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MILLION YEARS AGO Ukulele Chords By Adele

MILLION YEARS AGO uke chords and lyrics By Adele


Bb, C7, Cm, Eb, Fm, G, Gm, Ab

Intro :
Cm  Bb    Ab  Gm  Cm

Verse :
      Fm              Bb
I only wanted to have fun
            Eb                  Ab
Learning to fly, learning to run
        Fm                  G
I let my heart decide the way
When I was young
      C7    Fm                  Bb
Deep down I must have always known
                  Eb        Ab
that this would be inevitable
          Fm                    G
To earn my stripes I'd have to pay
and bare my soul

Bridge :
Bb Ab Cm
Bb Ab Cm
Bb Ab Cm  G

Chorus :
          Fm              Bb
I know I'm not the only one
      Eb                          Ab
who regrets the things they've done
                Fm              G
Sometimes I just feel it's only me
                      Cm                  C7
who can't stand the reflection that they see

              Fm                Bb
I wish I could live a little more
              Eb                  Ab
Look up to the sky, not just the floor
              Fm                G
I feel like my life is flashing by
              Cm              C7
and all I can do is watch and cry

          Fm              Bb
I miss the air, I miss my friends
          Eb                    Ab
I miss my mother; I miss it when
          Fm              G
Life was a party to be thrown
              Cm  Bb    Ab    Gm  Cm
But that was a mi-llion years a - go

Instrumental :
Cm  Bb    Ab    Gm  Cm

Verse :
            Fm                      Bb
When I walk around all of the streets
            Eb                  Ab
where I grew up and found my feet
          Fm                G
They can't look me in the eye
It's like they're scared of me
  C7    Fm                    Bb
I try to think of things to say
      Eb              Ab
Like a joke or a memory
              Fm              G
But they don't recognize me now
In light of day

Bridge :
Bb Ab Cm
Bb Ab Cm
Bb Ab Cm  G

Chorus :
          Fm              Bb
I know I'm not the only one
      Eb                          Ab
who regrets the things they've done
                Fm              G
Sometimes I just feel it's only me
            Cm                          C7
who never became who they thought they'd be

              Fm                Bb
I wish I could live a little more
              Eb                  Ab
Look up to the sky, not just the floor
              Fm                G
I feel like my life is flashing by
              Cm              C7
and all I can do is watch and cry

          Fm              Bb
I miss the air, I miss my friends
          Eb                    Ab
I miss my mother; I miss it when
          Fm              G
Life was a party to be thrown
              Cm  Bb    Ab    Gm  Cm
But that was a mi-llion years a - go

Outro :
  Cm  Bb    Ab    Gm  Cm
A mi-llion years a - go

Other Versions For This Ukulele Chords Song :

B, Db7, Dbm, E, Gbm, Ab, Abm, A

Intro :
Dbm  B    A  Abm  Dbm

Verse :
      Gbm              B
I only wanted to have fun
            E                  A
Learning to fly, learning to run
        Gbm                  Ab
I let my heart decide the way
When I was young
      Db7    Gbm                  B
Deep down I must have always known
                  E        A
that this would be inevitable
          Gbm                    Ab
To earn my stripes I'd have to pay
and bare my soul

Bridge :
B A Dbm
B A Dbm
B A Dbm  Ab

Chorus :
          Gbm              B
I know I'm not the only one
      E                          A
who regrets the things they've done
                Gbm              Ab
Sometimes I just feel it's only me
                      Dbm                  Db7
who can't stand the reflection that they see

              Gbm                B
I wish I could live a little more
              E                  A
Look up to the sky, not just the floor
              Gbm                Ab
I feel like my life is flashing by
              Dbm              Db7
and all I can do is watch and cry

          Gbm              B
I miss the air, I miss my friends
          E                    A
I miss my mother; I miss it when
          Gbm              Ab
Life was a party to be thrown
              Dbm  B    A    Abm  Dbm
But that was a mi-llion years a - go

Instrumental :
Dbm  B    A    Abm  Dbm

Verse :
            Gbm                      B
When I walk around all of the streets
            E                  A
where I grew up and found my feet
          Gbm                Ab
They can't look me in the eye
It's like they're scared of me
  Db7    Gbm                    B
I try to think of things to say
      E              A
Like a joke or a memory
              Gbm              Ab
But they don't recognize me now
In light of day

Bridge :
B A Dbm
B A Dbm
B A Dbm  Ab

Chorus :
          Gbm              B
I know I'm not the only one
      E                          A
who regrets the things they've done
                Gbm              Ab
Sometimes I just feel it's only me
            Dbm                          Db7
who never became who they thought they'd be

