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I'LL BE HOME FOR CHRISTMAS Ukulele Chords By Bing Crosby

I'LL BE HOME FOR CHRISTMAS uke chords and lyrics By Bing Crosby


Bb, Bb7, Bbm, Db, Dbm, Eb7, Ebm, F7, Fm, Gb, Gbm, Ab, Ab7, Abm

Db      Fm      Ebm    Ab7
I'll be home for Christmas,
Db      Abm    Bb  Ebm
You can count on  me
Gbm          Ab7        Db    Bbm
Please have snow, and mistletoe,
    Eb7      Ebm    Ab7
and presents on the tree

Db        Fm      Ebm  Ab7
Christmas Eve will find me,
Db        Abm  Bb    Ebm
Where the love light gleams
Gb      Gbm      Db    Bb7
I'll be home for Christmas,
  Eb7  Ebm  Ab  Db
If only in  my dreams

Ab      Bb7      Eb7
I'll be home for Christmas,
Ab      F7      Bbm
You can plan on me
Db          Eb7        Ab    Fm
Please have snow, and mistletoe,
    Bb7      Bbm    Eb7
and presents on the tree

Ab        Bb7      Eb7
Christmas Eve will find me,
Ab        F7        Bbm
Where the love light gleams
Db      Dbm      Ab    F7
I'll be home for Christmas,
  Bb7  Eb7  Bbm Ab
If only in  my dreams

Other Versions For This Ukulele Chords Song :

B, B7, Bm, D, Dm, E7, Em, Gb7, Gbm, G, Gm, A, A7, Am

D      Gbm      Em    A7
I'll be home for Christmas,
D      Am    B  Em
You can count on  me
Gm          A7        D    Bm
Please have snow, and mistletoe,
    E7      Em    A7
and presents on the tree

D        Gbm      Em  A7
Christmas Eve will find me,
D        Am  B    Em
Where the love light gleams
G      Gm      D    B7
I'll be home for Christmas,
  E7  Em  A  D
If only in  my dreams

A      B7      E7
I'll be home for Christmas,
A      Gb7      Bm
You can plan on me
D          E7        A    Gbm
Please have snow, and mistletoe,
    B7      Bm    E7
and presents on the tree

A        B7      E7
Christmas Eve will find me,
A        Gb7        Bm
Where the love light gleams
D      Dm      A    Gb7
I'll be home for Christmas,
  B7  E7  Bm A
If only in  my dreams

C, C7, Cm, Eb, Ebm, F7, Fm, G7, Gm, Ab, Abm, Bb, Bb7, Bbm

Eb      Gm      Fm    Bb7
I'll be home for Christmas,
Eb      Bbm    C  Fm
You can count on  me
Abm          Bb7        Eb    Cm
Please have snow, and mistletoe,
    F7      Fm    Bb7
and presents on the tree

Eb        Gm      Fm  Bb7
Christmas Eve will find me,
Eb        Bbm  C    Fm
Where the love light gleams
Ab      Abm      Eb    C7
I'll be home for Christmas,
  F7  Fm  Bb  Eb
If only in  my dreams

Bb      C7      F7
I'll be home for Christmas,
Bb      G7      Cm
You can plan on me
Eb          F7        Bb    Gm
Please have snow, and mistletoe,
    C7      Cm    F7
and presents on the tree

Bb        C7      F7
Christmas Eve will find me,
Bb        G7        Cm
Where the love light gleams
Eb      Ebm      Bb    G7
I'll be home for Christmas,
  C7  F7  Cm Bb
If only in  my dreams

Db, Db7, Dbm, E, Em, Gb7, Gbm, Ab7, Abm, A, Am, B, B7, Bm

E      Abm      Gbm    B7
I'll be home for Christmas,
E      Bm    Db  Gbm
You can count on  me
Am          B7        E    Dbm
Please have snow, and mistletoe,
    Gb7      Gbm    B7
and presents on the tree

E        Abm      Gbm  B7
Christmas Eve will find me,
E        Bm  Db    Gbm
Where the love light gleams
A      Am      E    Db7
I'll be home for Christmas,
  Gb7  Gbm  B  E
If only in  my dreams

