F, F, F/A, F/C, F7/C, Fm7, Fmaj9
Gm7 Am7 Dm7
Greeting cards have all been sent
Gm7 Gm7/C F F C/E Dm
The Christmas rush is through
Dmmaj7 Dm7
But I still have one wish to make
Gm7 C Dm C/E C
A special one for you
Fmaj9 Gm7/F
Merry Christmas, darling
Fmaj9 Cm9 Ebmaj7/F
We're apart, that's true
F7/C Bbmaj7 C/Bb
But I can dream
Am7 Dm7
And in my dreams
Gm7 Am7 Bbmaj7 C7sus4 C7
I'm Christmas ing with you
Fmaj9 Gm7/F
Holidays are joyful
Fmaj9 Cm9
There's always something new
Bbmaj7 C/Bb Am7 Dm7 C6
But every day's a holi day
G/B Bbm6 Eb7
When I'm near to you
Ab Bb/Ab
The lights on my tree
Gm7 Cm7
I wish you could see
Fm7 Bb7 Eb
I wish it every da-a-a-a-ay
( ahh ahh
Bb/D Cm Cmmaj7
The logs on the fire
ahh ahh )
Cm7 C7 C7/Bb
Fill me with de sire
F/A Gm7 Am7 Gm7
To see you and to say
Gm7/C Fmaj9 Gm7/F
That I wish you Merry Christmas
(Merry christmas darling)
Cm9 Ebmaj7/F B7+11
Happy New Year to-o-o-o
( ahh ahh ahh
Bbmaj7 C/Bb
I've just one wish
On this Christmas Eve
Dm7 Gm7
( On this Christmas eve)
Gm7/C F
I wish I were with you
( Ahh ahh ahh
sax solo:
Ab/Eb Bb/Ab Gm7 Cm7 Fm7 Bb
Eb Bb/D Cm Cmmaj7
The logs on the fire
Cm7 C7 C7/Bb
Fill me with desire
F/A Gm7 Am7 Gm7
To see you and to say
Gm7/C Fmaj9 Gm7/F
That I wish you Merry Christmas
( Merry Christmas Darling )
Cm9 Ebmaj7/F B7+11
Happy New Year to-o-o-o-o-o I’ve
(ahh ahhh ahhh
Bbmaj7 C/Bb
just one wish
On this Christmas Eve
Dm7 Gm7
( On this Christmas eve )
C7 C7/Bb Am7 D7+5 D7
I wish I were with yo-o-o-o-ou
Gm7 Gm7/C F
I wish I were with you
(merry merry merry)
Gm9 Bbm7 Bbm7/Eb Fmaj9
Merry Christma-a-as, merry Christma-a-a-a-a-a-s darling
Ab/C, Abm7, Abm7/Db, Abm7/Gb, Abm9, A, A/E, Bbm7, B, B/A, B/Eb, B7, Bm6, Bm7, Bm7/E, Bmaj7, Db, Db/B, Db/F, Db6, Db7, Db7/B, Db7sus4, C7+11, Dbm, Dbm7, Dbm9, Dbmmaj7, Eb7, Eb7+5, Ebm, , Ebm7, Ebmmaj7, E, E7, Emaj7/Gb, Gb, Gb/Bb, Gb/Db, Gb7/Db, Gbm7, Gbmaj9
Abm7 Bbm7 Ebm7
Greeting cards have all been sent
Abm7 Abm7/Db Gb Gb Db/F Ebm
The Christmas rush is through
Ebmmaj7 Ebm7
But I still have one wish to make
Abm7 Db Ebm Db/F Db
A special one for you
Gbmaj9 Abm7/Gb
Merry Christmas, darling
Gbmaj9 Dbm9 Emaj7/Gb
We're apart, that's true
Gb7/Db Bmaj7 Db/B
But I can dream
Bbm7 Ebm7
And in my dreams
Abm7 Bbm7 Bmaj7 Db7sus4 Db7
I'm Christmas ing with you
Gbmaj9 Abm7/Gb
Holidays are joyful
Gbmaj9 Dbm9
There's always something new
Bmaj7 Db/B Bbm7 Ebm7 Db6
But every day's a holi day
Ab/C Bm6 E7
When I'm near to you
The lights on my tree
Abm7 Dbm7
I wish you could see
Gbm7 B7 E
I wish it every da-a-a-a-ay
( ahh ahh
B/Eb Dbm Dbmmaj7
The logs on the fire
ahh ahh )
Dbm7 Db7 Db7/B
Fill me with de sire
Gb/Bb Abm7 Bbm7 Abm7
To see you and to say
Abm7/Db Gbmaj9 Abm7/Gb
That I wish you Merry Christmas
(Merry christmas darling)
Dbm9 Emaj7/Gb C7+11
Happy New Year to-o-o-o
( ahh ahh ahh
Bmaj7 Db/B
I've just one wish
On this Christmas Eve
Ebm7 Abm7
( On this Christmas eve)
Abm7/Db Gb
I wish I were with you
( Ahh ahh ahh
sax solo:
A/E B/A Abm7 Dbm7 Gbm7 B
E B/Eb Dbm Dbmmaj7
The logs on the fire
Dbm7 Db7 Db7/B
Fill me with desire
Gb/Bb Abm7 Bbm7 Abm7
To see you and to say
Abm7/Db Gbmaj9 Abm7/Gb
That I wish you Merry Christmas
( Merry Christmas Darling )
Dbm9 Emaj7/Gb C7+11
Happy New Year to-o-o-o-o-o I’ve
(ahh ahhh ahhh
Bmaj7 Db/B
just one wish
On this Christmas Eve
Ebm7 Abm7
( On this Christmas eve )
Db7 Db7/B Bbm7 Eb7+5 Eb7
I wish I were with yo-o-o-o-ou
Abm7 Abm7/Db Gb
I wish I were with you
(merry merry merry)
Abm9 Bm7 Bm7/E Gbmaj9
Merry Christma-a-as, merry Christma-a-a-a-a-a-s darling
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