              Gbm                B
I wish I could live a little more
              E                  A
Look up to the sky, not just the floor
              Gbm                Ab
I feel like my life is flashing by
              Dbm              Db7
and all I can do is watch and cry

          Gbm              B
I miss the air, I miss my friends
          E                    A
I miss my mother; I miss it when
          Gbm              Ab
Life was a party to be thrown
              Dbm  B    A    Abm  Dbm
But that was a mi-llion years a - go

Outro :
  Dbm  B    A    Abm  Dbm
A mi-llion years a - go

C, D7, Dm, F, Gm, A, Am, Bb

Intro :
Dm  C    Bb  Am  Dm

Verse :
      Gm              C
I only wanted to have fun
            F                  Bb
Learning to fly, learning to run
        Gm                  A
I let my heart decide the way
When I was young
      D7    Gm                  C
Deep down I must have always known
                  F        Bb
that this would be inevitable
          Gm                    A
To earn my stripes I'd have to pay
and bare my soul

Bridge :
C Bb Dm
C Bb Dm
C Bb Dm  A

Chorus :
          Gm              C
I know I'm not the only one
      F                          Bb
who regrets the things they've done
                Gm              A
Sometimes I just feel it's only me
                      Dm                  D7
who can't stand the reflection that they see

              Gm                C
I wish I could live a little more
              F                  Bb
Look up to the sky, not just the floor
              Gm                A
I feel like my life is flashing by
              Dm              D7
and all I can do is watch and cry

          Gm              C
I miss the air, I miss my friends
          F                    Bb
I miss my mother; I miss it when
          Gm              A
Life was a party to be thrown
              Dm  C    Bb    Am  Dm
But that was a mi-llion years a - go

Instrumental :
Dm  C    Bb    Am  Dm

Verse :
            Gm                      C
When I walk around all of the streets
            F                  Bb
where I grew up and found my feet
          Gm                A
They can't look me in the eye
It's like they're scared of me
  D7    Gm                    C
I try to think of things to say
      F              Bb
Like a joke or a memory
              Gm              A
But they don't recognize me now
In light of day

Bridge :
C Bb Dm
C Bb Dm
C Bb Dm  A

Chorus :
          Gm              C
I know I'm not the only one
      F                          Bb
who regrets the things they've done
                Gm              A
Sometimes I just feel it's only me
            Dm                          D7
who never became who they thought they'd be

              Gm                C
I wish I could live a little more
              F                  Bb
Look up to the sky, not just the floor
              Gm                A
I feel like my life is flashing by
              Dm              D7
and all I can do is watch and cry

          Gm              C
I miss the air, I miss my friends
          F                    Bb
I miss my mother; I miss it when
          Gm              A
Life was a party to be thrown
              Dm  C    Bb    Am  Dm
But that was a mi-llion years a - go

Outro :
  Dm  C    Bb    Am  Dm
A mi-llion years a - go

Db, Eb7, Ebm, Gb, Abm, Bb, Bbm, B

Intro :
Ebm  Db    B  Bbm  Ebm

Verse :
      Abm              Db
I only wanted to have fun
            Gb                  B
Learning to fly, learning to run
        Abm                  Bb
I let my heart decide the way
When I was young
      Eb7    Abm                  Db
Deep down I must have always known
                  Gb        B
that this would be inevitable
          Abm                    Bb
To earn my stripes I'd have to pay
and bare my soul

Bridge :
Db B Ebm
Db B Ebm
Db B Ebm  Bb

Chorus :
          Abm              Db
I know I'm not the only one
      Gb                          B
who regrets the things they've done
                Abm              Bb
Sometimes I just feel it's only me
                      Ebm                  Eb7
who can't stand the reflection that they see

              Abm                Db
I wish I could live a little more
              Gb                  B
Look up to the sky, not just the floor
              Abm                Bb
I feel like my life is flashing by
              Ebm              Eb7
and all I can do is watch and cry

          Abm              Db
I miss the air, I miss my friends
          Gb                    B
I miss my mother; I miss it when
          Abm              Bb
Life was a party to be thrown
              Ebm  Db    B    Bbm  Ebm
But that was a mi-llion years a - go