B      Db7      Gb7
I'll be home for Christmas,
B      Ab7      Dbm
You can plan on me
E          Gb7        B    Abm
Please have snow, and mistletoe,
    Db7      Dbm    Gb7
and presents on the tree

B        Db7      Gb7
Christmas Eve will find me,
B        Ab7        Dbm
Where the love light gleams
E      Em      B    Ab7
I'll be home for Christmas,
  Db7  Gb7  Dbm B
If only in  my dreams

D, D7, Dm, F, Fm, G7, Gm, A7, Am, Bb, Bbm, C, C7, Cm

F      Am      Gm    C7
I'll be home for Christmas,
F      Cm    D  Gm
You can count on  me
Bbm          C7        F    Dm
Please have snow, and mistletoe,
    G7      Gm    C7
and presents on the tree

F        Am      Gm  C7
Christmas Eve will find me,
F        Cm  D    Gm
Where the love light gleams
Bb      Bbm      F    D7
I'll be home for Christmas,
  G7  Gm  C  F
If only in  my dreams

C      D7      G7
I'll be home for Christmas,
C      A7      Dm
You can plan on me
F          G7        C    Am
Please have snow, and mistletoe,
    D7      Dm    G7
and presents on the tree

C        D7      G7
Christmas Eve will find me,
C        A7        Dm
Where the love light gleams
F      Fm      C    A7
I'll be home for Christmas,
  D7  G7  Dm C
If only in  my dreams

Eb, Eb7, Ebm, Gb, Gbm, Ab7, Abm, Bb7, Bbm, B, Bm, Db, Db7, Dbm

Gb      Bbm      Abm    Db7
I'll be home for Christmas,
Gb      Dbm    Eb  Abm
You can count on  me
Bm          Db7        Gb    Ebm
Please have snow, and mistletoe,
    Ab7      Abm    Db7
and presents on the tree

Gb        Bbm      Abm  Db7
Christmas Eve will find me,
Gb        Dbm  Eb    Abm
Where the love light gleams
B      Bm      Gb    Eb7
I'll be home for Christmas,
  Ab7  Abm  Db  Gb
If only in  my dreams

Db      Eb7      Ab7
I'll be home for Christmas,
Db      Bb7      Ebm
You can plan on me
Gb          Ab7        Db    Bbm
Please have snow, and mistletoe,
    Eb7      Ebm    Ab7
and presents on the tree

Db        Eb7      Ab7
Christmas Eve will find me,
Db        Bb7        Ebm
Where the love light gleams
Gb      Gbm      Db    Bb7
I'll be home for Christmas,
  Eb7  Ab7  Ebm Db
If only in  my dreams

E, E7, Em, G, Gm, A7, Am, B7, Bm, C, Cm, D, D7, Dm

G      Bm      Am    D7
I'll be home for Christmas,
G      Dm    E  Am
You can count on  me
Cm          D7        G    Em
Please have snow, and mistletoe,
    A7      Am    D7
and presents on the tree

G        Bm      Am  D7
Christmas Eve will find me,
G        Dm  E    Am
Where the love light gleams
C      Cm      G    E7
I'll be home for Christmas,
  A7  Am  D  G
If only in  my dreams

D      E7      A7
I'll be home for Christmas,
D      B7      Em
You can plan on me
G          A7        D    Bm
Please have snow, and mistletoe,
    E7      Em    A7
and presents on the tree

D        E7      A7
Christmas Eve will find me,
D        B7        Em
Where the love light gleams
G      Gm      D    B7
I'll be home for Christmas,
  E7  A7  Em D
If only in  my dreams

F, F7, Fm, Ab, Abm, Bb7, Bbm, C7, Cm, Db, Dbm, Eb, Eb7, Ebm

Ab      Cm      Bbm    Eb7
I'll be home for Christmas,
Ab      Ebm    F  Bbm
You can count on  me
Dbm          Eb7        Ab    Fm
Please have snow, and mistletoe,
    Bb7      Bbm    Eb7
and presents on the tree