Instrumental :
Ebm  Db    B    Bbm  Ebm

Verse :
            Abm                      Db
When I walk around all of the streets
            Gb                  B
where I grew up and found my feet
          Abm                Bb
They can't look me in the eye
It's like they're scared of me
  Eb7    Abm                    Db
I try to think of things to say
      Gb              B
Like a joke or a memory
              Abm              Bb
But they don't recognize me now
In light of day

Bridge :
Db B Ebm
Db B Ebm
Db B Ebm  Bb

Chorus :
          Abm              Db
I know I'm not the only one
      Gb                          B
who regrets the things they've done
                Abm              Bb
Sometimes I just feel it's only me
            Ebm                          Eb7
who never became who they thought they'd be

              Abm                Db
I wish I could live a little more
              Gb                  B
Look up to the sky, not just the floor
              Abm                Bb
I feel like my life is flashing by
              Ebm              Eb7
and all I can do is watch and cry

          Abm              Db
I miss the air, I miss my friends
          Gb                    B
I miss my mother; I miss it when
          Abm              Bb
Life was a party to be thrown
              Ebm  Db    B    Bbm  Ebm
But that was a mi-llion years a - go

Outro :
  Ebm  Db    B    Bbm  Ebm
A mi-llion years a - go

D, E7, Em, G, Am, B, Bm, C

Intro :
Em  D    C  Bm  Em

Verse :
      Am              D
I only wanted to have fun
            G                  C
Learning to fly, learning to run
        Am                  B
I let my heart decide the way
When I was young
      E7    Am                  D
Deep down I must have always known
                  G        C
that this would be inevitable
          Am                    B
To earn my stripes I'd have to pay
and bare my soul

Bridge :
D C Em
D C Em
D C Em  B

Chorus :
          Am              D
I know I'm not the only one
      G                          C
who regrets the things they've done
                Am              B
Sometimes I just feel it's only me
                      Em                  E7
who can't stand the reflection that they see

              Am                D
I wish I could live a little more
              G                  C
Look up to the sky, not just the floor
              Am                B
I feel like my life is flashing by
              Em              E7
and all I can do is watch and cry

          Am              D
I miss the air, I miss my friends
          G                    C
I miss my mother; I miss it when
          Am              B
Life was a party to be thrown
              Em  D    C    Bm  Em
But that was a mi-llion years a - go

Instrumental :
Em  D    C    Bm  Em

Verse :
            Am                      D
When I walk around all of the streets
            G                  C
where I grew up and found my feet
          Am                B
They can't look me in the eye
It's like they're scared of me
  E7    Am                    D
I try to think of things to say
      G              C
Like a joke or a memory
              Am              B
But they don't recognize me now
In light of day

Bridge :
D C Em
D C Em
D C Em  B

Chorus :
          Am              D
I know I'm not the only one
      G                          C
who regrets the things they've done
                Am              B
Sometimes I just feel it's only me
            Em                          E7
who never became who they thought they'd be

              Am                D
I wish I could live a little more
              G                  C
Look up to the sky, not just the floor
              Am                B
I feel like my life is flashing by
              Em              E7
and all I can do is watch and cry

          Am              D
I miss the air, I miss my friends
          G                    C
I miss my mother; I miss it when
          Am              B
Life was a party to be thrown
              Em  D    C    Bm  Em
But that was a mi-llion years a - go

Outro :
  Em  D    C    Bm  Em
A mi-llion years a - go

Eb, F7, Fm, Ab, Bbm, C, Cm, Db

Intro :
Fm  Eb    Db  Cm  Fm

Verse :
      Bbm              Eb
I only wanted to have fun
            Ab                  Db
Learning to fly, learning to run
        Bbm                  C
I let my heart decide the way
When I was young
      F7    Bbm                  Eb
Deep down I must have always known
                  Ab        Db
that this would be inevitable
          Bbm                    C
To earn my stripes I'd have to pay
and bare my soul

Bridge :
Eb Db Fm
Eb Db Fm
Eb Db Fm  C

Chorus :
          Bbm              Eb
I know I'm not the only one
      Ab                          Db
who regrets the things they've done
                Bbm              C
Sometimes I just feel it's only me
                      Fm                  F7
who can't stand the reflection that they see

              Bbm                Eb
I wish I could live a little more
              Ab                  Db
Look up to the sky, not just the floor
              Bbm                C
I feel like my life is flashing by
              Fm              F7
and all I can do is watch and cry

          Bbm              Eb
I miss the air, I miss my friends
          Ab                    Db
I miss my mother; I miss it when
          Bbm              C
Life was a party to be thrown
              Fm  Eb    Db    Cm  Fm
But that was a mi-llion years a - go

Instrumental :
Fm  Eb    Db    Cm  Fm

Verse :
            Bbm                      Eb
When I walk around all of the streets
            Ab                  Db
where I grew up and found my feet
          Bbm                C
They can't look me in the eye
It's like they're scared of me
  F7    Bbm                    Eb
I try to think of things to say
      Ab              Db
Like a joke or a memory
              Bbm              C
But they don't recognize me now
In light of day

Bridge :
Eb Db Fm
Eb Db Fm
Eb Db Fm  C

Chorus :
          Bbm              Eb
I know I'm not the only one
      Ab                          Db
who regrets the things they've done
                Bbm              C
Sometimes I just feel it's only me
            Fm                          F7
who never became who they thought they'd be

              Bbm                Eb
I wish I could live a little more
              Ab                  Db
Look up to the sky, not just the floor
              Bbm                C
I feel like my life is flashing by
              Fm              F7
and all I can do is watch and cry

          Bbm              Eb
I miss the air, I miss my friends
          Ab                    Db
I miss my mother; I miss it when
          Bbm              C
Life was a party to be thrown
              Fm  Eb    Db    Cm  Fm
But that was a mi-llion years a - go

Outro :
  Fm  Eb    Db    Cm  Fm
A mi-llion years a - go

E, Gb7, Gbm, A, Bm, Db, Dbm, D

Intro :
Gbm  E    D  Dbm  Gbm

Verse :
      Bm              E
I only wanted to have fun
            A                  D
Learning to fly, learning to run
        Bm                  Db
I let my heart decide the way
When I was young
      Gb7    Bm                  E
Deep down I must have always known
                  A        D
that this would be inevitable
          Bm                    Db
To earn my stripes I'd have to pay
and bare my soul

Bridge :
E D Gbm
E D Gbm
E D Gbm  Db

Chorus :
          Bm              E
I know I'm not the only one
      A                          D
who regrets the things they've done
                Bm              Db
Sometimes I just feel it's only me
                      Gbm                  Gb7
who can't stand the reflection that they see

              Bm                E
I wish I could live a little more
              A                  D
Look up to the sky, not just the floor
              Bm                Db
I feel like my life is flashing by
              Gbm              Gb7
and all I can do is watch and cry

          Bm              E
I miss the air, I miss my friends
          A                    D
I miss my mother; I miss it when
          Bm              Db
Life was a party to be thrown
              Gbm  E    D    Dbm  Gbm
But that was a mi-llion years a - go

Instrumental :
Gbm  E    D    Dbm  Gbm

Verse :
            Bm                      E
When I walk around all of the streets
            A                  D
where I grew up and found my feet
          Bm                Db
They can't look me in the eye
It's like they're scared of me
  Gb7    Bm                    E
I try to think of things to say
      A              D
Like a joke or a memory
              Bm              Db
But they don't recognize me now
In light of day

Bridge :
E D Gbm
E D Gbm
E D Gbm  Db

Chorus :
          Bm              E
I know I'm not the only one
      A                          D
who regrets the things they've done
                Bm              Db
Sometimes I just feel it's only me
            Gbm                          Gb7
who never became who they thought they'd be

              Bm                E
I wish I could live a little more
              A                  D
Look up to the sky, not just the floor
              Bm                Db
I feel like my life is flashing by
              Gbm              Gb7
and all I can do is watch and cry

          Bm              E
I miss the air, I miss my friends
          A                    D
I miss my mother; I miss it when
          Bm              Db
Life was a party to be thrown
              Gbm  E    D    Dbm  Gbm
But that was a mi-llion years a - go

Outro :
  Gbm  E    D    Dbm  Gbm
A mi-llion years a - go

F, G7, Gm, Bb, Cm, D, Dm, Eb

Intro :
Gm  F    Eb  Dm  Gm

Verse :
      Cm              F
I only wanted to have fun
            Bb                  Eb
Learning to fly, learning to run
        Cm                  D
I let my heart decide the way
When I was young
      G7    Cm                  F
Deep down I must have always known
                  Bb        Eb
that this would be inevitable
          Cm                    D
To earn my stripes I'd have to pay
and bare my soul

Bridge :
F Eb Gm
F Eb Gm
F Eb Gm  D

Chorus :
          Cm              F
I know I'm not the only one
      Bb                          Eb
who regrets the things they've done
                Cm              D
Sometimes I just feel it's only me
                      Gm                  G7
who can't stand the reflection that they see