Ab        Cm      Bbm  Eb7
Christmas Eve will find me,
Ab        Ebm  F    Bbm
Where the love light gleams
Db      Dbm      Ab    F7
I'll be home for Christmas,
  Bb7  Bbm  Eb  Ab
If only in  my dreams

Eb      F7      Bb7
I'll be home for Christmas,
Eb      C7      Fm
You can plan on me
Ab          Bb7        Eb    Cm
Please have snow, and mistletoe,
    F7      Fm    Bb7
and presents on the tree

Eb        F7      Bb7
Christmas Eve will find me,
Eb        C7        Fm
Where the love light gleams
Ab      Abm      Eb    C7
I'll be home for Christmas,
  F7  Bb7  Fm Eb
If only in  my dreams

Gb, Gb7, Gbm, A, Am, B7, Bm, Db7, Dbm, D, Dm, E, E7, Em

A      Dbm      Bm    E7
I'll be home for Christmas,
A      Em    Gb  Bm
You can count on  me
Dm          E7        A    Gbm
Please have snow, and mistletoe,
    B7      Bm    E7
and presents on the tree

A        Dbm      Bm  E7
Christmas Eve will find me,
A        Em  Gb    Bm
Where the love light gleams
D      Dm      A    Gb7
I'll be home for Christmas,
  B7  Bm  E  A
If only in  my dreams

E      Gb7      B7
I'll be home for Christmas,
E      Db7      Gbm
You can plan on me
A          B7        E    Dbm
Please have snow, and mistletoe,
    Gb7      Gbm    B7
and presents on the tree

E        Gb7      B7
Christmas Eve will find me,
E        Db7        Gbm
Where the love light gleams
A      Am      E    Db7
I'll be home for Christmas,
  Gb7  B7  Gbm E
If only in  my dreams

G, G7, Gm, Bb, Bbm, C7, Cm, D7, Dm, Eb, Ebm, F, F7, Fm

Bb      Dm      Cm    F7
I'll be home for Christmas,
Bb      Fm    G  Cm
You can count on  me
Ebm          F7        Bb    Gm
Please have snow, and mistletoe,
    C7      Cm    F7
and presents on the tree

Bb        Dm      Cm  F7
Christmas Eve will find me,
Bb        Fm  G    Cm
Where the love light gleams
Eb      Ebm      Bb    G7
I'll be home for Christmas,
  C7  Cm  F  Bb
If only in  my dreams

F      G7      C7
I'll be home for Christmas,
F      D7      Gm
You can plan on me
Bb          C7        F    Dm
Please have snow, and mistletoe,
    G7      Gm    C7
and presents on the tree

F        G7      C7
Christmas Eve will find me,
F        D7        Gm
Where the love light gleams
Bb      Bbm      F    D7
I'll be home for Christmas,
  G7  C7  Gm F
If only in  my dreams

Ab, Ab7, Abm, B, Bm, Db7, Dbm, Eb7, Ebm, E, Em, Gb, Gb7, Gbm

B      Ebm      Dbm    Gb7
I'll be home for Christmas,
B      Gbm    Ab  Dbm
You can count on  me
Em          Gb7        B    Abm
Please have snow, and mistletoe,
    Db7      Dbm    Gb7
and presents on the tree

B        Ebm      Dbm  Gb7
Christmas Eve will find me,
B        Gbm  Ab    Dbm
Where the love light gleams
E      Em      B    Ab7
I'll be home for Christmas,
  Db7  Dbm  Gb  B
If only in  my dreams

Gb      Ab7      Db7
I'll be home for Christmas,
Gb      Eb7      Abm
You can plan on me
B          Db7        Gb    Ebm
Please have snow, and mistletoe,
    Ab7      Abm    Db7
and presents on the tree

Gb        Ab7      Db7
Christmas Eve will find me,
Gb        Eb7        Abm
Where the love light gleams
B      Bm      Gb    Eb7
I'll be home for Christmas,
  Ab7  Db7  Abm Gb
If only in  my dreams

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