              Cm                F
I wish I could live a little more
              Bb                  Eb
Look up to the sky, not just the floor
              Cm                D
I feel like my life is flashing by
              Gm              G7
and all I can do is watch and cry

          Cm              F
I miss the air, I miss my friends
          Bb                    Eb
I miss my mother; I miss it when
          Cm              D
Life was a party to be thrown
              Gm  F    Eb    Dm  Gm
But that was a mi-llion years a - go

Instrumental :
Gm  F    Eb    Dm  Gm

Verse :
            Cm                      F
When I walk around all of the streets
            Bb                  Eb
where I grew up and found my feet
          Cm                D
They can't look me in the eye
It's like they're scared of me
  G7    Cm                    F
I try to think of things to say
      Bb              Eb
Like a joke or a memory
              Cm              D
But they don't recognize me now
In light of day

Bridge :
F Eb Gm
F Eb Gm
F Eb Gm  D

Chorus :
          Cm              F
I know I'm not the only one
      Bb                          Eb
who regrets the things they've done
                Cm              D
Sometimes I just feel it's only me
            Gm                          G7
who never became who they thought they'd be

              Cm                F
I wish I could live a little more
              Bb                  Eb
Look up to the sky, not just the floor
              Cm                D
I feel like my life is flashing by
              Gm              G7
and all I can do is watch and cry

          Cm              F
I miss the air, I miss my friends
          Bb                    Eb
I miss my mother; I miss it when
          Cm              D
Life was a party to be thrown
              Gm  F    Eb    Dm  Gm
But that was a mi-llion years a - go

Outro :
  Gm  F    Eb    Dm  Gm
A mi-llion years a - go

Gb, Ab7, Abm, B, Dbm, Eb, Ebm, E

Intro :
Abm  Gb    E  Ebm  Abm

Verse :
      Dbm              Gb
I only wanted to have fun
            B                  E
Learning to fly, learning to run
        Dbm                  Eb
I let my heart decide the way
When I was young
      Ab7    Dbm                  Gb
Deep down I must have always known
                  B        E
that this would be inevitable
          Dbm                    Eb
To earn my stripes I'd have to pay
and bare my soul

Bridge :
Gb E Abm
Gb E Abm
Gb E Abm  Eb

Chorus :
          Dbm              Gb
I know I'm not the only one
      B                          E
who regrets the things they've done
                Dbm              Eb
Sometimes I just feel it's only me
                      Abm                  Ab7
who can't stand the reflection that they see

              Dbm                Gb
I wish I could live a little more
              B                  E
Look up to the sky, not just the floor
              Dbm                Eb
I feel like my life is flashing by
              Abm              Ab7
and all I can do is watch and cry

          Dbm              Gb
I miss the air, I miss my friends
          B                    E
I miss my mother; I miss it when
          Dbm              Eb
Life was a party to be thrown
              Abm  Gb    E    Ebm  Abm
But that was a mi-llion years a - go

Instrumental :
Abm  Gb    E    Ebm  Abm

Verse :
            Dbm                      Gb
When I walk around all of the streets
            B                  E
where I grew up and found my feet
          Dbm                Eb
They can't look me in the eye
It's like they're scared of me
  Ab7    Dbm                    Gb
I try to think of things to say
      B              E
Like a joke or a memory
              Dbm              Eb
But they don't recognize me now
In light of day

Bridge :
Gb E Abm
Gb E Abm
Gb E Abm  Eb

Chorus :
          Dbm              Gb
I know I'm not the only one
      B                          E
who regrets the things they've done
                Dbm              Eb
Sometimes I just feel it's only me
            Abm                          Ab7
who never became who they thought they'd be

              Dbm                Gb
I wish I could live a little more
              B                  E
Look up to the sky, not just the floor
              Dbm                Eb
I feel like my life is flashing by
              Abm              Ab7
and all I can do is watch and cry

          Dbm              Gb
I miss the air, I miss my friends
          B                    E
I miss my mother; I miss it when
          Dbm              Eb
Life was a party to be thrown
              Abm  Gb    E    Ebm  Abm
But that was a mi-llion years a - go

Outro :
  Abm  Gb    E    Ebm  Abm
A mi-llion years a - go

G, A7, Am, C, Dm, E, Em, F

Intro :
Am  G    F  Em  Am

Verse :
      Dm              G
I only wanted to have fun
            C                  F
Learning to fly, learning to run
        Dm                  E
I let my heart decide the way
When I was young
      A7    Dm                  G
Deep down I must have always known
                  C        F
that this would be inevitable
          Dm                    E
To earn my stripes I'd have to pay
and bare my soul

Bridge :
G F Am
G F Am
G F Am  E

Chorus :
          Dm              G
I know I'm not the only one
      C                          F
who regrets the things they've done
                Dm              E
Sometimes I just feel it's only me
                      Am                  A7
who can't stand the reflection that they see

              Dm                G
I wish I could live a little more
              C                  F
Look up to the sky, not just the floor
              Dm                E
I feel like my life is flashing by
              Am              A7
and all I can do is watch and cry

          Dm              G
I miss the air, I miss my friends
          C                    F
I miss my mother; I miss it when
          Dm              E
Life was a party to be thrown
              Am  G    F    Em  Am
But that was a mi-llion years a - go

Instrumental :
Am  G    F    Em  Am

Verse :
            Dm                      G
When I walk around all of the streets
            C                  F
where I grew up and found my feet
          Dm                E
They can't look me in the eye
It's like they're scared of me
  A7    Dm                    G
I try to think of things to say
      C              F
Like a joke or a memory
              Dm              E
But they don't recognize me now
In light of day

Bridge :
G F Am
G F Am
G F Am  E

Chorus :
          Dm              G
I know I'm not the only one
      C                          F
who regrets the things they've done
                Dm              E
Sometimes I just feel it's only me
            Am                          A7
who never became who they thought they'd be

              Dm                G
I wish I could live a little more
              C                  F
Look up to the sky, not just the floor
              Dm                E
I feel like my life is flashing by
              Am              A7
and all I can do is watch and cry

          Dm              G
I miss the air, I miss my friends
          C                    F
I miss my mother; I miss it when
          Dm              E
Life was a party to be thrown
              Am  G    F    Em  Am
But that was a mi-llion years a - go

Outro :
  Am  G    F    Em  Am
A mi-llion years a - go

Ab, Bb7, Bbm, Db, Ebm, F, Fm, Gb

Intro :
Bbm  Ab    Gb  Fm  Bbm

Verse :
      Ebm              Ab
I only wanted to have fun
            Db                  Gb
Learning to fly, learning to run
        Ebm                  F
I let my heart decide the way
When I was young
      Bb7    Ebm                  Ab
Deep down I must have always known
                  Db        Gb
that this would be inevitable
          Ebm                    F
To earn my stripes I'd have to pay
and bare my soul

Bridge :
Ab Gb Bbm
Ab Gb Bbm
Ab Gb Bbm  F

Chorus :
          Ebm              Ab
I know I'm not the only one
      Db                          Gb
who regrets the things they've done
                Ebm              F
Sometimes I just feel it's only me
                      Bbm                  Bb7
who can't stand the reflection that they see

              Ebm                Ab
I wish I could live a little more
              Db                  Gb
Look up to the sky, not just the floor
              Ebm                F
I feel like my life is flashing by
              Bbm              Bb7
and all I can do is watch and cry

          Ebm              Ab
I miss the air, I miss my friends
          Db                    Gb
I miss my mother; I miss it when
          Ebm              F
Life was a party to be thrown
              Bbm  Ab    Gb    Fm  Bbm
But that was a mi-llion years a - go

Instrumental :
Bbm  Ab    Gb    Fm  Bbm

Verse :
            Ebm                      Ab
When I walk around all of the streets
            Db                  Gb
where I grew up and found my feet
          Ebm                F
They can't look me in the eye
It's like they're scared of me
  Bb7    Ebm                    Ab
I try to think of things to say
      Db              Gb
Like a joke or a memory
              Ebm              F
But they don't recognize me now
In light of day

Bridge :
Ab Gb Bbm
Ab Gb Bbm
Ab Gb Bbm  F

Chorus :
          Ebm              Ab
I know I'm not the only one
      Db                          Gb
who regrets the things they've done
                Ebm              F
Sometimes I just feel it's only me
            Bbm                          Bb7
who never became who they thought they'd be

              Ebm                Ab
I wish I could live a little more
              Db                  Gb
Look up to the sky, not just the floor
              Ebm                F
I feel like my life is flashing by
              Bbm              Bb7
and all I can do is watch and cry

          Ebm              Ab
I miss the air, I miss my friends
          Db                    Gb
I miss my mother; I miss it when
          Ebm              F
Life was a party to be thrown
              Bbm  Ab    Gb    Fm  Bbm
But that was a mi-llion years a - go

Outro :
  Bbm  Ab    Gb    Fm  Bbm
A mi-llion years a - go

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